Chaffetz Comes Crawling Back

Not good enough cuck. He's getting torn to shreds in the comment section lol this kike can kiss his comfy political career goodbye.

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Even the kikes are disowning him.

This nigger isn't human.

Knew he would. A lot of them came crawling back, once they found the tapes weren't the silver bullet they were hoping for.

The Trump train's full Chaffetz, you're going to have to walk

This. Maybe we can force him to act on all the shit that has been uncovered recently about Hillary and her campaign as a form of penance. Either he does something and commits suicide to the back of the head or becomes blacklisted in the minds of millions of voters since fucking over Hillary for good is the only way he can get back in anyone's good graces. That or putting down Egg McMuffin.

What happened to him? I remember that guy was a judge over Hillary, wasn't he? What did i missed?

WTF is difference between a vote and an endorsement? The vote is more important.

Endorsement is a political right.
Voting is a civic right.

I guess thats how he sees it.

It stopped being empty, career-enhancing theater and got real. He's a kike at heart, so he slunk away. Now he crawls back when he senses the disturbance in the Force that Trump represents.

A penance must be exacted, if only as a lesson in disloyalty. I urge Trump to choke him with his mind.

He's a mormon. He can best serve the God Emperor by getting his fellow mormons not to vote for Egg McMuffin.

As a first step, this is acceptable. This creature, this Chaffetz, will be granted leave to continue until the election. After, when his careful non-defense and non-endorsement becomes an issue in the new Trump Reich, he will beg leave to polish boots in the West Wing and be fed scraps from His Lordship's dog's table

Then he gets a new jacket with an extra-large star in the camp, where he will work as a capo'till destiny winks her eye

Should have doubled down on the Trump train, you insufferable cuckservative faggots.

The weasels way out. Good to see someone in his position saying this but he shouldnt be so indecisive. Make your choice and stand by it.

So they are basically saying Hillary is the Jew Candidate? How transparent of them.

Are you retarded?

You know that he made more that you can imagine by grilling Clinton cronies and giving Trump ammunition?

He probably won't endorse since he is doing a lot of investigations against her and can be accused of bias.
But saying openly he'll vote for him is in my book an endorsement


We can deal with the stupid PC crap after.

Fuck, that guy is doing everything he can without getting suicided

I smelt blackmail when he ditched Trump as well.
It seemed odd that he'd go against him after he'd clearly read the emails.

He'd be a big target too. He'd gathered support from many anons before he did this. And they were stimulated into giving him information.

Reminder Chaffetz is a Mormon, and that all Mormons have no loyalty to the U.S.A. because they dream of having their own theocracy. If there is a devout Mormon that hasn't betrayed Trump yet, then they will eventually. Mormonism needs to be thrown over the wall.

Later, later. After the election

Yes. After the election.

I think all americans are against Clinton and soros now. This bullshit has exploited and demonized innocent people and created violence and death.
I really couldn't give two shits that Chaffetz is a morman right now.

Indeed. We should treat this like business and force him to actually do something to deserve a staying of our wrath.

I doubt it. His statement was filled with too much indignation. A simple statement like some others where he decries the comments and unendorsed would have been enough. Harping about how he had been in lockerooms and so on and going hard after Trump showed where his allegiances lay. Also, he has criticized Trump before this vid issue so it's merely him being himself more than anything. Carson was able to take a stand but this guy couldn't? Nah, he's a joke.

I disagree.

Either he was pressured to act that way, or he was trying to chameleon his way away from (((their))) knives while he dug into the leaks.

Incredible, what a mess.

I agree. But I also think that since Chaffetz is up for reelection, the rat wanted no doubt in securing his position, and was concerned with how he appeared to his base.

I hope and think that it's to get to the bottom of investigating Clinton. I don't trust his loyalties, but I think he's on an acceptable side. If he starts to waver though, chuck 'em the fuck out.

Nice informative post.


Get on my level m8

If you are being threatened, you may say anything. It depends if you find out later if they were serious or not.

I'm disappointed with him, but also unsurprised.

Mormons need to be culled and their churches destroyed

Don't you guys realize had to do what he did? Dude has made wrecking HRC his life's work a while now. He has to keep his Mormon folks satiated, otherwise he'll lose his seat. Who do you think would replace him leading Oversight? Gowdy wouldn't get the votes.

Remember to not vote for him. I'll run superpacs telling all his constituents of his treason if I have to.

It also gives him credibility for the hearings with people that would otherwise dismiss him.

The only penance they can offer is their lives

Holla Forums has had an influx of newfags who never watch cspan or read political books that aren't "government approved". lots of disinfo being spread.

Not newfag, and not disinfo. You're just missing the bigger picture. Chaffetz pulling his endorsement does fuck all for Trump losing votes. It appeals to his constituents and that's about it. Do you really want some fuckstick like Cummings leading Oversight?

The US political class is still further bifurcating, leaving no safe ground in the middle. Leftist are preparing to take their fight beyond politics, to the next level. And Chaffetz is burning his political career. It's a sorry sight to see. He tried to be fair with the crook and her delusional followers, and now he's paying the price. He shoulda just ignored anything else they tried to pull, like the sexual accusations against Trump, and sent Her to the gallows.

Oops, I reply to the wrong post. hehe. I think that Chaffetz' net good outweighs any damage caused by his initial refusal to endorse Trump. I was trying to point out that Chaffetz is frickin badass and who cares if he didn't endorse Trump.

Chaffetz has had a hard enough time, guys…

No bully please.

Point of honor cuck, you're not wanted. Into the faggot shed with you.

he pretty much just looks like your average spic tbh

((Chaffetz))) true patriot this guy, no wonder Hillary keeps getting off free no matter the crime.

Chaffetz? More like Faggotz.

Chaffetz? More like Faggotz.

You have nothing to back that up other than your boner for this rat. He has bashed Trump before this, bashed him national tv and so on. He is pure establishment and everything he has done has mostly been for show with no real results. You guys also cry and say he was pressured or intimidated. If this is true, then he is useless since he is utterly controlled and cannot be trusted. Either he is a dolt that we can use or is under the thrall of Hillary and the establishment, making him dangerous to keep around. There is no other way to see this. He is either an idiot or controlled opposition. One might as well praise Paul Ryan then.


How fucking long do you need to be on pol to understand the concept of crypto jews, 2 days? An hour maybe? Chaffetz was born a Jew, he will always be a Jew.

This tbh

But this too

He's surrounded by jews, why can't you have a candidate that's not surrounded by jews?

Chaffetz seems to be excited the case is reopened though.

CTR has done quite a work with this thread.

Guy is almost solely responsible for that shadow government leak from the "top" intelligence guy.
So ignore 9/10 of the thread.

He's not a bad guy, but he is a product and a part of the system the public seeks to remove from power. About a week after Trump is elected the GOP will realize he intends to end their corruption too. The GOP is destined to turn against Trump before 2018, and they will lose congressional seats for their rebellion.


Completely irrelevant in the context of what I was saying, retard

Why the man is right. I likely get banned for saying it again, but remember you heard it here first: Trump is the same puppet. That's right. He's possessed by demonic entity the same as Kikery, there is virtually n o difference between these two. Remember, the father of all Lies… He will deceive the world…

They live. They are in our system, and we can't do shit bout it

This war is coming, as it was told. No moronic meme will change that.

a) He comes across as a two faced slimeball that only picks the winning team.
b) He comes across as a two faced slimeball that only picks the winning team and has jumped back on the Trump train.

We won't forget his betrayal or useless grandstanding.

lol CTR going full fundamentalism is hilarious

fucken checked and keked m8ey

Kek, that's a yuuuge endorsement.