NBC’s Katy Tur: Milo a ‘White Supremacist Icon’


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When people on this board tell you that the Overton Window is shifting – make sure you stop and think critically about which way it's shifting.


we need to just keep spamming this stupid cunt with " do you call your dad "dad" or "mom"" or post pics of the two of them with captions like "when your uncle goes dress shopping with you"


Meaning what?


Milo and his alt-right goons are the first into the oven.

See the post above yours.

Nothing new. Milo is a faggot kike who also shills another fake movement, the alt-kikeright. This is all according to plan, and people are fools for believing the alt-right/milo are not controlled opposition.

have we got a video of this?

Is it normal for white supremacists to brag about how much anal sex they have with black men?

We need to divorce ourselves of this dialectic.

There is no such thing as anal sex. It’s sodomy. Sex is the act between a man and a woman.

Leader of the Alt-Kike

If Milo wants to take the jews on by himself I say go for it. The biggest problem is fear, once broken then they have no real power.

Except he won't. He specifically idolizes niggers.
He is controlled opposition. You can tell by
One step foward towards the truth, many steps back.
The other kike in the picture is a favored celebrity with the alt kikes.

… yeah, that must be why he loves the Big Black Cock.

did they not even research the guy? calling this guy a white supremacist is like calling a landwhale a topmodel

Our icons aren't real, idiots.

Frightening thought. If he's a white supremacist just imagine how horrible we must look to them.
Are we the boogey men that live in their basement that rape puppies, and kittens while pissing into their cereal?

They're living in the upside down.

It's shifting to the Right. Some dumb cunt *hilariously* thinking Milo is a white supremacist doesn't change that.

So apparently the faggot jew has DONE EXACTLY WHAT JEWS DO and tried to steal shekels from Trump’s reddit fanbase? I don’t know the details, but this is a chance to disconnect them from him.



Reminder that…

1) Milo wants reparations for niggers because muh slavery

2) he scammed people out of hundres of thousands of dollars under the pretense of helping young white males

If anything, he's anti-white.

But Milo is a jew, a gay jew at that.
He the first to go to the bog

We are literal nazis, the reincarnation of Hitler.

Even the thought of us causes them to scream out that they are being gassed.


How did this ever happen?

you can see all these (((alt right))) jewtube channels popping up doing the same thing.

A gay jew that loves black cock is a white supremacist now. I don't know if I should laugh or be disgusted.

These nitwits are just going to label anyone that does not agree with them a white supremacist now. this will blow up in their faces hard.

They really love putting this kike faggot on a pedestal, don't they? Won't they eventually realise that the real white-supremacists on places like Holla Forums fucking despise his jew, nigger-loving faggot ass?

They'll wish that a relatively quick and painless death such as gas was the treatment they got once we're done with them.

It's annoying but I do think this time it is funny as fuck. They are claiming a gay jew who loves black cock is a white supremacist. It just makes the media look foolish and makes for a good way to show how full of shit the media is.

They don't care, they just hope that associating this walking filth with white supremacy makes people like Holla Forums stop associating with white nationalism because he's a repulsive racemixing kike faggot. Just double down and push the fag in the bog.


The Milo Internet Defense Force has been in full damage control mode ever since it was exposed.

Yeah I saw that. Even Milo's biggest fans over there were like WTF dude

Why is it that jews keep trying to get away with it?


A Greek gay Jew that fucks black guys is a white supremacist now?

Yes, he is the leader of the "alt-right" a jewish hate group created to destroy white nationalism. He is a confirmed scam artist, terrorist, and sodomizer of children.

If you spot this man please call your local RWDS for assisstance.

At least half of Wall Street should've faced a firing squad for the damage that they did to this country

It is shifting to the right. Nationalism is in the air. Milo is nothing more than an attention whoring entry point and will eventually ruin himself as all fags do.

oh look, it's the media lying again
oh look, it's a kike attempting to scrabble up as many shekels and as much attention as he possibly can

nothing new, although still infuriating. Milo is practically the definition of controlled opposition, as is Breitbart. They are slightly useful in that they present the realistic case of some of our issues, but they use those nuggets of truth as bait to lead people down the wrong path.

Making up leaders for political movements so you can better attack them isn`t anything new, but all that talk about this being an attempt to subvert the alt-right seems like bullshit to me now, they are too stupid to try such thing

It would be simpler to just throw the 6 million chosen ones in this country into a yuge oven.


“It was his privilege…”

This is basically Milo's real purpose. He's a human deflector shield that makes identity politics based arguments look ridiculous by default. After all, a few years ago the image of the average white supremacist was a skinhead in combat boots curbstomping six year olds out in the inner city. Now it's a greek homosexual in funny clothes and silly hair dye similar to what one sees in the problem glasses crowd.

He makes this bullshit look affable. Nobody can actually be AFRAID of that 90 pound douchebag and thus in their attempts to grope for a "leader" of the hate group attacking their preferred candidate and media goons have made them look stupid. It generally guides people towards the idea that, if the think for a few minutes, the media is clearly overreacting and thus opens the door to some very serious questions. Similar to how a cartoon frog is suddenly the new symbol for facism in the west.

However controlled that opposition is, this is not a situation where they want such a thing. The controlled opposition has been Hijacked by Trump and company and if anyone begins to believe that Clinton isn't a saint on earth and Trump isn't a devil born to oppose her, it's a lost vote, because if they don't vote for Trump they'll either waste it on a third party candidate or just stay home in protest which hurts Clinton anyway.

When Trump is in office in a couple of months, Milo's grant money will be LONG overdue and his sympathy for his twitter escapades will be long over. We can then safely go after him for it. But until then he's useful in making the enemy look foolish to their audience.

This. He's either going to get some fag disease or get shot by some deranged tumblrina.

They should be afraid, they won't be laughing for long.

Yeah that's it Milo's a plant. Fucking knew it.

He's not even gay.

This is what the altright gets for whining about muh purity spiraling so much. They don't even deserve the right to complain.

As an actual white supremacist I must say I'm a bit offended by this. I'll stick with Mel Gibson and Bobby Fischer, thanks.

The alt-kike is Jew infested and they'll do everything they can to steer it away from actual problems and into a ditch. How can you address the symptoms of globalism without going after the globalists?

You hit the nail on the head. You can't, that's the point.

At what point did we enter a time where "white supremacist" meant "not wanting to be bred out of existence"?

Media infecting the minds of children. Government replacing father figures. Women's suffrage creating a situation where women aren't "enabled" but instead required in a situation where both parents must work in order to sent their children to a college where they will learn to promote the same system.

How is this so hard for others to see when confronted with blatant evidence?

..don't answer that.

You know, it's interesting that Russia, having gone through the gauntlet of what was the Rothschild eutopia/capital – they, while struggling to even survive now, are trying to cry out to the rest of the world; exposing this.

And our shit population can't even get past the first hurdle in recognizing this isn't "white supremacy".


lol ok a gay Jew is the face of white nationalism. Fucking kikes are absolutely retarded. Their entire race can be summed up as pseudo-intellectual

Milo is a weapon, immune to the enemy's attacks due to his status as a protected person.

Even more so, we can use this, especially this instance, to illustrate once more the absurdity of the left. Forcing them to explain how a bag of diversity can be a white supremacist would prove amusing.

They were never smart user, just adept at corrupting societies, being naturals at it thanks to satan's blood coursing through their veins.

I'm glad I'm not the only one user.

Milo's entire demeanor parallels with what I would imagine to be a person pretending to be gay.

A long while back I saw a tweet where he stated in "jest" that he wasn't even gay.

He's more than likely a faggot, but part of me still thinks there is something off about him, his entire persona just screams Jewish duplicity or "troll".

Kikes are intentionally being inaccurate about it to rustle our jimmies. Milo is just an anti-PC guy who criticizes the left. He ain't a white nationalist like us.

This niggerloving crypto-kike? Really?

I'm glad he's the PR face though. Maybe he's really being a hero of self-sacrifice. I wonder if history will ever know or he cares to be the unsung hero but in it won't change what he is.

No they aren't. Kikes are literally triggered out of their minds. This was part of the plan from the beginning.

Katy Turn will turn soon.

But now I truly see…

Mel is expecting his 9th child with his girlfriend. Thought that was good news.

I used to think Milo was ok. It was after I realised that by using his sexuality as a special shield - the same way you can't criticise a black man because all of a sudden it's racist - is rooted in a leftist privilege ideal.
Some may say it's just using the left's weapon against them, but I see it as stooping down to their level. If a leftist shits in their hand and throws said shit at me, I'm not going to pull down my pants and do the same back at them.

I don't really understand the people who want to correct the MSMs perception of Milo being our figurehead.

The less the enemy understands what he is fighting the more of it's fire will be misdirected.

And the fact that he is a faggot kike throws a huge spanner in their rethorical frameworks, it's hillarious to watch.

I disagree user, I say you shit four times as much into your own hand and shove the stinking mess down your opponent's neck in front of everyone, so they can see what happens to people who want to fling shit.

This of course presumes one can outshit a lefty, which isn't always possible.

But honestly, the fact that we can be any single person in their society scares them. That one odd acquaintance that they dont see very often but decides to challenge their narrative scares them. The fact an an able-bodies man doing work for them out of generosity can hurt them. They get offended by everything, so that the normies see they are crazy about everything.

I never said anything about not breaking their nose or whatever.
I just don't believe in using retarded leftist rooted privilege points that give individuals special protection status or a grandstand based on sexuality.

Milo is a nigger loving faggot but he has shifted part of the normies towards us. He hangs last, but the day of the rope approaches nonetheless.

I know, right?

That's why we should never try and target the employers of our enemies - that'd be sinking to their level, and we can't have that! It's the same with identity politics - if you use identity politics, you're basically a leftist.

Much better to lose and have our people die out than to do mean or nasty things, amirite?


I'm talking about privilege based on sexuality here. If Milo wasn't a flamboyant gay, he wouldn't have the podium he currently does. The fact that he has a large following simply because he likes men is disturbing to me. His most extreme views are centre-right at best.

The shift towards conservatism and race realism is doing just fine on it's own, Milo or not.

Milo will wake up in the morning and kill the gay nigger laying next to him. He won't even know why.

The memes are in control now

We've come full circle

he looks like a seedy sunken eyed deli owner

That's how desperate they are to attack a "leader" figure.

It's classic jewish maneuver to normalize a new standard of what is now "unaccetable" and "extrreme" behavior. If they are able to push the window so far where even a gay zionist is a white supremacist for disagreeing with them on some issues, then you can forget about any normal white person with even moderately sane views being taken seriously by the public at large.

Like, it's so fucking retarded.

A literal nigger balling, gaylord jew, is now a fucking white supremacist. I just don't know anymore.

Top keks.

MSM media hates him but they can't say, 'dirty faggot' whatever.

The faggler must be extra confused now. It's like being 8 years old all over for him again when his uncle introduce a cock to his mouth and anus xD.

I bet more and more people are turning this shit off. The MTV music awards had 35% fewer viewers this year which is great. So if that degeneracy isn't being watched, I doubt people are flocking to, Katy Turd.

I guess these assholes are just really dumb and lazy and are doubling down on Pepe. Calling him the same didn't and won't work because he's a cute, fucking cartoon frog and they can't even make a case for their claim.


Honestly, Milo might end up being unintentionally useful here. In the same vein that the media and left look ridiculous trying to scare monger over nazi frogs, how ridiculous is it that they are now saying a gay, jewish journalist who is vocal zionist is a "White Supremacist Icon"?

Wow, that is a huge drop in a single yea. Was there a thread on it here or maybe on Holla Forums?

Both Milo and Sommers are jewish.

Except identity politics are a creation of Marxism. Under that theory race, sex, religion, ethnicity, culture, sexuality and so on are social constructs used to divide the proletariat ergo the solution is to blanda upp and accept subjectivity and the end of eternal truths so the workers of the world can unite. From there follow the accusations of "bigot" and the like, implying at the least that you are an unwitting tool of the capitalists used to divide and conquer. Quite obviously, identity politics arguments and accusations that follow from there only have power if you accept the Marxist premise, i.e. if you're a leftist, a cuckservative or a civic nationalist.

The Trump stuff is alright, but the last thing we need to do is associate with the alt-right, because it'll be destroyed the same way as GamerGate and OWS were with co-opting, a manipulation through leader figures and the progressive stack method of empowering the most useful idiots and using them to shout down the actually dangerous part of the movement.


Beware the wrath of unchecked dubs.


MSM couldnt be more off the mark with this one.
They'd be better trying to implicate Sam Hyde.

Be prepared for the next year. The fire cock is rising.