White men








Ever noticed that people who want a genocide of their own race to happen are the worst members of it?

Is that a menopause-age ninja turtle?


Donald Trump? More like Donald C.K., amirite?

Forrest Drumpf has always been /redditsguy/. Why do you think Slumphlovers are always invoking a deity called Kuk? C.K mights as well mean 'Centipede King' at this point. Can't wait for the 4D chess move where Trumpf turns the White House into a yuge Nigerian embassy slash interracial breeding grounds for Ivanka and Melania.

Like how neocommunists are people who don't want to work a real job or get a real degree, while still enjoying the benefits of capitalism their baby boomer parents bestowed them?

Just in case your post wasn't b8, Louis.






All gingers are liers. Louis is playing the long game. I wonder what his true goal is?

>(((Wh*te))) """""""""""""Men"""""""""""""

Pick one.

Tarkovsky was too smart to be white.
