David Hogg the bogus Florida Crisis Actor

David Hogg the bogus Florida Crisis Actor.

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And here comes the new psyop campaign to confuse people's minds and give a bad name to conspiracy theorists.
Flat Earth 2.0

How much is the pentagon paying you to spread this garbage my man?




Jesus. you people don't deserve freedom. kys now


The kikes are scared shitless.

who are you quoting you stupid assed faggot? lurn 2 ib



woah dude, that's a total redpill. you'd think these totally super secret crisis actors would have been instructed to maybe not use the same name from a meth charge


To be fair, the FBI and CIA don't have a clue on how to operate when challenged by virgin neets.




Let me guess, just part of the cover up right?

The kid's dad is an FBI agent. The school is being destroyed. Social media is deleting any discussion of this. Gullible commie school kids are protesting to have their rights taken away. This is really some next level bullshit.

David Hogg graduated in California in 2015 his classmates confirmed it already.

And yet the video TMZ shows and his instagram account proves otherwise. Your tinfoil hat is too tight.

heil'd dubdubs of truth


0.5 shekels have been depisited into your account

Holla Forums is collectively pathological at this point

Like I said, your tinfoil hat is too tight. There is something wrong with conspiracy nuts. You can have reams of evidence proving you guys wrong, and it's all manufactured and fake, but one grainy as fuck ancient video showing a news anchors eye looking off, and that's 100% concrete evidence that Lizard people exist.

I'm sure it has to be some sort of mental illness.

He looks like a more soy patrick bateman

Why the fuck Holla Forumsacks coming here with this.
You faggs have your own board ffs.
It's more like trump paranoic hugbox at this point that what it used to be but still.
So could you spam that shit there?

than** fuck

Imagine destroying a school where a crime like this occurred. Where will the students go?

Sometimes it is. There was an infamous namefag on /n/ who went by /killcen/ who everyone was pretty sure was suffering from schizotypal personality disorder. He posted stuff about the Sandy Hook parents being crisis actors, among other delusional things like accusing everyone he didn't like on the board of being a paid "government disinfo agent" working for the FBI. Or the CIA. Or the NSA. The alphabet soup agency he chose changed every few weeks depending on what was in the news.


See the final part of

white people lol


We should be shooting ourselves over crack. Thank you Jamal.



the media backlash is so big against this. it's true. he is a fucking crisis actor.

100% debunked. You fail.

Not debunked you idiotic moron.

Yes debunked you fucking faggot.

gas urself retard

die in every fire

notice how i never said it was true. check the ids you fucking idiot. im just tired of the fucking bickering over stupid shit. this board used to be serious

here you go

But he's right though




What does muh Russia have to do with false flags, staged massacres and crisis actors?

That's a parody antifa account you fucking mongoloid

you are a willing victim of the russian disinformation effort. your gullibility and your willingness to promote bullshit are essential elements of the strategy. advantageously for the russians, you are also ill-informed and poorly educated, or you wouldn't need to ask the question
a radicalized white kid shot up another school. it happened. you may not like what that says about you and your countrymen, but facts are facts. stop lying, ffs. you just worsen the already dire opinion the world has of america.

trump supporters as a group literally have a lower iq than any other politically affiliated group of people. every once in a while they'll post onion stories and the sad part is that there will be a string of serious replies


Ohhh! So because I don't fall into lockstep with the MSM narrative about the Russian boogeyman I'm an uneducated, ill-informed victim of russian disinformation! Have you considered I don't give two hot shits about Russia or this shitty country I unfortunately inhabit? Have you considered you don't know fuck about me and your claims are baseless ad hominem?

And if there isn't something spooky going on with the alphabet soup agencies; here's another thought. People have had guns in this country, you know, since it's inception. Why did they only start shooting up random people in the last 20 odd years? Right, right! Must be those pesky Russians again! We better go get em to protect our vibrant democracy and freedom. Don't kid yourself.


There's something we can agree on at least. I don't blame any outside force though, but internal polarization and individual apathy. People possessed by radical ideologies, running scripts without even realizing that they are puppets.


you have been instrumentalized, faggot
you are what stalinists refer to as the useful idiot
every intelligence agency supports this view
read the indictments rather than thepisswater
join the 21st century or you'll regret it in old age




Actually it was Lenin who coined the phrase useful idiot, friend.





no it wasn't. look it up

There's a video out there of some kid who went to high school with him in Florida showing their yearbook and it's the same pic surrounded by the same pics of other people. As for the California interview, he was on a trip there, and there's even a tweet that backs that up.

The kid's a liberal shill being held up by the legacy media to try to push gun control, but he's not an actor. If he was, whoever hired him would be retarded, it would backfire as soon as all the kids at the high school called him out. Stop perpetuating this retard conspiracy theory, you're only giving the msm more fodder to virtue signal.

…wait, did the Jews set this whole thing up to discredit the pro gun population?


Take him down.