Daily reminder wehraboos are the most pathetic """people""" in existence...

Daily reminder wehraboos are the most pathetic """people""" in existence. At least tankies obsess over an army that actually won a war. Sad!

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Hey Holla Forums, butthurt that you're back in 4th place huh?
What happened? Did your post bots stop working? Did your reddit recruits fuck off back home?

Whatever you say, r/The_Donald 2.0.

both of you are right tbh

Holla Forums is the one who's BO openly admitted to running several recruitment drives on reddit.
Your board is full of reddit trash.
Your BO is a retarded.
Holla Forums is Holla Forums's whipping boy. Deal with it.

Reminder that Holla Forums's BO is a tranny (pictured )

It's also a complete and total sperg.
Can Holla Forums get much more embarrassing? I don't think it can.

Truly the goodest of goyim

lol cry more Holla Forumscucks the only DOTR will be when you get hanged for being a retarded reactionary and enemy of the revolution.

I heard about commie meme attempts earlier

Good luck "redpilling" normalfags with your dank maymays and happy merchants. Holla Forumstards really are the laughing stocks of the world.

It lacks the part of reality, cuck

lel say hi to Antifa to me when they beat your reactionary ass. No normalfag will ever side with you cucks because any movement that cares more about dank maymays than actual arguments is doomed to die a fast death.

keep at it commie, I can almost start my salt factory

hale hortler 1599


When angry pupper lost himself, can't banter, can't meme, can't do anything properly.



Workers of the world unite!

Holla Forums spergout ITT

That's funny, it seems to me Holla Forums are the spergs creating retarded threads about da joos and da niggers constantly in /news/, Holla Forums and Holla Forums. Really makes you think. You know you have a hugbox for a reason, right?

>>>Holla Forums


got anything without literal paragraphs in an image?

Keep on spergin'


Proud commie!

Geez Holla Forums, are you really this mad about being kicked out of 3rd place?
Go back home already.

not like they do anything else.

Lmao, who wanna slip some tongue in?

Some Holla Forums retard must've been mindlessly stealing and converting other people's memes to make a picture like that because nobody on the face of the Earth ever insinuated that "fascism has never been tried".

Yeah they do that all the time, completely reverse the memes from the right side and then believe it's gonna work.


lel, try posting anything that doesn't agree with the mob majority or ban happy mods. You guys are the ultimate hugbox, can't even allow posts that disagree with you without getting buttblasted and banning them.

Not an argument. :^)

Like you guys mindlessly stole Pepe and Wojak? Not to mention almost all Holla Forums memes are from the international board anyways.

they look like chill people to me

lol couldn't you put a few more blank lines in there?

Shills always require argument to their shitposts.

you didn't come here for one.


The revolution is here!

Future of US?

Future of US?

Modern society is all the proof I need that the nazis were right tbh. They could have committed every "war crime" that they were accusedof and the world would still be better off if they had won. Also why is it so difficult to find proof of these crimes being committed on a mass scale when they lost and all of their documents fell into allied hands? Their codes were cracked before they lost too so "they destroyed them" isn't a valid response.

sounds like my kind of niggas

Pic very much related. Just because there are a few extreme liberal SJWs doesn't mean you need to become a literal nazi. Thats' why we call you reactionaries, you sperg out to the extreme for something that isn't a big deal. Also, not an argument. There were documents.



it really isn't

Not shown: everybody else on the board telling BO to take their meds.

You know Holla Forums made that porn right?

why would they?

You need a reality check, no one can be that delusional.

…so they could fap to it?

Never heard an argument to be considered legitimate, from a lefty.

Yeah it survived for only 12 years and then it was easily defeated because it's a weak and pathetic ideology.
Natural selection applied to politics at its finest.

Ideology that urged entire world unite against one country. ;>)

If you are gonna meme do it the right way, Byzantium lasted 1000 years, renaissance happened after dumping kikerism and Nazi Germany was "light" christian, sauce? my ancestors.

Btw, Isabel La Catolica did a lot more than Hitler did and stable enough to last for more than a few years, but nobody will meme that ever, why? Because we are talking a christian state destroying kikery and obliterating every enemy launching by them, there is a reason why mexicans dont know a shit about turkroaches, at some point Portugal and even Germany, was a property of a christian crown, the world was spaniard and it gave christianism to savages.

So we have a problem here, liberals believe pure crap, lies, but guys that read books about history? why are they lying?

Except if you do the math for casualties and force expenditure it was one of the strongest and most effective ideologues in history that took the entire coordinated civilized world to stop, therefor making it statistically the superior ideologue for war.
reals > feels my butthurt commie friend.


Also accidentally a word, fucking android.

If you are right then Cid's España was an alien civilization that ruled the galaxy.

I keep serious discussion were it matters. This is bait thread, don't try to reason with the insane.

You are right, but you know, there is a ton of kids watching this board and they can be "infected" by memes.

from your point of view it'd be cuck porn.

More like infected by "memes"

It happened the same with communism and spanish anarchism as well. Many superpowers mobilized to defeat one single country or a couple of them.
And if you apply the concept of natural selection (that you retards love it so much) to politics, any country with an ideology/cause who can't defend itself has no right to exist.

Soviet union never was invaded by all who could invade them, it collapsed from the inside.

I know, communism and anarchism are shit tier ideologies as well as nazism tbh.
In the end, only crapitalism subsisted, sadly.