Gf is a gainz goblin

She is so fucking clingy. I already threatened to leave her, if she ever prevents me from living the life I want to life, but that only made it worse.

With a gf you really have no freedom anymore, I feel like I am choking. Anyone got experience with that? I think about leaving her…

it sounds like you need a midget girlfriend instead of a granny girlfriend. little girls better girlfriends because (1) they're not used up, roastie whores (2) they don't have to pretend to be innocent and fake their affection (3) they're relatively low maintance compared to a roastie granny which requires makeup, useless accessories and expensive shit to make her happy, while lgfs only require your attention and just a little bit of money and patience. op you're stupid for keeping her that long and you're stupid for not trying to find a relationship with a little girl. kys.

Do her a favour and leave

You are a piece of shit.
That is all.

fuck her everytime she does anything disagreeable.

I don't think that is enough punishment, because she lets me do it all to her.
Never tried anal with her, but that's because I don't like it, so I don't know what else to do.

It sounds like this is all your fault, OP. Am I supposed to feel sorry for you or something?

Why would you want your gf to be obese? Sicko.

I do, but that's another thing. She always tries to tempt me to fuck her before I go to the gym, but I only fuck her after I am back, because I want to give it my all in the gym.

She does suck my dick, while I game, but she obviously can't just do it the entire time.
We both wouldn't last that long.

Your priorities are all fucked up, that's your problem.

anyway why the fuck would you want a relationship if all you're gonna do is want to lone wolf everything you dumb cunt

Hey OP, leave her and send her my way. I'll take one for the team. Clingy gf's that bake and want to exercise with you, fuck, that's SO FUCKED UP, I mean, wowsers! But if it's the only way to help you out, dipshit spaz, I'll gladly do it.

Your only choice now is to eat her, user.

I like this new meme

Stop being such a cunt user
I had a hard time telling which one was the woman in that story

wow… just WOWING at all these nasty, toxic, hateful replies. OP pours his heart out to us all in this thread and you all have the nerve to be so insensitive to him??
OP, you seem like a caring person. So I'm gonna make this brief.
You're gonna have to slap that ho

if you're unhappy fucking leave you pussy.

you need a male girlfriend

Yeah, that's the whole fucking point of being in a relationship. The catch is that there's supposed to be something that you enjoy that motivates you to stay and tolerate the bullshit that comes along with relating with another person. For many, it's just the satisfaction of sex, or those brief and quiet moments when you're with them and everything just feels "right", but honestly I've never felt that shit so fuck relationships tbh.

I'd rather fuck a whore, but the problem is that in murica prostitution is illegal, which is gay.

as soon as you try and break up with her she will threaten/attempt suicide.
women have no self worth unless they are in a relationship. at least women like OP is talking about.

Truly a hard knock life being chad. How do you ever make it through the day?

be a fucking man and beat her ass. then get a lgf.

Sounds like she can tell the gym is more important to you than she is and she won't rest until she becomes your #1 priority in life, because being anything less is extremely detrimental to her self-worth.

I bet you she's one of those chicks who only goes after dudes who are already in relationships too.

Anyways, best thing to do is treat her like you don't need her and will leave the moment she becomes inconvenient to you, and make it convincing.

Tell her you're extremely independent, you need your alone time, the gym in particular is going to be a solo thing for you, and if she can't get behind that, she needs to go find someone else.

Sounds like every time you give her a smack she resorts to crying. What do you do when she pulls that shit? Don't back down or soften up just to make her cut it out. Stand your ground. She's the one who needs to get right with it, not you.

If treating her like you'll leave her the second she annoys you doesn't do the trick, then actually leave her.
