21st Century Aryan Expansionism

While a few in the white nationalist/identity sphere have made a policy of cowering down to shitskins and kikes in the hopes of forming an ethnostate with quips such as "we dont want to hurt anybody, " or "we like real multiculuralism across the globe!". Im wondering how much of this type of talk is actually bullshit? After you start to think of yourself as any type of nationalist, isn't the logical next step finding that other people's are inferior? Or finding others inferior and then becoming a nationalist? It seems strange to me that some people can reconcile claiming European accomplishments to be the greatest yet also yearn for living on a majority non white planet.

Now the earth is not exactly an infinite piece of land where every square inch is fit for inhabitance either. When Europe was reaching its greatest heights in the previous centuries they were aware of this, there would not have been such a rush to colonialism otherwise. And as with any prosperous nations in history, you will almost always see a population boom on par with increasing economic prosperity. So if we are so lucky as to have a real nationalist uprising throughout the west and Europe and the west becomes great again, why should or would we limit ourselves in isolation. Why would we not think of it as our duty to take what is rightfully ours? (The planet)

So my real questions are:

If we have a chance to do colonialism again but exterminate all of the native inhabitants of 'insert African/Asian/American colony' here, would you take it? Why or why not? I know the answer I have but I'm wondering about the rest of your guys thoughts on this.

With what army? With what resources?

Are you willing to sacrifice and burden your people for such a thing? If you mean takeover without direct conflict, then I can see that. We are in severe decline, one aspect of which is demographic. I definitely want to see the colonial European empires returned their rightful clay, but I must look at the situation objectively.

What do you propose to do about respected cultures such as the Japs?

please elaborate on the impressive military machines of the third world that would pose such a direct threat to even our current military, not a military geared towards OPs scenario
The US and canada have a retarded amount of natural resources that are untouched or not fully exploited.
It would be no such thing. The only true burden would be if we were to fight more brother wars, only whites cause problems for whites when we really want to fight.
confirmed for not reading OP
Real Nationalist in power → Healthy Economic Growth → Increase in White population
The only non-Aryan cultures that are deserving of respect are the Japs. They occupy a very small portion of the globe. They are the one exception to the global conquest.
Besides when the Global Aryan Empire enters space, it wont be as much of an issue that japan occupies some islands and coastlines that are quite foreign to us and our history that we remember

Look, here's whats gonna happen:
All of this has to happen or we won't survive. The existence of Jews, Arabs and Negroes on their own lands and continents already guarantees that in the future the threat will come back and history will repeat itself. To avoid that, they have to cease existing, and their lands must become ours.

That's the future. Then, we conquer the stars next.

Let's self-identify as the Hollywood meme designed to make Nationalism as shameful and repulsive as possible to 90+% of the public and has been working as intended for decades.

You're a fool. Our race is destined to rule the universe. "The 90%" of the population will approve of massive scale imperialism if it just is the government stance. Most people are normies who trust in authority no matter what that authority says.

Of course, the resources to be gained alone would be invaluable and it provides outward expansion for our youth who don't have jobs or a chance at a brighter future

war is the most destructive form of disgenics
the downfall of europe is partly to blame on all the wars…
white people should really stop killing each other and embrace eugenics

And it would rapidly speed up our scientific and technological progress and conquest of outer space. We could immediately colonize the entire Mars after colonizing South America and Africa.

Where did anyone here say war against other whites?

Are you a shill or 12?

No the next logical step is to secure your nation as a free and sovereign state recognized by other free and sovereign states which exists specifically for the benefit and safeguard of your people and their culture. American Nationalism does not in any way necessitate a belief in the inferiority of the Canadian people nor English nationalism the inferiority of Danish peoples.

Euope is not a nation, Europe describes a continent and the broad range of nations and ethnic identities with varying levels of relation to one another, descending presumably from common ancestors and inheriting similar cultural traditions which have over the course of centuries diverged from each other. It can also be used more broadly of the European Diaspora which exists across the globe posessing their own unique and independent cultures and ethnic identities.

German accomplishments are not American accomplishments are not French accomplishments. Pan-europeanism is a kind of multiculturalism that is no less dangerous to nationalism than traditional anti-colonial globalism. This should not be construed as to mean I am saying the european peoples should not find common ally with one another and share friendship and brotherhood between them but rather washing away the distinctions that exist between europeans and the diaspora there-of reduces each nations ability to uniquely identify itself and take pride in itself. The moon landings were American accomplishments, this is something the Americans need to be able to claim for themselves in order to create the ethno-myth which informs them as to what they are the inheritors of and what they are passing to the their children. 18th century classical music is dominated by Germans, 19th century art is dominated by the french, Italians have the legacy of the Roman empire to look back on and greeks have classical Athens. It is inappropriate to start attributing the classical Greeks to the American heritage or German classical music to the English.

Many twigs brought together may form a mighty faggot but many iron rods borught together form a mightier faggot yet, strong independent identities composing a larger general European idea is better for the white race than many weak ideas forming the tapestry of a European race.

No because I recognize that if such actions were taken against my people I would be opposed to it and posses enough empathy as a human being to not want that fate visited upon other peoples.

That's because anglos are inferior to any true Dane :^)

self-sage for (1) shitpost

I laff'd

We're in survival mode in case you hadn't noticed. And we have an election to win you stupid useless LARPer.

We haven't even explored the solar system yet you fucking useless sci-fi nerd. Go back to your board games and your sci-fi novels.

Are you stupid? Because you speak like a retard.
Obviously OP meant by
Other races, not other white nations and tribes.
Also here you seem similarly incapable of understanding his obvious meaning:
OP: > It seems strange to me that some people can reconcile claiming European accomplishments to be the greatest yet also yearn for living on a majority non white planet.
You: >Euope is not a nation
When OP clearly meant the European race by "European accomplishments"

Kill yourself faggot, your autism is too strong to be contained and controlled. How can anyone be THIS incapable of understanding a normal sentence, unless of course you suffer from crippling inability to understand social situations? Because absolutely fucking nothing about what I said implies that I am saying we will soon conquer the universe. You just have the autism.

First things first fam, we've got to take back our countries from the eternal jew before thinking of permanently removing the ching chong threat.

Besides, fighting an enemy from without is always way easier than eliminating an internal subversive threat.

If OP didn't mean what he said why did he say it?

He meant what he said, your brain just seems to be incapable of understanding his very clear sentence. I guess we can't all have an IQ above 100, even in our race. Sad!

Then why is what you said he said different from what he said?


You're completely right, OP. The logical endzone of racial nationalism is racial supremacism and expansionism. Anything less runs counter to our evolutionary interests. Pic related sums it up pretty well imo.

It's not? It's literally exactly what he said. OP said we should wage war against nonwhites and take their lands. You, having SEVERE autism, somehow claimed that OP wants different white nations to go to war against each other. Not only that, but when he talked about the European race by saying "European achievements", your autistic beta brain thought that he thinks Europe is a nation.

Do you really not see how you might actually be a legitimately mentally retarded person? Because you don't seem capable of having this discussion, or ANY discussion with an adult. You seem completely unfit for this to be honest. Adults are talking now, be quiet.


has sever, obvious, and painful autism.

Firstly, you can be a nationalist and not believe in superiority/inferiority. A nationalist means wanting the best for your people and preserving them.

That said, the facts and statistics we see make us see whites as superior, which they are. This doesn't mean we can exterminate the others. I find it hypocritical that some fight against our end but embrace ending everyone else.

We can secure our nations, our future, our genetics and prosperity and still have the other races exist. Stop aid packages to third world countries and their numbers will sort themselves out.

That's because you still buy into false universalist principles hammered into you from childhood. There is absolutely nothing hypocritical about following the value of "wanting the best for your people" to its logical end, which is inevitably racial expansionism.
And what good does that do if you can't even ensure these things remain in tact? By keeping other races around, you are ensuring that enemies are constantly at your gate. Have you forgotten the Arab conquests? The Mongolian invasions? The only reason we do not consider other people a threat is because we have been fattened up by the prosperity and security our forefathers provided us with their strength. In reality, this world is cut-throat and racial relations are always zero-sum. We either dominate our enemies/competitors, which means racial expansionism and extermination, or we allow the same to happen to us down the road (essentially what is happening today)


It's not hypocritical at all, though I disagree with ending everyone else. I think the Japanese should be treated like brothers, and that they should take China and remain our friends. We don't need the entire planet really, just most of it. Especially since it will be easy for an all white society to expand into other planets.

It would be IDIOTIC not to ensure the extinction of the Jewish, Arabic and Negroid races (and their mongrel spawn like most South Americans). If that is not done, then all of this will happen again in the future. Once again, they will eventually become a threat to our existence.

In the section I quoted OP did not say non-whites he said other peoples. There are peoples other than my own that are white, there are peoples other than my own that are non-white. The whiteness of Soviet Russia was irrelevant to the Nationalist response to globalism and international communism. I would view the Soviets as much as my enemy as I would the Jihadi, their race is irrelevant, it is the character and temperament of the peoples involved.

OP was talking about NATIONALISM, why bring up a geo-historic category as broad as "European" in a discussion about nationalism? The nation is the nation regardless of where it is or from what line it descends. The Ethiopian nationalist is no less a nationalist because he is an african.

Silence and disqualify, does Soros sign your checks himself?

Perhaps we do need to wipe them out. Feels like overkill. Those invasions happened because we grew too weak and complacent. If we can somehow avoid that we wouldn't need to wipe people out, but the end game of civilization is the people growing lazy, apathetic, hedonistic etc.

Lets say we do kill every non-white, what then? Would we not then start to turn on each other? Nordics must take out Slavics, Anglos must take out Celtic. White only expansionism sounds good to start with, but eventually we must embrace the differences between the whites. How could a Germanic expansion end at just the non-whites? Infighting would happen and then we'd be back to killing each other until only one is left standing.

That doesn't change the fact that whites are a single race, and that non-whites are, in a broad sense, a completely separate people, you dense motherfucker
And this point is entirely irrelevant to the topic of discussion right now, fuckface.
Yet this discussion is about RACIAL expansionism. Stop moving the goddamn goalpost.
Racial nationalism exists, in case you didn't realise.

My good, you really do have debilitating autism

Exactly. And it is only sane to assume that we will eventually become weak again. This is why we need to stamp out an enemy while we are strong, so when the weakness inevitably sets in, we do not have the same kind of existential threat breathing down our necks.
For one, conflict is inevitable and war will remain a fact, so don't base your worldview off idealistic assumptions instead of reality. Secondly, this isn't entirely true even if I granted you that all racial conflict had ceased. Whites need resources to sustain ourselves, so with increased population will come increased demand for resources that will require the expansion into foreign territories to acquire them.
This is a non-argument and a slippery slope fallacy. By suggesting that B might happen, you are not making an argument against A in principle. Of course what you suggest is possible, but it's also equally possible to prevent it. You could even go further and point towards warring sub-groups of an ethnicity (such as danes vs Germans), or warring city-states as a reason not to expand.
After expanding and filling every corner of the Earth, we can then turn our focus towards spreading throughout the Solar System or to other planets.

But they are not a single nation, their shared race is a seperate issue from the issue of what nationalism is and what the "next logical step" is.

It is directly relevant because it illustrates that race and nation are different categories and it is entirely justified to reject parts of your own race if they belong to a nation which directly threatens yours. Pan-europeanism is a multiculturalist lie.

And I've been trying to explain that that is a category error. Racial expansionism is irrelavent to how we understand nationalism and it's "next logical step". Because not one race has a monopoly on nationalism, every tribe that can identify itself uniquely can be nationalist. OP contextualized everything he wrote through how we understand ourselves as nationalists, not as white europeans, as nationalists. That's the OP, if you disagree with how OP applied the use of the word Nationalism then great, we agree. But I'm not retarded because I'm arguing within the context that OP outlined.

And as I said, it's a multiculturalist lie which deludes the ability of the nations which partake in the white race to strongly self-identify and in fact only exists amongst multi-ethnic white mongrels who cannot claim a unique history or tradition for themselves and have to identify with whiteness because they have nothing else to identify with. I'm sorry you have no homeland, but I do and I will nto sacrifice it at the alter of the pan-european globalists nightmare.

To begin with power needs to be consolidated, for example I'm not going to try to exterminate the middle east if europe doesn't even have basic infrastructure and at least replacement birthrates. If we got our shit together right now I would say in 30 or 40 years we would be ready to take over the planet, and extermination would be the only option. We should have done it 150 years ago when we had the ability and the average man still had the stomach for serious violence.

While we must never again war against our brothers I think we can all make an exception to hang turbo-autists like 00ec81 that are incapable of understanding context and arguing with what a person actually says, rather than imagined offences.

Remember autists picking apart petty inconsistencies in wording is the wheelhouse of the jew. If we are to defeat the real jews we must first eliminate the impulse of the internal jew to deconstruct everything around us.

And as expected, you're the moronic Euronigger who can't understand the simple and oft-repeated fact that racial nationalism and ethnic nationalism are not mutually exclusive. You can maintain your pride and identity as belonging to a particular ethnicity while simultaneously taking pride in your greater race and its accomplishments.

Stop acting like ethnicities of whites have as little in common with each other as all of them do with Arabs or Africans, because you know that's not true. Whites have COLLECTIVELY built European civilisation, and no single ethnicity can lay full claim to it. Our histories and cultures are also heavily intertwined, both the good and the bad, so trying to present a scenario where the opposite is true is dishonest.

You're trying to argue that OP is wrong because conflict and war between whites has happened in the past, which is logically inconsistent, considering massive wars have been fought between people of the same ethnic group. The American revolutionary war, the English civil war, and the many small feudal conflicts that took place in what is today Germany are just a few examples. Following your thought process, nationalism between members of the same ethnic group is also illogical.

Also, to finish off, save me your condescending drivel about being a "multi-ethnic mongrel" when the vast majority of countries in Europe are not even ethno-states. Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Britain, and even Germany have identities that span multiple ethnic groups, and yet are no less "valid" or "real".

Identifying with "whiteness" is not a fallback coping-mechanism, you self-important cunt, it is the result of recognising the common cultural, historical, and racial qualities Europeans share with each other, all of which having culminated in what we call European civilisation.

And you out yourself as a hater of the european race, good job.

My people did not discover the new world, My people did not raise the roman legions, my people did push the moors out of spain. These are rightly the pride of the peoples who did and who descend from those who did. It is an absolute disrespect to their ability and accomplishment to vicariously jerk myself off because of their greatness. I want the Italian, the Spaniard, the Englishman to all say "I did this, no one else" and for each other to respect him and join him in fraternity because of it.

You are the one who is describing the communization of national accomplishment and pride, it is internationalism plain and simple and no nationalist of conviction who loves his people and the peoples related to his own can abide by it.

I know it's not true and you know I know it's not true because I NEVER SAID THAT.

I agree, but the OP didn't talk about protecting and expanding western civilization, he talked about what the next logical step of nationalism is.

I never said that. OP is wrong because he conflates White expansion with nationalism, they are not the same thing and it is dangerous to confuse the two, precisely as I have been arguing, because it leads to a reduction in the national identity and an increase in multiculturalism by way of deemphasizing the unique national character of each of the European peoples.

I support white expansion, but that is not nationalism.

Isn't that exactly what we as nationalist are trying to resestablish, the historic white ethnostates - or maybe you're not a nationalist, as I've bene pointing out, you're position is an internationalist, multi-cultural one. You draw the line at white people, sure, but that makes it no less what it is.

And in those countries there are seperatist movements for those peoples, most famously and most successfully Catalunya who is chomping at the bit to be released from Spanish government. The Scottish likewise in Britain, while on a much lower simmer have discussed amongst themselves issues of separation from the UK, especially in light of the Brexit which the overwhelmingly opposed. I support Catalonian nationalists and Scottish nationalists and if they ever became an organized political force I'd support Walloon and Bavarian nationalists as well.

I actually would argue that in holding the Catalonians hostage the Spanish government reduces it's legitimacy over Catalonia.

Whatever you say.

And yet the Catalonians do not care that they are fellow whites, and even fellow Iberians with the Spanish. They desire self government and to be a free and sovereign nation unto themselves. Being european is an idea, being of a people, that is blood and soil.

An inelegant solution, for a dirty problem.

Pic related is the way to go.

There's quite a few DATAMINING threads in the catalog this morning. Proceed with caution anons, and do not divulge personal information.

White people already have colonized the entire world, at least the good parts. We don't need more land we have plenty, what we need to do is keep the land and countries we already have to ourselves and stop this fucking multi-culti kikery from destroying our countries from within. That's it.

Kill yourself. African Reconquista will happen before 2100.

gas yourself

Actually as a third party I think he was calling YOU a Euronigger , You being a shitskin/Iberian which Im still on the fence about being white

There is no need to exterminate anyone, we have technology beyond anything anyone had ever imagined and we can acomplish much more, there may be no limits, we just need to be in charge of our own destiny.

I have morals. I don't believe in ruthless slaughter. I believe it's our duty to become the best society we can in harmony with nature and the rest of the world.

Daily reminder that anyone who doesn't go for total extermination of non-whites is a "cucksionalist", the true ideology of the white man is supremacism, imperialism and the total extermination of other races (the holocaust didn't happen but it should have).

This is D&C pure and simple. Our ideology has always been tempered by compassion and restraint. It's sufficient to respect our own nation and boarders.

And where has that morality led you? To total utter failure (today), we need to adapt, sometimes the end justifies the means.



red-blooded aryan hWhyte man, would purge with 11/10


Because that's been working so well up until now, has it? It isn't ruthless if it's for the purpose of advancing society and the human race. If you could get rid of 1,000 people who would create over generations people responsible for 100,000 murders you wouldn't do it?

I think you think this is reddit.

North Africa, the Arabic Peninsula and Anatolia need to be purged and replaced with whites.

I'd love to see most of the Africans starve to death, and replace them with small groups of whites who want to help prevent flagship species from dying out. Latin America should also become a white ethnostate.

I'm okay with the Yazidis and the more European-ish of Assyrians owning some parts of the Middle East.

Oh boy here we go, go back to bed shlomo we ain't got time to discuss this shit yet again.

when did North Africans stop being white?

In ancient Egypt motherfucker

About 709AD was when it went beyond the point of no return

wat? Where did you get the idea I was from the iberian region?

If you are from Spain the chances of being either Iberian or Celt-Iberian are rather high, plus there is no shame if being an Iberian.

t. Spaniard

Do you even know what kind of subhumans North Africans are?


if we would just efficiently kill of the native population a la bio warfare, sure, why not.
afrika has shitloads of good farm land, and lacks people and tech to produce shitloads of food. redub afrika as the World Agricultural Continent and make it the world's bread basket with mostly automated system and maintanance of equipment.

Why do you think I'm from spain?

Nah, just letting you know, I don't know where this "Iberians are shitskins" meme come from.

Daily reminder that survival of the fittest is fact. It is natural for one race to dominate and get rid of the others as part of its own survival and to maintain dominance over whatever you can and want to have. Exterminating other races and conquering their lands is just evolution working. The white race is the next human evolution and we will continue to advance. With technology now, we will evolve exponentially faster than anything else out there. The stars could be ours

Let's consider all the times white culture was ruined because they overexpanded and put empire ahead of their own volk. Imperialism is inherently multicultural because it serves imperial ambitions.

Rome, check
Byzantine, check
Napoleonic France, check
Britain, check
Germany, check
America, check

All of them pursued expansionism and lost sight of their own volk. They either failed and were conquered or brought in foreigners to support their imperial ambition. The truth is White people are peaceful, noble, and empathetic. This is our strength not our weakness. Hitler is a great model of this. He shook hands with black atheletes. He envisioned a world where each nation looked after their own. Extermination was not his method or on his mind.

tl;dr You dishonor your forefathers.

Kek has spoken. No need for wasted energy and attention on purging. Simply let nature take its course. Without food or help the unworthy will perish.

Oh, okay.

Yeah, I agree the Iberians, those who have enough of the ancient Suebi and Visigothic blood left in them are top tier.

The thing is that there's been so much mixing between those with mostly Iberian/Celt/Visigoth blood that it's not weird that a population has a bit of all 3 in each person, there are small pockets in parts of Spain with a dominant breed, but they don't seem any different from other parts of Spain, only one that stands out is the very south, but mostly because to this day, there's plenty of moorshits playing it Mexican and just crossing the border.

Are you dense? NATO lost in Afghanistan to shitskins in sandals with AKs. Your idea is shit and idiotic, we dont want any of the problems that come with ruling their shit countries. We can just buy the ressources and keep the black/muslim plague contained. No one needs to go to these fucking places anyway.

Who is it that starts wars all the time, forcing people against people? The fucking jew. I dont want my people trying to teach the shitskin democracy. He should enjoy national socialism like all of us.

thank you for correcting my misconception about the Spanish, I've only had limited direct experience the past and I'm happy to learn their culture isn't as ethnically stratified as I thought.

We didn't lose per say, we won but then reorientated to a "humanitarian" effort which allowed the shitskins to just recover and begin fucking shit up again.

The main problem with most Western militaries is that while the generals want to blow up all the sandnigger's villages and suppress resistance through force, politicians on the other hand want a peaceful humanitarian force that will help them recover because they're fucking idiots who don't know what war is.

Thankfully for us Trump will take a hands off approach to the military meaning we'll see more victories as the generals can finally do their fucking jobs without bureaucrats shoving their paper dicks in their face.

I forgot to mention another reason for extermination of non white races.
I was thinking if we were to let other races have Asia or something to themselves we could still be fucked over. Even if we have superior technology and defenses to protect ourselves, shitskins can harm us still by fucking over the environment like they always do. And there is the threat they can purposely contaminate things like the oceans to fuck us over since they wouldn't be able to do it with military means

Not going to happen. Trump is not half the idiot you make him out to be and he still relies on public support. There is no way you turn soldiers into mass murderes just for the sake of it. Leave the shitskins be, deport the ones who are here, trade. The vets have been through the worst shit already, turning them into monsters wont achieve anything. There is a reason so many return with PTSD. They are not Hillary.

What? I'm not saying Trump will turn soldiers into the IDF. No shit Trump is noninterventionist, we know this. What I am saying is that if we ever do get forced into a conflict against shitskins ever again we will win because Trump isn't afraid of spilling blood when it needs to be spilled and to stop resistance with force unlike our limp dicked politicians who think war is sunshine and flowers.

Thing is when you're an infantryman you should be prepared to see fucked up shit, you're a soldier. To put it bluntly, you're paid to kill when you're told to kill and oppress when you're told to oppress. When they say jump you jump. That's simply the reality of things. War is fucked up and should always be a last resort.

pick one you stupid faggot
Who said anything about ruling these people? You cant rule them when theyre all dead.
ya until 1000 years down the road and our descendants are fat lazy and happy and forget how fuckin awful shitskins are and let them into their countries. Like has happened to every single great empire that whites have built so far.
Do you want to learn from our ancestors mistakes?

You are under the impression that we want to see a world with whites on top and shitskin under our bootheel. You are wrong, we want a white world, free of all types of niggers.

You have a lot to learn, lurk moar

If we don't AJAX the Muds then we all die.

Fucking delusional. The jews cant even wipe out Palestine and you dream up some utopia in which the white man goes to purge this planet of its filth. Lets be at least a tad realistic, niggers and shitskins will always be around, same for jews. They will never go away ever. Sure you can jump some shitcountry like Afghanistan, exterminate everyone and then what? Try the same in Iran, good luck without using nukes. Good luck using nukes without others interfering. Good luck uniting the remaining whites behind the idea of actually killing everyone else. Come back when you are off the shit you smoke.

That exact mentality is what has been our downfall. Over-extension and pride. Grow the fuck up.

You should read Hitler's book. He definitely intended to get all the jews out of Germany and the surrounding areas of other countries he considered to be ancestrally belonging to Germany.

Not if you kill them all.

Aah it seems the consensus determined that you should go back to cuckchan.

Removal is not extermination.

oy vey we need to make the halfbreed jews take over the empire after the whites die fighting shitskins in africa!

take it to space. earth is a waste of time.

so tell me what happens if somehow whites pull our heads out our asses and kick every non white out of our countries. What happens in 1000 years? Even if we are amongst the stars by that point we'd still be dealing with shitskins on earth. The existence of shitskins coupled with fat lazy whites living in the empire their forefathers built is why whites only have Europe and barely North America left. We once stretched from the Great Lakes to the Indus Valley, now look at us. We hang by a fucking thread.

admittedly that is the only conundrum. How do we make others see our point of view? Marxists have brainwashed people into thinking that fucking niggers and having disgusting caramel babies is hip and cool, im pretty sure we could do the opposite. Thing is we would be coming from the truth, not a lie, albeit an extreme and harsh truth.

learn more history faggot.
weakness has been our downfall. There is nothing wrong with pride so long as you know yourself and your weaknesses.

it seems your a giant faggot making an appeal to consensus quite literally

Weakness is not virtuous. Pacifism is not virtuous.
Top fucking kek, no he didn't. You've bought into the cucked and entirely untrue "anti-racist hitler" meme.

you think whites will wait patiently while other whites colonize the world?

You lack imagination.

Here, let me spell things out for you:

Easy as pie.

this fucker gets it
i swear for as autistic and hilarious as this place is, some dumbshits really lack imagination

Thank you, user.


Are you guys 15?

stay moral fagget

He is right though… its not as easy as you make it out to be.

point out major flaws in that would render such a plan inoperable.
The only one i can think of is that you would need a relatively young and charismatic dictator to keep the US/ the west on such a track

This has nothing to do with morals, you idiot, but with not living a parallel universe.l

You seem to have the idea that the majority of the population would be okay with your plan. The truth is that we are a massive minority. You would have a civil war against you before you can even begin the cleansing…

Put one or two generations of children through an education system advocating as much and theyll comply.
Meanwhile that 20-30ish years of propaganda while starving out nigs and choking china will turn the lemmings that are already out of the school system into being at the very least ambivalent about cleansing africa, ME etc.

Which can only happen AFTER you get power, which will not happen, because we are a massive minority…

so was the NSDAP at one point
revolution is a spectator sport, 90% of the population will go along with whatever side seems to be winning and/or in power. Unless you give them a vision

I'm not a Burger, but even I know