Why do Leftist always lie?


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because they love spamming youtube links with no context to get datamining clickels? oh wait…

cause they suck



hahaha so fannay

10/10 commies are pathetic as always.

meep meep just gibs the footnotes tbh no homo



where tf have you been for the last 2 weeks user?

That's a valid point


Well if seeing it gets you this upset, you should go home.


Why do leftists stick ginger up their asses? Or import rapefugees?

Jordan Peterson and Sargon of Cuckad are both civic nationalist faggots, nothing revolutionary about them.

JP is at least a respectable intellectual, as opposed to the legions of Marxist intelligentsia. I mean, he's not a based nat soc, obviously; but he makes a good bridge. To a lesser extent the same is true for Sargon. One must understand the "Hitler did nothing wrong" meme isn't going to convert the undecided, even if it is demonstrably true.

You don't have to be a NatSoc to know race is real. Even a century ago practically everyone everywhere were racist and acted on this ideology. If JP doesn't have the courage to say race is real there is no foundation to build upon. All his musings are platitudes, perhaps new to Gamers.

Or, they're just hypocrites and gatekeepers and should be called out as such. I didn't need any e-celeb 'bridges', I just needed truth. If you want to start slow go with Yuri Bezmenov and Adam Curtis documentaries, they're interesting on their own. From there it's just 'hey, wanna see what the Germans in the fucking cool uniforms were really about?'

Wew! That slid right up there dry! No resistance at all.

lol its called figging and the oils burn like a motherfucker but it doesn't cause any damage

STOP BUMPING THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wouldn't be at all surprised if he's already said it and nobody noticed, because it was followed by his ultimate argument against about any kind of collectivism, including racial collectivism
You could almost say, that there's a solid foundation to build upon, and he's erected a wall on top of it :^)

sad! many such cases!

STOP BUMPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!