I think it's happened

I think I've finally reached the pinnacle of rage and now I can't function like I used to. I literally cannot get a boner anymore looking at any type of porn especially if it involves a woman. These monsters have finally broken me and now I have absolutely no use for women. There's more to this so if you're interested in hearing more, leave a reply saying so

Other urls found in this thread:


So you've finally come out of the closet, OP?
We're so proud of you

Do you mean…???
Can it be true…???
OP really is a faggot?!?!?!


same happened to me when i started fapping to clothed 10 year old girls tbh

Its called porn addiction friendo

OP, just kys tbh fam

More for me, thanks bud.

That's the other problem, I wish I could just be gay and end my torture but I'm not into guys and I can't be gay from a medical standpoint

Their faces (much like other women's faces) piss me off too much

Not just porn, in fact I was about to get some from a neighbour lady when I looked at her face for a little while and got pissed, lost my erection and left

Suicide is for pussies


meep meep ur a retard, just stop fapping for like a month and also do exercise and you'll be able to get a boner again tbh

Porn addiction is what causes the erectile dysfunction you now have.

It isn't that either, it's purely mental. I hate women so much that I don't want to give them the satisfaction of sex even though they don't like it as much as us guys. They are fundamentally broken and I don't like that


takes longer than 2 weeks to cure a lifetime of porn addiction

I knew this was the wrong place to discuss this

Find a good woman and don't settle for anything less. Save your energy for her.

I see you don't live in reality.

meep meep well then just be a celibate monk and meditate and activate your chakras and atone for your sins tbh

There are 0 good women on Earth. You can say "not all of them are like that" and you'd be so wrong. The women you speak of are the ones to watch out for the most because they don't partake in the extracurriculars of killing men off slowly but like to do it in one quick burst and essentially ruin everything you've built from the foundation. Women are the scum of the earth

This guy gets it


Feel free to go somewhere thats full of people that will just reaffirm what you already believe.

So you are finally ascending, OP?
Good. You have passed the surface level wizardhood most of the faggots on here are stuck on. Constantly making threads about what muh princess did to piss me off.
You are moving into apathy. Next blissful acceptance where you don't hate women, you just accept them for what they are.
Much like accepting any dangerous creature for being the way it is by nature.

case in point

You do not allow a wild animal to run around destroying what you built. You still retain some hate for them but you have stopped that hate from turning into depression.

tifs faggot has fallen down the mgtow hole. On one hand, I feel bad for his cancer. On the other, I hope it progresses slowly and in the most painful way possible.


Helen Keller wasn't this dumb and blind

look like a buzzword shill fag has reported in. Tip of my hat to you for your little pun at the end also.

This thread wasn't meant to become an echo chamber, it was about venting and that's it

Ever heard of clickbait? Must be a foreign concept to morons

i got you fam


meep meep what does zubbi zubbi zubbi mean tbh

What finally made me crack was when I heard that girls were being allowed into the boy scouts. After years of experiencing laws being changed to suit women, taxes being implemented for male patrons while the females get discounts at bars and eateries, movies being remade with all female casts, bans being enforced to enable only women to join the armed forces and words being changed and/or added to the dictionary, the thing that finally breaks me is girls being allowed in the boys' club.

How are any of you ok with any of this?

probably fap fap fap
here's a different angle

my dick is so hard right now watching this, especially the girl on the left at :20
please tell me you have a version of this with a "wardrobe malfunction"

It's late FBIanon, get some sleep.

We are not ok with it. But you cant do much about it when most of the guys today are cucks.

Does anyone have a website or something with a list of filler episodes of Shippuden?

trips of truth

Quads m8

meep meep I am not ok with any of those things tbh. I just know that sperging out about it isn't gonna do anything tbh. also, don't blame women for these things, blame feminists/pc culture. personally I don't care about the girls being allowed to enter the boy scouts, but I do think the girl scouts should just make their shit better instead of trying to invade the boy scouts. better yet, the people who run the boy and girl scouts should just get together and make a kid scouts or whatever the fuck they call it where both boys and girls can join but the children are allowed to choose which activities they want to do, and everyone can shut the fuck up about gender and equality for once tbh.

that's le joke, m8

You're clinically a faggot in it's purest form.

Well there ya go. If you hate women, focusing on them will only make it worse. You're still giving them attention and a place in your brain even if you're giving them hate and rage at the same time.

It's time to stop obsessing. If they make you mad, then don't fucking look at them or give them the time of day. Break free of your constant thoughts of them and you will find your own great power. Since you're free of their spell, now is the time to make yourself great, to find your own personal power. Look into meditation and positive affirmations - it sounds like bullshit but they'll go a long way to giving you the life you want. Become strong and self-reliant any way you can. If you find a good paying job and don't have to spend it on anyone, you'll be blown away at all the money you'll have.

I'm proud of you user. The world is yours. Now go get it!


Are you serious? Don't blame women? What are feminists for the most part? Women right? But it's fine, whatever I won't blame them for that but what I will blame them for is 84% of them getting custody, 67-69% of single parent child abuse, 72% initiating divorce, being able to name a cuck her baby daddy and milk him for every penny even when he's not with her, 65% and rising every year of rape allegations being false, being entitled to a molestation victim's money even after divorce, having the benefit of the doubt in domestic violence cases and I could go on and on forever. There is not a single thing you can say that doesn't paint women in a negative light and it's become more of a problem over the past 3 years surprisingly. They have literally devolved from being my main goal as a kid, to being a piece of shit in a corn field to me as an adult. I hold nothing but contempt for these parasites and now I can't even get it up to them anymore because of it.

god, she turns me on SO MUCH

Women are in literally everything, even in male dominated spectacles they exist at the forefront. Every time I look at these mongrels in commercials, I feel a pit in my stomach and my spine starts burning. I can't escape them by normal means and that adds gasoline to my fire

no OP not all women. some women for sure you should just stay away from but…there are some good ones. What makes you think you are such a good catch that you deserve a "good one"?

Her tears used to be my fap material right before I started to become an ED sufferer

That's where you're wrong. Only 1 in 10 are telling the truth.

it's both her tears, AND the way her tits jiggle when she cries. why do i love crazy girls so much. goddamnit

If he can support himself and owns his own place to support children then he deserves one. Any fuck that has a GF that cant even support himself is a dead end loser. Note that most women today are with dead end losers because media says those men are "hot".

Wow dude. Even if you feel like you're getting something done by being angry, you're still letting them control you. Is that what you want? To be a literal emotional slave to women at fucking every turn? You can't control the world but you can control how you react to it. Believe it or not, a lot of endorphins are released when you feel anger and trembling rage and it can become addictive. If you want them to control who you are, keep doing what you're doing and reacting the same way. If you're ready to not let women lead you around on a leash anymore, like a poodle doing tricks, you're going to have to learn how to break free of their disgusting, angering influence.

You say that to appease and reassure me or yourself? You wrote that because you know I'm right, or maybe you don't know it yet because you haven't placed a good eye on them and actually observed them. They are all the same. Unless they were magically engineered at birth to either think less with or completely have their lizard brain removed, they will ALL be the same. There are no exceptions

I thought of getting one of those ugly bitches to support me too. I'm such a whore.

this is like saying all men are the same, are abusive and inherently evil, etc with no exceptions

woman detected. post tits with timestamp, please

All men are the same.But when compared to sub humans like third worlders then no… Those are not "men"

That is not a good argument and is comparing apples to oranges

Well played, user.

Funny thing is I used to not give a fuck about women in the slightest once I became mgtow last year. If they came to me, I'd fuck them once or twice and leave but now I can't even look a woman in the face without picturing what her brain is doing at that moment (like I somehow see through their skin and bone into their brain and watch it pulsate, it's kind of a weird thing I developed recently as well)

Lmfao I didn't really understand his comment's ulterior motive until you pointed it out

but you admit, that was a woman

whats her name?

But truly, what does it mean to be a man? Is it arguing with strangers in front of the computer? It is drinking and wondering where it all went wrong? Is it impotent rage? Or is it living off the land, tilling the ground and killing animals with your own bare hands, knowing where you stand? Maybe there is something to the whole Noble Savage concept.

I'm sorry.

It applies to us both.

I read "A Men's Liberation Guide to Women by Sam Fryman". It opened my eyes.

I am addicted to femdom for a long time. I have observed a thing or two about women. They really don't give a shit about men. It's men who obsess about women.

What is it that you think they owe you?

Women can be bitches. And they are 100% conscious of it all the time. Men are the one's who do not see THAT….but of course women do…and that's just one place they get ahead: men being stupid for not seeing manipulation.

What changed? It sounded like you were so in control. At what point did things become different?

bunch of ferals

If you would've asked me 3 weeks ago what they owed me, I'd say nothing. Since you asked me now what they owe me I say they owe me the same human decency we give to them that allows them to have girl's night out, female talk shows and all those female only spaces. I'd feel they owe us the same kind of human decency to be upfront about what they really want in a relationship and give legitimate reasons why they choose to leave their partners. They owe us the same human decency to not fucking like about everything: if there's one thing I hate more than a bully, it's a liar and women are the embodiment of both. Those motherfuckers make my blood boil

oh yeah…ever see that video of Tupac Shakur and his changing views on women?

A bunch of things just piled up but the girls in the boy scouts thing and an all female casts for Lord of The Flies broke the levy

Meant for you

This. Quit being whiny little pussies and find yourself a good woman, because they are out there. Do you want to be seen in the same light as the rabid feminazis?

Understand the basic concepts for surviving, building and maintaining habitation on the world or environment we live in. That is the basic of being a man. Basic of being a women is to destroy that so they can get "attention".

Nice samefagging fucking piece of shit. You motherfuckers don't even deserve to be called human


Lol close enough to the real thing

I envision the male version of the fat, crazy, colored hair, man hating feminist behind this post.

Show your feminin dick

Okay, now let me ask you this without a hint of sarcasm: How does that affect you? Yes, you hear about it on the news and people around you are talking about it, but other than having to hear about it constantly, how does it personally affect your life? Are you losing something dear to you? Do you feel like women are "taking" something from you as a whole? Were the Boy Scouts and Lord of the Flies as sacred to you as before you heard about any of this? As I said earlier, you can choose to stay angry and furious about them, or you can take a deep breath, step back, and realize that you are letting women control you. You are choosing to stay wrapped around their collective pinky finger. If there is anything to be won, you are letting them win it. You are giving them all the energy and attention you, at the same time, don't believe they deserve.

What would life be like if you were able to truly let go of the hate? Would you feel like you "lost?" Would it be that ego-bruising to rise above this and not let women control your thoughts and emotions anymore?

Fucking niggers man

just post your tits already, cunt

Why cant people get upset or be mad at things. When people get mad they try to fix it or at least attempt to. Why don't you want men to fix women?


It's not so much those things were sacred to me personally, (never had an opportunity to be a boy scout and only recently saw LoTF once) it's what has happened as a whole since about 2014(13 if you push it) where women are slowly taking over everything: music, tv, movies, radio, and politics. I don't understand why no one else sees the big picture like I do and are just sitting back watching it happen until it becomes to late to do anything about it. There was a reason China killed of the second daughter born in every household, there was a reason that women weren't allowed to vote or have positions of power here in America and there is a reason all civilizations that had female leaders were killed of or are in disarray now. I don't know fully what the future holds for us men, but I know it cannot be good if we continue down this "men and women are equal" path. I'm moreso mad at the fact that the world is changing for the worse and I can't do anything to stop it. I hate being powerless, it is my number one pet peeve and this is the worst you can receive from such a problem. Help me help our future boys and men.

Good luck.

How would we fix them? By insulting them on Twitter? Beating the sense into them? Don't get me wrong, I understand. Getting mad feels good. It feels fucking amazing, like you're wielding the hammer of the god of justice himself. It's empowering and feels like you're accomplishing something, winning, taking a side and fighting for it. You have plenty of reasons to be angry; however, anger without action is what is known as impotent rage.
OP is at a crossroads. When one gets this unbearably mad, they have several options: One, push it down and let it boil until it cannot be ignored any longer, which leads to the next option, doing something about it. I'm not justifying revenge, assault or murder, but when one is boiling mad this is usually the quickest way to release it. A lot of people in this state take to social media, but it is hard for anyone to take them seriously and they are regarded as troles. Some people turn to covert acts of revenge in this state, like posting negative comments on a picture or indulging in others' acts of revenge, which lets off some of that steam.

The third option is also the hardest - and that is rising above. This option is so difficult because, as mentioned before, being mad just feels so fucking good. The part of you that always needs to be right sees breaking free of their control as somehow losing the game. It believes that no longer being mad is letting them win - when, in all actuality, it means you have beaten them by breaking truly free of their bonds.

You can stay mad if you want; no one is stopping you. In fact, trying to stop someone from being mad usually makes them even angrier. But just know that being mad at women, hating women, is letting them remain in control of you and keeps you from being the master of your own emotions.

This. If you let shit fester in a hot vent, it will get worse

I want to stop being angry, that's why I started this thread

Ive used my anger to build wealth and stability. Also i have used it to protect myself and feel good about myself as i watch all the women destroy the dumb men and themselves around me. Maybe my anger is different then yours but when I'm upset i become focused.

When I'm angry I usually try to get away from what's pissing me off but if that thing happens to be a person and they follow me (happens quite often to me) I start throwing blows

Try not to bleed emotions into getting upset like a women dose. Your a guy and men in war used anger to focus and not have fear overwhelm them. Think of it like this, use that rush that power as a fuel to drive you in a direction that benefits yourself in the future and not in the moment.

I really want to believe in my heart that women and men are symbiotic creatures, capable of living together in happiness.

But in reality it seems that women are destroyers of society while men are builders. Maybe women should be dominated and subjugated for their own good, and paradoxically, for their own happiness.

Seems to me that women have no loyalty to their men and naturally crave genetic diversity by foreign cock.

Makes sense tbh. Whenever villages were raided in medieval times the women usually weren't killed, instead they got the D from some fierce warrior. They don't have much of any reason to be against invasions from foreigners.

thats the paradox of women. being dominated turns their juices on. equality will only make them miserable.

No porn forever.
Start by deleting all your porn and blocking all links of your favourite porn sites.

No fap for 3 weeks or so, longer if you want.
The first week or two are the hardest, just stay busy and around other people as much as possible. Sit in shared rooms reading or using laptop so there is always someone else around. Leave your door open, things like that.
Exercise whenever you feel the urge to fap, do some pushups or go for a walk. This redirection or energy will be healthy and make things easier too in a positive way.

After several weeks of no fap, that means no edging, no touching apart from when you go for a piss - after that then fap once, max 15 minutes and then wait a week. Do it weekly for a while, you shouldn't feel that you NEED to fap by this point, just that you want to or feel like it sometimes.
That's the addiction leaving.
Then after a couple of months, fap 2-3 times a week maximum.
Note, after the 3-4 weeks of absolutely no fap, you should fap to your imagination, of you penetrating a pretty girl you've seen in real life. Fap with a light grip and keep the session to 10-15 minutes.
Do it in the shower to avoid being near a computer.
Break the association between fap and computer/porn.

Within 6 months your brain should have reset quite well, you should have a clearer mind and less obsessed with the idea of sex. All your fetishes will be gone, as they weren't really your sexuality. You'll be turned on by seeing a pretty girl in the street, and by your imagination more.

Never return to porn, just don't click on it.
It isn't worth it, it isn't worth being impotent in your 20s. Fuck that shit.

porn is cheaper than women. also, most women are beyond most men's reach. unless you're wealthy.

its sad. but its reality.

It isn't women doing this.
It is a certain (((group))) with a plan to destroy our societies in order to create chaos and therefore utter lack of social cohesion. This allows them to extort and elicit a state of total control.

Women haven't changed biologically in 200,000 years, nor have men.
It is your duty to set a woman on the right path, as women are like children throughout their lives.
By dominating, having a strong personality and doing your own thing - and have her follow you, she will become sane and a reflection of your own views.
That is how it has always been.
Discarding women as some kind of incurable monster, is playing into (((their))) hands. Don't believe the illusion they set for you.

Be a defeatist if you want.
Porn is like short circuiting your brain.
A mouse in a cage with a button releasing food pellets.
The reality is, if you ditch it, you will regain your true identity, instead of that which has been provided for you.
No one needs porn. If you quit it for a month, you'll automatically start using your imagination. It is called fantasising.

If you think quitting porn for a month is a big deal, it just proves you are addicted to it and are too weak willed to live without it.
Take a trip for a few weeks without a computer, it's a good way to start.

im going to share a secret with you: believe it or not, I am an attractive male who is good looking enough to have dated very pretty girls.

women are shit human beings. they really are. and I dont say this as resentment. its just a 30 year long observation. and the better looking they are, the shittier they get. it is scary to how much precision you can pin their personalities just based on their looks. this is not a coincidence. being gifted with good looks robs them of a certain amount of humanity.

please stop defending them. they would never give you the time of day if they have no use for you. just…stop.

u 2 bae

we already know all MGTOW's are closet gays

equality, nigger

So yea it gets that way some times, i remember when my room mate walked in on my mate and me, their i was dressed like a German Sheppard dressed as a Nazi balls deep in a Womens ass dressed as Siberian Husky dressed as a filthy tied up commie bitch in heat. i near about beat her tits bloody that i did but she gave me all the enemy locations. got a call from my room mate the next day telling me i can keep his stuff and that hes moving in with his mums. the joy of suits mate is that a wholes a filthy hole and everyones your bitch. its almost as much fun as shooting wankers in the dick on "accident " when doing pmc work in some 3rd world shit pot.

Just give them what they really want, and don't ever fall in love because it does not last…now go be happy LOL

So is this clone thread from 4/b/ or Reddit?
die faggot

The fuck are you talking about?

That sounds perfectly logical and probably would've been my second guess but that doesn't change the fact that these parasites are, have been and forever will be filthy fucking liars. I have a sadistic personality and was really close to getting into full BDSM but then my brain just overloaded with the bullshit I see everywhere and I gave up hope for all of them. I would love to get married and have kids living in my dream house with a white picket fence if the starting point wasn't a one way ticket to suicide. I just can't deal with this anymore and I wish I could just end it all but suicide is for pussies and paying someone to kill me is even worse; I'm at a crossroads and I'm completely lost in terms of my next move

how else are we to keep our members? :3

women are the absolute fucking worst

unnnngfppp *burp* choke me mummy

How much do you masturbate? If its more then 3 times a day, every day its lack of test and energy from that. Don't fap for 3 days and you will feel way more attracted to them.

Have you looked into MGTOW, brother?

Read thread
