Hey guys i'm back from sleeping and I see the spam i mostly gone so that's good

Hey guys i'm back from sleeping and I see the spam i mostly gone so that's good

Other urls found in this thread:


chirno is shit

I think she's just using blue haired girls as an avatar. Not a specific character.

why do you hate cirno so much what did she ever do to you beside be the strongest

If I was using blue haired girls as an avatar then why would I put my name as cirno?

call me


did ur trip get cracked and that's why you're now back

no I went to sleep because it was 1 am and I just woke up

though I am aware that the holo poster is currently trying to crack my trip like he did with sena posters

Call the shrink

bost your nudes already qt

she probably won't post her tits because she doesn't have any

whats it cost to be a mod? do you work or go to uni or anything? do you get to have a social life?

also, ur a female mod. everyone secretly hopes ur hot. u best not let the bois down.

i'm not a mod and i'm a guy and I don't have a social life and I have school but nothing else


chubby girls have tits just like skinny white guys have abs

Can this thread be our lg thread?

no this is the tripfriend general

1. why are these weebs calling you she.
2. or is this blue haired bitch chirno?
3. soz i misread ur post as "ive gotten rid of most of the spam" thought u were moderating

I don't know i've had a thread yesterday where I explicitly said I was a guy and yes the girl is cirno and I was just commenting on the state of the spam since it seemed like it lasted all night because it was still going once I was able to get to sleep

i swear man. Holla Forums and 4chan are filled with autistic degenerates but as long as you post a cute loli with ur reply they all suck ur dick. u r using a good strat to stay on good terms with these fags

Yeah it pretty much started as me becoming a new tripfag and then all the spamming happened and these threads became a safe space from the constant bear spamming

3d loli > 2d loli


I have some links for some cp from that tor thread a few weeks ago but I don't wanna risk getting v& for something I can't even jack off to


Is that fugs dick


the area within red is cute

i agree. for me the 2d lolis dont have the facial features that make lolis cute. the lips, the nose, the eyebrows, the eyes, to me they are all the most attractive parts of a girl in general and 2d doesnt do it well imo.

Really? Because when I look at the catalog I see less than 5 threads that are not spam.

here's where i'm getting my pictures if you wanna look for some yourselves

I was talking in terms of the spam not driving every thread off the board but it still is in the catalog since dysnomia hasn't nuked the board yet

And the threads that aren't spam are shitposts. This one especially.
Pedofags are pedofags, whether 2D or 3D, you are all fucking degenerate scum. But 2D pedos are worse because you have your own board. You don't need to post here, but you do anyway. That makes you assholes as well as mentally ill.

I jack off to 2d loli sure but I made this thread as a general discussion thread where we talk about shit and post cute anime girls since /a/ is such a rulecucked board

i have my random times where 2d can be cute.
i always found android 18 from dbz hot af fsr.
also nearly all of the pokemon girls

jesus christ get that kid to a hospital

i bet you're one of those retards who clicks obvious pedo threads and starts crying about your safe space

isn't it obvious when I said that no pedo content was allowed in this post which was a response to

she got insulted by me saying her face wasnt cute enough :(

i feel bad now

that wasn't me I have the trip and i'm a guy

Sauce please!

i respect your thread but when some fucking spastic cries about 2d lolis and his safe space it's just fucking ridiculous

you should be.

yeah I know he should fuck off and was probably one of the many spammers from last night


why r u even here? fucking hell some of us study mon-fri full time and work a job 27 hours a week and just wanna drop into a loli thread and relax for 1 fucking second. then loser close minded neets like u who cant accept that sexual preferences are 1. nota choice and 2. != what we believe is right morally. just go somewhere else and be useful.

are you one of those guys who thinks he's a girl?

oh i referring to the girl in the drawing. i made her cry lol

oh ok sorry I got confused


she's happy now though

no thanks to user

but it is thanks to me since I made her happy



but what if we played her some music

hahahaha worth a shot. who is this character anyway? whats she from?


she's from the touhou games

never heard of those games. anyways bois i need to sleeps now. its 11:20pm in down under.

good night
and good luck

enjoy the comfy thread!!

oh well school is gonna start for me in about 30 minutes but I will try to phonepost just to keep the board active so you guys know that there is at least one active user on Holla Forums but I will keep posting cirno until I go

and good night and don't get eaten by an emu

hope you get fugged by a dingo in your sleep

Mountain time? Texas?



no it's central time in north florida my HS just starts at 9 and middle starts at 6 so I always get woken up early by my brother

Dingo fuckers RULZ!

so its about 8:30 am right now

dingos and emus are nice when u get to know them and stay on good terms. its the roos that are cunts.


im working 7 days a week cunt XD gimme a break :'(

The only problem i've had with animals was swans and geese because my grandfather used to own some and they were some of the biggest assholes of animals i've ever met

maybe this will work

ic ic

Has dysnomia increased the page limit yet?


you know I can play alto sax and i'm learning how to play bass guitar, acoustic guitar, and banjo along with harmonica right now

I don't think he is awake

have you gotten even decent at any 1 thing…


yeah im decent at alto sax and harmonica and i can try to play something once I have some time and i'm getting good at acoustic and I got the bass recently for about 170 which is pretty good for a fully working guitar so i'm still getting the basics of it

nice cocks

benis? On my Holla Forums?

they are pretty nice but I feel bad for the circumcised guys cause i'm circumcised and I sometimes wonder what it would be like if part of my cock didn't get cut off at birth by a bunch of jews

yeah all guitars are gonna be the same learning until you get really deep into it.

may we all penis in harmony

yeah for right now i'm just trying to get fretting down which is kinda hard because my finger sometimes cramp up really bad along with my legs from lack of hydration and electrolytes

Holla Forums rhymes with benis.

Jim is actually a benis in disguise


no not my legs cramping up from playing guitar but in general from a lack of dehydration

shit I mean a lack of hydration i'm sorry for my mistakes

What if it's the fbi spamming us for the sudden surge in cp posting guys


drink more water?
diahrea less?

Well i'm going to school in a few minutes but I will try to make a few posts accompanied by random picture I take while walking there so for right now i'll see you guys but i'll post again soon
yeah I have to drink more water and get more electrolytes because of the type 1 diabetes I have which sucks because I only weigh like 100 pounds so im not even close to being overweight I just got it from genetics


I hate school

at this point i get off to the pain and lube is for chumps


show teacher so we can dox you

what class you in


It was spanish

university or high school ?


Not done yet, but I did find some partials. As of now though, I'm to busy spamming .

High school sorry for slow posts i am on phone and cant do this during class but am going to lunch now

all good u busy u got a cafeteria or bring your own lunch

My lunch

nigger what

There is a cafeteria but the food is shit so I bring my own

timestamp or gtfo nigger

Yeah im in highschool

We need a timestamp nigger. Post one.

better then mine im havin 2 day old pizza how long you get for lunch

Heres your timestamp

About 30 or 20 minutes everone is talking about homecoming

are you a fucking chick?

So its confirmed. Holla Forums is cancer.

No im a guy

Holla Forums was always filled with underage teens

No it wasn't.

why the fuck do you sit so fucking cute?

thats not so bad what grade then 10 11 12?

Yeah i lied i dont know i just want to keep the conversation going


Its just the way the picture was taken

he sits like a fucking faggot. spread your legs, homo

I usually dont spread my legs bht i dont cross them

where are your parents user?

Probably at their house not working

9th ouch a few more years to go then what u want to do after school work wise

bruh where do you live?
imma turn that 14 year old butthole into a 70 year old one

I have math right now will talk later

k see ya soon

Probably trying to hide boner

Leg spreading is more gay tbh

What is the least gay way to posture your legs? Asking for science.

yes why dont we set up a panel to discuss such matters with sub committees for various other aspects and cirno user can do the math on all those angels we should have a workin lunch to set all this up

I don't know. But telling another guy he should "spread his legs" is pretty gay. Gayer than "sitting cute"

fable of how to sit

in 2007 moot was a teenager

is that when you're so lubed up you slip on the seat and show your ass?

I wouldn't know


Schools out ill post more cirno soon


what animu is this

welcome to the nhk

I'm cold

I'm back and about to get some mcdonalds


so how did clannad go yesterday

different user all i did yesterday was work
so hows you mcdonalds what you get

my mom's still getting it but i'm getting a dr pepper a large fry and a quarter pounder if the order isn't messed up and sorry I thought you were the same user because you were posting the anime webm's

i was in thread but it was after you went to bed then spammer stuff happened any plans for your night

not really no just watch some anime right now i'm listening to the stream for /a/'s anniversary and I might play some touhou games or kanon i'm not very sure yet

what you watchin ?

chaika the coffin princess and it's pretty good

shocking good

anyways i got to ready for work if you make a thread tom ill be there enjoy your night

ok I hope work isn't too bad and this thread should stay up as long as there isn't a spam attack and if there is we can always go to the board that I own which is >>>/kajiwara/

i thought ur mom was a huge bitch
but she goes out and gets u mcdonalds?
cmon bruv she dont sound that bad

she got because she has to get it for 3 other people besides me and for herself though

we need to oven some of you faggots

fuk off this is a friends only thread

though she isn't really that bad she just acts like a cunt whenever she can by bitching and will usually do stuff but bitch when given the chance

make your own board, nigger. fucking 27 year old flagfagging cianigger faggot. fuck you and fuck your elf mother you bloated sack of shit. cunt.

I do have my own board but I doubt everyone who was posting in these threads has seen it and they would be left in a spam filled Holla Forums without the anime thread if we moved right now

I'm done with tripfagging it sucks the fun out of chans or so it feels like it i'll just post cirno so you know it's me and holo poster can take my trip I don't really care


Like I said it just makes it less fun and if you read the thread I have been doing both and did it almost all day yesterday

avatar > trip

thanks and sorry for missing out on the movie last wednesday I lost track of time and fell asleep while doing some homework but I can do it this week for sure

Don't apologize. I actually didn't realize you were the one that comes to our cytube. You're not also the one who has read Jojo before that sometimes posts in those threads, are you?

no I haven't read jojo before but was thinking of reading independently and catching up to where you guys were but I haven't posted in the jojo threads just the groupwatch before I started cirno posting

I see. The different sections stand on their own pretty well and we just started a new one a couple days ago. If you wanted we could probably do a tl;dr but there would be definitely be spoilers about previous parts.

I don't really care that much about spoilers so if you guys could just do a tl;dr I would appreciate it just so I have some understanding of what is happening with all the character

I want to hack cirnos tripcode

good luck doing that with the holo poster already working on it

tripcode and avataring should come with a special colour for posts to make people feel even more special

Holla Forums is too autistic for me
/a/ has anime i dont really like on it
Holla Forums is well Holla Forums
guess i am outgoing chans or maybe chans are outgrowing me

yeah thats the whole point of doing it but nothing will get implemented right now with the site shitting itself

I feel all the best ideas for revolutionizing imageboards went down in flames with infinity next.
All that potential.

A lot of them did. Imagine /mu/ with uncompressed mp3s instead of youtube embeds. I might actually post on it.

my fucking throat hurts

i saved this for some specific reason i dont remember and now im posting it for even less reason

stop sucking so much dick


this is the state of this place

hitler would have been better as an anime tbh

that looks really fucking gay though

it's not gay if it's hitler

traps are gay no matter what the situation is

hitler is hitler no matter the situation
hitler isn't gay
therefore hitler isn't gay

BAN ALL ANIME titties tbh

fuck off Holla Forums men dressing up in women's outfits is really gay and it doesn't matter who it is doing it


I had too


Bump this thread to defeat the spammer
We can do this.



Sauce of this anime name please


My guardian angel

we try

your waifu can't compare to mine, but here's an anti-spam bump



and I will be like



I wonder what cirno's pantaloons smell like?



sauce of that one as well :P

nothing wrong with wanting to sniff her pantaloons user.

demension w

I Started playing dragon commander waifu edition and got killed in my first battle
what do Holla Forums?

1 that actualy looks cool need to check that
2 is that an anime ?

try again ?

im workin on it

Cirno what the fuck is up with how you sit. Don't you think your balls and dick need some oxygen to breathe and why the fuck are you 15 or w/e.



Sauce ?

ill make one more then im off too bed myself ill be back later today in this thread or if it dies hopefully Cirno!!gxol0aDihk will make another

I wanted to but i choose to fap instead


thats allways good too i hope you figure out your game

and sadly yes but im glad you enjoyed

1 hit me with your best recommended one
2 my recommended one is Re Zero
3 gnight

I pirated it and promptly forgot about the game months ago remembered i still had it while i was deleting old ass movies from my harddrive,made me realize even as early as 2012/2013 movies were way better than the garbage that's on TV now

Here's my contribution to this classic autistic weeaboo thread

I wonder what she ate to cause that kind of flagellation


Did anyone bother to ask why the mod turned off the spam protection?
Im beginning to think dysomonia doesnt give a shit anymore about Holla Forums and is just doing things for cheap thrills or he's become so disillusioned hes trying to kill board

It's probably a combination of both I doubt dysnomia would give a shit if the site shut down right now but we can always go to /maka/ or /kajiwara/

You make my anime pussy quiver
So yummy looking

In that case he needs to be violently purged for the good of the board.

You don't think everyone wants dysnomia to fuck off already

he's overstayed his welcome by a year or so now

I have that impression as well. I wonder why?

i went to bed but good job user

theres nothing wrong with liking re zero i enjoyed the first ep in particular it was then endin that was kinda meh

normal tv is garbage and i do that too ill download somthing with every intention of playing or watching it then it goes to backlog

Any real anime fan has a backlog

id say so theres just so much content not counting the 30 shows we get every 3 months

ill be back im just goin for breakfast need me some pancakes



90% was really good the last 10 was stupid and rushed :/
any good one you would recommend ?

hmm i have a soft spot for idol stuff but recommend fune wo amu i dont really have favourites give me a min a make a webm to show wut its like


k fune wo amu is on one of my drives or on one of the laptops but im workin on it

Are you the one who posted that webm a day or 2 ago with the blue-haired anime girl making cute nonsense noises (it was like rereroarararererora) or something?
I thought it was itt but I don't see it so maybe it got spammed off the catalog, I meant to save it but didn't.

possible i look at em but blue hair and retard noises is not a lot to go off

I really don't know how else to describe it. It had subtitles that might've been added but it sort of looked like it was the actual sound from the anime.

k sit tight was it kinda like this one

and heres a clip from fune wo amu

No no…it's pronounced:

"WEE - a - boo"

grammar is an important life skill

so are you gonna post any anime or not?

how goes it today

pretty good i've been here a while just haven't posted because I was playing some touhou and it was the second game if you wanted to know which game

fun i was startin too wonder if you were going show up how was school?

It was fine I have to do another essay this week which sucks but it's part of doing honor classes which are supposed to help you later on in life in terms of getting a job or something like that which I find to be a bunch of bullshit

honor roll classes damn good for you whats the essay about
i wish i tried at school

Its about to kill a mockingbird and how racist and unfair america was

So the basic liberal whining about racist and evil whites are

well i have heard if your a white male that makes you a bad goim its a shame really

Its funny because the teacher is an old white catlday type person who is super liberal and so half the classtime is listening to her rant about how evil whites were and that blacks were peaceful and never did anything

they did nuffin and shiiiit
fuckin lib tards
dont let that shit go to your head in public just smile and nod but you dont have to associate with em outside of that what level you playing touhou at anyways normal lunatic

I'm playing on hard and i'm trying to get through it without using a continue


Sorry some of the images aren't uploading with the pictures because the site shits itself a bit and takes away the picture and sometimes I forget

Cirno you fag. I love you. Try to enjoy the age you're at Holla Forumsro

I am trying and i'm trying to get friends but most of the kids at this school are the typically reddit user and if they aren't sucking trumps cock then they are the typically football chads but I have found one or two kids that aren't total dicks and you guys are pretty cool too since these threads seem to be a refuge from the spam and pedo shit that is pretty much what makes up Holla Forums now

all good mods are shittin themselves anyways so much spam they workin overtime
i hope you get some friends are truly a wonderful thing

Yeah right now the closest thing I have to a friend is sitting at a lunch table with some kids but i'm working on not being a total loser and isn't there only 2 mods that actaully watch over the board or is maddex still a mod?

good lad, this
my advice to you, would be to give very few shits atm. You have a very long time to argue with and disparage negers over fairytales like politics and masonic degrees.
Workout, not necessarily to get 'jacked son', but for inherent health/hormone/brain/socialising/confidence purposes. Martial arts for aforesaid and disciprin. Consider accruing physical forms of wealth over this plastic digimon nonsense cryptocurrency may be the exception to this rule
always hide your power-level irl
keep coming to Holla Forums, baka

at least your included its better then being hated by everybody and your in a position to make em when you get out of school you have work to meet people or normal people shit like bars

The one I was thinking of wasn't obviously edited to me. It looked like it was just one girl talking with her hands but making silly noises instead.
Thanks for looking though.

what martial art would you recommended ?
and i need to work on hiding my power level
you too baka

Yeah i'm planning on running track and doing hurdle's since i'm okay at running and jumping I will usually do push ups and sit up in my room and while I don't know many martial arts or such I do know basic defense and for hiding my power level
I do try to make friends but i'm afraid that i'm just gonna be ridiculed once they figured out that i'm basically an otaku the most people know about me is from what they get told from my sister who is a stacy and dosen't really care what I do so most people consider me normal and I don't really want the rumors of the kid with the waifu going around and I also tried karate once but broke my toe the first day by kicking a plastic dummy the wrong way

sorry if i think of it ill post it later

I don't really know the differences between them but I would guess trying out something other than karate because that seems filled to the brim with normalfags who are expecting it to help them beat the shit out of anyone they meet

you do any sports ?
and ya that does seem probable
im not too sure about affording classes anyways its at least 50 a month to attend

Cirno is a highschooler? i thought he was a collegefaggot.

I despise education in its current form and would much rather emphasis be put on trade schools or technical colleges its clear where all this race baiting rhetoric comes from

it is a very personal thing. Generally, there is a divide among TMA and MMA. Traditional martial artists will consider mixed martial arts to be somewhat soulless and 'hype'. MMA fighters would argue TMA is mystical cockjuggling. I don't know your body-type, strengths, preferences etc. In my opinion, you can't go wrong with boxing and wrestling. There's a reason the Greeks and Romans had insane combat skills. Apart from full-body workouts, it covers striking/standup and grappling/sort-of-ground (as in avoiding getting taken down). Remember to eat for your goals. I would also recommend Wing Chun, Brazilian jiujitsu, Muay Thai, Hap Ki Do and Sambo. Avoid meme martial 'arts' like Krav Maga or these custom-dojos.

I used to do soccer until all the kids left to do the expensive travel soccer instead of rec and i'm gonna do track once the season is in which should be in spring

I could probably try to learn mma but i'm pretty much built like a twig so I probably wouldn't do too well with boxing but wrestling might work because of grappling and just trying to stay on your feet

This argument reminds me of the Floyd Mayweather Jr. vs. Conor McGregor where conor got his ass beat by a superior fighting style to no surprise of ppl who know who floyd maywweather is and how unlikely it is that conor could take him down

thanks you have one you do or you multitask type

i should have read earlier post more thoroughly my bad you like running then soccer track ?

Yeah mma has a completely different set of rules and regulations than boxing so it wasn't even like a rising star vs a pro it was like an experienced novice vs the champion

Yeah I kinda like running it's just the most enjoyable because you're constantly in motion and it helps calm down the adhd that I have which causes lots of anxiety and such from sitting still all day long and doing nothing

Yeah I like running it's just the most enjoyable because you're constantly in motion and it helps calm down the adhd that I have which causes lots of anxiety and such from sitting still all day long and doing nothing

now. At present. But that's not the point, your body will adapt to the stresses you inflict upon it. Sleep well, eat right, train hard - in order of importance for improving your body. There are ridiculously small boxers user, doesn't change the fact that their fit, fighty fuckers.

dub-dubs checked. Did you watch the fight? McGregor should conspiracy theories of pulled punches aside actually garner more respect for his performance than most are willing to admit. He was fighting the p-f-p tip-top guy in that sport. And it was a typical Mayweather fight: he simply disappeared for a while. Essentially this
Also, very important -
is not real. It's mickey-mouse. No such thing

lel. Wing Chun and boxing atm. And weights, ofc. Want to do more grappling, but can't right now

too be young and have such energy

I didnt watch the fight it was over-hyped to hell and back and the result was unsurprising who the fuck thought an mma fighter could take on a top ranked professional boxer and win?

Anyway they both made mad cash at the end of the fight which is all that matters to both men in the end so its a happily ever after except for those who bet fuckton of money on floyd losing.

Sometimes a lot of energy is bad when it starts to make you lose sleep though

I honestly don't know what they thought would happen though because it's basically common sense that the champion in a sport would beat someone who never even played it before

you busy how much the classes cost you ?

that was the point win or lose everybody goes home rich

fair enough i got a job for that i suppose i get to lose energy and sleep i dont work a stupid amount of hours but still wears you down

yeah i'm probably gonna get a part time job in a year or two just so I can start to get money for figurines and other stuff like that and start saving up money to get a car

merch is a slippery slope you pre order thinkin ill pay for it then and well then comes and a shipping cost as well my advice think about it before you order if you still want it the next day or even week then get it it truly is a never ending money pit its a lot of fun though any figs in particular

I'm probably gonna start out with a cirno fig since I can't find any of mai waifu and cirno is my favorite character and behind mai waifu and my favorite touhou and I've been looking through them to try and find one that looks really good the only problem would be not having people mess with it when i'm not around since at least one of my siblings will be at the house when i'm not around but it should be fine if I keep it in a case or something similar


man the dub sounds so weird like they didn't even know what was going on in the scene

if your getting a case thats were you should spend some money the ikea ones fill up fast and dont look good by themselves but grouped they can look all right

Yeah I read about getting some sort of ikea cases with a strip of LED lights to light the figs up because of how cool they stay

its the one that had all the eps and had seeders
it does sound wired though
lighting does look cool if you get a good colour you buy cds or anything else or just get figs

Dubs are quite a feat in animes some are hilarious others just odd.

I usually buy cd's when I can for certain types of music but not usually for anime because the only type you can get here is filled with unskippable ads in the beginning and I don't want to pay for anime with ad's when I can get a usually better quality sub for free from a subbing group

its hit or miss so your our kuro ?

piracy truly is a blessing i wouldent be able to afford my hobby without it or probably live without it

Yeah I know it would much harder to find lesser known series if you could only buy the (((offical))) subs/dubs of anime and now I have to find a club to join that isn't track to put on my college resume or my mom will get mad at me even though I explained to her that I was going to a trade school to learn a profession and was going to avoid the cost of college but she won't listen being the libtard that she is she see's college as a mandatory part of someone's life but I might just join a club that's before school then pretend to go so i'm not wasting my time doing something that I hate

its cause thats probably what she did thous its good for you ect in reality youll do what you want in the end or get said job thats reasonable use of time

I had some pokemon figures back in the day all i ever did with them was put em on top of my television.

No sound what the fuck?

Tell her you identify as an anime girl that you want to go on hormone replacement theraphy then dye your hair blue and wear cirno's dress that will show her

can i be your illya ?
well once you catch em all you cant really do much but put em on a shelf
and cirno still underage watching is lewd enough for him he dosent need a earfull too
what his moma say if he turned into a lolicon

I don't get mad at her over stuff like this just because not everyone spends their time on imageboards and learning how corrupt everything is but it's just annoying when I explain to her the plan I have of going to a trade school and that it's better costwise but she thinks if it doesn't give you a fancy degree it isn't worth spending money on and wants me to go to one of those (((ivy league))) colleges which already cost thousands of dollars for basic fee's

But cirno isn't mai waifu so why would I want to become her?


thats why im not in collage shits too expensive on my minimum wage salary but you got lots of time before that so i wouldent worry too much
wut trade you want to do anyways electrition plumber welding

You should just sticky one of the mewch threads so people know where to go for the time being.
This is poor management

I will probably be an electrician if I can or if I can't do that then i'll aim for wielding

I'm not mod so I can't sticky anything

Can you tell dyssomnia about it at least

there is a thread sticky already
and i hate to break it too you but i aint management
im just autistic

I don't know why dysnomia would be more inclined to listen to me rather than any other user considering I only avatarfag in this thread

hes probably trying to stop it but it aint that easy if its a bot its even more of a challenge
were would you start ? just ignore them keep good threads alive by bumpin they get off by seein panic you people feed em remember dont feed the trolls

either are good jobs
also we management now congrats on your promotion

What are we management of?

I wish more animes where willing to go this far but sadly they'd rather indulge in high school/slice of life shenanigans.

I would bet his mum would be proud cirno poster is getting more in touch with his feminine side.

Having more than 1 waifu is an unforgivable sin

Dysomia is MIA.
Who knows whos calling the shots now.

I don't have more than 1 waifu I have one and that is sora kajiwara but cirno is my second favorite 2d character but not my waifu pic related is what my waifu looks like

hmmm animu stuff i guess
why the hell not might pay better then my day job

it is a nice change lolis are best anyways its like kodomo no jikan whats really love
you watchin tenshi 3P!! ?

havent you heard we management now so who cares were he is


I like some loli but it depends on what type because some is borderline toddlercon and other types is about late elementary school to middle school area


all healthy choices i can assure you
just remember no 3dp with every pain there is picture :p


still more spam

Tsurezure end was a shit

no its over for now

it wasent the best ep of the show thats for sure



well im out see yall later today

My favorite couple was sugawara and takano and have you started reading the manga because there were a lot of couples that were left out in the show that were in the manga

mornin crino!!
how goes are battle today



Have I not been paying attention or did this circlejerk come about really fast?

for the most part
hopefully we keep it going


its so quiet today
aint anybody here

yeah it's partly due to being one of the only non spam threads during the constant spam raids that were happening though along with there being a lot of anime posters on Holla Forums

I'm back and doing pretty good and do you want to join us on >>>/maka/ to watch some anime tonight?

i got tonight off so i got nothing but time
its the cytube right


wut fun

yeah its cytube but I will have to read the thread to find out what movie it is

im lookin at it too somthing at 11 est but it seems like itll be little witch academia ova but i think there talkin about the movie ?

yeah it seems to be the little witch ova's

we find out soon
you ever read or watch soul eater ?
and have you watched any of little witch academia

I watched about half of soul eater and am planning on reading the manga and I watched the recent anime of little witch but didn't like it and don't plan on reading it anytime soon

fair enough
i dident mind it
watch anything that aired today?


It's actually meant to be 11 EDT (5 hours from now).
We usually watch a movie but I think the plan is to just watch the 2 OVAs.

Soul Eater is my favorite. The first half of the anime is good, but I recommend people switch the manga after 1/2 or 3/4 of the anime. There's a lot that's not covered.

hows goes it maka
thanks for the invite ill be there
and it is the cytube then?

no haven't watched anything that aired today I kinda lost intrest in all the anime with the exception of tsurezure children but I just picked up the manga along with the anime

thats too bad its been fairly enjoyable im sad though this season almost over shit leaves a hole in my heart every three months

I also watched princess principal and that was pretty good but it turned into a bit of a SoL at the end but was still enjoyable

we still got one more ep spolier princess dies
its got that steam punk feel which i like

I don't believe you and i'm thinking of reading the manga just to find out what happens between lizard-chan and princess and whether or not they advance the yuri plot

i can confirm
its real shit probably
my cartoons be like irl people actually die

I don't believe you show me your proof

ouch why would i do that go on the internet and tell lies for no reason
well find out sunday i suppose
also i dont think there is a manga i know there making a mini game but i think its an original

You're right it's an original but I don't think they would just go and kill of the prime yuri pair like that but even if they do we will still have beato to bully

they might i think it make for a better end
spies die on the job all the time princess is a traitor planin a coup
new assigned spy bitch did nuffin wrong and will follow orders she owes em shit
people have died threw-out the show
beato is a cute cute cute

Beato is for "CLANG" and headpats while you mess with her voice

her dad was really somthin makin a cute robo like dat
id make her voice really tired and lazy sounding
head pats are so lewd

my bad

I've been meaning to ask: how come people congregate in this guy's threads even when the board isn't 99% pedobear?

Because this is the designated "comfy and anime" thread

You get weird looks when kissing in public but then degenerates get away with headpats and hand holding in public what is wrong with people today to let this things pass without a second thought?

its cause were pedobears mascurating as anime enthusiasts and they havent seen thew are clever disguise

i know filthy perverts im pretty sure hand holding is a felony charge with a loli anyways
how do they keep getting away with it

I don't know I go to school and I see people holding hands in the hallway and I know I gets caught on camera but they must be paying off the dean or something because the next day they go right back to holding hands again and it just makes me sick

the thought of such degeneracy
perhaps extortion
conspiracy to preform lewd acts
avert your eyes
id recommend dropin out honestly

I'd have to wait 3 months and a year and even then I wouldn't be able to because I would get my drivers liscense taken away so I would be stuck in this small town and you can't avert your eyes because you look away from one couple just to see another one with their hands locked together in an act of degeneracy it's a shame that acts like this go unpunished and the youth of America have to witness such filth on a daily basis there should be a handholding genocide where all those with a record of handholding are executed under the law of non-degeneracy

its time then the great lewd hand holding genocide is apon us
drive by on hand holders
anime is merciful anime is great death to those who insult the purity of are anime

my bad if that last one was too much

It wasn't I just didn't want to head into Holla Forums tier of "GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW" larping with it and scare everyone off

fair enough
i guess i hear a non degeneracy law and get a bit excited :p


It goes well thanks. Sorry I didn't see this earlier I was in a meeting. Yeah the channel is just /r/maka.

It should be starting in about 15 minutes right

and all good you had work
so that was it

No an hour and 15 (more like 10 now).

It wasn't really work because I don't get paid. I'm the treasurer of a nonprofit but the meetings are just business as usual.

non profit you just volunteer then wut kind of non profit ? like food bank ?

ok I got confused just because I wasn't sure what timezone we were going off of but i'm keeping the cytube channel up just in case

We do conservancy and advocacy work for environmental stuff. Aside from book-keeping and a little grant writing I mostly take potential donors and local politicians out sailing while me and someone else talk about what the organization does and why they should give money to the group.

Yeah we messed that up a couple weeks ago to. It's 11pm eastern daylight time.

you've been saying this same exact shit for days now. it's over dumbfuck. move on.

well good for you
you like to sail then ?

you dident have to click on this thread

I never made a new thread this thread was made when right after the spam attack but this thread never died so the OP never changed



to are lurker anons maka's steam of little witch acdemia starts in a few mins if your interested

and you guys don't have to make an account to come and talk with us either

there you are
too busy shitpostin in that youngfag thread huh?

but ya anons feel free to join

ya I was posting some in that thread and my name in the cytube is ziggy becuase I couldn't think of a better name and was listening to david bowie when making the account


well im wbemfag so im not original myself

polo kuro!


I am surprised this thread hasn't been wiped away by spam.
been watching the animewebms in thread to pass the time for about 30 minutes

you never did say if i could be your illya
and ya we done good
you enjoy em i hope

Mana transfer would be mandatory for that user.

Mana transfer is a concept that should be used more in animes,also there needs to be a another season of this show

its for the right reasons

well we had the third what winter or spring of this year ? but yes mana transfers for lolis a must

Always for the right reasons

nice more fan art to collect

we have to keep you going somehow you do die if you run out of mana no sexual interest i can assure you
ya it was good did not expect a third season

Why they cant generate mana on their own to sustain themselves makes me think kuro is somesort of underage succbus.

Which isnt too far from the truth judging by her behavior in the series

a necessary evil
shes to cute too not included her

forgot audio














we can only hope user we can only hope
hows your night goin?


Meh all good
Watching threads and lurking shitpostin

not too many threads left by the look of things
thanks for bumpin this one though


You were so close to getting all "9"s

oh well im not too worried about it
and hows your night goin user ?



I feel like a king awakened from his splendor throne,lets make this thread undying.

were trying



I have a bunch of video games videos im just too lazy to convert them to webms or edit them

all good user all good
i think its over for tonight anyways

k im goin to bed
thanks too everyone who posted or even lurked through all this
see ya later

How did you guys enjoy the movie and ova yesterday? I thought they were pretty good

Bunker thread survives!!!

How do you activate a tripcode

Animr cant be killed

See the faq

morning cirno!!
enjoyed its fun to watch with friends
we do it again next Wednesday




Yeah I can do it next wednesday and we just have to decide what we are gonna wtch

i was going to suggest something around monday or tuesday on thier thread
you got any ideas ?
and hows school going

It's going good and we could try watching something that is getting a sequel soon so I will go look on /a/ to see what the fall anime list is

Missed it, was starting god's blessing on this wonderful world because of

then slept. I'll try to join you guys next wednesday, whatever it is.

kino jouney kekkai sensen classica loid himouto two idolmaster lovelive sunshine march comes like a lion Mr. Osomatsu and a wake up girls
we got lots of options

please do
theres a thread on maka
it started around ten if i remember right
and hows your day goin user?



anyways im off too work
should be home round 11
dont be lazy and let this shit die
ill see you then

Ok I will keep the thread alive and see you hope work isn't too bad

bump with chaika

Thanks for coming, it was fun.

Yeah it was, lotte has best voice, akko is a retard only good for yuri bait, and amanda is best girl

thats a weird way to spell Sucy

Sucy is shit because she hates dungeon crawlers I thought we established this last night

ah I forgot, maybe you're right




We'll be reading Jojo at /maka/ in like an hour and a half if you want to join

Okay I'll go there I probably won't have much idea what's going on though

mostly weird and crazy magical fights

oh okay that sounds like fun i'll join you guys

I did a brief tl;dr the other day when you expressed interest and then everyone else amended some things >>>/maka/6333

kek- really though Cavendish is the bestgirl IMO

oh ok thanks

wut no spammer

thanks for bumpin ill see you tom if you already asleep

thanks for bumpin too maka


This should be a cyclical tbh

with any luck it will be







i see it now, this is all a conspiracy. shitty anime and imageboards are a conspiracy to limit the human potential. how many years have you poor victims wasted on these kinds of sites? this isn't how it was supposed to be!

I like anime and shitty imageboards because I have no friends though and i've wasted about 2 to 3 years on imageboards

Well i'm sick so I get to stay home and watch anime and shitpost the rest of today and this weekend anyone here?

yup. neeting it up here. probably ragnarok online today.

Hey I hope it's going good for you

it's pretty great

What anime have you been watching i've been watching zankyou no terror since I saw it posted in the last thread and am gonna play some touhou tonight

good show but very rushed

Yeah i'm on ep8 right now and it feels like they are going a bit too fast but Lisa is a cute so I won't complain

nonsense who would come up with somthing so crazy

mornin cirno!!


oh no ive been found out
read the light novel its based on too

already have im afraid
it was a couple years ago though
hows your day going user?

Hey user

i cant beat the final boss in smt apocalypse because i fused my demons shittily and also the dub is fuckin horrible as imagined

so you sick then?

yeah it's nothing too serious and I should have to go back to school on monday but i'm enjoying my day off by shitposting and watching anime and also waiting for the attention hungry games tomorrow

you know it
the problem with piracy i suppose
ive been meaning to buy a 3ds
id say try another run through

KONOSUBA thanks to webm user

ive been meaning to book time off myself
then do the same

Who do you like the best for me it chris

idk take a guess

Yeah it's nice but I couldn't imagine doing this everday because at some point I need to go outside and thats partly why I took up skateboarding so I would have a reason to go outside and do something over the summer since I get really distracted and can't do anything because I just build up too much energy sitting around doing nothing but it's nice every once in a while


Yeah I know megumin was a lot of people's favorites and I liked her she just wasn't my favorite

i like them all so whatever

i wish i could do this all day everyday
give it time the older you get the less energy you have it seems
never did try skateboarding

love should be spread equally !

I liked them all except aqua

she a cute retard though

Skateboarding is fun you just have to be prepared to get hurt while doing it

She is too retarded though

if i wanted that i wouldent shitpost all day
life sucks so i spend my time watching cute happy things too make up for it

intelligence is below average i hear

I don't do it that often just when I get that large burst of energy and can't do anything then I usually go out and skate for a bit but I do prefer watching cute girls doing shit


cute shit is best shit
you watching made in abyss by the way?

we are trying too but work just keeps on employing me that and my internet bill doesent pay for itself :(

not this season since I fell behind a bit since I started school during the season but I might watch it when a batch comes out since it looks good

i would if i was you its been enjoyable
i wonder if well get a second season

Probably not since nips have pretty shit taste but there is always the manga

they really do have the weirdest taste
there poll rankings always confuse me
and give me a bit i got to cut my lawn be back in a bit

ok see ya

Fuck 2hu tbh

im back

again you dont have to click on this thread

Hey touhou are pretty fun games and cinro is the strongest

Hey what's up i'm almost finished with zankyou no terror and it's okay but 5 is a bitch

i dont want to spoil but love is a wired thing user

or are you cirno!! if so my bad
not much friday is lawn day
i always dread it i did my front yesterday though saved some time today

I know I just watched as Lisa almost blew up because 5 is a bitch and 12 is best boy

Oh mowing the yard sucks I used to do it but now there isn't a yard to mow since its just concrete no grass will grow

so on ep 9 then the ferries wheel bit right

convenient mine just keeps growing
oh well its almost winter ill get a break for a few months at least

Yeah I just finished ep9 and I live in florida so even if it was winter my grass wouldn't die if I had any

man you a long ways off i live on the other side of the continent
you live in an apartment then ?

nah in a house but there isn't a lawn it's just a driveway

thats all you really need
its why the water bill here is always fucked
fucking hydro bill
but we got green ass grass

Yeah we still have sprinklers too and a pool since my stepdad is a (((lawyer))) but I don't get any money it's mostly just my mom buying shit off of amazon and sometimes I can get something if it isn't expensive but I have access to her amazon account and she is making about 20 to 30 item orders each week and then she won't even give us money "without a reason" because she thinks kids shouldn't get allowances even when they do half the stuff in the house not like I actually want anything besides figures and i'm thinking of getting a salamander or snake as a pet when I can afford it

pets are a lot of work
anything lizard is work but would be cool
money is one of those things when u dont have it it sucks then you have money its good then you get responsibility and then you just work and still dont have money
its a wired system
i got a neko myself

I think we should start a new thread since this one is autosaging

shit really ha
you goin start it?

Yeah I will start it

k we see you there you goin put on your trips ?

Okay the thread is made and a comfy cirno in a sweater is the op image to celebrate the fall edition

source??? the art is so cool