What's your hostname?

Building a new file server and was wondering what my fellow Holla Forums autists friends are using as their hostname? Did a search for cool hostnames and got a bunch of gay reddit threads talking about the same thing, and of course all their choices are cancerous as fuck.

Other urls found in this thread:





Not really that creative so my hostnames are usually some reference that also indicates the actual function of that system.
Cerberus being the firewall, Cassini the wifi and doorstep the internet facing machine.

each of my computers is named after a touhou. eg, [email protected]/* */, but I change the prompt so itd be hakurei[something]reimu.
though reimu isnt one of them.

What is the default hostname for windows 10? Because that is/will be my hostname.

Cum Guzzler

Considering the state of windows 10 that might be real.

Same here, I have mine as [email protected]/* */

My hostname is 8chinfogatheringthreads.###.gov

hostnames are UNIX cancer. i dont even remember how to set that bullshit, and unlike you're typical autistbox, my shell doesn't tell me what my hostname is every 3 seconds


sure, that's not an issue when the only other devices on your network is the modem, your wifi and your printer

Whatever the machine is meant to do. If I had just one file server, I'd call it fileserver. If I had multiple, I'd call them fileserver_[content].

case in point.

Just the operating system and a number if there're more than one, i.e. slackware0, freebsd1

i call my hostnames after elements on the periodic table based on importance, for example my home server might be "carbon" because every file i have is on it

I make the name up based on whatever the hell I feel like, sometimes I reference a town, a building, books, games etc. I generally just feel the urge to smack the shit who have a hostname with make and model or their own name as the fucking thing. Especially if its a laptop.
If its a laptop make sure it has an odd fucking name with an odd fucking username to maintain privacy. Because it still comes through on servers that [email protected]/* */ is connecting to the wifi at starbucks, well stacy just made coffee for dicky and I can see he has a dell latitude, I now know quite a bit dicky_johnson, I wonder if he has a facebook.

mine is FBI

Probably not a good suggestion but I chose to name all my computers *Rocket.
PocketRocket, MicroRocket, BuildRocket, NetRocket, you get the idea.
It's a shitty naming scheme but it succeeds in that it's descriptive enough as for anyone to easily know and remember which is which, so it accomplishes it's purpose quite nicely.

% pwgen 8 1

I use the OS name (gentoo, alpine), but if I had more machines, I'd use os-cpu_model_name

Terry should be cast for a new Evil Dead movie.



shuf -n 1 /usr/share/dict/words

Desktop: "Desktop"

Toughbook: "Toughbook"

ThinkPad next to me: "ThinkPad"

N900: "RsteiN900"

Not bothering with naming my computers fancy names, I just name them by model.



All my computers have been something -Communicatus, and this one has a VM of the last computer i used on it, which was Astartes-Communicatus.

An Hero yourself faggot, and stop pushing that meme while you're at it.

it is a fact.

I can't tell if you or Stutterfaggot are more annoying.

w-w-w-what d-d-do y-y-you m-m-m-m-m-m-m-mean????

Do i cause shitposts, or am i just sexually attracted to them?


And then user was the shitposts

At the office I work at, I've named the employee workstation after Ghostbuster characters (Stantz, Venkman, Winston, Spengler, Slimer, etc.). When I ran out of Dan Ackroyd Ghostbusters names, I started using names from the new Ghostbusters movies.

I think I'm the only one who's really aware of these hostnames because I occasionally have to SSH into the computers to troubleshoot printer or network issues. By default, the SSH daemon is disabled for most of the employees. The accounting/bookkeeping people and the CEO, for example, have to open up a terminal occasionally to start their SSH daemon for me, when they want me to log in. When they do open their terminal, I'm usually on the phone with them, and they'll sometimes read their username and hostname out load to me. Then I'll have to remember which distro I installed on that employee's computer to know whether they have systemd or not, and then tell them the appropriate command to start SSH.

A few years ago, I set up a GNU/Linux computer lab for a charter elementary school. All the hostnames were names of prominent atheist. Examples: Feynman, Krauss, Carlin (George), Connolly (Billy), Fry, Jillette, Teller, Dawkins, Hitchens, Barry (Dave), Rooney (Andy), Lee (Bruce), Russell (Bertrand), Vonnegut, Harris (Sam), Gervais, and Stallman. There were a few more -- the computer lab had about 20 computers, but I don't remember all the hostnames anymore.

A few years ago, I set up a GNU/Linux computer lab for a charter elementary school. All the hostnames were names of prominent atheist. Examples: Feynman, Krauss, Carlin (George), Connolly (Billy), Fry, Jillette, Teller, Dawkins, Hitchens, Barry (Dave), Rooney (Andy), Lee (Bruce), Russell (Bertrand), Vonnegut, Harris (Sam), Gervais, and Stallman. There were a few more -- the computer lab had about 20 computers, but I don't remember all the hostnames anymore.

Are you American?


Outspoken atheism seems very American to me. My country is about 50% atheist, but it is rarely discussed. It's become very secular here.
I wonder if it's because we're past some tipping point or because of some cultural difference that's unrelated to the exact ratio.

It's higher than Sweden's. Impressive.
Neither. The correct answer is the Jews.

What a list. Your patriarchy is showing.

I use shades of green for personal devices and the primary domain name for servers. Emerald being my phone, for example. If I were in the habit of deploying SANs I'd probably name them after storage pioneers: Harker, Shugart, Patterson, etc.

charcoal for my desktop with a black case, ice for my white Chinese ripoff tablet, epsilon for my phone.
I know they're all extremely edgy.

That's not edgy.
Edgy hostnames include: suffering, crimsondragon, bloodstain, etc.

If you have a lot of Windows devices in your area it should be PC, if you have a lot of Apple devices in your area it should be iPhone, every other device should have the hostname hostname. Set these so if you need it for some reason, it gives the least information away about your device.

Hostname usually has no purpose other than to identify and fingerpint a machine on a DHCP enabled network. If you use public wifi hostspots and the routers given by your ISP, you should never broadcast the hostname.

You should never enable DHCP on a server!


It was meant to be Xubuntu+Macbook Air but the SJWs ruined it and I haven't come up with a new one yet

At work, all our servers are named after figures from greek mythology (hera, zeus, chrysaor, chronos etc), whereas the desktops are named - (accounting-03, it-02, etc).

My own machines are named after planets / roman gods (mercury, mars, etc)

There aren't a lot of outspoken, loud-mouthed atheist women. I think I may have used Silverman (Sarah) for one of the hostnames. If I could do it again, I would probably include Diller (Phyllis) too.

This is not enough. It's also important to randomize your MAC address, preferably every time you disconnect from one network and reconnect to another. ArchWiki documents various methods to randomize the MAC. wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/MAC_address_spoofing

This is not enough. It's also important to randomize your MAC address, preferably every time you disconnect from one network and reconnect to another. ArchWiki documents various methods to randomize the MAC. wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/MAC_address_spoofing



( I'm sorry but thats true)


It is self-explanatory, DHCP has it in its name: "Dynamic Host".

For servers in a LAN you should either use physical port bindings (wired) or the EAP extensions (wireless).

toaster laptop
waste0cash for desktop

(others are reimu, sakuya and WIN-PC)

Why would you use it to begin with?

Don't touch the cat turds, it takes like 5 seconds to filter them.

I keep mine around as a dumb modem just so I can kexec my real router without waiting forever for the net to come back up

5RuHL5LQnT9G oOo8LJXvPge9

I do this or I'm literal:


Servers are computers that generally have a service running for clients to connect to.
With DHCP, IP addresses are assigned from a pre-configured pool
Since clients usually expect servers to be at a specific IP address, you shouldn't have them set to dynamically grab an address, you want them assigned a static address that you then map to a DNS A record so clients can always find them at the same resolvable name e.g.

If you had DHCP setup on servers, you might type www.mydomain.com only to find out www. * is pointing to an IP that's no longer in use.

All my infrastructure in my homelab is named off this: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_underworld#Rivers

Desktop: tartarus
Laptop: gehenna
File Server: summerland
ICal server: styx
Printer: mechanus
Security DVR: acheron
Xbone: pandemonium

Places in the afterlife from planescape:torment and others from research.

A lot of them are worse than bible thumpers ever were, you can't debate such people without that position coming up constantly. They use it as an excuse not to even entertain the notion of something greater than themselves. I think begin outspoken about it has become more common because people are more self-centered than ever now. It is just a side effect of this social media virus that has spread among the normalfags.

>[noun][email protected]/* */ thing I find with letters randomly capitalized/mispelled (e.g. [email protected]/* */)


Stop using cuckflare: oxwugzccvk3dk6tj.onion/tech/res/771036.html#q773879

Why on earth would anybody use Jira for any kind of personal use?

so brave

Use a hostname that matches the network you're connecting to. Even mirror the IP and MAC of a machine that is offline when your machine enters the network. There are no prizes for creativity.


Outspoken anything is very American.


hostname niggernet


s9 because GitS fag
23 because front 242 fag

Computer names are Ragnarok (AMD K6-2 300), Rapture ( (((Intel))) Core 2 Quad Q8200), Abomination (Mac G4), Thanatos ( (((Intel))) 486 DX2 66), and I forget what, or if, I named the shitty laptop I was gifted. Who in the fuck makes a laptop that maxes out at 2GB of RAM?

>implying (((Intel))) was Jewish at the 486 era

God says...
birds umm astrophysics church absetively_posilutely I_be_like and_then_what basically ha I'm_in_suspense joker test_pilot are_you_insane enough have_fun Ghost wishful_thinking na_na bickering hi Han_shot_first climate Yes_you_are God_smack but_of_course air_head not_good joke nevada it_was_nothing economy cursing


FBI Surveillance Van
weeb machine
shitbox 1
shitbox 2


A true scholar right here.

I use significant Greek/Roman philosophers or leaders. This computer is "pericles" for example. Strawhut Germaniggers will never understand.


More like schinokefalos