Why have the democrats abandoned working class whites in favor of 3rd world foreigners...

Why have the democrats abandoned working class whites in favor of 3rd world foreigners? Outside of it being disastrous for America as a whole, it seems to be disastrous for themselves and their political class as well.

The white "working man" democrat candidate of the past is nearly extinct in their manufactured "diverse" areas.
States like California, New Mexico, and at least the southern half of Texas are changing for them, and not in their favor. Forget voting conservative in these areas, the only options you have for representation are either Hispanic democrat, or woman Hispanic democrat. You can slide in some other minorities every once in a while, but it's becoming a rarity to see any whitebread Democrat running for office in our increasingly vibrant areas. Even the old money crypto-kikes are getting fazed out for their more "ethnic" counterparts.

If the democrats simply remained on the side of the lower/working class whites, the white/(((white))) political class would always remain relevant. Where will all of these career politicians go when Consuela and her brood of 6 choose Senator Gonzales over Senator Mc"working man"?

Are democrats just as big of cucks as the conservatives? in the end, they both lose their political power, for little to nothing in return.

they only care about short term power solidification

Either are only in their positions because of "failing upward". The banking kikes want good, malleable goyim to manipulate, so only people who fit the short-sighted narcissist profile are put into power to be used as puppets. Sage for needing to lurk moar

I'm assuming most of these democrat elites at least have children?

Everything is means to an end. When the white working class proved they weren't inclined revolutionary suspect other measure had to be taken.

It's because their (((masters))) hate the white race and wish to destroy it.
They are simply following orders.
Lurk more.

The people were made to resign, they didn't follow the current fads.

That's fine as long as Senator Gonzalez plays ball with the jews. If not the media will make sure they're killed. Both parties are the same party and they're consolidating control. Rejects will be sent to die fighting russians.


I know it's a cliche, but it's the honest truth.

Further to this, the left actually believe that there are no differences between racial groups. Communist Jews were the source of this lie: they infiltrated the education system (the "long march though the institutions") and they brainwashed decades of students with their egalitarian garbage.

But Jews are the ultimate source.

The jews controlling the good goys know lower-intelligence people are easier to control. Niggers and spics are easier to control than whites because they ask less questions. They accept bread and circus more easily.

This is why it is very important for all races to acknowledge this fact.

Because they hate whites

Lefists are stupid and can't reason their way from one stop sign to another

The communist ideologues have taken over. To them, the white working class consists of traitors, because they didn't take part in their retarded communist world revolution thingy


Because in the current mode of the US you can't decouple its domestic politics from its foreign policy. US wants to be the superpower for as long as possible. These immigrants prop up the scheme… and along with that US can't lose sight of its verticality (the continent where it's inserted in). So it serves a dual purpose. Simple and yet threads like this are made.

You said it yourself - 'working' class whites. Working class people will vote for job security, less taxes and things that will keep the economy stable - things that Democrats don't support.
Third worlders/minorities vote loyally for whoever will provide the most gibs - which is always Democrats. They're not a working class, they're a welfare class.

The powers that be who tell Hillary and co. what to do don't give a shit if the Democrats are washed out in a sea of brown - the majority of them have another (mostly) ethnically pure homeland they can always retreat to.

Importantly it was their hijacking of the Democrats which shifted it in a radical direction; hence why the 'Dixiecrats' movement existed.

Because they haven't won the white vote since the 60s. Same reason why they are importing them into Europe, once whites are a minority they'll be in power forever.

Yeah, but they did it to the Republicans too when they created the whole neocon movement. They always play both sides. So I don't really have much to add regarding the Democrats in particular, other than some general background that can easily be summarized as "it's always the Jews." Which it is.

The left just wants absolute power, user.

I know. They are at both ends of the 'spectrum'. No surprise. If a house is infested with termites, they won't just stay in one room.

No, it'a power transition phase.

For one thing the working white americans have realized just how huge backstabbers the democrats so they are switching to ethnics so they can use them as electoral blocks against whites. In fact, the reason they push ethnics in local offices may very will be the fact that unless they find a white cuck who is against his own self interest ( like Trudeau ) they will find an ethnic that would easily associate with the "community" but actually be their plaything.


Many illegal immigrants want border control once they get here. They're leaving their respective shit-holes for a reason.

Fucking useful and self-destructive tools, the goodest of goyim. They rather handout their democracy and capacity to have fulture, because someone shows that reality isnt about feels and gay shit.
Leftists is a fucking death cult of slaves that love taking in the ass and jerk off over a theoretical superiority blind to reality with lack of self-awareness.
Yuri was fucking right, no wonder we are in Step 3.


It's not because they want to keep America as-is. It's because other illegals drive down their labor costs even more. Say a few thousand illegals can ask 3$ an hour in one city, but if too many flood in they're start low-balling for 2 or 1$ an hour. It's a bad deal for the bean who got here first.

They all form insular barrios anyways. They don't really care to live in the white man's clean cities. They just want the gibs, and a cheap job to pay for their moneygrams back to Mexico.

That's a pretty big assumption there. Many of them have PhDs in non-subjects and cats instead.

They seem to operate on an absolute "apres moi, les deluge" mindset, happy to let the world go to hell so long as their investment portfolio is secure. What would such people care that the next generation of ungrateful whites with minds of their ow are displaced by the swarthy hordes? It's like expecting a termite to care about the house its gnawing away at.

Because the primary objective is a globalist agenda - a standing "power" in a race or creed or belief system is not an acceptable status quo and must be destroyed. Cosmopolitanism is a nice word for pouring all the paint cans to create a single paint can to cover anyone who is not within the elite as a subliminal way to further consolidate power.

We don't even need open borders to exacerbate the problem. One single beaner can shit out 6 anchor babies, and in 18 years invite all of her extended relatives through "family reunification" once her baby beans vouch for her citizenship, and then that extended family invites their extended family, and each female shits out ~5 kids. After a few decades you've imported a whole entire village and then some. All from ONE single border hopper.

They're incredibly low info voters. Incredibly low. They are easily manipulated, dumb as rocks, and prone to believing anything the media spits out at them. They also vote on things based on emotion more so than fact. The left knows this and makes use of these people (who they see as savages), for their own gains and nothing more.

This too.

Because easy votes

And money

It's rarely touched on, but it bears mentioning. Libshits are first and foremost noveltywhores. If something is fresh, new, novel or generally subverts or rejects the norm, even if it's a long term detriment, they're on it like flies on shit. They're like some sort of engine for novelty, and I assume if they could be harnessed in a productive safe way they'd provide something very valuable in the way of pushing forward high risk but high reward endeavors. The problem is it's hard to keep their chaotic quest for ever increasingly risky behavior and systems in check, and if they get anywhere near calling shots on a governing scale good fucking luck to you. I'm sure there's some deep commentary on the nature of evolution and the niche values of different types of humans for different environments and goals, but I haven't gotten around to drafting up anything coherent yet. The main thing you need to remember when trying to decipher the method behind the madness of their actions is that they have an extremely short term time preference, and value novelty over all other attributes. The only time the concept of long term ramifications of actions even begin to enter their minds is when they think they can use that concept to push forward a new novel form of their system of existence. They can only concern themselves with sustainability or responsibility superficially insofar as it facilitates greater novelty. They are neither concerned with the future nor are they capable of understanding their mistake when that future comes to fruition and bites them firmly in their ass.

Most I know honestly believe that by 2100 the human race will be living in sky scraper floating hippie gardens flying around on jetpacks. Post-scarcity marxist utopian delusions. They think race doesn't matter and that inevitably (and within their lifetime) we will become so advanced nothing will be a problem.

Which is why I think most progressives go into hysteria over global warming and environmentalism. It's the only thing that they're actually afraid might hasten the development of their utopian fairyland. Meanwhile the entire world outside of SWPLville is violent, backward, and barely functioning. The only places even capable of this fantasy are white. They don't see that, and it drives me nuts.

I don't think that these people are purposefully destructive. I think they are naive and have been trained to avoid the real issues and obsess over manufactured opposition.

This perfectly describes the dysfunction of almost every Latin-american country. Mexico is a corrupted shithole, the people do nothing, and that will never change. Whites are too prone to "revolutions", they need to be replaced.

all of that seems rather plausible, but many of them seem to have the same MO for years on end. they push what's new and "novel", but nothing the oligarchs in charge put out is really new or novel at all the same crap they've been spewing out for decades

now you could argue I guess that the newest crop of 20 and 30-year-olds has never seen this type of garbage before or at least never really pay attention to it so it's new to them.

doesn't really matter I guess. we just have to survive this multicultural nightmare for as long as we can, and hopefully pass on enough knowledge to the next generation. we are either the beginning of a generation that fights back against this torrent of lunacy…. for we are the last generation of free thinking humans.

whatever future awaits us, I hope we can all commune one last time before the end.

what arbitrary division of the 'mother' female worshipers would you have me accept next? this has been happening for over 25 thousand years. there were a few splits a long time ago, and you got whites, a few others like the basques, and the khazaks. each time the whites advanced, dominated and brought nature to heel to the might and memory of men. and each time, initial prosperity for the progenitors who produced providence eventually got swarmed into the matriarchal khazak hell. parasitic cannibal moths to us, refined over countless generations to lie, so as to steal, so as to eat, what nature cannot make, nor ever could. over time, the khazaks expanded into the now afro-muslim-judeo-mongol-asian-amerindian-spic world, literally by eating whites. it is not an ebb and flow shit, it is a never ending rising tide each time men build higher.

plants don't have memory. they don't win or loose in any sense that you're trying to think with. take from whites → shovel into repulsive butt ugly female holes → feel divine and role play as gift givers allah snackbar warriors winning. that's them. that's how they think. that's win, to them. they have no concept to conceptualize otherwise. the brief moments of lucidity that some of these shits have is only because those are the crossbred 'northern' divisions of each region – the 'southern' shittier shitskins of each region suffer no such moments of sanity (sanity to us, insanity to them, hence when they return to their baseline you get schizo rabbis prolifically spray painting swastikas, black lives matters waz kangz day dreams, jews can do actual mercantilism and banking muh shekels where did the world go, etc). so when you see most of them 'worry', it is not your worry. their worry is: muh holes are empty fill them, which is not the definition of worry. they talk english, but don't speak english, and don't know words. they are little to nothing, and as they eat all the whites in each room, they return to little to nothing. because that's them.

winter is overdue, but coming right along nevertheless. try not to get lost amongst the insistence to make up yet more make-believe names, divisions, franeksteins, and mirrors.

Best explanation I've heard in years

thank you very much


Trump wants to have the cake and eat it too. Either way, the world is going to the shit.

detroit was purposeful. naive is thinking it wasn't just because actors genuinely believe they can could be genuine while they are acting. by definition, not a thing. simulated satisfaction does not satisfy. simulated genuine is not genuine. and simulated naive – while ending up exactly where they do – is not only not naive, it is a clear demonstration of psychopathic manipulative intelligence all animals have: (1) see profit, (2) commit purposeful theft (accident my ass), (3) gift self-anointed supreme good feelz, (4) recognize debt coming due, (5) gift self-feelz of naive, and (6) repeat with self-gifts of innocence.

each and every single act in the play of 1-6 has a verb. each action in the act was quite purposeful. with absolution.

I guess a better word is "intentionally" destructive. I'm sure most pozzed whites think that diversity means more white-presenting brown people live in harmony with whites and everyone sings kumbaya until eventually all of the mulattos ascend into a post-scarcity utopia when white privilege is ended.
Their intention isn't to create a 3rd world ZOGmexico, but that's where its headed.

Political actors and the people actually pushing this along are well aware of what you just posted, but the average liberal white doesn't know what's going on. To them, they see blacks/brown portrayed as upper-class nice families (just like us!) on television and think it's progress. They don't look to see the actual squalor they live in, and if they do their answer is "white privilege".

It's also out of their hands because they never have to vote for it or against it. The politicians take care of the diversity for us peons, which removes their attention from it. They can focus on virtue signalling and not worry about the dirty work.

At first, the Jews thought they could use working class whites to enact worldwide Communist revolutions. As it turns out, white people making pretty nice societies, so that never happened.

Then, they thought they could tap into the working class whites as a voting bloc through trade labor unions. Of course, that was largely unsuccessful, as the whites largely continued voting conservatively.

Finally, they gave up on whites altogether and began to consolidate behind afrocentric Marxism and tried to flood white countries with worthless shitskins, because they had a track record of fucking everything up. They intend to use this state of everything be wrecked to empower the government and disenfranchise whites.

In the end, they think that nonwhites are worthless retards who'll continue to serve as client peoples, whilst the talented tenth become assimilated into the beltway lifestyle, cementing a new aristocratic class.

Polite sage for OP asking a stupid question.

Eh, stupid question or not, it is nice to have a succinct exposition and rationale when pressed as a racist or gnatsi by normies. Cheers.

This is the part US and Euro governments aren't telling citizens, and citizens that support open borders are too stupid to realize on their own. The beaners and rapefugees aren't going to go back, ever. They are going to breed like rabbits and the millions flooding in now will be 100 million in 20 years. The gov is betting on white cucks being so moronic that they will support the flood of shitskins until it's simply too late and the whites are drowned.

It's much easier to just import new low-IQ voters then try to win over the ones already in the country.

Plus look at the donor lists for the Democratic party. Tons of jews, and to them closed borders and limited immigration is annudah shoah (except for Israel)

Because the working class hate them. It's really that simple.

They can't get support from poor people here, so they want to bring in more poor people from other places.

because 75% of white males still vote Republican despite 60+ years of attempted (((commie))) subversion

and they need an army of disposable brown foot soldiers that have zero allegiance to the Constitution or Western society as a whole


White workers can actually catch onto their bullshit. They need people who aren't educated enough to know what's going on, and if at all possible, don't even know the language to have a chance.

It's no coincidence that dems are trying to push English language requirements out of schools in california, in spite of that dooming the people they're """"helping"""" to a lifetime of being unable to read the laws that govern them.

The colour or ethnicity doesn't matter to Marxists.
The only thing that matter is control and power.
And whites are way too smart and conservative for communism, even during a big depression. The 29' was caused solely for that purpose.
You need a massive influx of Jewish infiltrators like in Russia.

So they figured the next big thing to get their power. Moronic immigrants that will be plugged into the system and drain and breed out whites.
Indo-Europeans and East Asians are the only ones capable of creating of powerful long lasting societies.
Mestizos, blacks and everything in between are the obedient stupid sort.

no. to them they see feels harmony on television, which is what they intended.

so 'purpose', as a collection of symbols and associated phonetics, means: (1) one thing in the context of verb-noun, but (2) a chain of verb-nouns is exempt from the same definition. this is what you would have me accept.

that's crazy. that's incomplete. that's lazy. which is what i rejected. it is explicitly, intentionally, acutely, precisely what i sought to destroy. with absolution. period. that is purpose. –that– is what 'purpose' is.

rejected, because you would have me believe a child playing 1-move-only verb-noun chess doesn't intend to win the game. for as much as the child can see, they have intent, they are not innocent, though they be stupid blind pustules of ingratitude. nogs saw detroit, intended to eat it, and did. less you would have be believe that nogs ever saw detroit, intended to grow it, and did. likewise, poz'ed white hipsters intended to eat, they ate. incidentally, the also intended to feel harmony, and they did. that [sic] 'zogmexico is quite far from harmony is not what they intended' is only worth committing to this screen as the acute demonstration that the definition and context of 'harmony' was just changed and excrement from 'eating' was replaced by 'zogmexico'. harmony feels was absolutely intended, eats was absolutely purposeful, and the quite specifically targeted you-hateful-racist-disharmonist was the confession that the children knew their purpose (to feel harmony) and intent (to eat). does shitting follow eating? does disharmony follow shitting everywhere? certainly. absolutely. tell me more of your intentional purposeful guesses.

likewise, 'diversity', 'harmony', 'ascension', 'utopia', and 'privilege': each one of these collections of symbols without spaces and their sounds have definitions. you're not using them. but you think that you are. and so you end up asking an 'ask' – after you've created word salad, where each word simultaneously has multiple meanings, from contexts of both 1-move and 7-move+ chains on a chess board, where you end up precisely where you intended from the beginning. so lets just cut out the simulation.

you want forgiveness. there is none. the average liberal white knows. their knowing is a followings the manipulative intelligence that every squirrel and horse and fox has. yes, they are stupid – they they'll end up dead. did they intend to purposefully die? am i going to ask you another question in the following sentence where i change the definitions and contexts fluidly like a psychopathic fox again and leave your head spinning?

no forgiveness will be granted. especially to the kumbaya singers. let them feel innocence, and let it suffocate them at the day of the rope.

I suppose it has something to do with the infamous Clowen Piven Strategy.

They're running dangerous low on golems.

the jews though they could use non-jews to enact world wide judaism via the jewish way. note that the above only applies to the cross-bred jews.

they thought this in (1) testament to the schizophrenia that arises from cross breeding, (2) a testament that they animalistically knew where food was –and– that food wasn't them nor theirs, and (3) that in spite of knowing they were invalid they were going to act jewish no matter what. literally. no matter what. jewish way was concluded firstly, the jewish destination concluded secondly, and whites tacked on as the excuse, because that's where food magically just was.

as an example: in other news some time ago, there was a wholesome black fellow giant that raped a white woman, because whites should just pay restitution for all the slavery whites did. deported to prison for reasons unknown, he proceeded to rape another black dude because he wasn't kin and sheet. perfectly understandable. later released on some notion of life sentence means 15 years and some white word called that-parole-thang, he kept on raping in pursuit of his rape utopia commune. he just knew that everything should be converted to worldwide reparationsforslaverygibberishletmerape rapeparadiseftwdawg, and raping was the way to get there. on cnn today, he was praised for his 'revolutionary' efforts repeating the footsteps of literally his daddy's daddy's daddy's daddy etc as inscribed on that pyramid over there… somewhere. a pyramid which incidentally shows white people keep subverting rapetopia and enslaving blacks so they should be raped. some stupid white dude questioned why he didn't just go make rapetopia back in africa, which was racist and labeled hate speech.

the jews didn't abandon whites. as communication spread word of food across the desert to the hands of every sandnigger, their cousins pitched in to join in, and the two of them certainly haven't abandoned the watering hole.

Lurk for a while
