How to trigger a Laurafag in 2 easy steps

1. Post a better model than her (pic related)
2. Feel the butthurt of the Laurafag

Daria is cute she has nothing on Lera
fug u

n o u

i will not be butthurt >:(
plus no lera on this HDD

How to trigger a moralfag in one easy step:

1. post a picture of a little girl wearing normal clothes in public


Nice cartoon, the only problem I have is the fact that you used "your" incorrectly.

hang yourself

Ur the only fag her who likes that candygurl

Lera is the queen

Daria a shit>>7335009


lerafag detected

t. Zhenyafag

So this is what jewish in-fighting looks like.

Pay no attention to the man in the corner

Queen of Holla Forums

man, kids are ugly. you people are delusional. if you think dealing with people is shit, wait until you have to deal with a kid. everything about them is off-putting. these pictures of little girls are not real. they're as real as those models on the magazines.

that's where you're wrong

baby mentality. ironic.

I read all of it and I disagree completely, respectfully


Am I doing it right??

no, please keep it wholesome

you look me straight in the eye and tell that image was not in photoshop. tell me she didn't have a professional do make up for her. you are getting smoke blown up your ass.

sure. this is for (you)

i don't understand the purpose of this image. these millionaires living in fantasy land are not a representation of anything but craziness. you're exactly like those faggots who take political advice from hollywood because they know better meeeeeeeeeuuh but with your own retarded twist on it. eh, what's it to me. blow your load on what you want. fuck you

> take political advice from (((hollywood)))
I don't think so

Daria is the queen of Holla Forums. No discussion needed.


see or pic related

Holla Forums doesn't deserve a queen like her




post original


