Why do people still use this crap when 7z is better on every conceivable way?

Why do people still use this crap when 7z is better on every conceivable way?

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Because they are idiots who should not be allowed to own a computer.

have you bought that license yet?

Because it's the first one normies found and you don't have to pay for it. It's all normies care about. It's the same reason normies use BitTorrent instead of a less cancerous and less malware-infested torrent client.

That's really all there is to it: because it's the first result that cropped up and it works well enough. It's the same reason people keep using Windows, it comes with the computer pre-installed and it gets the job done more or less. And when people use RAR to uncompress files they will also use RAR to compress files and the cycle will continue.

Reported for template thread.

Actually 7z is worse in every conceivable way


Not an argument.

I use 7z, I think WinRAR has verification with encrypted archives to prevent corruption, unfortunately 7z doesn't have this because 7z is so much faster.

I like 7zip but it could do with some improvements. Why can't it move the extracted archive to the recycling bin before closing?

Two reasons
First this
Second is because the new .rar format ask for non-free binaries thus you are forced via EEE methods to use the software.

Kill yourself

what does 7z do better?

it's free as in freedom :^)

Which takes us to the question of why people think they even need a fucking recycle bin???


Not a potato either.


How exactly is it better if it can't even do the thing?


No idea. I've been using 7z for many years now.

I have never found anything 7zip couldn't handle. You're probably just incompetent.

WinRAR takes up less resources to compress. If you're on a fast computer, it shouldn't matter much.

I want to say WinRAR 3.0 and up aren't supported by 7zip.

It was 5 and up, and it looks like newer versions of 7zip should handle it.

This. I most of the time use shift del because then I don't have to wait for things to get copied around. You might think staring at the loading bar is a stupid idea but I've needed the hard drive speed while deleting something.

Not a rebuttal you fucking cuck

wait a minute, is windows really sucking that much?

that was at work, I run funtoo

network effect

Winrar is better. 7zip is a forced meme - basically you get a little speed in exchange for less functionality.
Like, fuck that crap.

I'm not going to boot a windows machine to check, but am pretty convinced that it doesn't.

I remember deleting/recycling huge numbers of files was horrible, but that unfortunately applies to every fucking OS/filesystem to some extent.

Freedom > Winrar

Is this a wabbit season duck season type argument? WinRAR is faster with less functionality.

What functionality is winrar missing?

AFAIK 7zip can decompress a greater variety of formats than WinRAR.

The clue is in the name. Think.


And have you ever seen a legitimate spreadsheet or report in a .rar file? Exactly. WimRAR is purely for malware.

Can you open .rar files with FREEDOM? Or .part?
Yeah, I guessed so. I'll not trade it because literally everybody uses .rar and with FREEDOM, I would only stare at it crying powerless.

Because it comes with nice music

why do people use winrar _or_ 7zip? most uses of winrar are for warez and other skiddy shit, and usually give a 0.000001% compression ratio while wasting shit tons of CPU to (de)compress

it _is_ available for linux and other OS's
you have no idea what you're talking about


What can WinRar do that 7z can't? 7z actually handles more archive formats for both compression and decompression.

And how many different types do you need? Everything is either rar or zip you doofus

This tbh fams

wew lad

Because "winrar" is pretty self-describing, while "7z" says nothing about what the program does. When user searches on the net for a program that can handle rar files he will more likely choose winrar rather than anything else.

Yeah because 7Zip isn't descriptive.enough right?

Isn't rar more popular than zip?

Yes, .rar is kinda absolute, almost nothing uses .zip and similar.
7zip can't decompress .rar5 and .part so it's useless.

UNRAR5 is proprietary it's a EEE method.

No you dumb faggots. Even before the latest winrar version you would often have one .rar file and hundreds of .part files which no other program could unpack.
Learn to read gnutards.

But that's because of warez and other skiddy torrent shithead.

stay irrelevant lmao

You haven't read what was posted.
It wasn't said that everything worked before.
Gee I wonder why ?
Maybe because some component that isn't released to the public and can't be added to 7z.

So, your solution is to sit and cry?

Meanwhile all you do is to say that people are wrong.

At least I'm decompressing the files and not crying staring at the monitor.

I swear it was in the glove compartment, officer!

Meanwhile you can't even quote right.


Hard to argue with.

su -c "emerge unrar atool lrzip"aunpack worthless_pieces_of_shit.rarlrztar -o racial_purity.tar.lrz worthless_pieces_of_shit/*shred -u worthless_pieces_of_shit.*su -c "emerge --rage-clean unrar"
the evil is defeated

Not gonna work, pajeet-coder.

Green and purple with blue in the middle. Really makes you think.

i dont... often i download archives that are .rar archived and i get mad in a second, forced to use that shit...

Thanks doc.

7z automatically recognizes multi-part archives when you tell it to unpack part1, what the fuck are you talking about
Truly, these posts are proof only retards use memerar over 7zip.


How the fuck didn't I also notice that RAR5 bullshit, it was in the same post
7zip can unpack RAR5 files since AUGUST 2015
Seriously, what the fuck people.
There is literally no reason to use memerar over 7zip.

I'm inclined to believe this is just a case of
But my gut tells me that might not be the case this time around.
Hell, I don't even browse Holla Forums regularly, I just happened to stumble upon this thread. How the fuck did it take an outsider like me to say this instead of regular Holla Forums users? Aren't you supposed to be more knowledgeable than this?

Now I'm convinced. Thread is over, 7zip wins.

That's because Holla Forums has been hot garbage for years.

It must be a joke, as both 7z File Manager UI and 7z archive handling functionality are quite limited compared to WinRAR, which should be obvious to anyone who had actually used it productively.

Why do people still use UNIX when Plan 9 is better on ever conceivable way?

That doesn't seem to be the case for me (latest 16.02 from the repo) forcing me to install the non-free repo and then the unrar part. While easy7zip works just fine with RAR5 on Windows while also being open source as well.

It really is a matter of convenience when the first reliable search results crop up and .rar files being more commonly used. Plus since winrar doesn't do anything to prevent you from using it after the trial ends besides mildly pester you there really isn't a reason for people to not use it when they get it. By the time most people would actually want to switch .rar files have become common enough and newer .rar5 is cropping up.
Remember these are the same people who will download legitimate programs from a shady distributor instead of directly from the developer's own website then act surprised when their CPU usage spikes from the brand spanking new buttcoin miners.

Peazip respects your freedoms, doesn't have some mixed license, isn't maintained by a single asshole, and has more compression algorithms.

I thought IQ wasn't supposed to drop below 0

It can in theory, but you need to be

1) rad legacy
2) recovery headers (par2 for dummies, all-in-one)
3) it's a known tool. "known tool" >>>> "new tool doing the same thing yet not improving the current standard x10"
that's why it's commonly used in releases today AND in everyday life. I've seen only literal paedophiles using 7z to trade archives on the web.

Why do people still use this 7z crap when DAR is better on every conceivable way?

Good for 7zip if it works now, but fact stays it didn't work when it mattered - when I was 12 and didn't have a credit card or internet access and muh gamez came on multiple DVDs in that kind of archive.

7z might be okay on Windows, but why would you use it on Linux? Tar + XZ Utils is vastly superior.

go away

Holy shit just fuck off and die, pretentious contrarian shit eater. I downloaded .7z oblivion mods back in 2010. No, not porn/sex/waifu ones.
Im pretty sure I also remember .7z music archives here and there.



Just in terms of raw commands RAR has more features.

Usage: rar - - a Add files to archive c Add archive comment ch Change archive parameters cw Write archive comment to file d Delete files from archive e Extract files without archived paths f Freshen files in archive i[par]= Find string in archives k Lock archive l[t[a],b] List archive contents [technical[all], bare] m[f] Move to archive [files only] p Print file to stdout r Repair archive rc Reconstruct missing volumes rn Rename archived files rr[N] Add data recovery record rv[N] Create recovery volumes s[name|-] Convert archive to or from SFX t Test archive files u Update files in archive v[t[a],b] Verbosely list archive contents [technical[all],bare] x Extract files with full path

7zr (the CLI version of 7z that ``only`` handles .7z files) is fucking weak in comparison.

Usage: 7za [...] [...] [] a : Add files to archive b : Benchmark d : Delete files from archive e : Extract files from archive (without using directory names) h : Calculate hash values for files i : Show information about supported formats l : List contents of archive rn : Rename files in archive t : Test integrity of archive u : Update files to archive x : eXtract files with full paths

and the command line 7z also unpacks .rar files, with the 7z-unrar package or whatever its called.

A friendly reminder that you should use DAR sourceforge.net/projects/dar/

a bit offtopic but...
does anyone know of any decent 7z password crackers for linux? I'm using rarcrack now, but it seems it will take forever

Fuck off pedophile. Reported to authorities.

It's just about the number of "extra" flags, it's about what those "extra" flags do.

What bizarro world do you live in? .rar is about as rare as .7z, and .zip is *the* normalfag archive format


hashcat can be used for it.

because it's proprietary and i can use cracked version just 4 fun


Why the hell does memerar even compress files into a hideous pile of separate files?

So you can upload them on web sites with file size limit.

7zip does this too. Multi-part archives are supported by most file compression software.


Because I can't feel any difference between them, except the fact that WinRAR's UI is much more familiar to me, that's why I use it.

winrar users and antivaxers have a lot in common

Your father is both?

Becuase it is probably bruteforcing. If the password is:
You are not gonna crack it. It would take too long.

howsecureismypassword .net