I'm a Nazi, ask me anything.

How hard is your cock right now?

when will you kys?

From one leftist to another, stop that shit.

WEW lads

Lmao Why are you fags so obnoxious? Leftypol is my ass and Nazis are my balls. Now excuse me I gotta take a shit

you probably one of those fgts who think Hillary is a leftist even tho shes even more of a right winger than Trump

Centrists are the absolute bottom-of-the-barrel in all ideological discussion. I would vote for fascism and/or communism before i EVER voted for you faggots.

Assuming you live in the US, how do you feel being part of a political system thats based around German nationalism

I see this picture posted all the time with no context. So was this a charlottesville tiki torch brownshirt kid that some fag keeps trying to turn into a forced meme or is there some other story behind this?
Spoonfeed me here.

I'd like to see anyone that takes any part of the cuck fetish to stop that shit. Seeing anyone dehumanized bums me out hard.


I've been seeing that bitch a lot lately, but haven't heard the scoop. Who is she?

NTR is the worst fetish ever conceived. That's not a partisan issue, that's the objective truth.



It's fucking depressing, isn't it?

Okay, who is HE?

Would you fuck Tomoko?


i dont like Holla Forums, i have been banned there for very stupid reasons

It's a picture of me, here is another picture of me before I got the cool haircut

No because I'm not an anime fag

Would you fuck hitler?

I was banned for asking what the difference between "labour vouchers" and "money" was.


btw, I made that

Hi Dylan.

I'm Dylan Roof's long lost brother

Labor vouchers are non-transferrable except when "buying" things. Money, on the other hand, can be given to anyone, for any reason. Labor vouchers are better than money though, you'll just have to read more about it.


What a retard. The whole point of it being non-transferrable from person-to-person is that private merchants don't exist and all the wealth has to go through the state first.

all Marx is saying here is that capitalism rewards a low time preference. this means that you're getting your pleasure back, sometimes exponentially so: going to the gym instead of eating candy, investing instead of spending immediately. he's extolling the sins of responsibility outright. lower and lower time preference in economic systems is what turns the wheel of civilization (see hoppe on this), what has allowed us to advance.

"Low time preference" AKA worker alienation and dehumanization


all that's missing is the ben garrison logo

god damn
that was a ben garrison comic
like 3rd in search results

why are his comics so bad? there's never any substance. all he draws is mindless trump propaganda

bumping one of the only 2 quality treads on this shitty board

do u like idubbbz?

Not today cumboi

hi reddit. why are you not dead yet?

I'd do. I'd love to.
She is like me… Reading makes me feel like it's real… Such "humaniness"…

Neo-nazis knows nothing about nazism. Come to Germany and get lectured.

How does it feel to be non-white like everybody else on Holla Forums?


OP is cute

i don't want to see this thread exist

This, hey comrade

cuck=interracial now?

To be fair he has sterilized himself.