Coud Trump still a jewish puppet?-Theory

Am I the only one having this play around on my mind?

The media & the establishment is losing all that little trust they had left in a way seeming way too careless, almost like they dont even care. (I mean watch shit like this What's happening is, jews, who got into the spotlight more and more over the past years, distant themselves from trump and openly show aggression towards him. With this pace of leaks, shitstorms on HRCs FB page & all the other factors, there seems to be no way she could win this, it looks more like there's a percieved super villian being created, that comes with a whole shadow government, and Trump, not by the media, but by circumstances, being presented as the good guy who will fix this shit, although he's basically a guy of the very upper class himself, who runs his business in one of the most jewish towns on earth, with his kids being converted jews, someone who has hell of a lot to lose if he'd really pissed them off.

What I want to say is, with this ebil shadow gobernment thing going maintream right now and a 'good guy', who, if this trend continues, will have almost unlimited trust and goodwill by the general public soon, more than the upper class had in decades, he could basically do what ever the fuck he wants in case he gets elected, possibly even totalitarian shit they'd rip the current government into pieces for, and the jews could say 'we told you so!'

My point is… couldn't all this just a next level, doubleface jew tactic, employed because old means of control and power finally reached their all time low? Forgive me shilling around, all this just seems to be too good to be true

Other urls found in this thread:

Can OP shill still be a CTR puppet? - Theory

You already made the decision in your personal life, along with everyone else here, to keep participating in this rotten democracy for another cycle so you won't know one way or the other unless he's elected.

Quads confirm OP is a shill
Further reading here

4's for truth


I'm honestly not & may Hillary burn in hell, but all this looks just a little bit too good for me

Maybe I just became paranoid over time

kill yourself nigger

why though
why oy vey at all the effort making trump ebil racist anti semetic and waste millions of dollars on anti trump adds if he is the same deal as shillary?
it doesn't fucking matter. If the kikes wanted Trump to be the same deal as shillary, he never would be a (((racist sexist islamaphobic megalomaniac racist))) according to the media

You shills are terrible are this.

If you are being genuine no he's not a puppet. Go to the webm thread and search (Ctrl+f) for the user who says "HE KNOWS" he has a good webm that shows trump talking about middle eastern (((allies)))

lel, that's not what I said>>7907858
they own the fed, not sure they really care about amounts

you wont be able to blame the jews for anything he does, his actions wont be able to fall back on them 'cuz we told you so'

that's my point, with trust in (((the media))) being as fucking low as it is today, the only way to really utilize it in an effective manner anymore is to exploit this belief you and a growing number of people hold of 'if the media that was caught lying for ages says he's bad and an obvious criminal is good, the opposite must be true'

kill yourself kike sus jej

I am, Mr. 911

not saying I believe in what I wrote in OP, it's just a thought that occoured to me and not something I could never imagine to happen with all the other shit we saw and much more intense shit we probably didnt yet

will look it up



Quads never lie.

You were born just in time to see the God Emperor make America great again.

kill self now

shiet nigger, you telling me that over the internet will definetly make me do it

It is. All hope is lost, you should kill yourself now OP, be a leader.

cant find it

you forgot to sage, oy vey

You'd know why i didn't if you were from here **user**

Trying too hard bro

>You'd know why i didn't if you were from here user
of course

dat confirmation bias

nvm, it was 'TRUMP KNOWS'

Dude, just stop, you've been found out.

kek, didnt realize it was bumplocked

I expected everyone thinking I am a shill but I don't really care, in the 0,00000000001% chance there's something to what I wrote, it'd be next level shit

was just entertaining a thought here, if I was a burger, I'd vote Trump too


if shills on pol ever archived anything, a big portion of its regular users isn't able to entertain any thought anymore that doesn't fit their narrative.. somewhat caught in a bubble of belief just like the sjws they hate so much

if you are just tryed to bait people tho, everyone's gone by now

*it's that a big portion…

No bait on my part, I do agree with you. Mods anchoring or outright deleting threads even remotely critical of Trump is a ridiculous state of affairs.

Glad I'm not the only one noticing this then.

Not saying that I didn't expect something like that from the beginning, but wew, never expected this hypothesis I don't even fully believe in myself would have this much triggervalue

Some people here really seem to need this dream

Thanks for giving me a little of my trust in pol back mate