Holla Forums is infested with Holla Forumsand shitposting so I'll ask here. Was this movie worth watching...

Holla Forums is infested with Holla Forumsand shitposting so I'll ask here. Was this movie worth watching? I liked Sicario and saw it was the same director

Other urls found in this thread:

yify-torrent.org/search/hell or high water/s-1/


There are small films directed by conservatives with no name actors. Sicario was one of them and showed how incompetent women and diversity hires are while also tackling the hell that is illegal immigrants and the cartel.

Well said. I was really surprised by the fact that a woman and her black colleague weren't portrayed as effective and strong but the opposite

I really liked it

I imagine there's no forced diversity or jabs at our current president that will make the film age like sour milk?

I think it arguably was the best film that came out last year and Holla Forums approved it. Nothing about the movie is bad honestly. I would even dare call it true American kino.

It's infested with Holla Forums because they are exactly the kind of braindead zombies lacking critical thinking skills that would gobble up the Jewish propaganda machine of TV and Hollywood movies.

It was ok. Nothing special. Shootouts were typical Jewish Hollywood garbage. No Ronin, no Heat.

What? It was pretty solid. It is by far not your typical kikewood shoot out, that would be like Baby Driver or Kingsman.

You stole my post, user.

that depends on what you mean by worth watching. do you mean is it well shot, framed written and acted or do you mean does it agree with your political views

Do you like Texas? If you like Texas, this is about the single most Texas movie I've ever seen in my entire life. Did I mention I live in Texas?

A pair of brothers who have access to a lot of used cars discover their mother has had the ranch swindled from her by the bank. They decide to do a series of robberies at every bank in that chain. The younger brother is handsome and responsible but quiet. The older brother is an ex-con who never shuts up and is great with women because of his confidence.

The Dude meanwhile plays a Texas Ranger (true story, Texas is the only state with it's own branch of law enforcement answerable only to Texas who serve as the state's private FBI, with the only difference being that they wear cowboy hats. Seriously, google it.) nearing retirement. He has a half native american partner who he spends most of the movie mocking. Examples of what you'll see:

-First bank has an elderly rancher in front of them in line who they have to take a gun off of, he shit talks them the whole way. As soon as they take the guns off him and run out, he grabs his gun back and chases after them opening fire and pissed off.

-Second bank someone manages to get out and tell others before the alarm is set off, so when they try to make an escape there's no cops there, but a private posse of concerned citizens who have all lined up a blockade of their trucks and all immediately open fire on them on their way out.

God bless Texas.

Now that I've bumped this thread with genuine opinions I'm gonna use it to post some porn so I can save it onto my phone and then text it to my girlfriend.


that's a funny joke
the movie was not meant to show the woman as incompetent or the ineptitude of the darky - but rather the shaky grounds and ethical gray areas that the CIA operates in under the name of national security. the woman and darkie were just an attache (a legal necessity for the CIA to perform operations domestically), they were a literal nothing to the CIA the whole time, being kept in the dark - which was the point. the moment they tried to question what it was they were being used as a footsoldier for was when they were met back with force and disciplined or shown truly how restrained and powerless they are to the big guys at the agency
you are a bit of a moron tbh

Hell or High Water is about two brothers fighting against the banks that are trying to usurp their family's land and the Texas rangers taht are trying to hunt them down and stop them.
There is no progressive message shoved in your face outside of one or two quotes by the American Indian ranger, and even then they aren't full on "ypipo mus die nao" tier faggotry quotes, just typical "red man used to own this land, now white man does abloobloo" shit.
It gets a little slow in a couple of parts, but it isn't enough to make the movie boring as shit to watch.
Overall I'd say it's somewhere between 7 and 8/10

It's true though. You would be pissed off too if you had been conquered.


That's what I'm getting out of it as well. Also, gotta love how the director named the jew in everything but name. He must be pretty based in real life.

His composition is also top tier.

Not even. It's like one guy who has lots of time on his hands.

i thought it was quite good. i don't watch many films. i am a fan of the modern western type, no country for old men etc

too many films these days the protagonists are urbanised loud faggot types

Just finished it, definitely an 8 in my book. Won't be deleting it from my hard drive.

>i am a fan of the modern western type

same, thought there's a certain part of it that always makes me depressed. My great grandparents were farmers and I would always help them with the animals and crops when I was a kid. Got tired of it when I was around 14, then when I hit 25 I suddenly longed to return to that life but realized just how impossible it is now of days. You have to be born into it and even then there's a chance it won't be for you and that land and resources will go to the bank and be turned into some housing edition. This film directly dealt with that decaying country life and other modern westerns have it as a backdrop.

a movie I saw for the first time recently was Out of the Furnace. I enjoyed it pretty well. Also, Bone Tomahawk. It's hard to call that one good, I'm not a pro critic so I have a hard time elaborating, but something felt off about it. definitely kept me on the edge of my seat, and felt like it avoided jump scares in preference to a more real life form of surprise action.
unrelated, I know, but I don't frequent the other boards so I have no where to vent.

You don't much look like a steer, I'm guessin' you're a queer


I love Denis Villeneuve as well. He is working on the new Bladerunner.

Here is an excellent movie he made based on the Wajdim Wawad play novel, about the lebanon war, but with fictional countries name.

The only thing is that the whole film is in French except some part which are in arab.

the plot twist at the end is epic

The Polytechnic tragedy was pretty much the quebec Columbine, except one dude came with a submachine gun in a classroom asked all the boys and the girls to form two different side, and he started shooting all the women.

Just for you buddy, enjoy.
yify-torrent.org/search/hell or high water/s-1/

sure thing buckaroo.

geeeā€¦. I wonder.