Sporderman Storytime

The Distinguished Gentleman From New York

Awhile ago in some thread I told some anons about some old spiderman comics my dad had. He only had sporadic issues of various stories, and now with the power of a series of tubes I can finally actually see what happens. First up is the Distinguished Gentleman from new York where an alien cotton candy monster threatens to do…. something. Also the Colonel doesn't like him very much.

While looking through some of these comics I was kinda of shocked at the art. I remember it being much better, maybe it's those rose tinted goggles.

That guy from mighty max makes an appearance here to.


And that's the first issue.

Now for issue number two, this is all new to me from here on out.

I am having a hard time taking the pink slime man seriously.


Him showering with his suit on is harder to explain then the suit itself. Saying it's just a halloween costume would be believable. There is spiderman merchandise in universe isn't there?

Hey because of the fairyland storytime I know what caveat means.

Even in comics women are fucking retarded. Anyways onto part 3.

Okay it's obvious the green ones are here to help. Also spiderman being beat by what is basically a rash is pretty sad.


Not very good choice of colors.


Well this was retarded. Maybe I was better off not knowing what happened. In any case I will be back on later to storytime some other stories. I still need to find all the scans for maximum carnage.

Alright I'm back. Going to story time a few more issues of another comic I had back in the day, but never actually saw the conclusion to. In this one we see what I think is the first appearance of what seemed like a pretty cool character, until he was basically butchered later. Of course some people might argue it was bad to begin with. I am talking about Morlun, and no this isn't the spider-verse one.



Fucking spider-man is upstaged by what appears to be a homeless man.

That's the first issue. I will probably just let this thread die unless someone has a request after this.

This next two are mostly just backstory setting up for the main fight.

In the next panel we see super hero, and all around good guy spider-man hide from somebody like a terrified kindergartner.



And that's it for issue number 31.

I don't know why he seems surprised, women never appreciate anything.




And finally we get to the actual fight.

I am still not entirely sure how this guys powers work. Was it ever fully explained, or was it fully explained and then ruined?





Spidey's seen better days.


Getting some posting problems.




On a scale of 1 to Civil war 2, how bad is this idea?


Pretty anti-climactic if you ask me.

So Morlun is finally defeated, but Peter gets cancer. Oh well.

And Hobo-man lived to tell about it.

Dun… dun… dunnnnnnnnnnnn. Anyways that is it from me. If anyone has any requests I can storytime that, but as for now this thread is done. Maybe I will storytime maximum carnage at a later date.

You fucking kids.

This isn't the ones I was talking about actually. I couldn't find the ones I was looking for so I just decided to let the thread die. These are ones I think I bought, but I don't remember exactly. Sage because again I was going to just let the thread die.

If you got anymore be my guest and dump.

Still looking maybe tomorrow. I am looking for all the parts of maximum carnage, but I can only find part 11, 14, and 7. Will continue looking, it's the one I want to find the most. I guess I can also dump the one where spidey, and rose fight El Uno.

I wouldn't mind seeing some Peter David Spiderman.
Or the David Michilineman stuff, where Peter and MJ are married, I miss them as a couple.

Alright whether you like it or not, here is maximum carnage.

Be forewarned, the scans I found are of varying size, and quality. It will be a bumpy ride.

You said it.

He'd have a heart attack if saw current marvel.


That's part 1, part 2 coming up next.

Part 2 coming up.

I didn't notice the split the pages like that. What's the point?

What the fuck is that face in the last panel of page 8?


That's it for part uuuuhhh 2 I think.

Carnage with the pimp hand on page 22. Anyways on to part 3.

It's funny years ago I would not have batted an eye at an inter-racial couple, but now it always makes me suspicious since it's almost always for propaganda.

The memes Jack, DNA of the soul.


That's it for part 3.

Now on to part 4.

Boy they really put some effort on her legs in that last page.



And that's it for part 4. It seems spider-man is going to pussy out and make things worse.

Going to take a bit of a break, and will be back on later to dump more.

On to part 5.

Did they ever make "Venom was right" shirts?



That's it for part 5.

Part 6 starts now

Just kidding!


Oh my God, Mary Jane is a slut!


That's it for part 6

Part seven starts now.





Part 8




That's it for part. I'll be back with the rest in a bit.

I'm back, and with the rest of maximum carnage. Starting part 9.





Part 10 coming up.





This is the one my dad had in his collection. I just looked through it, and he had a venom lethal protector #1. He must have gotten that one recently.




That's it for part 11.





End of part 12

Part 13 we are almost done.




Are you fucking kidding me? They are trying to defeat him with the power of love and forgiveness? What a way to ruin a story guys holy shit!

Thank god they didn't kill carnage with that because that would have ruined the entire thing. Anyways here is the conclusion to maximum carnage.


I'm just misunderstood bro…

You know his speech here is very hypocritical since Venom is the one out there actually trying to fight Carnage.

This is why everyone looks at super heroes like a bunch of rubes. Kill the unrepentant homicidal maniac, and save innocent people. But I guess since the people who die are off camera it's ok.

Oh grow up Parker.

And that's a wrap. What did you guys think? I liked it, but it ends on a pretty sour note. At least everything exploded.

Thanks OP

And I'm back with another of my dad's old comics. Dumping invasion of the spider slayers. Thankfully this one gets straight to the action with a xenomorph rip-off.

One of the few times a civilian wasn't a total dick to Peter.



Even Spider-man is sick of the lyingpress.

Invasion of the spider slayers part 2.





I always thought the scorpion looked stupid.








Pure coincidence.





Excuse me?

It just mean Rest in Peace IN Peace.

Why is there nothing he could do about it?

And Now the conclusion.

This seems so forced.


Oh, ok okie dokie then, mr. Mister Man man.

And that's that. I'll be back probably to storytime the fights with El Uno.

Can't wait

And here it is the Amazing spider-man 419, and 420 blaze it where we see Mr. Clean make an appearance.

I forgot how weird their faces looked holy shit!


And here he is the big guy himself.

Was letting the bomb go off part of his plan?

Sadly El Uno is only here for a couple of pages. Page numbers are kind of odd because there was a lot of advertisements.


What a scrooge

I require your shoes, clothes, and your shopping cart.

He deserved better than this. Well that's that for my Dad's old spider-man comics. He also had some old super-man ones, but I will probably not go looking for those.

Thanks for the read OP

You're welcome.


I actually quit, halfway through, and that's saying something because I normally get an autistic
ringing in my ears when I'm missing part of a crossover series.