==San Antonio Express-News writer: "When you talk about global conspiracies, and when you use terms such as “international banks,” you are talking about the Jews."

(RNS) It happened in West Palm Beach, Florida — in the shadow of condo developments and gated communities that are as demographically Jewish as Warsaw before World War II.

Here is what Donald Trump chose to say to his supporters about his opponent at a rally:

“Hillary Clinton meets in secret with international banks to plan the destruction of global sovereignty in order to enrich these global interest powers, her special interest friends and her donors.”

Many political observers have commented on Trump’s odd and ambiguous relationship with the Jews. I have defended him against charges of anti-Semitism, saying he grew up in Jamaica Estates, Queens, in a Jewish area, and has many Jewish friends and associates. Many have pointed to his daughter Ivanka’s conversion to Orthodox Judaism, and Trump’s Jewish grandchildren, as proof that he cannot be anti-Semitic. But then, there were those “hmmm … ” moments — and they have been mounting.

There were Trump’s remarks before the Republican Jewish Coalition: “I know why you’re not going to support me. You’re not going to support me because I don’t want your money. … Look, I’m a negotiator like you folks.” And some said: Oh, he was just trying to be folksy and familiar. Then there was, “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes all day.” And some said: Oh, he was paying Jews a compliment for their business acumen.

But now the anti-Semitic needle starts to go into the red zone. There has been the constant barrage of anti-Semitic tweets and attacks on reporters who happen to be Jewish and have criticized Trump. There have been anti-Semitic attacks on New York state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman for his attention to the Trump Foundation. When you talk about global conspiracies, and when you use terms such as “international banks,” you are talking about the Jews.

I am still not accusing Trump of being anti-Semitic. But, all along, Trump has been sending anti-Semitic dog whistles — the red meat of hatred that he has been throwing to many of his supporters. At the risk of being uncivil in the midst of a campaign that has had no surplus of civility, their ideology is deplorable. The dog whistle that Trump just sent — the international Jewish conspiracy theme — is the oldest one, and historically, it has been the most dangerous one.

If Trump doesn’t know what he just said, he is not as smart as he thinks. And if he does know what he just said, he is far worse than we had thought.

Other urls found in this thread:>>7954473


Heh, seems we have another name for the jew it doesnt like. Its pretty incriminating they overreact to "international banks" so badly.



This article has no (((author))) just says (RSN)

IRL whenever I talk about kikes, I use the term bankers, normies eat it up. Once they get redpilled they quickly realize kikes and bankers are one and the same.

It does seem to work, especially now that the kikes themselves pinpoint the fact. "Oy vey, if you call international globalist banks traitors that's same as calling us traitors oy oy oy gevalt!"

Then counter simply with something along the lines of 'Being Jewish is neither an excuse nor absolution for treason and attempted genocide'

How soon, folks?

2 weeks.

Checked for shaking the rats out of the walls.



Thing is people don't actually think of the jews when they hear International Bankers, they think boring old white guy in a suit.

How do these guys have the highest IQ in the world? designing the tests of course
They are still acting as if they have the public opinion on their side.
They've become too arrogant since the end of the WW2 and that will cause their downfall.

That would be the case, but for some reason Jews want to point out the connection between them and banking. As far as I understand making that connection itself is already anti-semitism.

and when i complain about hollywood, i'm being anti-semitic
when i complain about tv programming and news outlets, i'm being anti-semetic
when i complain about the 1%, i'm being anti-semetic
when i complain about communism, socialism, marxism, progressivism, feminism, i'm being anti-semetic




I just don't know anymore. Does this confirm what we speculate about there being an interjewfaction rivalry taking place? Is it the bankers vs. lawyers, or the merchants vs. entertainment? This seems to be happening more frequently with this election. I remember a handfull of times this has happened in the MSM, and most of them are from this election cycle. This has to mean that we're braking the conditioning and some Juden are trying to save their skins by calling out the worst of them. Not realizing that they will still be gassed eventually regardless of their help It is known that Hitler had a few juden under his command, which likely could have been his downfall as well.

This ride just keeps going doesn't it.

Is this real life, or is it just fantasy?

I wonder how long it will take these neurotic basket cases to realize they just gave everything away?

yes. i know some normie jews that are decent, so hands off my jews.



Oy vey! My aunt Edna's apartment where she retired to because of her terrible emphysema from the gas chambers is just like the Warsaw ghettos in Poland when the evil white Nazis rolled in! Oh it's anuddah shoah!

And now Jonestein is doing damage control claiming Soros is a Nazis and that it's not the jews.



Here's an encore performance!

Only person from TRS who still puts out decent content.

What the hell, how about one more? Christmas came early to Holla Forums.

What's with all of the anti-TRS sentiment on Holla Forums? Is it fear of ecelebs? Fear of being tied down with the alt-right identity, like becoming a new anonymoose?

I still listen to their content regularly and find it to be fine. Fash the Nation really improved over the course of a year and finally spun-off with their own site. The Weekly Narrative was really great until they went on hiatus recently. Darwin Digest is a great science podcast that tackles everything from human biodiversity to why homosexuality is wrong, and they do a damn good job backing it all up. They even had Jared Taylor as a guest not too long ago.

It's completely unlistenable these days. I mean, it wasn't great when they were having Grindry Greggy on every week, but at least I could make it through those shows. I haven't listened to a full one since February, and I've tried multiple times.

You really aren't doing a good job making your pro-TRS case…

Astral Kek, [[[they]]] are offing themselves


A list of all the media i could find pumping out the same message about anti-semitism after Trump's speech







Times of Israel

National Memo

NYU News

East Bay Times







Requesting a Jewess cockslave after the DOTR.

Have these chosen beauties for the time being

kek, bump in epic thread


No wonder they hate European men so much and desire the women. All their women are 1,5/10 gargoyles.

The Fed Reserve protest user told us all that refusing to give in to the shaming tactics of "racist" or "anti-semite" gives you a huge advantage against Jews.

The first two ladies in that picture are quite attractive.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

The fourth one also.

wew, some no name jew writes stupid shit, we are so superior

8cucks full of virgins

Where are you from?
Middle East? All these women are fugly as hell.
Not one comes over 2, besides maybe 2nd from the right becouse of the face. And even she has granny legs.

You must be pretty desperate to lower your standards so much.

middle school obviously.

I wish I could instantly teleport into the same office room as the 4th pic, and then say loudly and ironically in as best of a caricature of a Jew as I could while rubbing my hands:


and then teleport back

Even jews know the higher up jew will not hesitate to disappear them like the goy if they reveal too much.

That or it is one of us trolling the shit out of everyone by becoming 'da jew' or best goy. It is San Antonio, not hard to be redpilled when surround by shitskinns everyday. (ever been there, fucking caste like divisions by area/race)


For what? Going by the pic it would seem you want to join the Finish army and defend your homeland from soviet aggression.

UK, Those three are way better then most of the women here, who are ugly skanks, they look good and more then likely will be family orientated unlike most of our women.

Also fuck the mods for saying that those three women are good looking deserves a perma ban

I wish /britpol/ took off.

Disgusting inbreeding.

Go back to your civic nationalist containment thread, cuck.


Consider sleeping in a gas chamber.


losers attacking a guy that was banned and can't respond back. the definition of 8virgins, they only hit when they know others can't hit back.

Wew. Go back to the cuck chan you deserve.

I do the same thing. All the millennials I know say "yeah, right on!" when I talk about the banks fucking everyone over. They've been thinking this way since the bailouts and occupy wallstreet and all that crap.

They don't even know.

Keep trying

Keep crying

have you made enough from the (you)s to buy some cheap liquor yet?
id imagine itd be the only way to ignore how awful your life turned out to be
that, or a bullet to the dome

Goys are only allowed to have opinions which have been approved by your local rabbi.

Go lose some weight fattie, maybe that way a feminist will have mercy on you and let you fuck her

No need for me, as for (((you))), that's another matter.

hi Holla Forums

November 9th


You fucking idiot, they're Freikorps…

He probably went by the le mongoloid maymay.


No wonder jews are so bitter and resentful!


Those guys are actually finns, some of them liked to do their helmets up like that with a skeleton/skull on them like that.

It's almost as if the holocaust didn't happen and they're very worried someone like trump knows this and is simply playing a long game

Reminder once you realize the holocaust didn't happen yet notice the kikes using it as their sabre to kill the west.. well, think of it this way, why WOULDN'T you want to kill all the semites after they've spent 70 years lying and syaing hitler wanted to just for giving them money and setting up israel for them?

If you think Hitler lacked proper judgment in regards to who he surrounded himself with (including Jews) you're pretty misguided. Only the most extreme of supporters could wipe away their Jewish identity and were probably some of the most loyal. It takes a jew to jew the Jews

There were embedded traitors all throughout the government because hitler specifically did not want to kill germans for no reason unless he knew they were actually working for the internationalists.

This means many of the old moneyed folks who loved weimar germany simply pretended to be on the reich's side while subverting it from the inside out.

Hitler's altruism and trust for ethnic germans is what ended up costing the reich their cryptography and likely the war.

Top Kek. Reminds me of the echo meme.

He never mentioned Jews nor does the average person think of Jews when they think of International Bankers. But they will now. Thanks, Jews. You really know how to keep a secret.

What about now?


why is that guy on the left wearing a long skirt?

Now do a profile shot for each of them.


Still wouldn't fuck em with a rented dick

Yes, what about now?

You can't make this shit up.

wew lad

Not only that.


check'd and kek'd

In his own words: If we spared every 'my Jew' there would be no Jew left to kill.


My faith in my age group is rising day after day


i dont care what anybody says; these people are not intelligent

they're just like psychopaths; the pop culture view is that they're super smart manipulators, when really they're actually mentally retarded and just really good at lying

whats wrong with jared taylor?

Thinks jews are hwite and doesn't believe them to have a disproportionately large control of the cultural marxism we face.

Didn't he also say white genocide isn't real?

Probably the ones with foresight vs all the others, but mostly too scared to call them out because that would be antisemitic.

We have some big villain Jews right now like Soros, Wasserman-Shultz, Janet Yellen representing 3 awful Jewish stereotypes.

my understanding was he was of Kevin MacDonald's school of thought. He recognizes jews have power disproportionate to their population, but bases that largely on their intelligence and in group preference.

i.e. complaining about Jewish privilege is no worse than niggers complaining about white privilege.

Also while he may not use the term "white genocide" I've heard him argue against race mixing and mention that the white population is declining.

Sounds like he's on board with everything he just sounds intelligent

Jews are truly the niggers of Sumeria

They all believe the gas chamber holocaust was real. Every single one of them. They also consider any criticism to be a new holocaust waiting to happen.

D.A.K. 16/10/16

Those don't look like most Jews I've seen. Those are Israeli, obviously. Often Jewish areas will be some other ethnicity mixed in, like where I am they are Russian. The young ones don't look terrible but they age like shit.


i'm pleasantly surprised

The Jews were never strong. They can only ever get anywhere by tricking other people into making themselves weak. Do you remember the article about that South America jungle tribe who kicked out their Jewish population? Even primitive loin-cloth people can beat the Jews as long as they know the truth about Semites!

They project their guilt like lighthouses.



Well hello there, sexy lady.

They always play both sides.


Well, it's genius. Keep getting kikes to out themselves.

Wow, they're so tolerant and accepting.

IQ truly is the realm of the jew.


International Banks! Fucking Holla Forums and its continual hate speech, kek,

People always say they hate the "bad bankers" but they always fail to mention who they are.
Now the Jews are doing the work for us and literally admitting its themselves.

I do too, but if it comes to whites waking up or not and the requisite extreme jew hatred, they must be given up as collateral damage if it comes to that.

The first four are plain UGLY.

That's not her hairline. The hairs on the sides drop awkwardly rather than grouping with the rest. It looks retarded but it's not a defect, just bad grooming.



The difference between MacDonald and Taylor is that MacDonald views jews in our countries, or at least allowed in positions of power, is an existential threat, whereas Taylor does not. Pretty big difference.

I don't live in Israel while complaining about jews too bad you don't see the difference


They might try to assassinate him.

He should be careful.


That vid is great. How have I never seen this before.



He has completely fucking broken them.

ib's works as well as anything, name it therefore it's real. That which has no name, never exists to the lems


second this, looks like it was just about to get interesting when that cop showed up and started getting shoved (!!)

Bumping this, the jews are going so hard into kvetch mode they're showing themselves

What are the Jews?


A great point to bring up for normies is that being anti-Jew is not == anti-Semitic. A Semite is a member of any of the peoples who speak or spoke a Semitic language - not just the Jews. Tell the normie: "We don't oppose Semites as a race, we oppose Jews as a religious tribe."

What the fuck did that goy do to trigger all those jews? Was he wearing the windmill of happiness on his back or yelling GAS THE KIKES off camera or what?

He's surrounded by private security and USSS at all times, he should be ok.

USSS are unlikely to let anything slip by; they hate Hillary, she treats their agents so shittily that getting assigned to her is used by them as punishments for agents who've fucked up. The last thing they want is to see her become President. So they'll protect Trump and relish the day Hillary gets thrown in prison.

Commies also works when you want to talk about social faggotry

they pretty much have whites in check mate

that is why our only way out is to overthrow the table

The day the PR ends

They are just that malicious and wicked that they get triggered hard when they see goy's setting foot in their holy ground + trying to ask problematic questions

If humanity doesn't end the jews; the jews will end humanity


Fix'd with the correct chapter number.

I'm glad the Crypt Keeper finally decided to settle down and get married.


That's awesome. How'd they get away with it?

Jesus Christ what the fuck is that, inbreeding or deformities Holy assfuck.

There are decent Jewish girls out there but its almost always solely because of the bod, otherwise they are mixed enough to not look like crap.


That's just sugarcoating it though. I hate atheist jews too.

When I looked up sag and sagging tits, that image appeared under both definitions.

Its from a low budget documentary called "Where in the World Is Osama bin Laden?"
It features the dude from "Supersize me."

Very Progressive gotta say

This is the one of the things that will wake the normies up to the nature of kikes. Whenever you criticize them, they immediately assume it's because they're jewish, and not because of their actions. "Oy vey that got is angry at me, it must be because he's an evil nadzi. It surely has nothing to do with how I swindled him out of his investments."

I swear a kike could get caught with his hands in someone's pocket, and when they start yelling at the rat or trying to hit him they'll go "Geez, what's with the antisemitism!"

Fuck outta here.

It's varying degrees of cancer, they punch to the right and they've shilled here. And it's not "fear of e-celebs," what are you, a kike? E-celebs are a legitimate cancer, not some phobia, why are you training yourself to consume all your intellectual content through the mouthpieces of "entertaining" personalities?

…….i would give the worstest huggies to one two and three.

….fucking stop.

Is that a mask or a crackhead?

The atheist jews are worse though, at least the ones following their phoney balloney religion can at least understand the idea that there are some lines not to be crossed.

Modesty for me, not for thee, you stupid goy!

why ? you love kikes that much ? whats the matter ? you don't want your masters to be exterminated, goy ?


Woo jana defi.

Also seductive jewess is down again

Jews are parasitic by nature. When they can proliferate without being threatened, you'll see them in droves. Once they've been found out, it's every parasite for itself.

At first cracking the jew psyche seemed daunting, but really, when you consider they've been subjected to extreme torture shortly after birth for countless centuries (aka. circumcision), paired up with borderline inbreeding, their tendencies are not that surprising.

but I oppose semites as a race…


They made the video before getting bought

Hitler was always right. It's the world who was wrong. He was simply too much ahead of it's time, they all were.
NOW is the time.


Semites aren't a race but a language group.
It's like saying Anglos are a race.

Right, so they didn't get away with it. They're owned now.

Now they don't even dare to make these kind of videos, that's the difference


can i get the youtube source of this?

i love this site

the middle one in the first pic seems cute


let's see if this uploads….

Really good

Do you have a version with higher resolution?

720p. it's 30mb or so

Upload it here and post the link

i would, if i had the hardware here where it's on. sorry. can't do right now

No problem

this line is rigged. can't up that here

There's actually quite a bit of jews in texas because of LBJ's handywork to relocate WW2 jews to texas. LBJ grew up with a church that literally worshipped jews and practiced zionism. With oven-dodgers in texas it's no wonder cruz chose that state to cuck them and cuck conservatives. Just like the real one, a texacaust has to happen.

Splendid work, m88. Keep it up!

No amount of evidence will make me believe that is real. They can't possibly be that fucking braindead

Why is this saged?

I'm getting jewed


Sorry for autism and shitting up the thread

They want to control the narrative. They were the ones who put the stars on themselves during Hitlers regime after all. They have a few weaknesses, and this is one of them.

Kikes rely on the media backup to get away with everything, this is why they make elemental mistakes.

Kike aint wizards, m88, we are.

but Finns are not white

Typo, but thanks for the laugh.

That's pretty much their plan.

The cognitive dissonance is something else. So according to these cuck slaves, naming a group intentionally destroying a country is worse than being destroyed… Just flood the shiiiiiit out of any idea talking this garbage. Fucking mentailly ill bitches. Oh you have Cancer? Best die rather than talk about it let alone do anything.

This is the sort of shit you would expect from genuine tards. Like some diaper and helmet wearing motherfucker.

Day of the rope, lad.


he puked later that night, but i'll just remember the good things

Talk about kikes admitting Hitler was right? Take a moment to savor the kosher flavor of this from today's Jerusalem Post: "Israel is in the midst of an intense diplomatic effort to prevent a consensus vote on the Jerusalem resolution, Shama-Hacohen said. “The letter and the ultimatum from the Arab states is a sign that we are going in the right direction,” he said."
tl:dr- Jews readily admit in their own press to subverting what is meant to be a "democratic" decision by threatening the participants.


You shills are pretty obvious you know… Why wouldn't we want to do that to them when they've used this lie as the foundation of their evils.

It'd be a sweet revenge
"All those times you lied about it to destroy us. You brought this upon yourselves and will now be destroyed as you have pleaded us to since before Hitler."

If you honestly think 'Oh well you guys actually wanting to legitimizes the holocaust' you don't belong here.


Stay increasingly nervous