Where have all the good men gone, B?

Where have all the good men gone, B?

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the got married to all the good women and had █ilies… leaving all of us spergs and all of you tumblrinas out in the cold wondering why our lives are unfulfilled… really not that hard to figure out…


no fuck your gay alphabet

i hope you get hit by a car today.

and i hope today is is the day your mommy finally gets sick of yur shit and hires men to drag your retarded ass out of the basement and on to the front lawn to hose the stank off…

jokes on you faggot, i don't even have a basemen█

Sounds like OP needs a hero.



To the gulag, obviously :Ü™


Hindi ttsyhggg


She forgot to do the dishes.

Go back

t. Fedora Fag

when they say good men, they think about pic related.
you see, women from 18 to 24 will hop on the cock carousel, from Chad to Chad.
the thing is they're getting old and at some point they get out of Chad's fuck range (18~24yo).

the "good guys" (Chads) aren't interested in them anymore.

The good men all found good women. 2d women

boygirls are based
women = unbased
men = unbased

What use would an inked-up dyed-haired obese feminazi wiccan have for a man, anyway? I'm sure she'll find herself a nice boondagger to lick her vulva smegma eventually.

wow youre rude and edgy and hate women how special and unique

I used to want a GF and a wife with to have kids some day. But as time went on and i saw how the hookup game is played i lost respect for it all. I saw how most would do one night stands or just make excuses on why they should not stay togather. I've hung out with girls and showed them how i can support them and give them a good lifestyle of traveling and have a nice house with new cars. But I'm fat and it's because ive always been depressed. Now I just don't care anymore and im losing weight so i can get out more and injoye life. Thing is, i'm being hit on by the older women who cant maintain their slim bodies like they did when they where teens. I would not mind that they are getting fat like i was but they hatted me back then for being fat and a loser. Now they have become the loser and i just cant care about them anymore. I dont care if "They understand" now since they are going through it to. By being rejected so ling im numb inside to their advances and i just cant respect them anymore. Maybe one day one will approach me and actually start an intelligent conversation and not just want to get me in bed thinking that's all she has to do. But Women today want shit simple then make it complicated in order to blame you for things not working out.

2D women will replace 3DPD as the true companion men need. They will also be brought into our world by robotic AI Waifus.

Men don't hate women, we just don't care about them anymore.

Well, they're not interested in breeding hippopotamus.

Idk ur prolly sitting on them

nothing gay about esoteric pucci tbh

is fam the new blocks your path?

gone looking for little girls :)

I highly doubt that any of these little girls wants your creepy ass around them. But I can't really blame you for lusting after them, it's their parents fault. Kids aren't supposed to be sexualized and working for modeling agencies to make their worthless parents money, this is child abuse in my opinion.

this tbh

minus the abuse part. i think it is shitty parenting nonetheless

;level 7-8 good man here. not ugly. but women want models. rich models. at least girls at my level. been dumped by 7s and 8s my entire life. now i just fap.

they are russians, what do you expect?

"Where have all the young men gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the young men gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the young men gone?
Gone for soldiers every one
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?

Where have all the soldiers gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the soldiers gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the soldiers gone?
Gone to graveyards every one
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?"


They're here, they've always been here, and they will be here before we are all dead.

Get out

to hell