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Oh shit. Comeyboy's grown a pair.

No Comey just thinks Trump might win, he's a spineless piece of shit

I like to think that the lower level guys threatened his life.

No link, no source. Just an image. Come on faggot.

Can I get a source so I can spread this?

No, he's just covering his ass because his bullshit didn't fly.

No, he's just covering his ass because his bullshit didn't fly.

Comey is practically a politician… sort of a good goy yes man. That's how you become director of the FBI .. especially in a corrupt government. He knows he'll probably be culled under a Trump presidency so if this is real it's just maneuvering.


ZH has it.



Need to get this back into the media. Person running for president is back under investigation by the FBI.

Good try.

Good try.

Reported. Kill yourself.

he probably reopened it so they could "prove" the wikileaks emails are fake…

Ay caramba! Ees anudda operation wetback

18.7 -> 18.9
I am amazed that all variations before this one were that small

Could this be connected to Kim Dotcom's claim he has access to the 33,000 deleted emails?

Could this be connected to Kim Dotcom's claim he has access to the 33,000 deleted emails?

Reminder to stop sliding threads with this bullshit story, laws dont exist, the FBI isn't a real justice based organization and Hillary is a tyrant rigging the election.

Again, laws dont exist, invalid, obsolete, they disappeared in every western country this year.

This is a slide thread of no consequence, if you think they will arrest her on shit, you shouldnt be here.

Vote for Trump and clean your guns, because laws dont exist and the election is rigged.

One source for this news, other will come
[archive.is/uVmce] abcnews.go.com/Politics/fbi-director-congressional-investigation-hillary-clinton-emails-back/story?id=43138105


Get hyped people!


Those 33k emails should be the treason / Clinton Foundation stuff which is supposedly a separate investigation. But it's possibly related to that, in the Podesta e-mails though, there were incriminating references to the servers and deletion I think



Cant outvote a rigged machine.

Bush/Gore 51/49
Bush/Kerry 51/49
Obama/Romney 51/49
Numerous primaries this year… 51/49
Austrian election 51/49
Brexit 51/49
Numerous other referendums in the EU etc

Fuck off

Looks like getting destroyed by congress has given him a spine.

I said vote.

But I also said clean your guns.


Nah, fuck off. To the tard filter you go.

Typical coward, ignoring that its literally his duty to stop this from happening if it happens.


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

Coward. Do your duty as a citizen, your ancestors are not smiling on you.


Youre sliding real discussion with empty bullshit about a distraction story that means nothing.

She wont be arrested and leftists couldnt give 2 fucks about that scandal, they know about bills rapes and how she went after the victims, they know about how she laughs at child rape and getting the rapist off etc etc.

They know it all, and they dont care.

But beyond that, we know the voting machines are rigged, and that they will be bussing in out of state illegal voters to swing battlegrounds.

Democracy has failed. You should vote, but if you think thats where your duty ends, and if he loses you will just go back to work and complaining on the internet.. youre a coward, and youre no American.

Again, nothing will come of this. She wont be arrested, and no one cares.

Go back to finding real dirt, Podesta 21 came out.

thanks for correcting the record

lol stay mad CTR

I know plenty of liberals, young and old, who had never heard of any of that until I told them.

Trump brought it up in the debate.

Anyone whos actually interesting in knowing what they are voting for to any degree should know.

People who hear CNN propaganda third hand and get no other news source are not those types of people.

The leftists who watched the debate and know about it, dont care.

Many of them have seen the project veritas videos, and know there is wide scale election fraud.. and they are HAPPY about it. They arent upset the election is rigged IN THEIR FAVOR

Peso is a very low value currency

By the way Hershel, Trump has pounced on this and it's already blowing the fuck up on social media.


Let me put it this way.

If Hillary came out tomorrow and said we need to mix white people out of existence, she would probably go up in the polls. The problem isnt the candidate at this point, its the people who support her.


Joe Biden says its a good thing whites are the minority, Kaine says we need to make ourselves the minority to atone for slavery.

Leftist appreciate this rhetoric. They want white people to disappear.

So what is Trumps plan to counter the Soros voting machines.

He doesn't have one, and you should start forming one that goes beyond the actual election itself.

If not, youre just a coward, youl stay at home, sip your beer, order a pizza, watch the game, beat your meat, maybe have sex with your black girlfriend and then go to sleep, wake up the next day, go to work, be bombarded with Hillary stories by your co-workers and hate the world.. but you wont do a damn fucking thing about it, because youre all selfish scumbags and thats how we ended up in this spot in the first place.

When you fucking spineless cucks feel like actually stopping tyranny, be sure to let the rest of us know, because were waiting on you.

So my government being infiltrated over 100 years ago is my fault because I'm a selfish scumbag. Gotcha.

You, your father, and your grandfather, and mine too.

lol try harder CTR. Actually never mind, it doesn't make a difference no matter how hard you try :^)


Deyr fé,
deyja frændr,
deyr sjálfr et sama;
ek veit einn,
at aldri deyr:
dómr um dauðan hvern.

Cattle die,
kinsmen die
you yourself die;
I know one thing
which never dies:
the judgment of a dead man's life.

Now we reach the heart of the issue. If you feel so distraught about your inability to effect the way things are going then take it upon yourself to change that instead of lashing out at people on the internet.

Greentext implies its you speaking. You must be new here.

Doing nothing is what they did, and its what youre doing too. Your argument is you arent a piece of shit, because the rest of your family was too.

That is your argument btw.

Youre arguing against the duty of the American citizen to preserve freedom, because the ones before you failed to themselves, saying you arent obliged to your duty, since they neglected theirs.

No, youre a coward and so are they.

The calibre of autism contained in this post is just too much for me to want to handle today.


Oh, good to know youre willing to ignore the previous generations failures and aren't saying you can ignore your duty since they failed to perform theirs.

Funny, because this implies the opposite.

Fuck you, kikes like you will hang

Should have been an armed revolt when they swept McCarthy under the rug.

Ive directly said to vote several times, Ive also said that is not the end of your duty as a citizen, and youre a piece of shit if you neglect to perform your duty as outlined in the declaration of independence, which I directly quoted.

Don't do it user, don't even reply to it. Learn from my mistakes.

You've been bested, coward, now reconsider your contribution to stopping white genocide, cultural marxism, and Soros's agenda of election rigging.

As it stands, there isnt one.

gee I wonder who could be behind this post…

how long until Comey offers even more additional immunity to hillary and her cohorts?
how the fuck does this cunt still have a job after colluding with criminals

how long until Comey offers even more additional immunity to hillary and her cohorts?
how the fuck does this cunt still have a job after colluding with criminals

gee, I wonder who could be behind this post…

Post your exploits of shooting at the feds and I'll get right on that.

Hey look everyone, it's Niggerdamus the future seeing seer!

You don't know shit and your obvious attempts at psyop demoralization is amatuer at best.

That is all you are really saying. Swallow a shotgun shell, huff some helium or take the long road up your arms with a razor.

Im Canadian.

Its not my duty, its yours.

Our minister of democratic institutions is a foreign born Afgani muslim woman who has been vocally supportive of Sharia law, and we have no rights that dont have limits on them, and those limits are purposely vague and up for interpretation at any time.

This country is what your country will be like if you let it happen, and everyone will suffer as a result. Were all counting on America, and America, only you can save Canada and Sweden etc now, and thats really just a dream.

Any dream is a welcome distraction from this communist authoritarian shithole, however.




chen just busts my cute meter. How does she do it?

Attunement with the vibrational frequencies of the universe.

Always the first post. Always.

Do you remember the first Canadian politician vocally supportive of sharia? Do you remember how she was BTFOed?



Think DOJ sees the writing on the wall for Shillary, and are now trying to cowtow to the future President Trump?

what symbol is that?

get fucked, faggot, this is like seven threads old by now