(((David Frum))) Spills the Beans

(((David Frum))) Spills the Beans


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An example of the Jewish persecution complex/Trump hatred from a major Jewish Neocon constitutes a slide thread? Fuck off nigger.




Oy vey shut it down!


For the same reason they have a long history of being ousted for making ebin golems

Top kek. These guys are not bright. If blacks see Trump Jr's post, it will help them win the black vote. Blacks would like to blame someone like Soros for the riots and this gives them a chance too.

I hope they find out about slavery. Then it'll really kick off.

I used to think Jews were smart, but I have grown to realize that they are the beneficiaries of a culture incapable of criticizing them. They have grown so complacent and proud that they call anti-corruption a dogwhistle for anti-Semitism. The funny part is that normies don't think Soros=da jooos. Frum is unintentionally redpilling. It figures considering how awful his writing is.

P.S. His verification check should be a magen David.

I love the way they squirm.


Wew that would be hilarious.

Oy vey what an antisemite this David Frum is, drawing attention to the semitic origins of George Soros. C-come on g-g-goys, not all jews are globalist billionares.

I know it's Molyjew, but GOD I love listening to that little fuck squirm.

ffs Holla Forums

Frum shills against DUDE WEED. Cannabis works like Nada's sunglasses in They Live.


This from the jewiest of kike neo-cohen vermin. First time I've ever seen the scumbag say something honest.


get out. Jew.

Lel Mollyjew has been a solid fucking wrecking ball, he's the best e-celeb out there. He's a warrior for Trump.

They're not smart, they're just sneaky. Before the internet, they were simply hard to detect.


Yeah, he's a bit different now, he'll be throwing his granny in an oven the rate he's progressed in the last years.

Fucking yids make everything about themselves.

If you've ever said something innocent, and had the recipient sperg out and accuse you of >implications, you immediately start suspecting them of something untoward. I don't know where that famed jewish verbal IQ is, but Frum must never have heard of 'thou dost protest too much'.

/freech/ faggots stole their memes from neocon jews? Explains a lot.

He will never give up the easy strawman/low hanging fruit of le ebul nahzteees. It's too convenient for his Libertarian agenda.

Having said that I still really really like Molyjew.

it begins

Oh god this was so good.

If he's honest, he simply must get to the JQ in time.

Holy shit, that Jew really squirmed like a rat when he grabbed him by the bagels.

So it is now impossible to criticize anything a jew does, ever.

Well, yeah dude. That's the point. If you call out a kike because he's committing kikery and doing bad things to good people, he'll scream "Oy vey goyim muh anti-Semitism!!!1!11" and make it all about his race/religion, to distract normies from noticing that he's a total piece of shit.

Just don't perpetuate anti-semitic canards, even by pointing out examples of them clearly actually happening irl.

trying to challenge him on twitter
hit him with logic and gas chambers not being real

burden of proof on accuser

the wild claim that must be prooved is there are gas chambers
not that the gas chambers are bullshit
theses kikes did word games to skip a step

there is no evidence

fuck off kike your power is over
canard is kike wordplay it is meaninless faggotry
kikes own the media and hate us and are pushing policys to kill us all
if your not loyal to the country you are in go home or die

tripple down
and call out that those faggots screaming anti-semite is an ad-hominim attack. not an argument.

memorize this pattern.
the stupid ones among them follow it to a T
the smart ones on 8 adapt and are doing damage control to turn around at a later date.

some honorary aryans exist.
stupid poor kikes must learn that they are cannon fodder for the rich. the rich will fuck off and leave you to die so they can scream holocaust again. you poor kikes are the canary in the coal mine for our mutual enemy.


Holy shit Stefan's getting redpilled in real time

He wouldn't have asked the question if he wasn't already redpilled. I suspect he's a lot more radical than most people here think he is. He does live in Canada, where men get thrown in jail for asking feminists to not be so hateful. Of course he's not going to directly address the jewish question.

That's an old video.
Here, have a new one



post yfw jews are literally correcting the record


What did he mean by this?

It's a stupid question, because he knows that 'white defeat' is almost entirely self-inflicted. If we wanted to become superior again, we could. We're just too pozzed to do so.


Of coarse.
This guy is going all out.

Wait, but I thought Jews controlling the media and finances was nothing but an anti-semitic myth?



I mean, he's not wrong. Jews are in-part responsible for the problem.

The other responsibility falls on the dimwitted who listen to kikes and think they're doing the right thing by destroying their race.

I remember back when people used to make videos for free. Before everyone and their mother had a patreon.

oy vey

These kikes have no self awareness do they?

He means white genocide is true.

And again, he admits jews are destroying the white race. I hope he keeps this up.

It's classic bullshit. It's the standard excuse every one of these people come up with "it's your fault i'm stabbing you" "you're just like us we're just better"

It's funny how just a small amount of words can be taken apart so easily. These guys want to come across as smart but they really are just bad.

88D Chess


Yeah, this is what e-celeb nut huggers won't accept. Norman Finkelstein said some "redpilled" things about Jews too but because he views Jewish identity as a bulwark against Communism and is ashamed of Jews for having abandoned the project.

Molyneux will only ever criticize Jews for their moral particularism, which is a proxy attack on identitarianism in general. He does this a lot. He did a video on how Native American genocide never happened which got linked here as "based" but was clearly an attack on the White Genocide meme.

Holla Forums is just too dumb now to understand metapolitics now.

Dubs checked, a lot of us get it, it's just reassuring for some to realize that not all mainstream or semi-mainstream public figures are full-tilt white genocide. Still, I agree that the difference always has to be maintained between some white lolberg feeling a vague twinge of self-preservation, and a true white nationalist.

How can you call a man married to a Jewess "Anti-Semitic"? Won't Donald Jr.'s kids literally be Jews under Orthodox Rabbinical law?

That's where they are the most weakest in the environment they've created.

They rationalize what they are doing out in the open and attribute morality to it. They aren't honest about it, it's a point of weakness.

As long as they want to stick to the illusion it can be used against them.

It's hard to fathom what these kikes are up to…

They are wildly flinging shit in any and every direction hoping that nobody notices we've been dissecting the media establishment tactics for the past 20 years.

it gets me everytime
