
For the Richfags:
- how did you get rich?
- What advice would you give to anyone who wants to get rich?

I became amazingly rich by placing a paid advertisement on 8 chan… the dollars have simply not stopped rolling in!

made my first million by posting lolis and saying "tbh" on Holla Forums
my advice for anyone who wants to get rich is to post lolis and say "tbh" on Holla Forums

My man!
You have THE plan!


I got rich by selling advice on how to get rich.
That information will cost you $5000.


define rich

I have over $2 mil in my retirement account, tbh. Some people would say that makes me rich, but I wouldn't. That is just how much life is going to cost me between retirement and death. If you figure that you retire at 60 and die at 80 that is 20 years. It works out to $100K per year, during the years when medical needs become constant. Given the seemingly unstoppable rise in medical care costs, by the time I do retire that $11K per year will undoubtedly seem inadequate. Which is why I keep putting more in every paycheck.

Sorry,should read "that $100K per year*

/r/ good finance and economy books Google /biz/ books. Anyone?

Good* /biz/ books

i have $13 in my wallet

If you lived in the UK/Ireland, you wouldn't have to worry about medical care costs, user.

no instead he wouldn't have to worry about saving money because half his nut would be getting TAXED

I sold a site to 2chan.

if you have $ 1 million in funds or equity. It does not matter your physical assets.

you could invest in bitcoin 5 years ago

big if true

Funny you should mention that. I have actually looked at retiring in Ireland for that reason. I have a lot of family and friends there, and could avoid the tax issue in a number of ways. The only thing that worries me now about Ireland is what is going to happen to it with regard to the Brexit. It is a huge unknown factor, and when it comes to planning your financial future, unknowns are less than desireable.

I call bs. If you actually had 2 million you could retire now and live off the dividends. If you do actually have $2mil I recommend you speak with a cpa.





funny cuz pretty much true. sad cuz pretty much true


Computer security consulting and investing my earned income. Already doing pretty well, and hopefully will do even better once a project I'm working on is finished.

My advice: find a skill that you're good at, that is in demand, and that a lot of other people can't do. Supply and demand dictates that your income will be high. Once you've got income, don't be a nigger and spend it all; make your money work for you by investing it. Just don't invest in stocks. Land is where money is, you just have to save up some starting capital to be able to afford it.

Also, the next few decades are going to be interesting. If your income or survival depend on the government, or if you even count on the government functioning, you'll be in deep shit. If you have anything invested in stocks or bonds, liquidate it now or consider it gone.

Not sure if serious or meme'ing, but the reason why the United States hasn't imploded yet is because we have the power to keep the plates spinning longer than Greece could. We can shift the effect of money printing to other countries because the dollar is the global reserve currency, and use the fact that people still see America as fairly stable compared to other nations to attract bond investment.

But eventually our debt will catch up to us. We can live off of past success and our reserve currency status for a while, but eventually bond investors will get so worried about our $20, $30, $40+ trillion dollars in debt that they'll no longer be willing to invest, and we can only sell so many dollars to foreign countries until the market is saturated and we start getting inflation here.

People who say that America doesn't have to worry about debt because we're powerful or are the reserve currency are like people who said in 1929 that RKO didn't have to worry about its stock being overvalued because everyone wanted to buy it at the moment. Sure, extraordinary popular delusions can keep people from seeing the rot in the foundations for a while, maybe even for a few decades, but eventually people are going to realize that things are not healthy, and they'll panic. This will initiate a crash.

All of this would be okay if America's problem was only temporary. If we just had to go into debt for five or ten years to pay for a war and then stop the spending once the war was over, us going into debt wouldn't be a big deal, because it would be temporary and we would still have a strong economy underpinning our debt. But our problems are structural in nature. Even if Congress did balance the budget by cutting discretionary spending, mandatory spending for things like social security would produce a continuously expanding deficit by 2020, and unless Congress cuts social security programs (unlikely, as old people vote heavily and there will be an increasing number of them in the next few decades), that isn't changing. And since our social security system depends on there being more young people than old, which will no longer be the case, the problem can only get worse (and contrary to the Boomers' beliefs, 85-IQ imports from Mexico will not save them – they draw more money from the government than they put in). Our fractional reserve banking system ensures that we must continue to print money uncontrollably, leading to inflation. And the trends towards massive mortgage, credit card, and student loan debt will depress consumer spending (you can't exactly spend on consumer goods when you've got $80,000 in debt at a 15% interest rate and you only have a job that pays $35,000 a year to pay for it, along with living expenses), which is a bit of a problem when 70% of the American economy is based on consumer spending.

So America is pretty much fucked. But Europe and Asia aren't much better. Europe has their own debt crisis and issues with the SU being fundamentally unworkable. China has the largest housing and stock bubbles in history. All in all, I'd say that our global economic system will need to be completely reworked, and the readjustment that initializes this reworking won't be painless.

Not rich, but I make about $40/hour writing software for a living. Given my relatively low end upbringing for a white kid from a white family in Burgerland it's actually pretty satisfying level tier.

I get paid upto $500 a service: Rich Californians pay me to deflower their children for them. I do it lovingly, gently and caringly, which is why I am making outrageous amounts of money doing this valid community service.

bump squad

I empty my bowels into your open mouth as you sleep

hey nigger help me board slide old treads

i was born

I hope it destroys the economy. That's what these stupid fuckers get for implementing that kike welfare social security for the niggers of age to leech off of.
t. Losing 20% of paycheck just to pay for decrepit pieces of shit who don't work.

At last! An entirely-appropriate place to post this meme!
Today is a good day.

T1-Entrepeneur-Highest Risk-
T2-Investor/Speculation-High Risk-
T3-Professional/Tradesman-Low Risk
T4-Labourer/Unskilled Worker-Low Risk-High Risk

I'm not rich yet, but I've got a bit over $600k invested and I'm now making over $200k/yr working 12 hours a day in tech. You too can make big numbers and wind up handing a lot of it back to pay for some lazy nigger by working extremely hard. It's all pointless as the Jews are robbing us and it'll all be play money soon.

is it too late to invest in bitcoin?

Nope, same fucks that tell you right now that its too late are the same ones who wouldve told you that 5 yrs ago. You have a smartphone/laptop? Use it to educate your self

I make a lot of money, and tha'ts easy to me because i love my work. but i unable to save money and that is disturbign me.

