
Daily Reminder

This is a daily reminder that Christianity is intricately connected with the culture, and survival, of European peoples. Jesus Christ is the one and only God, who died, and continues to die on the cross, to remove your sin. This is also a reminder that a large part of the plan of cultural Marxism is to removeChristianity and theism from a culture, to make it easier to subvert said culture. Those of you who continue to deny Christ and his sacrifice, cannot ignore the fact that those who wish to permanently harm the identity of Europe wish to remove Christ from Europe.

This is also your daily reminder that Kek does not exist, and is either a demon, or a form of black magic, both of which deny the teachings of Christ. I pray that you will accept Christ as your Lord, but if you persist, know that it makes Europe easier to destroy. Look at the U.S., and look at Poland. Which falls faster?

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

Other urls found in this thread: Lt52Blajj94Ae/zXKiTKZx3EZ/lX13j8eJX9QPK9LEW9fDAdNm

No it fucking isn't. The Basis of Western Civilisation is Classical Ancient Greece and Rome, long before Christianity was established. The Romans themselves killed a gorillion Christians before Augustus got cucked. They also caused the most epic steamrolling of Jews in history to the point kikes still whine about the Romans to this very day. If anything, Christianity needs to do because they're the biggest kikesuckers around for Israel and tons of other self-defeating shit. If Christianity dies and I know Jews themselves are trying to destroy it so don't bother telling me that, the irony is that Jews are dead too. Just let it die. We will internalise and restore what made Western Civilisation great to begin with even before Christ.


thank god, rock on my man.

also vote for donald trump.

I am, 100%. I voted for him in the primary, and I will November 8th.

The basis of civilization is not power, but compassion, ration and mercy. All three of these concepts developed out of the Scripture, and out of a love for God. These three ideas make European people great, while at the same time sparking their desire to grow and learn. Romans culture lacked mercy, and no longer exists. To lack mercy, even during the "DOTR", is to become the savage you hate in the African.


Do you agree with the post? Jesus Christ was never "King of the Jews", the Jews who exist today. I'm trying to show Holla Forums that they have been duped by lies. It's a redpill.

I'm with what op is saying, but this smells like d&c and so I feel guilty even replying.

Incorrect; the basis for civilization is self-discipline which is why Christianity is so effective at raising mighty empires.

I swear, with Christ as my witness, that I am not a shill, nor is this D&C. I am from /christian/, but I do understand that politics play a vital role in the life of Christians.

I agree. Also, how many dicks do you think the rabbi in the video sucked?

Don't they eat the foreskin of children?

I wish these Jews would leave our religion alone. I don't make videos with false lies about Judaism, and I'd appreciate it if they did the same.

Okay, then why make this thread?



Stop with the religion D&C-ing.
"Modern" Europe might be linked to "Christianity" (very different than its original forms in the Near East) but the soul of Europe came from our pagan forefathers.

Don't believe me? Ask the Christian Africans, Arabs, Latinos, etc.
(Hell, Latino Christianity is half-pagan, same with African.)

This is my personal point of view:

Europe is built on ration and compassion, which are integral to Christianity. Holla Forums is now believing in false Gods, idolizing false prophets, and chasing Christians out of this imageboard. There are many, many religious people in Europe, who truly believe in Christ, and they will never accept "Positive Christianity." This is because Hitler chose to cloak himself in Heresy, and failed.

The best way to end subversion of European peoples is to spread the Gospel, and the importance of Christ in the identity and thinking of our brethren. If Holla Forums rejects Christianity for anything else, they make the same mistake that any other post-modern philosopher makes; they think Christianity is not a part of us, of our way of life. This has been argued many times in books that talk about the Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxism, namely, it was difficult to destroy Europe 50 years ago because of slavic and Russian love of Christ.

This is what neo-pagans actually believe. Your ancestors became christians because they saw the christian god was stronger than theirs. Pagans were barbarians

The only people that want to chase religion out of Holla Forums is the jews. They need to feed off christian support, without it they have no power.

I totally disagree. The soul of Russia comes from Orthodoxy, and not any savage pagan rituals. Russian went through an identity crises about 100 years ago, because they wanted to modernize the country to the current level of European thinking, but many of them wanted Russia to have a culture separate from Europe. Orthodoxy is so strong in the Russian people, which is why they have an easier time resisitng cultural Marxism.

Have you ever thought that we adopted Christianity, because our ideals of mercy and ration fit with what Christ said? I'm not sure how Vikings, and other savages of Europe, created the beautiful soul we have today. Your argument doesn't really stick.

What denomination do you think is least bad? Personally I think the roman catholic church is the one true church, but has been subverted by marxists since the 60's and crossed a line with vatican 2. That being said, in these times when we're facing an major crisis of apostasy, I call any man who believes in Christ my brother and would fight and die with and for them.

Absolutely correct. Modern kikes are pharisees or worse that practice paganism, kabbalism, and materialism.

In Eastern Europe it's literally identical.
Roman Catholics I agree are pretty far removed from the East though.

You're making two incorrect assumptions:
1) You assume that people actually believe in the kek meme. Just like ebola-chan, it's just a meme which triggers normies.
2) You assume that this board chases Christians out.
You're mixing up CTR/JIDF consensus crackers with real odinfags(do they even self- identify as such here?) or fedora anons who see us as an ally in the fight against degeneracy.
Then again, you could be right in which case this entire thread is wasted effort since they'll soon come flooding in to shitpost with the usual "muh kike on a stick" may mays.

Pic mostly unrelated.

There are no jews alive today
everyone is jewish

Anyone with a modicum of History knows that Christianity is anathema to Modern Talmudic Judaism.

Daily reminder that Jews stole the teachings of the ancient Aryan faiths and turned them into "Judaism," and this includes the very idea of worshiping one God instead of many.

Daily reminder that Christianity was an attempt to stabilize Judaism, and Jesus is only useful to the Jew who seeks to evolve and improve his religion from being one of deception and corruption to valuing honesty and good character.

Everything good about Christianity comes from ancient Aryan faiths. Everything else comes from Judaism. Example:

are teachings from the Aryans

comes from perverted Jewish doctrine

To give up Christianity is not to give up the one Good God, but it is giving up the Jewish history and teachings.

I am a Roman Catholic, but I think either Catholicism or Orthodoxy are equally fine and acceptable. I reject Protestantism on the basis of "Sola Scriptura", but my intentness is not to D&C denominations here. I reject the subverted form of Catholicism, which put in a puppet Pope.

This. "To be Russian is to be Orthodox."
Even Buddhists there make the sign of the cross.


Christianity and Islam are similar. Both stem from the Hebrew worldview which gives unearned spiritual authority to a class of people who devote themselves to a religious text. You also see this with modern materialist humanism, the authorities of their creed are those who have gone through the sacred institution of the university, mulling over the dogma passed down from on high, and after enough study are allowed to take a seat among the hallowed halls of the professors. Priests, Imams, or liberal psychology professors, these are just various forms of Rabbinicism.
Looking at some pre-Christian, Aryan societies, we find that religious authority was not monopolized by a certain group and it was not based on a text. Rather, there were conceptions of virtue as personified by a pantheon, and the throne of spiritual authority was open to any who wished to take it by proving themselves to be exemplary of virtue. Thus the priesthood and the military commanders are one in the same, because their virtue is shown through manly character in action rather than study of a text.
Catholic Europe retained some of this idea in the doctrine of good works. Protestantism on the other hand has shed any sort of connection to our original worldview by claiming that faith alone is sufficient to enter heaven.

The notion of hierarchy and adherence to natural order was strong pre-Christianity. Hubris was very much a "sin", but this was not laid out in any sort of doctrine, the ancients simply realized the deleterious effects it would have on one's character. A great hero was seen to be favored by the gods. Numerous myths tell stories of men attempting to defy the gods and being met by a cruel and fitting demise. This is a clear conception of natural order.

I admire the writings of many of the early church philosophers, but in my opinion the most valuable of these writings could stand on their own without being linked in any way to the Bible or the supposed "Word of God". One can arrive at their positions through reason and still not believe that a book assembled by mortal men is a comprehensive message from the ultimate divine. There are those of us out there such as myself who are not atheists or materialistic pagans, but still reject Christianity because we cannot be convinced that this faith, which is Hebrew in origin, has a monopoly on transcendence and virtue which cannot be found elsewhere without the rabbinical trappings.

And Russians are a spiritually dead people.

Psalm 144:1 Blessed be the Lord my strength which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight


You'd think that an omnipotent god wouldn't need to do that to remove Sin, seeing how he's all powerful. Is God to weak to remove sin without preforming a magical ritual before hand? Does he for some reason want to remove sin in the most roundabout way possible instead of instantly doing it, which should be well within his power?

The problem with the christian god is the same problem that befalls superheros like Superman. Why is a supposedly unstoppable, compassionate, and all powerful superbeing arbitrarily limiting itself?

It's fine to reject their dogma as false, but I think we should try and bring them in. Orthodox were doing just that to the anglicans.
Then… the anglicans went full retard with female priests and the like.
Well, okay it was a failure, but we should try to undo schisms not deepen the divide with these heretics.

Unlike who? Western Eurabians? Burgers?

>>>Holla Forums

You're making a failed logical conclusion. He already did remove sin, but Adam and Eve ruined it for all of us. They were tricked by Satan. Afterwards, we all sin, and continue to sin? Don't agree? Do you look at women's tits, masturbate, eat too much on Thanksgiving? You are committing sin, and deserve mercy. As such, Christ continues to be killed by Jews and Romans on the cross, to grant you mercy.

If Christ was to interfere, he would remove free-will. We would become nothing but puppets. He has given us a choice, sin or bless Him, and you are allowed to choose. Other Gods, like Odin or Kek, hurt you if you don't do what they say. Which one is better?

You don't know what Sin is.

I'll take "Free Will" for $3,000 Alex!

Because the Christian god is fundamentally different from all others in that he works through nature, and people.


I agree. I love all denominations equally, and believe any who accept Christ as our Lord are perfectly fine. I just don't personally buy into Sola Scriptura, is all. I wish we could all unify under Catholicism or Russian Orthodoxy.

Kill yourself my dude


You are no different than the savage jungle African. The way of Europe is not too maim and kill unreasonably, but to enlighten ourselves, and other cultures. If you disagree, that's fine, but just know that the fall in Christianity in America has coincided with marriage equality, feminism, drug use, and other forms of degeneracy.

You have no right to invoke the sacred name of the fuhrer you filthy christcuck.

Yeah I think I'll just stick to with Odinism tbh

Except it literally is.

Yah of course degeneracy increases as our tradition falls.
Did you ever think that maybe Christianity is a failed tradition for the very reason that it failed to stave off degeneracy?

As I've pointed out before, Christ gives you a choice: sin, or not. Odin commands that you do his bidding, or you are punished. Is that fair? Is that really what you want to worship?

I've been straight up told by Priests that the time to remove kebab is nearly here. He's urging the parish to get /fit/ and train in weapons for when shit goes down.
I'm a burger so I can't crusade in Syria yet :\
Once the Roman Catholic bros get their shit together and join us in removing kebab like old times, it's going to be amazing.

Alright I need somebody else's point of view on this.
Adolf he was a catholic, a strong catholic he's quoted saying things like -

- Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Vol. 1 Chapter 1

- Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Vol. 1 Chapter 11

Do I trust Adolf and become a Catholic(am atheist but came from a baptist church)?
Don't throw "Hitler's table talk" at me because the table-talk has Hitler saying such things such as: "I shall never come to terms with the Christian lie. . .", "Our epoch will certainly see the end of the disease of Christianity".

The problem with these anti-Christian quotes is that the German text of the table-talk does not include them, they were made up by François Genoud, the translator of the French version, the very version that English translations rely on!
http: //

Something isn't failed if it is subverted. I could very well say the same about National Socialism.

No, it's because the masses are degenerate. Same reason they adopt liberalism or communism. Christcuckoldry is a victory of quantity over quality, rising the degenerative wave of the Kali Yuga.

Cultural Marxism is kabbalah Judaism.

Christianity is a scheme invented by men to keep women in line by convincing them that they will burn in hell if they fail to be monogamous housewives who bear large families and keep silent in church.

Ben Fischbein

Nigger it says right there in the bible that all humans are born into sin, there is no choice

It's much easier to control the masses through what we have now "Brave New World 2016." Think about that: Christianity is suffering, it's sinning over and over, and getting closer to God, it's attending the Church and communicating with Christ. The masses don;t want that, they want easy shit. That's why the Golden Rule is so popular; it's easy, and digestible. This catches them in a catch-22 as well. Either:
1.) They claim that Jesus and his followers were Genius con-men and philosophers who sat down and invented a fool-proof way to control the masses for 2000 years, while overlooking the fact that Christianity is hard to follow
2.) If Jesus was just a regular guy, and not a super-genius philosopher, he sure "predicted" a lot of things that come true through the Bible, such as the idea of a one-world government.

Daily reminder


That's the thing: Christianity isn't successful because it is about compassion at all.
Christianity is successful because it's about self-discipline.
Even Islam has many outlets for hedonism, but it's Christianity which espouses us to fight those base desires.

Roman Catholics right now are in a transition.
My advice is to join a Church not because you believe in anything it teaches, but because you believe in the society it tries to create.
Look at the track record for the religion and where it's going (give the Romans a chance to get their shit together with their crazy pope).

Christianity is degenerate itself. It promotes spiritual weakness. That's why it's a religion of drug addicts and prostitutes. It is literally a religion designed for subhuman scum who aren't fit for higher religions.

The Russians have a saying:
"If it's not hard, it's not holy."

keep in mind 2 things:
1) how to effectively influence people and the world.
2) express in such a way as to be a positive influence on people and the world.

spread christian memes when relevant if you want, but don't derail.
this OP wreaks of d&c bait.
i'm not exactly averse to christianity, but you risk this depending on how you interact with others.

I'm sorry you feel that way, user. Can you provide sauce that Christians are drug addicts and prostitutes?

not really pagan or atheist European intellectuals are still European. Cesaer was a pagan and is more relevant to western civilization then jesus christ.

If you look at my (OP) ID, I have been very charitable to every person in this thread. I am, with God as my witness, not a D&C shill. This is what I posted to alleviate concern:

whats wrong with sola scriptura? why dont catholics agree with it?

Except it isn't at all. It is one of the easiest religions. Because it is designed for the lowest common denominator subhuman who is not fit for true spiritual practice.

Adam and Eve didn't start with sin, God is the one that gave that capability solely for the purpose of them obtaining sin. God is an omnipotent being that could erase all sin in an instant if he actually wanted to, if he is actually 'All powerful'
You mean the Snake which is a completely separate being from Satan or Lucifer? A being supposedly without any freewill so it acted in accordance with God's will before god cursed it's limbs off and made it eat dust for all of eternity? Why did god made a snake for the specific purpose of tricking Adam and Eve into eating cursed fruit that he planted there for the sole purpose of tricking them into eating it? God didn't need to make sin a possibility and could have still allowed for free will.
You mean god has made arbitrary actions worthy of an eternity of torture and hell-fire. Tell me, why would an omnipotent all powerful being of the Universe care that I've eaten a bit to much turkey? God, who could make an infinite amount of turkeys for every single person on earth in an instance? He obviously didn't care all that much when he was helping his son/self preform parlour tricks.
God is everything and everlasting, right? That means that him being crucified would be an infinitesimal amount of time. He's still got an infinite amount of time to get over it, he's still the omnipotent ruler of the universe, he didn't give up anything considering there are much worse ways to torture someone to death. Besides, why would an omnipotent Godbeing need to sacrifice himself to himself to save people that he himself cursed in the first place? Why couldn't Jesus just go "All sin is forgiven"? Why do you believe that Jesus needed to preform a magical ritual?

If god is truly all powerful and wise he would have been able to construct a universe where it wouldn't have infringed on free will, or do you not believe that god can do anything?

So you don't believe that Jesus existed on earth and preformed miracles? You don't believe God rained fire down on the temple of Baal? Made it rain dank pepes in Egypt?

Can you please provide a religion with more built-in self-dedication than Christianity? This is just an ad-hominem argument.

Christianity really isnt suffering though its mostly setting unrealistic standards then never living up to them combined with an egalitarian slave morality. Christian civilization is enamored with being happy or maintaining some sort of moral high ground. Unpleasent truths like niggers are not human is not possible for them to deal with.

Holla Forums is a Kekite board. How many times do we have to go through this? Kike book == kike god == kike values

I was thinking Lutheranism since Martin Luther hated the jews and all. I know people in that branch aren't all going to be 14/88 but I respect Luther.

i dont mind christcucks, except when they cant look at the world without seeing everything as the word of god.
how about you think for yourself and stop being such a faggot

Go to any church in the USA and see the people there. They are mostly whores who ride the cock carousel and then go to church to alleviate their guilt. Then the rest are former drug addicts who "found Jesus."

D&C, here- don't listen to me
Maybe if Christianity wasn't so obsessed with helping non-whites then it'd be included in the future NS whitetopia but as of now we see this ideology as pushers of marxism and anti-white nonsense.
I just want to focus on whites first and we can think about religion later. Pastor Anderson types are OK, but all this missionary bullshit, primarily the mere hangups on bullshit technicalities- hindering the focus on the SURVIVAL OF THE WHITE RACE and PREVENTING WHITE GENOCIDE means that this religion will not help us reach our goals.
National socialism is the only religion for white people. Hitler is our messiah. The only objective good thing that religion does is drive people to a goal and work on it fervently. This is the only way fucking sand niggers can be in any way effective in their conquest. Do you think they gained all their land because some goat fucker pedophile muhammad led them to it? NO. It's because it helped focus their attentions and wills to a particular goal. This is why NS needs to be the white man's religion. This is why Nazi Germany rose in the way it did.


I have never met I real christian who lives by his holy book and I have no doubt you are no exception. If you are posting on a chan image board in fact I know you dont live up to the standard.

I don't for this reason. Christianity was a word-of-mouth religion before it was recorded. There were many traditions that weren't recorded, but we believe they are part of Christianity. I also believe that Mary had only one son, which is a uniquely Catholic viewpoint.

Christ forgave man for all of his sins its very easy

Daily reminder that it was christians who vandalized and destroyed true European art and culture.

Humans develop religion spontaneously, just like language. That's why we've got to be smart, and consciously engineer our religious values to support our needs as a people.

Reminder emperor Constantine made up modern Christianity when he decided he needed a new state religion so combined elements of sun worship and paganism with a popular cult of the time.

The Jews tricked you into worshiping their god m8. Yahweh is the desert god of the jews. If you need to worship a god, worship the god of your ancestors. Why do you think Israel is so beloved by Christians? Think about it. They pulled their trickery yet again.

I post on /christian/ for the most part, and I also like Holla Forums for the politics. I do not drink, smoke, do drugs, or have sex. I am a virgin, in fact. I wish to become a Catholic priest in France. Of course I am still a sinner, and can never live up to what Christ wants of me, but neither can anybody else. To say that I fail to live up to the religion is correct, but your reasoning is wrong.



good goyim

I don't know much about how they live today tbh
I would say look into what they preach today and make sure you don't see any allowances for degeneracy or breaking with their own traditions.
Like you said, you can't expect people to agree with what Luther said about the jews in the current year (at least not publically).
I worry about the lutherans cuz Germany tho.

Pretty much all of them. Orthodox Judaism is extremely difficult to practice. Islam, also extremely difficult. Buddhism, Hinduism. I can't even think of a religion that requires less commitment than Christianity. It requires almost no dedication at all relative to other religions. That's part of the reason it created modern degenerate Europe, because it is spiritually empty.

Then why does European people and culture predate Christianity?

All whites should be Christian, but the organized mainline denominations have all been rotted out from within. There are many dangerously ideas masquerading as "Christian" these days.

When it comes to politics and civic affairs, we need to model it after the Old Testament. When it comes to individuals dealing with other individuals on a one-to-one basis, that's where Christ's teachings apply. We need to differentiate these things and not have "turn the other cheek" and "love thy neighbour" become political policy for the nation - that leads to group suicide. In the Old Testament the nation had to enforce righteousness - and people kept apart and only looked out for their kind. As a group that should be the model, but as an individual we should all be humble on a one-to-one basis, and loving and forgiving so that their is harmony.

Also, a person is saved only by trusting Christ, not works. But no nation is saved by just calling itself 'Christian' - there has to be the works of enforcing righteousness. A saved man does good works in response to being saved because he wants to show charity, and that's good. But a nation that attempts to 'show charity' by forgiving murderers or taking money from native people and giving it to foreigners is devilish.

If white men would only read the Bible more they'd see this clearly and not be mislead by idiotic do-gooders who run the major denominations (Catholic and Protestant).

So to you man is a fallen creature? Your morality is still twisted and odd. Read some philosophy

At least research a religion before you shitpost.

Jesus Christ just fuck a girl you cuck.Where do you think white people come from?

It is the easiest religion by far. This is simply a fact.

I respectfully disagree, user. To be a true Orthodox Monk, is to be almost inhuman. You must fast, never masturbate, pray throughout the day, give up useless possessions, and philosophize. You must teach yourself the ways of Christ.

Yeshua ben Yosef was a kike, our glorious Roman ancestors nailed him to a stick, and no matter how much you kike-lovers wish otherwise, your favourite rabbi was not divine.

Actually you know I made a mistake. Here is the first thing you should ask a preachy Christcuck:

it wasnt spiritually empty until about 100 years ago when they began to remove the last bits of mysticism and european paganism from it. Vatican 2 was the final nail in the coffin that drove it from a merging of european native faiths and christian values into a purely jewish worldview.

sounds pretty fucking easy to me

Why would you join a confirmed false church?

Thats worth noting the greatness of europe combined Rome was better then the christcucks or the jews.

will you kindly fuck off? maybe we can get to discussing this after europe is all white again

I believe that I must elevate myself to the level of Christ. Every man in thew entire world is failed and fallen. Who hasn't been depressed, or lusted, or eaten too much, or been angry at another for no reason?

I wish to remain pure, as a Priest should be. Fucking is an animal act, enjoyed by savage Africans and Muslims.


Jesus isn't god, or is he? If he is, he is the jewish god yahweh. Jews read the old testament as part of their religion. You've been brainwashed by kikes.

how does christianity help the white race survive?

Yes it was. It always has been. Christianity is a degenerate anti-spiritual religion for subhumans. The only reason pagan Europeans adopted it was because they were already severely degenerate. And the only reason Christianity ever appeared to be non-degenerate was because people were poor and couldn't be degenerate or they would starve to death.

Because, regardless of its corrupted state now, I think it's original ideas are pure and beautiful. It's like asking why we want to fight for Europe to be white and Christian again.

Holla Forums loves its religion threads. Remember, Isaac Newton spent more time on alchemy than gravitation and optics combined; the hivemind is a little insane. Just learn to love it.

So is eating, you poor, bluepilled fuck. So is shitting for that matter - you gonna hold it all up your ass forever?

The sad thing is I bet you would if you could.

" And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost. Now when the centurion saw what was done, he glorified God, saying, Certainly this was a righteous man." Luke 23:46-47

" There was a certain man in Cæsarea called Cornelius, a centurion of the band called the Italian band, A devout man, and one that feared God with all his house, which gave much alms to the people, and prayed to God alway. He saw in a vision evidently about the ninth hour of the day an angel of God coming in to him, and saying unto him, Cornelius. And when he looked on him, he was afraid, and said, What is it, Lord? And he said unto him, Thy prayers and thine alms are come up for a memorial before God. And now send men to Joppa, and call for one Simon, whose surname is Peter: He lodgeth with one Simon a tanner, whose house is by the sea side: he shall tell thee what thou oughtest to do." Acts 10:1-6

how does christianity help the white race survive?

daily reminder it was the prottys who voted for the nazi party en masse compared to the catholics

im not failed or fallen the bits of me that are unpleasant are just as important as the bits that are good. Like it or not your worldview is one of constantly searching for pleasure seeking comfort through self righteousness that you can stop yourself from masturbating for an extended period of time and failing. Your worldview is just a precursor to the pleasure seekers in a brave new world always fleeing from aspects of life you dislike.

No. Fucking to cum, just to cum, is savage. Eating to be full is savage. Shitting to rub your prostate is wrong as well. I want to follow the original Catholic and Orthodox monks.

Thanks for…
6 million shekels have been deposited into your account.
For serious though, give examples user.
Islam allows sex with animals.
Budhism is such a non religion that the Japanese adopted it as a nation.
Hinduism has so many different cults within it that are all "100% Hindu" and valid that you can't possibly make a single blanket statement about the religion. Some of them even eat meat, Christ.

Romans made up most of the best bits of christianity and killed christ
Rome 1 Rabbi Yahwah 0

how does christianity help the white race survive?
answer my fucking question you fucking faggot

So no answer to

Another christcuck bites the dust.

This is a slide topic, CTR and Ben Fischbein are using you gullible retards to hide something

Stop taking the Christianity/Fedora bait

Oh, the jewish bible said that? Wow, I'm a believer now. I bet they had a lot of proof.

Yeah, you know studying language has led me to find out how in our ~45k year existence that only the last 2k years or so have we believed in legit mythology with supernatural entities. The "religion" that Europeans had before then was simply concerned with natural cycles and phenomena- a very primative and early form of science. What was Adolf Hitler doing? He was very interested and well read in science, studying about races and such and found out that the European was the superior race. NS is based on science, is a scientifically based religion, and will drive and give purpose to people the same way that our old religions did. The old religions were a primative form of science and were merely concerned with the world RIGHT NOW. it's not concerned with preparing for the afterlife and squandering yourself- making you lower yourself and self deprecate to vindicate yourself.

This is still D&C so don't change your opinions if you've already made up your mind after reading.

This is blatantly wrong. Catholicism is about self-sacrifice, and guilt. Please, learn about the denominations before inventing stuff.


Nice try but National socialism was never the dominant force in Europe. It was defeated militarily. Christianity was defeated by its own inherent contradictions

oops, I mean religion
I read your comment and was thinking about it too much

Okay, let me get to it. It provides the people with the access to THE one God, and allows for total unity of the white race.

This is a DnC post.

The same way it helped us survive kebab:
Self discipline, mastery, sublimation to a greater goal.

Hedonism, arrogance, and self-aggrandizement are the things which are making us weak and extinct.

Great chain of being nigger.

A plants is a boosted mineral. It has all the attributes of a mineral, but it also has something more, more complexity, more autonomy.

An animal is a plant+, with the addition of things like behaviors and choices.

A human is an animal+. We're 100% animal, but with something greater, something transcendent coming out from within us.

And I've got some bad news for you. A deva, or a "soul," is a human+. Same human body. Same human desires. Same human emotions and drives. Just capable of operating entirely in the spirit world.


No your blatantly lying to yourself to save your feelings because you are unable to face any real problems. Fetishizing guilt and suffering makes you a masochist freak

Who cares? Think of it as containment.

Colossians 3:16 :

"Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts."

This tbh. That was my initial reaction as well.

nice bullshit.
except the ones that dont want to be weak willed faggots right?
they have to be beaten and burned at the stake.

what about chirstianity being the religion for shitskins as well?
why does that help the white race?
why is being unified under god with shitskins better for the white race

I think the question of "Where do we go when we die? Does some part of us survive? Is there really a 'self' inside me, or am I just a random chaotic series of parts that function together for a lifetime and then fall apart?" is something humans have been asking ourselves since the dawn of sentience. I don't think National Socialism qua science has much to say about that, though I'm open to correction.


implying christcuckery is the ONLY thing that teaches against those things

Which is the bare minimum for most other religions. Plus a lot more. The top Orthodox monk is on the level of a low-tier hindu yogi.

Nothing it that implies organization. Or do you believe that spreading memes is the same as an organized religion?

According to the Tower of Babel, God is displeased with many cultures working together. This is also proven in revelation, which states that open borders and 1 world government (Hilary Clinton) is a mark of the end of the world. All people should live in their own lands, and this is acceptable to God.

don't be too surprised if you get banned OP

I was banned for 4 weeks some time ago when there was massive anti-christian shilling going on/pol/ probably wouldn't believe I planned to post it that day anyway
i posted a pro-Christian thread. rather than an anti-Christian thread, that was also against their frog, and they thought I was a shill; literally every post in that thread except maybe the last one was against me and most had sage in the email field

fortunately though this thread is turning out much better

i sat out the ban

fortunately though their obnoxious worship of that cosplayer from hell seems to have died down somewhat, but i think that its unfortunate that hillary the professional criminal began to blatantly oppose the frog, which means they wont replace it with a new thing that they wont worship for even longer

The Lord is Jesus Christ

Romans 10:17:

"Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ."

as you say, but the assumption can still be made.
understand that the consequence of one's actions isn't necessarily a reflection of intent. this divide is tricky to bridge when influencing.

I worship the gods and goddesses of my ancestors, pleb.

It is the only one that combines that with a recognition of the problem of material Evil and properly accounts for it.

Another example is criminals. Literally 99% of felons in American prisons are hardcore Christians. Probably no higher percentage of Christians anywhere in the world than in a maximum security prison, no joke. This should tell you something about the religion.

interesting post user

This is a CTR topic. OP has lured you into a no true scotsman trap.

I would just like to say we need to focus on religion once we have made The world white. (blacks or other races will be sent back to their ancient homeland.) Right now we just need to gather all of the NS whether if they are fashy Christians or fashy Atheist to fight the mighty kike.

This nigga probably actually believes this. Ever heard of Zoroastrianism? Manicheanism? Literally every other religion ever?

Thank you, brother. Praise Jesus Christ, our Savior. It's funny, because one of the mods, Moonman, is a very devout protestant form Texas. We are still a large part of the board, even if some mod bans us.

Nothing it that talks about any social structure, clergy, or organization. It can mean the exact same thing when you talk about memes

christians are weak faggots

you faggots refuse to acknowledge that your survival and the survival of our people depends on yourself and your capacity for violence
have fun being weak and jamal buttfucking your "virgin" fiance
have fun offering your asshole to a god that according to you made niggers

Can you form a single coherent sentence without sounding like a facebook boomer? To address your post, your thread was rightfully shit on and saged to oblivion.

Leaving aside the fact that they convert in prison, at least 10% of them are muslim, another 10% have no affiliation, 2% are jewish (oy veeeeey), and another 2% are pagan.
What even counts as hardcore by the way?
.4% of them are Orthodox, which is the only "hardcore" Christian denomination I would recognize and even then I'd only recognize the Russians as being such within that.


Definitely false. Theodicy is a heavily contested area of Christian theology. This is exactly because Christianity does not understand evil or provide solid answers in that area.

You have to understand that I (a Catholic) believe that when I pray on Sunday, I enter the Kingdom of Christ for a small amount of time.

My last argument:

Corinthians 12:28:

"And God has appointed in the church, first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, various kinds of tongues."

You are retarded.
Dualism doesn't properly account for the nature of evil since it assumes everything is as evil as it is good.
Pic very related.


Because Buddhists don't enter the spirit world when they meditate amirite?

I know nothing about Buddhism, and I do not care.

typical christfag

Wow you are terrible at thinking. Long and short are both degrees of measurement, hot and cold are both gradients of temperature. To say good and evil are on a spectrum is NOT to say that black is white and white is black, it's to say that the whole thing exists on ONE continuum of being.

That's because Holla Forums is a nazi board and Christianity is an anti-white religion. You aren't one of us and you stick out like a sore thumb posting your baby's first theology Jewish fairy tales here.

Fine, give an example.

Fine, give examples.

daily reminder the turn the other cheek bit was added by the kikes

Christianity is not a slave religion. You must be your brothers keeper. You must defend your people from the parasites.


Well, many of pre-christian Europeans believed in some sort of reincarnation
The focus on what happens after we die is extremely egotistical and narcissistic. Are you honestly worried that when you die that we will lose a percentage of redpill in the world? if you did your job right, you'd create more red pilled people by birth or by converts and that's what matters to the future. it's about the ideas and archetypes that will survive. If Whites are genocided- then obviously that will cause an existential problem with our ideologies. If we make every non-white a christian- what would that do when we're all dead? Priorities, man. Worry about Christianity later. It's not like Whites are going to destroy all evidence of it for later generations in the future NS Whitetopia.
The fact is that we really don't know what happens when we die. Anyone who tells you that we do or don't as some concrete fact is lying to you. It doesn't matter because what is going to happen to all of us is going to happen anyways. Focus on what we know is here right now.
If you're truly worried about some omnipotent greedy deity, that it'll be pissed off that you didn't prostrate yourself before it when it doesn't give you undeniable evidence of it's divinity, then you should find comfort that you didn't spend your mortal existence worshiping an evil being. If you want to believe in devils and shit, then that would be the devil- something that will make you suffer for eternity because you didn't do some silly rituals as a lesser mortal being- AS IF IT WOULD MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE TO A GOD IF YOU CARED TO OR NOT KISS THE GROUND BEFORE IT in any sort of symbolic way.

Ignore my D&C. I'm .1% kike so I'm just trying to jew all of you goyim

"I am completely ignorant about an entire field of study, and I demand to remain so."

Knowing one religion is like knowing one language. You'll never understand the nuances. As an English speaker you'll never really grok the case system in Latin without studying it. Once you know what a case system IS, you can learn Russian much, much more easily.

God commanded a day of rest on Sunday, in which you would go to Church and enter the Kingdom of heaven. According to Catholic doctrine, after we sinned, the world began to diet, and is still dying. It will eventually be destroyed, because of original sin. Attending Church allows me to drink the actual blood and body of Christ, and I mean blood and body, and enter the Kingdom of heaven to love Christ. This means I will be eternally saved.

This has nothing to do with ignorance. There is only one God, Jesus Christ. Take your Yuppie Steve Jobs feel good bullshit somewhere else.

You're a word thinker, and you imagine you can trap God in a tiny box of theology. You are setting yourself up as greater than God and asserting that you can make God submit to your petty understanding. But you will find that God is not so easily tamed as that, and It has little ways of bringing all arrogance to ruin and all certainty crashing down.

This thread was created by some shitskin or crypto in Spain. All of these threads are being mirrored. This is a slide thread you idiots. Lt52Blajj94Ae/zXKiTKZx3EZ/lX13j8eJX9QPK9LEW9fDAdNm

Reminder, the world's oldest Bible says, Jesus didn't forgive anyone on the cross and didn't go to heaven but into town.

Poor Op sucked all that priest dick for nothing.

OH and shitbag, you aren't punished for your sins, but by them. All the fire and brimstone bullshit you're on, is Jewish nonsense meant to keep small children in line. Real Christianity is… well, it alludes you.

Thanks. My ideas stem from Evola

We know. We don't care.

Indeed, this is the problem with other retard religions: good and evil are not equal and most certainly not on a continuum.
Properly accounting for evil is to understand that it is a completely different concept than good.
Hence, Christianity doesn't have a concept of a supreme god that is both good and evil.
Nor does it have retard tier "Evil god" which fights "good god."
Our evil is expressed as a base desire which keeps us from the Divine, not as some titanic struggle as good and evil.
Since God is all good, evil doesn't even register on that scale.

As another user said, think of it as containment.

I'm French, friend.

if it is the case that mass immigration is harmful,
if it is the case that miscegenation is harmful,
if it is the case that P, Q, R, S, T… is harmful,
then nobody would support it.

the truth is the word.
stop forgetting that.

Why are you mirroring this stuff? And what is with


Go lick rapefugee feet.

What you're describing here is a universe that doesn't exist. You're describing a universe of all hot, a singularity. And even you don't believe in that if you really think about it. After all, doesn't God maintain the existence of Hell? How could Hell exist if it were entirely apart from God - how can ANYTHING exist that is outside his creative potential? To admit to the existence of Hell is to admit that evil continues eternally, which admits that it is a continuum.

Ponder this quote from The Master and Margarita

“But would you kindly ponder this question: What would your good do if
evil didn't exist, and what would the earth look like if all the shadows
disappeared? After all, shadows are cast by things and people. Here is the
shadow of my sword. But shadows also come from trees and living beings.
Do you want to strip the earth of all trees and living things just because
of your fantasy of enjoying naked light? You're stupid.”

I have no idea what that means. I haven't mirrored anything, I don't even know what you are talking about. Do you mean that I copied all of my responses and the thread from some other website?

''Indo"-European religion. European paganism and modern Hinduism share a lineage, and if we want to understand the worldview of our pagan ancestors, we can learn a lot from studying esoteric Hinduism.

That image made me laugh, but I don't know why.
Good form user.

You want to learn about pagan ancestors, you do. I pray you will accept Christ one day.

I dislike Christianity but that was kind of brilliant..

… im pretty sure everyone thinks words

no we believe God has revealed himself to us because he wants us to understand him. God isnt an impersonal entity like the force
no you are inentionally misrepresenting christians claim.
we havent revealed God to the world because we know him.
We know him because he revealed himself to us and to others who believe on his only begotten son.
and asserting that you can make God submit to your petty understanding.

-_- i want /x/ to leave

I can't take credit for it. It's from /christian/, made by a Catholic user.

I did. And then I abandoned Christianity because it taught me NOT to use my magical potential. I was dying of my own magic and all any Christian had to say was that I was evil for even trying to ask questions about what was happening to me.

Magic does not exist, and is an abomination of Christ.

True, the Bible is against race-mixing, faggotry, degeneracy, and has been warning mankind about the Jews for 2,000 years. So when real Bible Christianity is explained that way, there is either no response or just stupid name calling and insults. This shows the insincerity of the anti-christs.

Objectively there is a God who created the universe and put man on planet earth. He happened to reveal himself by Jewish prophets, who then were outcasts and killed by the Jews, of course. But since God is the only God, there's no going back to superstitious pagan nonsense like worshipping trees and frogs. Reason and duty dictates that we worship the True and Living God, and not invent false gods, or carry on worshipping false gods of the pre-christian era. The true God is Jesus Christ, and that's not something we get to decide to reject just because it came to us via the Jews. The proof of his divinity is - among countless other miracles - his resurrection from the dead. God who gave life, after man screwed it up with sin and death, fixed the problem and gives us now eternal life. This is a great message of hope. But idiots have marred it leading to the criticism. We have "christian" faggots and "christian" race-mixers and "christian" neo-cons etc. And we have "christian" superstitious nuts and "christian" religious charlatans and "christian" SJW's etc. These things are not Bible.

That was perfectly put, user. Succinct, and accurate.

That's because Hinduism is a truly universal religion, unlike Christianity and the other Judaic religions. Universal in the true sense. Abrahamic religions are actually generalized, not universal. It is a key difference.

God revealed itself to me as well. But see, you can't possibly accept that. I truly honestly believe that you're probably not spiritually retarded like so many of the normalfags are, just CARING about religion is a big step towards being less of a nigger. But you've got this set of beliefs, and you think if people believe them they're touched, and if they don't they're stupid heretics being deceived by Satan.

I've thrown myself off buildings and flown under my own power. I've thrown lightning bolts. I've bled out and died more times than I'd care to think. And all of these experiences happened in the spirit world. I felt them as real as my own body, more real in a lot of ways - and the fact that I woke up at the end does not convince me they were any less real than the thundering of my own heart.

Prove it.

Agree, this is a good thing.

The mods should make as a rule that all religious circlejerking has to be placed in a general. So many threads on here end up getting derailed by all the religious mudslinging.

Hahaha even the Bible says magic exists. The Witches of Endor? Seriously? Magic is as real as a two dollar bill - often rumored, rarely seen.


"Magic" is a power created by Satan, friend. I pray that you will return to the Bible, and ignore the false calling of Lucifer.

no its not, its a fucking semitic desert religion of weakness, forgiveness, surrender and "turning the cheek"

fuck off

Leviticus 19:31

“Do not turn to mediums or necromancers; do not seek them out, and so make yourselves unclean by them: I am the Lord your God.


Satan is imaginary. Several different characters in the KIKE TORAH have to be conflated before such an imaginary character can be revealed. You have to think the serpent in the garden, the accuser in court, Nebuchadnezzar, and the light bringer are all the same being to get confused enough to believe in Satan.

Kings 21:6

And he burned his son as an offering and used fortune-telling and omens and dealt with mediums and with necromancers. He did much evil in the sight of the Lord, provoking him to anger.

Uh, not all magic is necromancy stupid. I'm going to check your dubs - that's gematria, another form of magic.

How so?
He does not; Hell isn't fire and brimstone, it is the absence of God via our Free Will.
Hell is our rejection of God.
Because God is all powerful, He gave us free will.
Free will is a paradox because God is all knowing. Since omniscience means He knows everything that will happen, free will cannot exist.
Luckily, God is all-powerful.
Since He can do anything, He can give us a Free Will not bound to choices He made at the dawn of time.

Really though, this is pointless philosophizing which a Roman Catholic is better suited to think about.
Orthodox view such thinking as pointless for this simple reason:
How can we ever hope to even come close to understanding a God who is all powerful, all present, and all knowing?
It's beyond the "ant trying to comprehend the human" problem.
We look at it this way:
Why bother trying to think about a concept that hasn't been explicitly revealed to us?
Roman Catholics likely have this down to a science, but we're more concerned with our salvation than figuring out the mechanics of Creation.
I believe I already pointed this out, but Hell isn't evil in and of itself since it's a state of mind that persists after Judgement Day.

I don't have an opinion on evil continuing eternally, but it can't be a continuum if it didn't exist at the beginning, yes?
Hell doesn't exist yet; you have to wait for Judgement Day to get to that state.
Not sure what the other flavors believe, but I presume it's the same. Along with the RC bros, we're the oldest and everyone branched off of us in some fashion, so presumably they all have the same dogma in this regard.

I used to be an Atheist newfag who used Reddit before too. But much like "ebil Adolf Hitler" and "meth-addicted skin head" meme, I learned much about what I "knew" about Christianity was false.

Bet the majority of the fedora fags here believe the Dark Ages = no science meme when in reality, science and the humanities (non-(((modern))) kind) largely blossomed and grew out of the Church.
First pic is a small list of notable Christian figures in Science and the truly fine arts.

A metaphor for the internet?


Act 8:9-13

"But there was a man named Simon, who had previously practiced magic in the city and amazed the people of Samaria, saying that he himself was somebody great. They all paid attention to him, from the least to the greatest, saying, “This man is the power of God that is called Great.” And they paid attention to him because for a long time he had amazed them with his magic. But when they believed Philip as he preached good news about the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women. Even Simon himself believed, and after being baptized he continued with Philip. And seeing signs and great miracles performed, he was amazed."

You mock the Lord, user, yet He still loves you. I pray you'll reconsider that position. Jesus is NOT Jewish.

Nice Satan trips. I actually like Orthodox bros more than most Christians. I think you're just colossal faggots for standing there and saying no Zen Buddhist could possibly have any relationship to God, of course not, they don't believe in kike god yhwh after all


It's also worth pointing out that the "Light Bringer" or "Morning Star" is the Hebrew conception of the Aryans.
So the Aryan spirit is literally names as the devil by both Jews and Christians. No wonder our people have become so neurotic.

Acts. Saul Paul of Tarsus. Another kike.

That's right, I'm a really bad goy.

are you retarded?

pic-related is literally what you're saying.

user, only one God exists. These Pagan Gods are cruel, without mercy, and false prophets.

Thanks, user. Today I tried not let all the blasphemy get under my skin and that helped.


Why do Christcucks think the version of Christianity practiced by illiterate medieval peasants is more "true" than the version practiced by modern "tolerant" Christians who are actually capable of reading the Bible?

Daily reminder these threads are created to derail our union of thought, cause division among us and to slide.

Mods please ban this filth.

TIL: tea leaf reading was invented by Jews.

Some of them are. But life is also cruel and without mercy. In times of peace you need goddesses of fertility and the hearth. In times of war you need goddesses of death and violence.

I'm not sure if you are a /christian/ or not, but you should go there. It's certainly not a hugbox, they let anyone post, but it's good to go to a place that's devote to Christ.

Your Ethos has been shattered and your argument discarded


In all times, you need Jesus Christ

Truefact can confirm.
We also have saints who were sainted for burning magicians alive.

Haha, thanks. Why do you like us better?
For what it's worth, we have no problem with atheists, pagans, and the like. It's heretics who claim "this (heretical) new belief is Orthodoxy!" we (still) burn people alive for.

Actually, we believe they can have a relationship to God, but it has nothing to do with their weird religion.
Look up "ladder of divine ascent icon" if you're interested.

because they're in denial

Leaf reading is about as real as crystal energy (not at all). There is no cause/effect. Magic being real is true but not every wicca retardation is real.

I prefer religions without the "great" taste of kike. I definitely prefer religions that allow me to hone and shape my innate magic, because it finds way to start killing my body when I don't keep careful discipline over it. It's like a reactor that melts down if its energy can't be dissipated.

sorry, I tried but /christian/ isn't a welcome place for bible believers … and too many "please help me stop playing with my penis" threads

Why do you wish to be so violent, like many here?

What did you hope to accomplish by this thread? The same vapid one-liners and facebook/9gag images will be tossed about on both sides, and none of them will be properly challenged.

The debate should be had (not banned LEL) but you're at least two years (or should it be measured in PPH?) too late to be seeing any substantial back and forth debate on this and a few other topics.

I'll contribute a non-rare Chaby in keeping with the average post quality.

There being no cause-effect relationship is the ENTIRE POINT you Platonist ninny. Some things happen by intuition, not through reason.

To remind Holla Forums that, without Christianity, all is lost. There is no victory in violence and cruelty, but there is in the mercy of Him.


Even the Bible says magic is real, Christcuck. Don't pick and choose what you are going to believe from your Jewish fairy tale book.

Because violence is part and partial to the human condition you pussy. This is actually the whole dispute right here. I'd slit the throat of a goat if I were hungry, or I'd slit the throat of a hundred humans to secure the existence of my people and a future for white children. Right now your immune system is Shoah'ing millions of bacteria. Cry about it.

I decided to become an asatuar but then I learned that I couldn't get into Valhalla if I was an oathbreaker. But I had already sworn an oath to my fellow Mormons. So if I become a Mormon again and die in battle will I get into Valhalla or the Celestial kingdom? Please help!

I admitted it, but it is not a good magic. It is cruel, and comes from false prophets or those devoted to Lucifer.

intolerance and cruelty is good, because that is what kills your enemy

forgiveness gives you Current Year Amerikwa like today. Fuck your dead Jew.

To be fair, Orthodox Christians translated the bible into every language we could; it's how we chose to spread it instead of fire and sword (tho respect for Roman Catholic bros for doing it that way too).
Ancient Constantinople had accounts of people debating religious problems (heresy) in the streets.
When a council met to talk about a problem (say, iconoclasm), everyone was talking about it in the same way they talk about Donald Trump today.
Our problem with various denominations is that they constantly change shit; we call the very concept modernism.
Since we have the writings of the early church fathers (indeed, our liturgy is the same exact one they used), we believe we practice the religion exactly as they did.
New revelations do happen though; for example, the cherubic hymn.
We believe an angel descended from heaven specifically to tell a bunch of monks how they sang it in heaven.
I guess you could say that's technically an addition, but I would say straight up miracles that we believe in are revelation.

Thee is nothing wrong with Deus Vult, but I don't agree in the DOTR "kill a nigger because he's black" attitude. We must evaluate the person, not the colour.

Lucifer is the Aryan

Tea-Leaf reading isn't going to work any more than an 8Ball. It isn't based on anything that works.

Then it's reliable, implies that there must be some metaphysical principle behind it. I agree with you that instincts are to be trusted.

Christianity IS intolerance.
We do not tolerate evil, degeneracy, and laziness.
Necessary cruelty is encouraged if it keeps the peace.
Remember: we still burn people alive for preaching heresy.
pic related; prayed so hard that heretic died in a fire.

and that's when he admitted he doesn't belong on Holla Forums

Like I said way above, Holla Forums is a pagan board. Nature is fascist and so is paganism.

here it is people, the basic Christian position: race means nothing, only the individual.

You sound exactly like David French, or any other average cucked faggot "Conservative" from National Review.


Because that religion was dictated by the smartest people of the time and had not been influenced by the jews of the time, whos rightful place in shame was solidified according to the rules set forth in that very book you claim is their doing?
but since youre apparently retarded, let me make this simple:

because the jews didnt own the rights to europe yet

these threads are annoying at most, its the autismal paganposting and ctr accusations of cuckoldry the the real issue.
For example, if I point out the thriving of europe in culture, and technology under christianity despite the fall of the roman empire was only hindered by the constant infighting which in large part was created by pagans due to them being agriculturally inept and seeking violently begotten gibbedats from the civilized people, someone would ignore these basic facts of history to chimp out on my post.

I post a fact of the matter, morons respond like larpers, thus division is created.

Acts was written by shabbos goyim Luke. He was the first goyim fooled by Jewish kike Saul of Tarsus into worshiping the Jews

Holla Forums loves this shit. I don't disbelieve that D&Cers eat it up, but for enough of us these threads are like candy. I'm just as guilty as the christcucks are tbh

He's retarded. Race and segregation is a self-evident truth that is commanded since Babel. Interaction between NATIONS (ie. races) is allowed. In the non-physical sense there is no "race" and a white soul is no different from a black soul or a retard soul or a chink soul but they have different minds and bodies.

That doesn't mean race don't real, it's there so that people don't treat other races as goyim.

Yup, most(all?) of us are not white nationalists. You got us!

We care about culture, not race. We're also race realists: niggers beings niggers doesn't surprise us.
Kebab being backstabbers doesn't make us flinch.
Jews being the literal Synagogue of Satan comes with the territory!

your intolerance is built on abstract moralism, not racial and sexual differences of this world, the laws of evolution. To that extent, you are superficial and stupid.

just again wanted to emphasize that this is the basic Christian stance on race: it is meaningless, we're all just individuals and if you don't like buttsex, ur great. Godly nigger over atheist white any day. Dayus Voolt, pass me some Common Filth faggot fetish plz.

I really hate how its only october and yet the mall is already playing natalis solis invicti music

Chink souls ARE different than Swedish souls, that's why they developed unique religions. And that's why Christianity is fucking cancer! Aphrodite for Greece; Lakshmi for India; Freya for Norway - not Jesus for all.

are you really this stupid? You're not seriously this fucking retarded, are you?

That verse is one of the most misused in the entire bible these days. We are not all one "in Christ" because most people aren't even saved. And those that are are NOT all one in the flesh. Otherwise man = woman. You'll find "christians" who think that way, but they are dead wrong.

Yeah, in their own countries.
We think everyone should be allowed to live by default (until REMOVE says otherwise) and that life is precious.

Pic related; Orthodoxy is a great case study in how we view national boundaries and race mixing.

On the other hand, we're not 88's, but we're all about the 14.

and the idea that "culture", whatever that is, is mutually exclusive of race is one of the most pernicious bromides of liberalism.

you are a completely befuddled, deluded fool

Naw fam, that's some retarded shit. Probably think that consciousness is merely the result of the machinery of the brain and nothing else don't you?

If you have a lobotomy tomorrow and become a 60 IQ bedwetting NEET, your soul wouldn't be affected.

Is there any precedent for Christians committing hate crimes to ask for trials in Israel because they're jews. Seriously all they have to do is say they have a distant female relative who was jewish and deserve to be treated as such? It'd be a shitshow for them I'm sure but worth a kek or two if you're already going to prison.

but im not from norway
you probably arent either
im american, what am i REQUIRED to worship?

or is it ancestral?
so which of my pagan ancestral religions do i worship?

the one with the most blood?
great, i have to do a blood test now just to have a religion

tests are in, says im mostly irish, how do I worship the tuatha de danann?

wait, but what if im worshipping a foreign diety? the tuatha de danann were admittedly immigrants to ireland, does that mean im to worship the fomor?

okay, ready to worship the fomor, how does this work?



"If you kill your enemies, they win."-Rabbi Jesus

Christcuckery once again confirmed to be the origin of all degenerate liberal garbage.

God loves diversity. That's why there's 60,000 or howevermany the fuck species of beetle. God doesn't want everybody to be Christians, he wants people to grow separately up their own paths, mediated by ethnicity and culture. Christianity is POISON to culture. Christianity tries to boil all cultures down to "HURR LUB JEEBUS" and burn away everything that makes them different and unique. Diversity in religion is best, just like separate but equal races are best


I see no problem with offering salvation to everyone while still understanding that niggers are gonna nig.

No I agree; race affects culture and vice versa.
Having said that, understand that we believe that everyone deserves a shot at salvation.

Why deny them?
Pic kinda related.

But you never read the Bible, you only saw retarded Pentacostals cuck to Israel and foam at the mouth about Pokemon on /r/atheism!

There are no exact requirements. That's why it's so fucking great! You bushwhack your own path towards God with nothing but a machete and your own wits and determination. Personally, I worship Inanna. I do so for cultural reasons more than genetic, because my culture as a burger traces its lineage to ancient Babylon and because she is a goddess I identify with.

Anti-pagan is codeword for anti-roman.

Islam is to modern Europe what Christianity was to Rome.

2nd millennia Europe > Rome

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."-Jesus

Keep em coming Christcucks.

A full thousand years of Roman history was Christian.

Please tell me you're larping.
Just…. just this once please let the ruse end and admit it.

You don't have to actually worship anything, fucking crazy right? Instead you follow the traditions of valuing strength and virtues that your ancestors held close (whoever they may be if you're a mutt) so that you essentially see the Old Gods as role models for the man you want to be instead of your sky daddy overlord who dictates every aspect of your kosher life.

The shitty part ya

You know Christianity is anti-racist, but you also know race crucially influences how people behave. Uou apparently want to have your cake and eat it too.

Why deny them? Because you can't have both without looking like a fraud.

Let's see. Goddess of getting laid and war, rode into battle standing on TWO lions. Was the original archetype for Prometheus and stole fire, among dozens of other gifts, from the pantheon of gods and brought them down and shared them with humans. Occasionally threw a temper tantrum and rekt ultimate face.

Yeah I can't imagine why a Holla Forumsack would want to worship that instead of a kike who LET himself be crucified even though he could have easily stopped it.

A strong, Aryan faith! I hope your path leads you to where you belong. That said, I'd have you consider the social ramifications of the belief in both a single God and many gods.

The main difference between the worship of many gods and one God is that "many gods" exist only because many things have been deified. For example, there's countless goddesses of love. And love should be celebrated, but should it be worshiped? When I worship Aphrodite, I am worship love - and especially sexual love in this case. How else can I worship this goddess aside from sexual acts? This is the logic which leads to orgies, perversions and other degeneracy. Just as those peoples who worship primarily war deities tend to engage in war. But if you worship one God as being the cause of those things rather than the things themselves, then you can take a less degenerate approach when venerating something you find venerable. So long as your God is not corrupt, perverted or otherwise degenerate, you will not be those things.

You are what you worship.

keep up the good fight

Majority of the buildings weren't there and the Empire barely covered Italy until well after Constantine fam. It was great but became greater.

youve been working over time getting nothing done.

except that isnt the rule, first off, "thou shalt not kill" is the rule of moses, not jesus, second, jesus said to kill is not immoral if it is in defense of your nation, so long as you do not incite his name as the reason for doing so (in other words, kill for your country, but dont do it because you think jesus wants you to)

this is basic shit dude.

according to the earliest versions of the texts, god literally doesnt give a fuck, the christian god is the creator god, and he sends prophets to deal with that shit for him, and even beyond that, there are what amount to demi gods who work specifically on planet earth, one of them being the so called "yahweh" who is a huge dickhead who god stuck commanding the jews.

with the apocrypha intact with early versions of the bible, christianity sounds like a group of kids get together to play civ 5 and the asshole of the group gets stuck with the desert faction because he was late to the lan party and got last pick.

Many stories in the bible of issues of marrying outside of your tribe. Check open bible verses .com . From the Bible I interpret Race mixing is not encouraged or you can expect problems.

"We're all equal on the inside"-Jesus

Ooh boy, this is good stuff. Literally the entire foundation of shitlib beliefs lies in christcuckoldry. What a degenerate subhuman religion.

This is my problem with pagans, for most of them it isn't a religion. If you believe your gods are fictional characters who are just Jungian archetypes or good role models, what you have is not a religion and will not help to organize any sort of cohesive society. Nobody is going to give their life for some archetype that they don't think is literally true. Say what you will against Christianity, but a much larger percentage of them believe that their God is literally real, which is a prerequisite for a faith to hold any sort of real world value.

We're not anti-racist, well fuck, I'll define racism since in (((the current year))) racism is everything.
Racism to me means "remove everyone who isn't Russian" which I abhor.
Racism to most means "niggers like to riot" which we all agree with.

We get blamed for genocides all the time, but yeah, we don't do it based strictly on race.
Example: remove kebab only removed muslims. Albanian Christians were A-OK and indeed their culture is completely different from piece of shit albanian kebab.

Christianity preaches slave-morality of equality, surrender, forgiveness, "love", charity, humility, all of which are slave instincts. You're basically a big pussy.

Jews were the slaves of the old world, hence their Jew religion projects their slavish Jew values. And you gobble it up, cuck. Jesus was a filthy Jew hippie, fuck your anomalous retcon quotation inserted by some white monk in the 10th century.

It depends what you mean by racist. A lot of Christians were 'racist' by today's standards for hundreds of years, but yes they generally believed all races were created by God and didn't want to wipe them out.

And tell me how that worked out for them user, do tell how great Samson and Samuel and the guys from Exodus and everyone who married outsiders what happened to them.

SPOILERS: They all got killed by their kinsmen, or got cursed and died, or got betrayed by their wives and died

I'll be square with you, I've never even met one in real life.
To me it all sounds like straight up larping, but since the only "pagans" i've ever met were "MUH ODIN" army faggots who ended up going to services anyway, I tend to believe none of them are actually pagan.


Christianity and the other abrahamic faiths are all extremely materialistic by nature.

Absolutely civic

This is a fair criticism. I agree it's a totally uphill battle at this point. But at the same time, we're about to shitpost an emperor. If Holla Forums really put its minds it, we could establish an ethnic paganism with room for the expression of all different kinds of religious behaviors.

which of course implies removal of niggers. You want to have your cake and eat it too, you look like a fraud

you have to make a decision. Do you go with what you know is true, the inescapable fact of the nigger and all that entails, or do you continue pretending that a Jew in the sky is going to make it all go away if you close your eyes and pretend not to notice?

yes, Christianity is anti-racist. You are all basically obsolete liberals.

Pussies don't remove kebab with the best of them.

I keep hearing this; assuming you're not just schilling, explain.
My initial reaction is that you can't be a slave by choice.

I want people who believe scripture written by other men and approved by a committee or a ruling leader as the word of god to leave.

Go be a gullible shit somewhere else.

That image. I fucking love this place.

So you literally are admitting it's literally Christcuckery, you're submitting to being acted upon instead of being the spiritual actor yourself.

Wow, why would anyone but a simpleton with a ball-stepping fetish want that?

Yes, from my country.
I don't want to remove them from the world unless they're kebab.
Look at Orthodox countries: we throw bananas at them.

And this is a good thing how? "Paganism" is just the native religions of Europe, we acknowledge that the Old Gods were not actual gods, they were paragons for our people. The difference betweem Christianity and us is that we establish that there is one true basis for our "religion", the love of our people and their customs and values.

And the vast majority of the Christians I've met were evangelical christcucks (see
), none of them were the deus vult crusader LARPing type.


oh i see, so if i dont worship the right thing, i cant do it at all

not that i even fucking worship, I just have a general curiosity of religions and its annoying to see people fail to understand any context within the texts. Id do the same shit if you talked about the mabinogi, but the pagan cunts on this site are so obsessed with europe's niggers we only ever hear about the great battle between german paganism and christianity.

and for the record, nobody ever argues when i explain the parts of the jewish texts that prove they are a bunch of disgusting kikes from day one.

so my medieval ancestors are of less value than those before them?
starting from the middle ages on to today my ancestors worshiped christ, but they are less relevant than my ancestors before them who worshipped wolves and aliens?

how about, again, my irish ancestors, who believed that we live in cycles, so the pagan god of one cycle is reborn in a new one, lugh lamfadha of the mythic cycles is thought to be jesus christ in the king's cycle, and fuck, he may very well be fucking trump in the current (unnamed) cycle.

you see how this is alot more complex than you simpletons paint it?

Yes, it is no coincidence that modernism arose from Christianity.

No those exist, they just don't post here. Go look up the guys that went to Syria, Iraq, and Ukraine.

My parish has been straight up told that we're going to be bullet sponges if Russia decides to retake Constantinople at some point.

I should point out also, my medieval ancestors were a fuck of alot smarter than my pre-medieval ancestors, i meant to convey that but failed to.

The Christ does not care for the blood of my ancestors. So I neither care for his.

Once you Christians finally forsaken your blood. We will loose all similarities and I will see your descendants as the lesser races they are of which you have been trying to hold up to me as worthy for all these years.

Remember your rent is almost up. The king under the mountain sleeps for only a millennium as even your apocalypse foretells.

I will always judge you for the look of your ancestors until you finally leave them.

Shouldn't this be an option though? Surely a big portion of heathens believe in the metaphysical deities of asatru.

Moscow has taken in more Muslims than all of Europe.


that's kind of a cop-out. If you remove them from Russia, you'd just as well remove them from any other place if you happened to live there.

the nigger race must be excluded unconditionally, and those that use it as a battering-ram should be equally excluded, preferably exterminated. That is the one practical duty of whites today, i don't give a godamn what some hippie Jew said 2000 years ago.

holy shit a king under the mountain reference. My man! That's actually a great example of the religious orientation available to National Socialism

I would name myself christian and go on a crusade in a heartbeat if one were actually called.

thing is, you cant actually stop being a "cuck" and go on a holy war because that makes you an insane person who will likely be put in prison before you ever kill a shitskin.

by the way, why arent the pagans doing this? so far our militaries are majority christian, but for all the blood and thunder talk none of the pagans seem to be signing up or going on viking rampages (clown hunts dont count)

[Citation need]

What it actually says is that no man knoweth the hour but that's what happens when your primary sources are reddit and Youtubers. Opps.

I actually was feeling slightly guilty for my hate of Jews, I have been praying about it for a while and praying for an answer. I always knew they were a satanic diversion from Christianity, but its very nice to have real facts on it.
They really never were connected to Christians, only in the fact that they were deviants from Yahwism.

both crucial insights: liberal modernity is the secular avatar of Christianity. Liberals are actually perfected Christians, just substitute "racism" for "paganism", same difference.


Hindus believe in their gods. Shinto believe in their gods. I don't see any reason NOT to believe that Freya could be a real, existing person, outside of cuckoldry. I won't say I'm without doubt. But I do have a mustard seed, and that's as much as Christianity ever asked either.

I already explained how it's a good thing. If a religion has value in the material world it's because it a) helps people unite into a socially cohesive unit around common units, common worship, common beliefs, etc. b) motivates people towards good behavior they might not otherwise undertake. If you don't really believe in your gods it's not going to help in either of those areas. Name a religion that successfully united people where none of the people actually believed in it. You can't. It's hard for moderns to understand but pagans generally did believe that their gods literally existed. But it's hard to successfully resurrect a dead religion and bring it back to widespread practice, perhaps impossible. It's never been done before to my knowledge. Once widespread belief in gods is lost restoring that belief is an insurmountable challenge. To quote Hitler, "Nothing dies unless it is moribund".

They're native tartars; pic related.
They're diet coke as fuck and diet-coke muslims convert to Orthodoxy eventually.
It's genius.
Our conversion numbers there are going through the roof and it's been more than twenty years since communism.

I just can't get behind that user and I understand if that discounts us from your consideration.
Understand that we can still be allies up until that point is reached since the preceding goals are far more important than a disagreement down the road.

I said none of those things nor did I imply that
I know next to nothing about potato nativist practices, but if that leads you to worshiping Trump fucking go for it
I'm not painting it as simple you twat, all I'm trying to do is dispel the fiction and get you to open your fucking eyes a little

"Thou shalt have no other gods before me" I don't get why so many people ignore the fact that the existence other gods and entities besides YHWH is literally spelled out. Kek and His followers are not treated or thought of any less by me, nor should they be by any follower of Christ, period. There are religions and practices, whether dogmatic or not, which pose no ill will or malicious intent. Literally every church in my region is under the direct control and apostasy of jews and Scarlet Freemasonry. A particular people who rape children, manufacture and distribute methamphetamine, and attempt to run folks like me out of town have had a stranglehold on a certain congregation quietly known for this exact subversive hand-ringing. "Good goy,, fight among y'selves so our band of evil may reign supreme." Allegiances don't mean shit to me when they control the same bullshit narrative at a local level which openly threatens our people. What does, however, is this multi platform d&c which persists in sugar coating and even encouraging prescription to excuses for savagery such as Islam, "Judaism", Laveyan bullshit, or anything seeking to undermine our people who know what the fuck is up. I refuse to preach any hippie love bullshit, because we've all seen at least one bastard hide behind that pulpit. I assume most of you quickly recalled a figure in your memory that fits that description. It is not my business to convert or patronize another's free will. Those who follow Christ MUST understand that accepting the religious differences within our side is detrimental to the survival of our race and a future worth fighting for. For years, lurking has brought me the purest reward. I post this because you are the only ones who believe, know, and understand the things that get people whacked in my town. (((They))) have a final solution as well which began many years ago. This was our first warning. Christcucks, actually read your Bible and you'll find these fucks have had it coming for a long time. This will be my only post ever on Holla Forums. I'm ready to die, are you?

The problem with racial exclusive religions is, what is a Greek supposed to believe?
Hellenism was exported specifically because they thought it was the "one true way," (although I understand they accounted for some foreign gods in various ways).
Hinduism is a weird case since that is the only religion I know of whose ranks keep expanding as part of the baseline religion.


Because most "pagans" right now at least in the USA are edgy kids rebelling against their parents, and those of us who are adults don't want to sign up to become ZOGbots just yet. That is why it is important to change hearts and minds to keep us from dying out.

Christianity never preaches slave mentality. In fact it preaches that deviants (Canaanites and Edomites) will be servants of Christians. It never says to take in rapefugees or allow vile disgusting sinners to ravage your country, quite to opposite.
The only slave mentality there is, is to God. Following a hierarchy is inherently masculine.


you have to read Nietzsche. Identify the values of the slaves, which is what niggers are, slaves, and preach the opposite values. Construct a religion organizing them and sell it as absolute fact to the masses, then they will buy it.

poets never actually believe in what they write, that would defeat the point. Christianity was built by liars as much as anyone else, only difference is that they had different enemies, hence their values are targeted towards certain groups.

Paganism generally tends towards different gods, same theology. So nobody gets in a religious argument because the next town over worships their ancient racial deity. They say, "Oh, Freya is just Aphrodite cosplaying for those blonde northerners" and get on with their day. It's the monotheisms that have a tendency to get butthurt about these kinds of difference.

Now as to repopulating the public consciousness with these deities, that is a long, hard job that would last generations.

You mean submitting yourself to being a subservient to a judean religion is inherently masculine? By your logic, I could just switch to Islam because they're so rank-and-file.
So denying the teachings of one jew is to accept the teachings of another type of jew? Why should I care about that?

Wew, lad.

The Abrahamic religions were created to bring about Ragnarok. They are designed to destroy everything good in the world and being it to its lowest point. Christianity destroys strength. Islam destroys beauty. Judaism destroys honor.

The goal of these Jewish religions is to bring the twilight of the (Aryan) gods. Those useful goyim who follow these religions will be "saved," and spend afterlife in Jerusalem worshiping the Jew's feet before being recycled into the next cycle as more jewslaves. Those who fight against this menace and die honorably will be reborn as gods.

that's not very ecumenical of you

Have you ever traveled in Russia?

Srsly WTF - there are very few white-ish Muslims, the rest are mud people of various kinds: Tajiks, street-shitters, Mongolian retards, kebabs etc.

Mongolians are Buddhist/Tengrist.

How about no, fedora-tipper

Nietzsche is amazing, cunt. He's actually faking his atheism; his works are easily as religious as those of Kierkegaard. He just didn't have any framework other than Christianity for explaining himself, because popular knowledge of other religions in his time and place was incredibly impoverished. I don't believe for one second a man who wrote

"I say unto you: one must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star."

Was a fedora.

He had the religious consciousness while being overwhelmingly disillusioned by the ambient religion of his culture.

you forgot the part where God directed their writings.

Read or don't reply

Christ was not a "Jew". The Jews are a vile split off of the followers of Yahweh that denied Christ and made up their own laws to follow Satan.

May have been worded badly, shouldn't use the word slave. But submitting to an authority that is beyond you is in no way bad. Would you not obey orders of the glorious Third Reich?

god you are pathetic

Oh right, the part invented by kikes.

Gods not a kike

But Christ was a jew, it doesn't fucking matter whether he identified as one or not.

Literally all it's saying is "if a nigger or chingchong is a virtuous christian they can go to heaven", not "we're all exactly the same, making you all different at the tower of babel was just a prank so you better get mixin'"

The trouble with you is you're deceived by your own contact. I don't for one second disbelieve you have a great flowing of spiritual energy inside yourself, but you've got to understand, that's not because of what you believe, it's because you've cultivated magical consciousness.


id say:
but then youd say "i never said nor implied that"
then i might ask:
but then youd probably get bitchy and talk about ancestors
either way, im not worshiping trump, actively supporting him should be more than enough.

now this is surely directed elsewhere, because as i have clearly said and demonstrated, I am fully capable and willing to explore unfamiliar things to me, but I have to wonder how you plan on defending your suggestion that i do so when you are so adverse to doing the same with christianity.

wait, stop there, dont bother arguing about why you dont want to read about christianity, because I dont care, honestly, I dont give a single fuck if youre christian or not, curious or not, and i hope no mormon or witness ever botheres you again, but im not gonna fucking sit here and let someone with a supposedly honest goal fuel a self-sustaining disinfo campaign for the world's most influential (and so dangerous) religion. We need unity if were going to get power, we can fight afterwards, but this cancer is fucking us up more than the cia ever could and will cause us to miss our opportunity to see the common vision made real.

I don't think you read. Christ was Judean, which has very little to anything to do with "Jews" the Jews are the people that split after Christ's teachings to make up their own religion called Talmudism. THEY STOLE CHRISTIAN HERITAGE TO TRY AND FIT IN WITH THE CHRISTIANS. Judea is not the Jewish people, that was invented by the King James translation of the Bible.

This is why they try to spread the lie that they are the"Chosen People", Christ denounced the Talmudists and called them evil. They have literally nothing to do with Christians.

So while God was sending kike prophets to tell off the kikes for being such kikes, what was he busy telling the Scandinavians? I mean God should have been talking to them at the same time, right? Circa 500 BCE they had essentially no contact with kikes but God must have been sending THEM prophets telling them… what?

I was being sarcastic
I am also fully capable and willing to explore unfamiliar things as I've already done with Christianity, solely destroying Christianity is not a goal of mine, the goal is to inform good and honest whites of its true meaning and if they still want to continue being christian after that then that's their choice
So what you want to do is unite whites, a fair and honest goal. But why unite them behind a religion that has its roots in being non-white, is not explicitly pro-white (and some may even say is pro-shitskin), to protect AGAINST non-whites when you can use any number of dominant white religions that have sustained empires before them? And by the way, I'm not fueling a fucking disinfo campaign.

You don't seem to understand. Being any kind of jewish(yes, including being judean) is more than just a morphing identity, it's a biological reality.

You forgot about the part where that can't possibly be proven and there are far too many plausible reasons to explain why those who were doing the writing and approving of said texts would have motivations other than "god".

Think about this for a moment, how could followers of Yahweh be of Jewish ethnicity if Talmudism wasn't invented yet. "Jewish" and "Judaism" are false descriptions of Talmudists. Judean people were split into the Christians and Talmudists during the life of Christ, the Talmudists became what we know as Jews and were disowned by christ as followers of satan. Being Judean is not the same as Jewish that is fallacy permeated by the Jewish people.

I don't have knowledge on this subject.

Thanks for the fun gotta be sleepy time now. Will read thread tomorrow.

See I can totally agree with you that if God were going to talk to the kikes, he would send prophets to say, "OMG holy shit, can you awful kikes stop being such kikes for 20 consecutive seconds, you are terrible people and you're embarrassing God."

But I also think he was telling Scandinavians - aren't your ancestral deities so cool and strong? Aren't your culture heroes so great? Keep up the good work, you have great aspirations, and if you don't stop now you can accomplish great things.

m8 you're still not reading my post.

Then why do Jews of the old testament act exactly like Jews today?

From Wikipedia, but for other reasons I was looking at samizdat on there. Basically hand made dissident documents, mostly political but religious and literary works were also created and distributed. Just kind of a weird anomaly that no copies in whole or part of the koran were distributed illegally during the Soviet times.

Any Russian Muslims on by any chancer?

its hard to tell with your lot.

Not enough, it seems.

ive been able to gather, a quite simple understanding of the driving motivations behind christianity:
god improves the after lives of good people, and the devil brings suffering to the bad
be generous
if a man should be petty to you, be kind to him
do not steal, nor trick others for your own gain
do not be greedy
be truthful
be humble
do not kill in tribute to god
never trust a jew

pretty good set of values, shared commonly throughout the world, and the basis for a rational, cooperative, and peaceful nation, while the first and second to last points could easily be removed, they dont necessarily hurt, and it reads like a list of the last things a kike would possibly want to do, likely because it is written precisely in response to them.

though i think the easiest thing to do is just consider that the same minds you are trying to change are already on your side where it counts, they are on Holla Forums, they took the red pill, they seek to destroy globalism, displace the jew, and create a white ethnostate.
attempts to inform come off as little more than malicious division among the agreed.

i said in the very part you quote that I dont care if someone is christian or not, the reason i am even here is because the disinformation of it is being used to harm us as a group, wanting us united against our enemies despite our differences sounds pretty pro-white to me, its certainly not pro fucking jew.

i think this even being a talking point is retarded, the texts as far as anyone can figure makes absolutely zero mention of race outside the jews, so it is clearly not concerned with it (outside the jews), Yes, you can read into that as being anti white as a result of being pro-nothing, but that was never the point (outside the jews), the christian god was not portrayed as exclusive to them in the first place, and he is seen as the god of all existence, gods like odin may even be considered a type of god, but not the god above gods (though even odin was not the god above gods, so whatever) Yahweh isnt even mentioned in the NT, meaning he too was likely considered one of the gods who was not above god, and so not for us to seek out (additionally the jews worship moloch after breeding with the people of canaan, so yahweh is virtually a dead god).

its worth pointing out though that according to the soul hypothesis put forward by any of the religions of reincarnation, youll probably become a nigger if youre a shitty white person, and wont get to be white again until you learn to stop being a cunt.
Even if this isnt motivated by skin color, it would be motivated karmically by the average quality of life, meaning whites and asians are the closest beings to god, and niggers and shitskins are more than likely going to wake up as chickens and pigs when they die.

then its a shame that instead of looking to sol invictus, they look to odin, no? odin never held empires, odin motivated poor farmers to kill better farmers for their food, german paganism is not roman paganism, and the insistence that we all must follow it for the good of the race reeks of shilling.
That isnt to disregard wodinism, ive been fascinated by germanic mythology all my life, and i would hate to remove from them their feats, but it is not some magic answer to the question of how to save our people.

considering youve not been freaking the fuck out and larping all over the place, I believe you dont intend to, and considering your relatively mild manner of addressing you probably arent helping those efforts by much if at all, but there is very much a campaign to tear the board apart, and it is this meme of german pagan answers and christian destruction, ill give whoever started it credit though, its a powerful meme, and it works in secret, making it just as dangerous as any weve produced, because weve been tricked into thinking it was our meme all along.

nicely worded my nigger

probably the same thing, they just failed to listen.

one of the things that separates early from modern christianity is this thought that you are either "with us or against us"
Pagans were not disallowed from becoming like god, they just refused to do it. Theres a part in the new testament that breaks down the goal of a christian, and it seems quite reasonable, it even says you can become healers or prophets or like god, but it requires one thing that so many groups struggled with at the time, being love. It was insisted that the most true key to heaven, what separates those pretending from those practicing, is love.

now that sounds super pussy, but thats exactly why the pagans in particular were given this lesson, they worship power in all manner of pagan religions, and to jesus this led to destruction. Note that it isnt peace permanence, as jesus also in at least one moment says that war must be fought to preserve nations, but seemingly a policy of love and peace as the goal of life, not a mere byproduct of it.

So lets say god "sends" a prophet to the scandies…what happens when he tells them that power will not make them great?
They fucking kill him.

Im sure long before christendom there was some fucker name bjorn son of magnusson who was stabbed to death for talking mad shit on freya or something.

the truth is the truth, no matter where it comes from.
the entire world is a medium.
it's not just books and shows. the truth can be derived from everywhere. lies rely on it.

if it's true, believe it. it's as simple as that.

Christianity is a sinister religion for edgelords that want to cloak their treachery in the garbs of sheep. Satanism and Christianity are the same shit. If you are a Christian, you may as well be a black magick practitioner.

legitimately lol'd

You have no idea. When I talk to Christians and read some of their scriptures I feel a primal power running through it all that is very dangerous. It's not like reding the Bhagavad Gita and many other texts that help you understand; Christianity is a useful tool for me not as a way of understanding but as a narrative full with intense fear and love. Jesus is a dangerous man and not be trusted and God is the OG bad-ass that is responsible for EVERYTHING in this world, all the evil and the good. God has many aspects, many sides to him, and to fully worship him is to at once experience incredible terror and love. Christians generally do not understand this, but they are approaching upon the threshold of power. They just don't know how to focus the mind upon two poles at once, if they did, they would wield the power I do. The Christian religion is a vector for intense magick to be worked. I have seen it myself, seen things a mundane like you would never believe, done with the help of the Jesus entity. Do you know what it means to be god-fearing? I do. I sincerely do. Christianity is so loaded with loosh. You doubt its sinister aspect? It's like a hello-kitty AK-47 Assault Rifle, or like an execution clothed in more soothing terms. Do you know that you have to die to be reborn again in Christ? I know how it is. I know death. God will purge everything inferior from you, when you are ready to let it all go, and become a vehicle for super-rational intelligence and divine power.

this realm is filled with possibilities.


Deus Vult, brethren. Holla Forums is a christian board, Atheists and pagans need not apply.


God wills it.

Lay down your worldlyshackles and become a follower of Christ now. Only with him you will have eternal life. All your worldly posessions and accomplishments will rot away, they are meaningless.

Bumplocked? Why has Holla Forums the worst moderation of all boards? If you take a look at the catalog every 4th or so thread is bumplocked. Grow up Holla Forums moderation, you'd better fit on reddit, crybabies.

checked but stop it.
this is not how you save souls.

it's anchored and rightfully so.

if you cared about them, you would say something like "do not be afraid. faith is critical to enduring hardship" or somesuch.

what we do here matters for who we leave behind. it's a part of it.

because it's a standard d&c exploit.

Atheist will not be spared on the day of the rope.

K, Muhammad

It's only true that christianity played a large part in erasing the original European culture and way of life. It destroyed what is ours and became an amalgam of native and foreign.

Says who? What kind of retarded statement is this?
Yeah, definitely helping Europeans.

Are you fucking retarded? You contradicted yourself in the same sentence.

is this a pasta or are you actually retarded

I'm glad faggot OP is getting BTFOed. Thanks, guise.

We really do need a reawakening of our real belief systems, not christ insanity.

Sure. We're whatever you fags think. It's not like we're low-key and forming communities to protect our people.

The primary reason we are low-key is because you christfags are traitors that like killing your own people for the Jews.

thread is bumplocked, and you clearly don't know what you're talking about and just skimmed to that one post

Im so glad this is all you faggots have anymore, it reeks of desperation.
that last image is especially pathetic, straight up MIDF shit.

Please tell me more about your magical jew overlord

Just a wizard, problem mundane?

you're gonna need to define your terms man otherwise its hard to decipher.

Christians are so fucking autistic sometimes.