Expect Board To Be Heavily Trimmed

Its' Sunday, which means our beloved Mods will come home from church feeling holy and sanctified, and will therefore randomly ravage the content of this board… be prepared to return to 5 pages in 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1…

cf. Amos 3:3-4

Just leave the hr0s pr0n thread and gas everything else tbh.

This is coming soon.
You have been warned.


Fucking JEWS

Sunday is NOT over yet, folks!


The Mods are thinking they are being very tricky and clever today, aren't they?
They lull us all into a false sense of security for a few days, and then WHAMMO!


They is being very tricksie today, aren't they, Precious?

Indeed… this false sense of calm before the delete shitstorm.


is it because the mods have not pruned the board at all, that caused the florida school shooting?


I'll wait for CNN to decide

Fake news. Holla Forums is like ISIS ... claims responsibility for everything that happens.

It's OK… we know yu wanted to do it yourself, user.


It seems OP was right… a week late, perhaps, but spot-on with his forecast.

it's scarily accurate, isn't it? fuck me!

No thanks.
I have a b/f

so you are basically saying that the mods are americans?


I aint touching this…

No no, user, you're touching something else… small and hairless, aren't you?

Thank the gods for this thread

Still I see that OP's predictions come and go from day to day?

Op's predictions rely on mods attendong church. Ha! tip

Fedora Tips to OP
Churchians are the best Mods and Vols tbh

Lesbian Space Hitler Warp 10 Lizard People Nipple Salad etc

Now that is just silly!

OP has to own up to their prophetic failure this time, surely?

I just dropped a fart that smelt so hideously evil, the dog scarpered out the door, and is now hiding under the house howling in fear.

Three whole fucking sane weeks on Holla Forums!
It's a miricale!

Praise Be to Holla Forums!

When I look back at all the threads that have been made over the past few weeks, it still surprises me how some of them manage to survive… what with the random pruning, with incessant bumping of dead threads, and threads just disappearing as they slip past page 25 etc etc.
Maybe it has something to do with Weeaboo? (((da​tamin​ing)))

Was someone foolish enough to incite weeaboo? (((da​tamin​ing)))