Top image in your reaction folder

Top image in your reaction folder.

Other urls found in this thread:




I know you're a white trash piece of shit whose daughters will inherit your trashiness and mental retardation to the point I wouldn't want my sons fucking them… so it's understandable you made this failure of a thread.

Don't worry though, a bit of self-sustaining memetry won't hurt.













Why can't we post more than 1 image?
we cuckchan now?

it's the necessary step to become a self-sustaining internet machine


this tbh

Okay, react to other reactions with an appropriate reaction.

good idea




































I laughed my ass off

y u do dis

Rare Zemans




fuck man that was one of the worst things i ever seen….

Let's upload random pics here guys,










Christ that woman is ugly.



it's from 2003







But the clock goes to 2400.
