The internet is being shut down tomorrow. You have an empty 2TB drive and a gigabit connection. What do you save?

The internet is being shut down tomorrow. You have an empty 2TB drive and a gigabit connection. What do you save?

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Nothing more than what I already have. I already have a big backlog of ebooks to read.

2TB is a lot for source-based distros.
So, I guess 50GiB of source codes and the rest for 2D porn.

I phrased the OP poorly. I mean to say, you only have 2TB storage.


about fucking time

I would download the library of ebooks that I should already have and spend the next 40 years studying them.

infinite next source code, it's the most important piece of technology ever invented in this century.

-Every byte of possible source code and manual.
-Every byte of hardware datasheet/blueprint.

Who is dat qt?

2TB of sauce on OP's pic
Who is that? Talk about genetic fitness. please don't be underage

A shitload of ebooks on maths, languages, social engineering, computer science(OsDev/OpenGL) and art.

The latest slackware release and source dvd is pretty much all I care saving. 8GB total of linux in all it's glory. There's very few other programs worth saving.
I'd also download documentation for some projects I want to finish.
Other than that, I already have my favourite shows and games on a drive so I'm fine.

Gentoomen Library
Gentoo + all layers and entire repos
Arch + Entire AUR
A Bunch of rare music and films that I like

I'm pretty sure you don't have enough capacity to store Wikipedia.

plain text compressed english articles was something like 25 or 40GB last time I downloaded it.

I dunno... I trust the boys who've been at it at eternalarchive :3

More or less what you already said.
Plenty of ebooks focusing on math, science. Some technical manuals, 30% of the space i would save memes, and that's about it.
With those amount of books, and without internet nor globalization to bother me, i would rediscover gravity and solve schrodinger's equation for a quantum computer in a few years (i can program my own numerical solvers or use MATLAB and such).

Sorry, I don't know


Ah the good old days

2TB of porn, it will be the hottest commodity

All of, 4plebs, and so on so I can browse as much of chan history as possible. Also, the entire Coalgirls catalogue of anime.

In the original (1959) Twilight Zone, there was an episode in which the bookwormish lone survivor of a nuclear holocaust found the ruins of a library. With supplies from the supermarket, he planned to indulge his passion of reading for years. However, the episode ends with the man breaking his spectacles, making him practically illiterate.

ebooks. music. porn


kill yourself

all the information I could possibly need about Networking (aka how to make the internet)

2TB of Anime

An average, decent-tier encoded episode of anime is at least 300MB. That's 3.33...(recurring) episodes per gigabyte, so 6666 episodes on your 2TB. Considering that each episode is roughly 22 minutes long, that's 146652 minutes of anime, more than 100 days of playing time. If you watch only two hours a day though, that extends twelvefold, meaning you'll be good for more than three years.

Side note: if you had a gigabit connection and 24 hours flat-out downloading, you could fill 10TB of space before the internet shut off.

Source code and datasheets necessary to rebuild the internet.

The real question is, do you compromize video quality for quantity, or quantity for video quality?

ok Josh


git clone
You can't delete it if i fork it.

You could just get the 720p or lower and use some scripts to clean things up.

user, I'm a NEET that watches 8+ hours of Anime a day. I'd be fucked, essentially. I'm sure there's enough good Anime out there to watch (currently I'm on Season 5 of Natsume Yuujinchou), but I need 50 years of Anime. Hopefully soon we could get a 100tb PC for ~$1,000. That would be 150 years of Anime, id I did the math correctly, at 2 hours a day.

Definitely video quality for quantity. I have no real hobbies, as all I do is browse imageboards and watch anime (see: ). Anime is my only real "physical" hobby, or hobby I could share, so I need a lot of it. I'm used yo shitty video quality because I use streaming sites like, and the quality isn't always great. The more to watch, the better, otherwise I get maybe 1.5 years out of 2TB, which won't cover my next 50 years of existence.

That would be about 5 anime series thanks to their bloated encoding.

I would just get my ebook library (especially the light novel, warhammer and shadowrun part), some porn and the rest would be some manga, comics, some roms and isos (mostly roms for the low space or stuff with a lot of replayability but with a small space like the CPS1 and 2 sets) and, if there was any space left, 720p anime and kamen rider. Not sure if a Wikipedia copy would be worth compromising on all of the above.

Kill self



Also, I imagine compressed wiki would be worth it - it'd be a snapshot of history's occurences up to that point, and with whatever scheme of information control the next generation of (((leaders))) come up with, you can be sure things would be skewed, and knowledge of history would empower you and the citizens around you.

sooo... 1995?

I was going to say porn but then I remembered there's still a trillion retail stores selling physical media.
Video games maybe, anime/mango/whatever is nice and all but video games are very reusable.

First, I'd youtube-dl every tech channel from primitive technology to programming and defcon ones.
Then all the DIY youtube channels I can.
Then, all the tech reference material I can.
Then every e-book collection torrent just in case.

Realistically I'd be out of time to download porn but I'd whip up my sankaku-downloader script and quickly make a script to spend all my [email protected]/* */ points on anything that's on exhentai above 4 stars.

I'll just download the Wikipedia archive, a bunch of Rom set torrents+emulators for every console from NES to N64 which really shouldn't be that big. And a Steam emulator so I can play all my Steam games truly offline. That's really all I need.

2TB is plenty:
Assuming I have space left I'd just get a bunch of encrypted backups incase of a fuckup.

There's nothing that I really can think off. I have a couple of gigabytes worth of music and books but not much more.

I would probably download a few books on drawing and the stuff from that one guide on learning japanese in case I ever want to do so in the future but other than that nothing else crosses my mind.


Use dedicated sdcards or usb sticks. Easy to recover and manage.

Oh and I forgot:
OP is a faggot


XML version is about 50GB.

I wouldn't trust random shit 4chan put together with my life, the same website that tried to get kids to make mustard gas in their kitchen. If you want good survivalist books then old military books are the way to go, shit they used in Vietnam so 19 year olds could live in waterholes for a months on end.

This. These infographics are usually made by LARPers who have no idea what they're talking about.

These tripfags are usually LARPers who have no idea what they're talking about.

What I like about tripfags is that they immediately tell me that they are a troll. They make it really easy for me to hide and ignore their posts. What would make it difficult is if they became anonymous and then I'd have to judge every post on its own basis.

wikipedia en 59G 2016-12 all
wikipedia en 19G 2017-01 all nopic

(the "all" version has only thumbs of course)



But you need some retarded software. What everyone want, but they don't provide is a static html version (what wget --mirror would give).

40k and Shadowrun you can just ask /tg/, I have seen big collections floating around there. As for the light novels, once I finish downloading it (need to get the rest from meguca and organize it neatly) I will likely put it up for grabs either in /a/, Holla Forums (in a share thread) or even /scurvy/. So keep an eye out.

I already have a ton of shit saved. I guess more porn and programs

Best be bait...

as much of as I can.

books on practical knowledge like computer science

Without the internet I wouldn't have a use for a computer.

my collection of amiga pictures

Books and comics give the highest entertainment time per kb ratio.

2013 is 1992 in internet terms. On the internet, time goes faster

4 years ago my mom finally let me go on the internet and i browsed reddit all day now im 1337 and browse Holla Forums times change so fast wow i'm so old xDD

Nothing. There's nothing worth saving.

Nothing. It all must burn.

rare wojaks
they'll come in handy

Use my internet to buy 8tb drives with 3h amazon shipping. Spend rest of the time filling them with gay furry porn.

Everything i need is downloaded already and its about 700gb. Just shut it down so we can watch all the social media faggots having nervous breakdowns. My body is ready

I actually have a mostly empty 3TB drive, but idk what I'd do with it. maybe torrent more libraries. I've already got the /g/entooman's library. maybe I could get some history libraries so I can educate everyone someday when liberals try to rewrite all history as they've been doing for years. maybe some books regarding law and agriculture as well. I never read any books but they're nice to have.

not much cuz 6 Mbit/s download speed

Get libgen's repository torrents. 26TB in total, but you don't need to download everything. Almost all English books ever published.