FBI appreciation thread

Post things that will prove useful capturing certain individuals who would very likely to engage in paedophilc behavior.

fbi a shit. cia is where it's at

this tbh

oh shit, sorry i'm drunk and european

You still have gestapo then.
Now they called Interpol or something like that.

Well cianiggers do have extensive spy networks and also lolitas of endless drug and pedo money. But fbianons have the second largest collection of pedo porn on the plantet only rivaled by the nook set agents. They also have extensive sting operations on civilians in the USA. like this thread Along with being more technologically competent compared to the cianiggers but less so then the nook set agents.

Show them pic related and setup a honeypotted tor node. They will think they are "secure and private". Unless they go behind seven proxies to get to a tor node you got them if you can get near them to set up the entry node. Bonus points if you can setup a fake website to make them think the tor binary they downloaded isn't a screen grabber for windowsbecause pedos are stupid.
Also if they are a kike assume they are extremely likely to engage or already engaged in pedo behavior.

pedos are probably the most tech literate niggers on this planet
[citation needed]


Wrong picture

>[citation needed]


Get out faggot and do your fucking job instead of spamming horsefucking and pedo shit.

i'm not an cianigger or fbianon tbh

Wrong picture again.

your tinfoil hat must be on too tight, user.

I keep picking the wrong picture I think this is it.

yeah, my observation was correct.

THANKS FBI! please also back up trump he is a hero.

God bless you all.

same to CIA

No actually I keep fucking up. Its probably this one.

FBI needs to catch more pedos and trump needs to pass a law to execute them asap

idc about any pol board :3

I like CIA
I like FBI
but the NSA a shit

For fucks sake it's probably this one then.

fbianons I could agree with if they ever did their jobs. But those niggers? Well pic related.