Moderators, do your job...

Moderators, do your job. The Holla Forums goons have been spamming more aggressively than usual since the video of their tranny BO sucking cock was disseminated here. They are clearly ass mad. Please begin pruning their endless shit-posting.

Thank you.

Other urls found in this thread:


If you see any illegal content report it. Thanks

t. moderators

kys kekistani

Holla Forums poster here, most of us don't give a shit. A lot of people on Holla Forums actually hate the board owner. I agree though, the people who are sperging out are probably from Holla Forums, and they are probably leftcoms or stirnerites at that. Those guys are fags lmao

keep blaming everybody else for your shortcomings, your life will surely improve then


Sag e =Triggered

You should start a script that finds the most used words on Holla Forums and put it into a huge image collage.

the alt-kike is the most successful political ideology right now tbh


When will youmstart?


Allready exists here Forums&board=b&limit=5&size=1200

based and black are the two most used words on Holla Forums right now


inb4 le dataminer XDDDD
Kill yourself

Just about as expected, really.

confirmed leftist butthurt

wtf is this shit. nigger should be near the top




fuck that is funny and sad

Oh noes guys muh fake news b saying he's done sheeeeit..
gobble gobble piggy



based #MAGA

These reporters and networks have been named in the WikiLeaks to have colluded with the DNC or Hillary campaign during the 2016 election cycle:

ABC – Cecilia Vega
ABC - David Muir
ABC – Diane Sawyer
ABC – George Stephanoplous
ABC – Jon Karl
ABC – Liz Kreutz
AP – Julie Pace
AP – Ken Thomas
AP – Lisa Lerer
AURN – April Ryan
Bloomberg – Jennifer Epstein
Bloomberg – John Heillman
Bloomberg/MSNBC – Jonathan Alter
Bloomberg – Mark Halperin
Buzzfeed – Ben Smith
Buzzfeed – Ruby Cramer
CBS – Gayle King
CBS – John Dickerson
CBS – Norah O'Donnell
CBS – Steve Chagaris
CBS – Vicki Gordon
CNBC – John Harwood
CNN – Brianna Keilar
CNN – Dan Merica
CNN – David Chailan
CNN – Erin Burnett
CNN – Gloria Borger
CNN – Jake Tapper
CNN – Jeff Zeleny
CNN - Jeff Zucker
CNN – John Berman
CNN – Kate Bouldan
CNN – Maria Cardona
CNN – Mark Preston
CNN – Sam Feist
Daily Beast – Jackie Kucinich
GPG – Mike Feldman
HuffPo – Amanda Terkel
HuffPo – Arianna Huffington
HuffPo – Sam Stein
HuffPo – Whitney Snyder
LAT – Evan Handler
LAT – Mike Memoli
McClatchy – Anita Kumar
MORE – Betsy Fisher Martin
MSNBC – Alex Seitz-Wald
MSNBC – Alex Wagner
MSNBC – Andrea Mitchell
MSNBC - Beth Fouhy
MSNBC – Ed Schultz
MSNBC – Joe Scarborough
MSNBC – Mika Brzezinski
MSNBC – Phil Griffin
MSNBC – Rachel Maddow
MSNBC – Rachel Racusen
MSNBC – Thomas Roberts
National Journal – Emily Schultheis
NBC – Chuck Todd
NBC – Mark Murray
NBC – Savannah Gutherie
New Yorker – David Remnick
New Yorker – Ryan Liza
NPR – Mike Oreskes
NPR – Tamara Keith
NY Post – Geofe Earl
NYT – Amy Chozik
NYT – Carolyn Ryan
NYT – Gail Collins
NYT – John Harwoodje
NYT – Jonathan Martin
NYT – Maggie Haberman
NYT – Pat Healey
PBS – Charlie Rose
People – Sandra Sobieraj Westfall
Politico – Annie Karni
Politico – Gabe Debenedetti
Politico – Glenn Thrush
Politico – Kenneth Vogel
Politico – Mike Allen
Reuters – Amanda Becker
Tina Brown – Tina Brown
The Hill – Amie Parnes
Univision – Maria-Elena Salinas
Vice – Alyssa Mastramonoco
Vox – Jon Allen
WaPo – Anne Gearan
WaPo – Greg Sargent
WSJ – Laura Meckler
WSJ – Peter Nicholas
WSJ – Colleen McCain Nelson
Yahoo – Matt Bai



Leftist are the establishment TBH fam



he sees the world as humans vs orcs, user. you can't fault for him he was born this way

whoa based #MAGA


The moron alluded to the corporate media having credibility when in fact they have none…this being a verifiable fact i was pointing out his complete and utter stupidity.

Your butthurt pleases me

Her real tits are fake though

goddamn i wonder if this user is imkampfy with how much kosher trump cock he sucks


are her tits gonna fix the economy?

fucking BASED #MAGA /ourguy/

if you can squeeze them they're real

Holla Forums has espoused zionist views from the start this isn't new news to anybody, idiot. they are ethnonationalist like we want to be you fucking kike.


Oh no guy we should have waited for literally Hitler………..derp


>pol has always been at war with Eurasia voraciously sucked cut dicks

You misspelled leftypol friend

well I'm convinced

oh my god that is pathetic



this is just embarrasing

What a great mod. Glad you're not abusing power

This nigga serious? Since when does Holla Forums whine about shit content? Isn't shit content your entire purpose?

he's some autist who has been spamming incessantly that leftypol is spamming us

this is the video that they are trying to slide

spoiler that shit. i just ate, fucks sake



So what if they are? this shit is Holla Forums fucking any thing goes. Nigga just gotta learn to ignore the shitposts he doesn't want to read.

They are literally spamming the enitre board, making thread after thread after thread of the same shit. They have an entire board to hate drumpf and post anti-white memes. The same applies to Holla Forums and their rhetoric, as far as I'm concerned; it's annoying either way.

the only spam I see is
post proofs to the contrary or return to playing with your dragon dildo collection

this tbh
OP is a fucking annoying cunt

So? Fucking ignore it. Don't be a faggot.


Also obvious samefag is obvious. You are likely one of the spammers. It is equally obnoxious when Holla Forums does it.

Me? Nigga i aint even from this board. I'm just high and stumbled into Holla Forums for shits and grins.

take your meds autismo


Lurk more.

probably the weakest b8 i've ever seen and you fell for it. YOU lurk moar

Its honestly pathetic. They think that this meager attempt at shilling and backtracking is convincing anyone anything other than whats already know; Holla Forums is full annoying faggots that are most likely recruited from reddit.

Go back to your hugbox, stormderp.

Shitposting is shitposting. Go back to 4cuck.

go back to your containment board, gommie

Holla Forums trying to out Holla Forums Holla Forums


Holla Forums openly recruits from reddit

you should seek professional help, you are not well

jfc, no wonder this shit-hole have become a normie fest

charred circles is leftist?

I think goons like astroturfing because it worked on them a long time ago when the hambeasts invaded them and now they have to live with that and pay ten dollars to be the biggest embarrassment on the net.

look up the bills retard

narcissistic little prick

hex is the spammer tbh

Hey pal, these nice guys in white coats want to have a talk with you. Down't worry about bringing your jacket, they brought one for you.

back to choking down orange penis, establishment cuck

t. butthurt user that follows me around being butthurt



jesus christ what kind of neo-Holla Forums faggotry is this? Fuck off back to reddit


t. newfag

you don't belong here faggot

you don't even have the redeeming feature of being funny (or smart, or interesting)

more people seem to disagree with you than agree with you tbh

illusions of popularity don't make you any less unpleasant. you may think anons like your tripfaggotry, hitlershit and endless attention whoring, but you're wrong. the board would be slimmer and fitter without your input, just as the mormon church would be closer to its ideals without your dishonesty and hypocrisy. of all the sick kids who infest this place, you are the least endearing by far

wew that's some serious butthurt.

Ban all pro-Holla Forums posters.

Stfu we tolerate Holla Forums antics on this board, learn to play nice and do the same for Holla Forums

if your still here, what's the difference between a leftypol poster and a leftcom? aren't you all fucking commies?

why should anyone tolerate commies?

Yeah, that will be the day. Noob detected.

bump #MAGA

they are fucking spamming us

You are the one fucking spamming us, stop.


Does any of you fuckers have the full video? I can't jack off to it unless the guy orgasms. The other one, that's being sucked. I'm being serious though. Suck, suck, end. How did it end damn it? Did the guy cum damn it? The other guy damn it!

look at the catalogue you dunce, it's almost all your autistic screeching

whew laddie. how committed are you to this conclusion?


without larping, i'll find all threads currently in the catalog that i created, and i give mods my permission to state whether or not my list is complete and accurate

yeah cuz using a proxy is so hard, right?

i only bareback with the occasional phonepost

how do you not get splinters?

by not shoving the plunger up my ass tbh

but a phonepost is way bigger than a plunger, and doesn't usually have any kind of finish or varnish on it

also doesn't have any wood

Its always finished with Creosote