Using glue as thermal paste

I want to upgrade my aging shitbox with a gfx card so I can play Steam games.
I have a crappy several year old gfx card laying around and I could use it.
However I am sensitive to fan noise and it has a noisy fan on it.
Some searching online led me to discover that there is actually a fanless model of this same GPU made by another manufacturer.
I could just take off the fan and install a medium size heatsink which I also have laying around but I need something to attach it with.

I am ultrapoor and cannot afford to buy adhesive thermal paste on Ebay but there are several different glues in my Dad's garage.

What is the best type of glue to use as thermal interface material?
Remember this is a GPU so it must not be electrically conductive or it will short something out.

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What the fuck? You can't use glue as thermal paste. Also the model that uses a heatsink isn't necessarily just the same one you have but with a heatsink, as a result of only having passive cooling it could have had it's chip voltage or clock speed throttled back. Even if you correctly installed a heatsink instead of fucking your GPU up with glue it could suffer from overheating issues.


You don't have $0.99 on your credit card? Ask your dad to borrow $0.99?

Yes it can be conductive. You just need to be careful not to spread it outside die area.

Glue is horrible thermal conductor. You will just make a mess of your GPU. It will smell bad as well as most general purpose glues aren't designed to deal with heat. Just save up $0.99 and buy thermal adhesive from ebay.

Nigga if you're that poor apply some toothpaste wtf it's better than fucking glue

Semen is the best type of glue to use as thermal interface material.



Those were actually real tests.

I miss the days when you could assume other people dealing with computers were nerds.

wouldn't semen fry like an egg if you put it on your CPU? i'd imagine it would lose its thermal properties and even start burning up after setting into a gel.

Only one way to find out.

You have tried to fry your cum in the past haven't you?

Do you have a Monero address user?
If you can't afford $1-2 thermal paste then I'll send a couple bucks your way.



you could fill a water cooling reservoir with semen instead of putting it on the cpu directly

I use toothpaste. It works very well.

OP here.

The reason I need glue is because when installed in the PC the new heatsink on the gfx card will be upside down.

If I just use regular thermal paste it will just fall off after a while.

I actually did have adhesive thermal paste but it got lost in the move.
I could scrape together enough money to order a new one but then I would just feel ashamed 3 months later when I find the old adhesive thermal paste in a box somewhere.

There are a dozen different adhesive in my dad's garage.
Tel me which type has high thermal transfer and low electrical conductivity.

Semenposters go away your humour is weak.

you'd be better off finding low temperature solder and doing it that way. that or solder after applying normal thermal paste

start looking for a fountain to dive in pajeet

just liek
turn pc upside down

This could actually work really well.

But first I need to check if my optical drive can be mounted upside down, otherwise my discs will fall out before the PC can eat them.

get with the times gramps

Other than the fact you shouldn't be using CD drives anymore in this day and age, you can just leave the drive loose instead of mounting it inside the case.

And OP, nobody believes you don't have 1 buck to buy a tube of fucking thermal paste.
Even if you lived in a third-world country where 1 buck is the average person's yearly salary, you shouldn't have neither a computer nor an internet connection nor electricity, nor steam games.
To me, it just sounds like you're OCD'd as fuck about the tube of thermal paste you lost and are making up excuses to not buy another one because autism.

This board has really gone to shit.
No respect for older technologies.
Probably look down on people who have an older model Iphone thinking themselves up to date with tech despite having never wrote a single line of code.

There is zero disadvantage to having an optical drive and without it you can't burn Xbox games.

Just use regular thermal paste on the chip, but put some 2 part epoxy on the corners of the heatsink, and if that's not enough to hold it, line the entire outside perimeter with it. Just be sure the mixture has a bit more hardener than resin.


Shit bait

Not having an optical drive is just fine until you need to install drivers from a CD for the thing you bought on eBay. I've been in that situation before.
Or you just don't want to have to search through 10 shitty OEM websites (fucking HP = the worst) to install drivers for every part of the PC you just built.

The best no optical drive situation of all is when you need to install the ethernet drivers to get internet access to download the ethernet drivers... if you don't have another PC around with it's drivers all good (so you can transfer your ethernet drivers over on a usb stick) you are completely 100% fucked.

That said, don't pay money for optical drives unless they're blu-ray writers - you can pull regular CD/DVD drives from old PCs for free.

Litterally never had a driver problem with ethernet, across 3 mobos and 2 laptops installing various linux distros on all. OpenBSD did give me some trouble on one mobo, tho.

Get a fucking tripod and rest the heatsink on it

Try mixing Toothpaste and Petroleum jelly Also
Don't leave it longer for than a week

bong detected

find some that has toluene and gasoline in it then put a dime sized drop at the bottom of a paper bag. put mouth at base of bag and inflate and inhale repeatedly. i assure you you will have the coolest cpu ever if you do that.