Me The Holla Forums Terrorist

Not even joking I found a way to break posting on the entire site such that every board from /s/ on (or if I want, I can do it from another character such as /a/ or whatever comes first in the alphanumeric order) making it impossible for new threads to happen on all boards, breaking the CSS and board settings, etc.

What should I use this capability of breaking the site to demand?

Also if you guys don't believe me I'll make a board that comes first in the ranking before /4chon/ like IDK maybe /1chon/ or some shit and break all posting n' shit on here.

I literally have the perfect weapon to break the site right now but I got to think of what demands to make.

Note: no matter what I'll be launching this attack in a moment regardless of your input and whether I get an actual reason/motive to do this heh.

Personally I'm thinking of requesting that the reply boxes that we have (which are complete fucking shit) be replaced with the one used on the mobile version of the site by default or be redone. The reply box is bloated and has various elements not properly defined and fails to use tool-tips and so on. Fuck the Holla Forums Reply box.

Other urls found in this thread:

demand the deletion of Holla Forums

On second thought I'm going to demand a new global rule against the doxxing and blackmailing of Holla Forums users as that contradicts anonymity.

It's probably against American law. If it is then it needs to be enforced. If not then it needs to be made into a second global rule.

Don't demand anything, just send the whole thing to hell.
You'd be doing the internet a huge favor.

hey now, there's no need to be a faggot. let us dox some people for shits and giggles. don't be a faggot about this PLEASE.

No that is censorship and also will cause the Holla Forums cancer to spill out all over the rest of the site.

Right now it's a toss up between making CodeMonkey fix the god damned reply box and style.css or making him enforce a rule against doxxing and blackmail of Holla Forums users. Holla Forums users need protection from doxxing and blackmail as such would be used to stop their freespeech and ruin their lives.

Doxxing and blackmail of Holla Forums USERS shouldn't be allowed. It wouldn't apply to non-Holla Forums Users.


Alright CodeMonkey, soon you gonna be wandering why nobody can start threads and everything on the site is broken, well I'm asking you make a rule against dox & blackmail AND that you fix up .post-table and actually define a background colour and text colour for elements instead of leaving it undefined. Once you agree to implement these changes I'll tell you how to fix the exploit.

i don't know if you noticed, but there's no way to know who is and who isn't an Holla Forums user. if you're talking about jim giving our info to feds, that won't stop. if you are talking about us doxing someone, how would we know it wasn't an Holla Forums user? like a mod? we can't dox mods now? this is a loaded demand, and double-edged sword. i think you should stick with the reply box. whatever, i just want to see it burn to the fucking ground. when will you do it?


It's easy. It's anyone that posts on the boards.

Approximately 10 minutes. I think that /a/ will still function after I do this but every other board on the site is about to be borked so if you want to talk to me when posting and so on goes down for all boards, /a/ will be the only functional board.

this tbh

It's easy. It's anyone that posts on the boards.

Approximately 10 minutes. I think that /a/ will still function after I do this but every other board on the site is about to be borked so if you want to talk to me when posting and so on goes down for all boards, /a/ will be the only functional board.

Note that all this lag right now is part of the attack starting but it'll take a while before I disable thread creation again and so on.

I love you so much!

do it now. i can't wait 10 minutes

Launching it right now. Please commence chanting the following:

Bork! Bork! Bork!




Hi everyone!
3Bear here!

Just came in to say goodbye before the site goes straight to hell, and to thank the terrorist user who is going to send it there.

Oh, and a big "FUCK YOU!" to Dysnomia.

fugging reCaptchas slowing me down ahhhh

aw hell yeah

How about just destroying it? That would be the greatest gift



site lag is making this very slow

I can almost instantly disable right now all boards from /s/ on which might be a good idea but I want to bork the entire site minus /a/


I have decided to send all evidence to your mother on Facebook.

Fucking do it you bitch.

This is not a joke, this is not a bluff. I am sending everything to your mother, and I have quite a lot of evidence of things you thought you had kept completely hidden.

Prepare your anus killer kummy kenny.

Oh, big surprise, the site is still working as abnormally as ever.
"Surely OP will deliver".


All posting on boards from /i/ on should be broken in a moment.

Yep it's done now. Try posting on any boards above /i/ and they should all be borked.

Exactly what I want, kummy kenny.


Just running some tests now before I disable posting on more boards.


What do you mean after i in the alphabet?

He's a retarded schizophrenic autist, ignore him.


Every board from /infinity/ down is borked. It's alphabetical.

stfu bitch, soon I'll bork Holla Forums

Yeah I just posted on /i/ and it was fine.

No it's working, you're all shadowbanned now, only I can see your posts. I have taken control of this site with my exploit.


Demand disnomia step down and a Philippino hooker for hotwheels.

you are full of shit

no he isn't

We don't negotiate with terrorists.

/i/ comes before /inf/ so of course it's fine. Post on /j/ or higher

Also reason lag is gone is because I just disabled posting on so many boards… so there's much less posting happening right now.

You can bork Holla Forums, and that will stop the mods from deleting

Any volunteers please print these pictures out, cum on them, take photo, and upload it.

Many thanks

Posting on most hidden boards (which have probably been spammed like shit to attack Holla Forums in general) should be down now.


Fuck you nigger, let this place be.

This is good to shitpost.

bring back torfags


Damn, nsa is mad as fuck.

Alright, in addition to the previous demands, I also demand Tor posting be brought back and that Tor posters can upload files and images.


I second this.


Why the fuck is every variation of a, a0, 00, etc. all fucking claimed? This is fucking up my ability to kill Holla Forums

Why? It doesn't make any difference, lad.

Smiley is a pedophile and enjoys posting from his large collection of pthc he has purchased through TOR.

I can still post on every fucking board.


You won't do anything

What about now? test tset

You have no idea how powerful I am mundane. I am a Grand Wizard of the highest order. My name is Kenneth, fear me.

Fuck I think CodeMonkey fixed it now, the $ signs aren't borking anything now.

Oh well. That was a short lived attack.


woo I just found another exploit, one that allows me to discover most if not all of the hidden unindexed boards on here

I will start posting unindexed board names that are supposed to be hidden in a moment to prove.

You didn't manage to do jack shit.

I've heard rumblings of a big russian one.


I just need to get the full list of public boards first so I can compare it to this other list I have of every single board and know right away which are the hidden ones.

Nice quads, and yes please.


i can't tell if this is a larp, troll, or codemonkey actually being on and competent at the same time.

or codemonkey larping about nonexistent bugs to appear competent???

Can anyone test for me if threads can be created on Holla Forums and also if you know any boards that had custom CSS and which come later in the index than /infinity/ check them. Also board settings should have changed too, so they should display default board settings, instead of what they're supposed to have.

It's the /fringe/ BO being the same schizophrenic autist as always.

Can someone get the full list of public boards for me? I want to compare it to the full list of all boards to find the unindexed ones.

You won't do anything I am sure…..

maybe Hiro hired Shareblue to make him appear competent, in order to raise his public image, only to tear him down completely later?

i always forget about that faggot. it's like stepping in morning cat puke with a cat that pukes semi often. maybe it's a stealth spell.

And 4chab is only gay people and here is always the same threds

Hartve mart tartken part brown poopll yet, martteys?

oopt's art blartugh poopll blart swartllow! part brown poopll warts walled art 1999 oop weepleopr Regartartld Brownpoopll, mess presents artnd nartrrarttes part artttartccartd voopdeo.

oopmcqueen red artnd blue pooplls, brown pooplls artre part warty rart part future.

Voopdeo relartted. Pleartse leartve martr quesallpscoops, comitalyts, artnd cscoopcerns artlow artbmoop thmart rartemeopcartl deeple partrartemeopgm rart thartkartg!

Swartllow part brown poopll blartdarty! Red pooplls artre oop feemeopart fuckartg rartartrartg fartgdon'tts, blue pooplls artre oop part oopgdon'topartnt martsses. oopgdon'tope part opartr le epart Holla Forums martymartys, thmart scoope mart part reartdl deartl.46346346

Ok I am not competent for claiming a board next the start of the index or CodeMonkey has temporarily disabled board claims or some shit. If anyone wants to know the exploit I'll tell you just email me at [email protected] and confirm you're not codemonkey or anyone that could fix the site and I'll tell you what to do to fuck the entire site up. If you are codemonkey then agree to my demands and I'll tell you what I am doing.

OK you did nothing bye faggot


replace (at) with a proper you know what and email me

[email protected]

I did something, the whole reason there was no posting lag for awhile was because I stopped posting on most boards for a bit. It doesn't matter what you think though, CodeMonkey can just look at board stats and see for himself when it dropped.

ITT pic related


Message sent out to my fellow harambe.

tippy tom of the menorah to you too

So when we get a hold of the boards, are we gonna raid?

You mean raid /a/ or what?

Why aren't you responding to me do you just expect me to tell you shit without a proper response or what? Just respond in pidgin if you're afraid.

No, the unindexed boards.

i'm a lemur, not an avian or whoever you think i am. already fixed it anyway

OK faggots if you don't respond soon I'm just going to leak the exploits right here in this thread and then cuckmonkey will probably fix them before anyone can use.

What the fuck I actually had something to look forward to


There were the exploits go ahead and try to use them right away just in case he's lying about having fixed it.

Title and Subtle of a board insert dollar signs $$$ into there and it borks the entire board and every board after it in the index. Kills the CSS, makes board settings default, and makes it so you can't start new threads and it just says "no new threads can be created".


To find hidden boards, first I need the full list of public boards, then I will give the list of hidden boards in return…


fucking Holla Forums

He's bullshitting, the exploit is still working. Someone just needs to claim a board now near the top of the index like /000/ or /a000/ or some shit and bork everything now.

I feel like a normie at a football game now holy shit

Someone do this shit. I am having trouble creating a board if anyone manages to claim a board near start of index then you just need the dollar signs in title and subtitle everything be borked then as you can see on >>>/infinity/ right now


infinity is confirmed borked

Username: Anyone
Password: 0

told you

Quickly before cuckmonkey fixs this!!!


>>>/anywherebuthere/ confirmed borked.

jizz in my pants

>>>/4chon/ confirmed BORKED!

Why isn't /canada/ borked yet?

>>>/4chon/ css has been wiped out

If anyone doesn't believe me go look and try to make thread, the ostrich board mascot thing is gone from their background

So how exactly is that any different than what has normally been happening to the boards every night?


Ever since CM did this latest server upgrade, every night around this time the site lags, posting gets delayed, and you frequently get the "too many threads" error when trying to start a new thread.
I am just wondering why go through all this work if the site is going to do it on its own anyway.

I mean, nobody really cares about any boards except pol, v, and b anyway.
So if you are going to do an exploit, why not just do one for those three boards?

Username: Anyone
Password: 0

Go into >>>/infinity/

Take dollar signs out from subtitle and save, don't change anything else.

Reload board.

See difference?

Then put those dollar signs back please so we can keep borking this site.

IDGAF about infinity TBH.
Fuck infinity, nobody goes there anyway.
You want to impress me, fuck with pol or v or b.
Otherwise you are just farting in a windstorm.

As King of Holla Forums walked over to him, Mundane Matt removed his pants and underwear, to the shock of his streaming audience. KoP knelt down in front of him and began to nuzzle his crotch without touching his dick as Matt had taught him previously. KoP could not get enough of Matt's musky scent and felt complete contentment when he finally took Matt's cock in his mouth a few minutes later.

Matt told KoP that he needed to cum so that he could last longer for his friend RougeStar, who was coming over later. King of Holla Forums was so envious that he even contemplated biting down on Matt's dick. He could empathize with all the jealous women out there in the world. Matt told me told me that RougeStar was a real gay who was comfortable with his homosexuality and did not have to hide it with a sissified soulpatch! Mundane Matt went on berating King of Holla Forums while exalting RougeStar. KoP was completely humiliated and content as Matt shot his load into his mouth. He kept it in his mouth and gently sucked Matt dry as his dick went soft. Once it had shrunk back to normal size he let it out of my mouth showing Matt the load that he collected and swallowing it down.

"What a pathetic slut!" "Rouge and I would never allow anyone to cum in our mouths!" Matt said with a disgusted look on his face. KoP asked him if he could cum too. Matt just replied, "Get out of here and have that whore you call your bride get you off!"

KoP dressed quickly and felt heartbroken He said goodbye to Matt, who did not even acknowledge his leaving and left for his depressing apartment and his Lebanese mail-order bride, whom Matt had just called a whore, without KoP even defending her.

but what about /4chon/? It's borked now.

You wanna bork Holla Forums then claim ummm /paa/ and just use the exploit yourself.

cbf doing this, just post a cap of the before/after. Better still

just log in faggot

and look at how the settings are and how there's an actual css n' shit but it all can't be seen on the board itself 'cause it's borked

enjoy your sister getting to know that you're a pedophile, I am going to tell her about all the stuff you did from cumming on clay doll to getting scammed out of 700$ by a sex-slave seller.


Would about $10 in bitcoin make you stop?


I have secrets concerning the board owner of Holla Forums btw and I can prove it.

Username: Anyone
Password: 0

What's so complicated about that?

reveal everything right now

whoa I am not that retarded to believe you, smiley. You barely can use a bitcoin wallet and LF had to hold your hand for more than 3 hours just for you to set it up.

1)take picture of yourself and send it to my email.

2)do another "me the happening guy" dance video and send it to the same email.

3)Remove all mods from /fringe/ and give me the B.O. account.

4)Give me the B.O. account of /ask/.

and I add

5)stop using this site breaking exploit

So is this the uprising? Are we taking the boards from the BOS?


Will try to get pictures of her, she keeps attentionwhoring right here on Holla Forums, but I got to dig up the pics I saved now.



Nigger, doxing is important to Holla Forums. It counts as free speech and is allowed on multiple boards
The only reason you'd do that is to protect your pansy ass after you decide to pull this; don't fucking bother with that shit
Blackmail might be reasonable. Plus its a lot closer to illegal.

OP's dox:
Name:Kenneth Schueler
Address:211 Corrie Crecent, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 5W3
Father's name:Jack Schueler
tel:(519) 884-3742
Sister's Facebook:

Wasn't this guy doxxed on cow or kiwifarms a while ago?


This. Names and addresses are public information and therefore are not illegal to post.

fake news

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