
Why do people like a language that was literally made for people that are too retarded for a real language?

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I think you ment to post this on #Holla Forums at irc.rizon.net

is this not r/tech/?

It is indeed r/tech



They should try a real language like rust.

Yeah, slip Rust into every thread. You're like a vegan that just can't shut up telling people about your lifestyle.

God damn, don't you faggots get tired of this?


Shouldn't you be asking the rust shills that?

I think we defeated the rust faggots




that nigger has hands of steel

You're a nigger


This is as bad as the "Women in Tech" photo colloges. The people who take the pictures don't know how to actually do the things they're photographing so there's no direction. You can see that the black man here is holding the actual sodering rod rather than the handle which would result in an instant and servere burn. Furthermore it appears that he is sodering a machine-manufactured computer Mother Board, superheating a transistor This would render the transistor unusable.

Furthermore I fail to see any Soder. How can you use a sodering iron without soder? Perhaps the people taking this photo also fail to realize that sodering requires soder and not just melting metal to metal.

The hard drive is open and exposed infront of him for no apparent reason while he is working on another component.

No precautions have been made to protect against static discharge.

Also what these people fail to understand is that this image may have been belivable prior to 1995 as that was when a computer technician would still be using the older Component-Level method since SAL manufacturing was a new endevor in the market. Now, with the emergence of SAL, a technician would not soder any part of the Mother Board but rather get replacement parts.

0/10 not even normies would believe this bullshit (I hope)

get lost kid. go is serious shit

It's solder, you mongoloid.

Golang is made for scripting language web devs so they can have a compiled statically typed language with concurrency. It's not a good language, but think of it from that perspective.

This is just more proof of white privilege. Your parents and community that you live in has used these types of tools in the past while youths in ghettos can't even afford baseball caps. Maybe some people don't know how these tools work because of their lack of access.

I wonder if you would know exactly how a nuclear control room worked if you where put into one.

Your racism is horrible!

It's not enough to chase them out for a day. We need to eradicate their entire bloodline.

Cucking for Rust is self sabotage. I would not worry about it.

You already answered your own question: because they're retarded.