Chromosome y LGBTFO

chromosome y LGBTFO
how gobergloblins shitlords will ever recover?

These people need to all be killed.

Drumpfcucks are so pathetic atm that it would be a mercy kill

Jessica Jones likes bukkake. Good for her I guess.


It's Glippity Gloppity-gloop you racist


I hope they keep this up for another three and half years.

Why? So the male version of Hillary can get re-elected?

It pisses you off, so yeah.


Such a shame.

8 years

beheaded the cunts who insult us Holla Forumsites

nu-Holla Forums in a nutshell

I dont get how some people can even function being that dumb

They don't, that's why they want a full gibs government

I guarantee that if you confronted her and asked her to refute that claim, she'd stumble and fall flat on her face. Regurgitating what your leftist professors say does not constitute intelligence, nor does is make you above anyone else. All it does, truly, is make you more of a retard than you previously were.

Imagine being the media. Just tell them not to vote for Trump and they'll do so out of spite. Meanwhile, Trump and the media are one in the same, they both work for Israeli interests. Still better than Hillary, sure, but they got conned with reverse psychology and elected a Neocohen, Holla Forums just has a hard time admitting it.

Left hand of the jew + Right hand of the jew. Working together to trick the dumb goys.

damn, son.

It's time to make the "war on women" a real thing.

Why are conservatives (AKA terrorists) constantly talking about killing their fellow citizens?

they're like the new communists tbh

You're late as fuck with this, faggot OP.

all me tbh
t. pumpfedorittor

lol, stupid goober gainers, anyone who adds "-gate" to a word deserves to die, m rite?

In the worst case nothing of value was lost for getting him elected, and in actual fact his campaign in of itself was a very beneficial thing. People seem to forget that 2 years ago immigration wasn't even something that anyone was seriously discussing. Now it's the primary issue, as it should be. Criticizing him for not following through is one thing, but claiming his voterbase got 'played' is retarded when they had nothing to lose.

Traitors and invaders are no fellows of mine.


Does anyone really watch Jessica Jones? Seriously? I wanna know.