Can all the blacks please go back to Africa

Can all the blacks please go back to Africa.

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No, but all the whites can go back to Europe.

how about blacks to africa AND whites do europe? fair enough?

We'll send the Europeans back to Africa and the Africans back to the sea.

White from stoneage Europe were in America ten thousand years before the Indians.


Blacks are the curse of mankind.

Can all the humans just go back to being primates and give the world back to us worthy animals?

If it weren't for blacks, the chicken population would kill us all. We need blacks to eat the chickens.

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Dumbo get a life.

oh no, mah fee fees.
how will i ever recover



Blacks are retarded and lazy.


bullets are cheaper, and all of the wildlife in africa are worth more than the nogs. no reason to make africa worse, give them our problem, and destroy their ecosystem.




Men and ugly women should leave but the cute girls should stay for oil drilling purposes.


Ben Garrison is at again I see. When will he ever stop?