*stocks your chaff*

wat do

This is now a jew thread














Fuck a commie qt in the mouth


Just in time, this was next in line. It was fate.



Dude no one cares about your low IQ nazi propaganda lmao.

I just wanna facefuck a commie qt




I hope you have enjoyed my contribution to this jew thread. My last contribution will be an abridged version of The Leuchter Report. Heil and God bless.

must be kept at least 10 degrees above the boiling point of the hydrocyanic acid
(78.3 degrees F) IN THE WINTER!! to prevent condensation of HCN on the walls, floor and ceiling
of the facility, as well as in the exhaust system. If the temperature is below 79
degrees F and condensation occurs, the facility must be decontaminated with
chlorine bleach or ammonia, the former being the most effective.

Anyone that falls for that "red pill" stuff is pretty much a useful idiot anyway. But congrats for trying. Have a qt antifa chick with cum on her face.

Birkenau and Majdanek, your author finds the evidence as overwhelming. There
were no execution gas chambers at any of these locations. It is the best
engineering opinion of this author that the alleged gas chambers at the
inspected sites could not have then been, or now, be utilized or
seriously considered to function as execution gas chambers.

Malden, Massachusetts.

Post more kike redpills

Found more, it's your lucky day

And more

and more

Maybe a bit more?

Ok I'm done now


Oh btw:
Are you implying that literal jews are nazi propagandists?

Shhh, user…don't hurt his tiny brain. Thinking is tough for him.



cat fud

sure man, sure