Why is this site better than 4chan?

I know that 4chan is litterally cancer, but what makes this site better? What's the difference between the sites?
I just found this site, and I'm prepared to leave 4chan if it is better here.
Give me some reasons.

Other urls found in this thread:


because is slower.

is the difference between chat and a forum, well that it for me at least.

Because you're gay

You have to go back, user.

lurk more faggot

Lurk moar, faggot.

Because we actually discuss topics we are interested in instead of making unfunny shitposting threads like you just did.

4chan tracks everything you do by ip address. You are not anonymous.

the captcha provided by google is part of the system tracking you and everything you post.

Moot was a jew who sold out his userbase for a woman who cucked him. The new guy is a jap who like to sell user data and has no idea what he's doing.

Because this site wasn't made by a literal cuck.

so, how long is it before a post reaches the bottom on average?

How? Fucking how could you be so daft and not notice it? Did the whole drama in 2013 just go over your head or did you find 4chan only after that.
Either way don't make these threads, just see for yourself.

Did she actually mean that or was it just a typo?
Either way it makes me laugh lots.
sage because off topic and this a shit cuckchan thread.

Lurk for 6 more months at the very least, faggot.

Sorry, I had no idea.

I left the 4chancer once Moot cucked out, have never gone back.

Oh. I didn't know that.
I'm probably on most watchlists then.

So who owns this place?
Am I really anonymous here then?

I was a stupid faggot plebbit cuck back then, and I first started using 4chan 5 months ago.

I'm curious about this too

You're never anonymous unless you take a whole lot of precautions. I'd wager getting here gets you put on even more watchlists but at this point who fucking cares.

2 years lurking then.

There's no captcha per post, no board-wide IDs, far less shitty mods, and not as many shills. It's also slower.

Quality-wise though, it's no real different nowadays. It used to be better, but it isn't anymore. The communities act the exact same, and worship the same Holla Forums values. Some people here will try to convince you that they're SJWs or something equally dumb, but that's only the shills and the mods over there really.

the google captcha was the last straw for me

she meant it, but Cernovich didn't fuck her.

I wish he did.

According to rumors Hotwheels has been dead for a year now so the owner is also the 2ch-owner Jim.

You should abstain from posting for a year. also read this 8ch.net/faq.html

I know.
Why is this place worse?

half/pol/ is garbage
*Soundless webms
*VPN's are blocked
*Doxxing is a bannable offense
*Flags are fucking stupid
*Mods are sjw leftovers from the moot era
*You can't filter people
*You can only post one pic at a time
*Normalfags and moeshit weebs everywhere

That's just off of the top of my head.

I knew he didn't go there (I think hes married himself now) but didn't know much more about the story.
Is/was Rogan having marital issues then?

It isn't,

It isn't, now go.

lurk more

Why don't you take a look around and lurk for a few months instead of shitty up the board with the 6 gojillionth 'what's the difference between here and 4cuck?' thread

So can you actually have a real conversation here, without either getting your thread cut, or people spamming stupid shit all over it?
And is it the same memes and all that?

Don't ask, find out. Or better fuck off


Why? Why not engage? I consider myself to be pretty redpilled about a lot of stuff.


Because the reputation we have is to be the worst of the worst that got even banned from cuckchan.

No it's not the same memes, a lot of cancerous memes that try to weasel their way here gets called out.