Are you bullied, mentally handicapped or both?
And? Was life a contest about who could fit in the most and be as normal as possible?
It's not, as long as you're not under-aged and you can watch in moderation
Who forces you to buy a subscription every month, fucking peat-gavel

Fuck you with your special-snowflake words. They're just cartoons, CARTOONS. Why do Japs think they're so special that they need to come up with new words for their shows?

I'm getting depressed when I watch anime.

Already finished Nichijou, Yu Yu Hakusho and Nuku Nuku. Only took 5 years.

Kek. This.

as someone who doesn't watch anime this is the best argument to get me to watch it, shill it for me user


it's useless, it's costy, and it ruins your health. there's just no use to anime, it's fucking retarded. anyone who even watched it once is a slut to peer pressure and should grow the fuck up.

I often post on >>>Holla Forums and pretend I'm a white retard nationalists

You know fucktard, Japanese call all cartoon anime, which is short for animation, just like sake means any alcohol. It's westerners who use japanese words for Japanese things. Ilso kys faget.

Anime is overrated.

Flip Flappers is nice tbh.

U suck balls

you suck balls all day because you like it so much

No u



Agreed. Maybe they also buy music?

I've never bought music in my life. I don't understand people who do.

Have you bought any other licensed content?

Of course i buy the license. What kind of criminal would pirate something?

I pirate everything exept games tbh.

Anime is pretty much normalfag territory. This is why you can buy anime off of Netflix and Steam, why normalfag websites like /r/anime have hundreds of thousands of subscribers, and why anime keeps on getting Western adaptations like GiTS, Dragonball Evolution, Death Note, SAO, AoT, and others. Prove me wrong.

It doesn't make anime bad.