South Park Thread

Surprise, surprise. Another episode where nothing happens.

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I was genuinely surprised the CEO didn't reveal himself to be a literal troll. Maybe they're saving that for the finale.

This season has been very disappointing for what's supposed to be their 20th Anniversary year

They must have been really expecting The Fractured but Whole for 2016

If they were trying to be climactic then they failed horribly.

What if the show used meme magic instead of member berries?


I like how they're being super serious about shit, this season has a completely different tone, it really exposes Matt and Trey as ignorant incompetent idiots.

I don't that was the point dumb nuts.

Still waiting for Hillary to be revealed as the queen troll.

I really liked this episode compared to the rest of the season. Since the elections are over they stopped trying to reflect trump vs hillary and instead it felt like garrison being the president for the first time.
Mr. Slave appearance was bretty good. No meme berries in the episode also was a huge plus.
I'm still expecting secret services to call upon the 'one man who can solve every single problem' when garrison bombs Denmark, coronel Bernie Sanders.

Lame as fuck. Normalfags are retarded.

You're trying a little too hard there boy.

They failed ever since the election

This whole season has been a massive failure, post-election it's just been even worse.

Of course nothing happened.
They were probably really banking on Hillary winning the election.
A lot of what they made probably went right in the trash.

I don't know what I expected, the whole season sucks ass.

How many episodes have been released and can I download them anywhere?


9 out of 10. 10th episode airs the 7th. You can view them in shit quality at south park's site or wait for torrents.

Truly that's one of the unfunniest retarded and braindead thing they could've done, the fact they had to do it twice apart of that was astoundingly misguided and dated.

it was alright the first time
using it again so soon after was a mistake

part of it is the need for it to be recognizable to normal fags

They should've used Trololol for the 2nd time, pretty sure most normalfags would've known that

remember that hillary wants her emails to not be seen by anyone

Reminded me of this.
sage for animes.

Fucking retards wrote themselves into a corner by banking their entire season on Hilary winning the election. Just that simple fact alone has given me more laughs than this entire season.

Did, did he just sage himself for posting anime..?

Does it really matter?

Yes and no, I just had to question his logic on that.

We really should add to the wall of Trump curse

I politely saged myself because my post was off board's topic, and little to do with the discussion anyways.
I also didn't want to derail the thread when some faggot inevitably complains about using mongolian stationary postcards on the mongolian stationary postcard relay channel number 08
Polite sage, again, for off topic posting

That makes no sense but okay.

Same thing applies to The Simpsons. Either way it's hilarious that they placed all their eggs into one basket.

This one is better

Was this the worst season yet? It's like they stretched the plot of one episode over a whole season and nothing is happening on an episodic level so it's really fucking boring. That works for many shows, of course, but they shouldn't have done it to South Park since they obviously don't know how to do it. This season could have and should have been a two parter, three parter TOPS. I hope they're just experimenting and this isn't the new formula.

Are you new?


They got one heck of a narrow vision this season

They say the "goverment" sent the trolls to Denmark… I'm sorry, isn't the "goverment" Mr. Garrison now?
Why did HILLARY send them?
Also where is Hillary now?

It's the equivalent to getting heckled for being wrong, and then intentionally making bad jokes so you can get that 0% score, an F.

It's awful.

Unless you count Ike and Butters's ex

Because making some boring bullshit about nothing is WAY easier than making a compelling story.

Im sure that they wrote this all in one afternoon, and want to focus on whatever else the minimum amount.

South Park is Purely on cruise control.

Every South Park episode past 2008 has basically been
Just look at the fucking Trump episodes

The finalle is going to be that song again with a message "you spent 5 hours watching this shit" trolled

Thanks for the webm. That was a great week.

This gets me so fucking pumped

People sage for offtopic because they don't want to bump the thread for no good reason. Sage is not a downvote.

Well don't tell him out right, let the newfag figure it out himself whenever he makes a shit thread and nobody cares to bump it!

If they were already so cucked, I would say thins was self aware.


It's actually very fitting if you think about it. Their decline is so obvious and its ever more apparent on a milestone anniversary. Zombie South Park article when?


user, this season has been legitimately terrible. Pro-Trump or not, what's funny about it? They've drawn out 4 jokes that weren't very funny to begin with over 9 (probably 10) episodes.

It's four different subplots, not jokes. The jokes come from the events that happen in the subplots. This is television writing 101.

You really sound like you haven't seen the episodes.

I've seen the entire season, either on Hulu or Watchcartoon.

Then you haven't been paying much attention.
The jokes this season are, and have really only been:

Yeah, these are storylines, but pay attention and you'll notice there are no actual jokes in them except the same one over and over again. There's no perceived drop in quality, the quality has fallen through the fucking floor. This should've been 2 episodes, tops, but it's 10. It's not working.

Neither of us are going to debate the other into not like or liking something tbh.

Nice save, m8. You're saying there are subplots and not jokes, but you can't defend that position when I argue that each subplot is just the same joke over and over again.
You can definitely not convince me to like this season, but if you had a leg to stand on you could convince me there are actually jokes within the subplots. I guess it's my bad for taking the bait.

What? I don't need to defend anything. Humor is subjective. There is no hypothesis that can be observed with objective scientific data to be proven true or false. It all falls down to "do you find this funny? Yes or no?"

I say "yes" and you say "no." I say you're being too cynical about the new season because they made fun of Trump, you say that even if they hadn't made fun of Trump you wouldn't find it funny.

There isn't any magic combination of words or image macro that will make either of us go "oh! my subjective opinion is wrong."

You just went full Marxist, because there is factual beauty, and there is factual humour. This is what ratings and focus groups are for, and the reception is indeed dysmal, outside of their safespaces. Need I explain the Golden Ratio?

Using terms like "marxist" and "degenerate" doesn't make you a redpilled intellectual. It just shows that you can speak memes.

Right, because only objectively good things get good ratings and focus group reception, right? That's why masterpieces like Twilight and Michael Bay's Transformers are so popular.

Really? Because this season has been getting above-average ratings from normie viewers and good reviews from mainstream outlets.

Of course, that means nothing to me, and it shouldn't mean anything to you. Popularity is not an objective indicator of quality. If it were, XKCD would be the world's best webcomic and Dane Cook would be the world's funniest comedian.

There is, indeed, objective quality, but it only goes so far. You can hit all the marks on objective quality and still create a product most people find subjectively unentertaining.

Boyhood, from an objective filmmaking standpoint, is very good. But I sit down, I watch it, and it's fucking boring as shit.

To be perfectly clear, I do think the season has it's problems.

- While I disagree that it's just "the same four jokes and over" I understand that the fact that every joke is heavily tied to the various subplots can create that perception, especially if you don't actually enjoy the subplot. This is why everyone loves the Gerald storyline, but nobody enjoys the Episode 7 potshots. You can apply the same criticism to both of them, but one scenario is entertaining and the other literally is a single joke.

- The fact that every episode is basically part of the same long episode creates some serious plot fatigue. It gets extremely annoying having to wait 1-2 weeks for a one tenth of the plot to progress.

- Obviously, season 19 and 18 did this better, by having a deep continuity and a 3-part finale instead of one long plot, it left more room for different scenarios.

- PC Principal didn't get to do anything at all despite appearing in virtually every episode so far.

But, there are things I like about this season.

- The continuity makes the plotlines more satisfying and feel like they have more weight. Again, this was done better in the last season, but it's still a very entertaining thing about the show.

- Gerald's trolling plotline has been genuinely fun and entertaining and I actually want to see how it ends. They created a plot that's engaging despite being juvenile and silly.

- The 'Member Berries are fun. The Star Wars shit gets old, but the 'Member Berries as characters are fun.

Anyway, I've wasted my time and so have you.

There has been a few

Please explain how the golden ratio is applied to humor. I would love to see that.

I think it's painfully obvious what happened. A bit of this can be found when they came forward and said 'of course Obama was going to win' in 2008. They only made one episode, and they were right not to bother with mccain.

The problem is just how big an upset Trump pulled off. Nobody, even most Trump supporters, thought he would actually win. This seasons plotline heavily involved the election and that change screwed everything up.

I think the origonal plan was something like this.

Hillary wins, sends Gerald and the trolls to Denmark, there Denmark reveals that Hillary is a massive troll and show pretty much all the bullshit she and her surrogates planted.

Member Berries are revealed to be working against Hillary and trolling in general. Harkening back to the fact that when people are eating them and remembering the good times they don't get trolled, they already set this up with their introduction.

By the end of the season the moral lesson comes out to the front that progress is great and you can't just live in the past forever, but that people are using the guise of 'going forward' to mask shitty behavior.

When Hillary lost, they cant do that plotline anymore. So now the season has dropped to a lower gear and re-invented everything introduced so far into mostly literal interpretations. I think they wanted to continue using the plotline anyways when Bill told Butters that men would be strapped down and just have their semen harvested by just showing Hillary going 'fuck the world I'm doing it anyways' but now that she's faded almost entirely from power it would just feel like punching down.

Worse comes to worse, they'll just pull out Mr. Hankey and have him destroy this timeline and fall back to toilet humor for a few episodes before they get back into political commentary.

That's most South Park eps TBH

Again, we culturally really have not progressed past 2008. Any commentary South Park Made before then is still super applicable now, way funnier and more fresh.

Like the fuck does trolling have to do with anything? Like South Park always managed to clump two unrelated things together, but they seem to be doing it more out of boredom then any effort now.

Like subplots are something you can do when your characters are not caricatures.

Spoiler alert: Your characters are caricatures. I don't give a fuck about whatever character arc anybody goes through because they might not even remember yesterday come next season.

This season really shows that Matt and Trey do not fucking get what people liked about the Black Friday Trilogy, Season 18, and to a degree Season 19, mild continuity and occasional callbacks work in a show that is mostly episodic, and can be refreshing from time to time, what doesn't work is dragging out a plot that no one cared about from the inception for 10 episodes in a show that was formerly episodic absurdity but has now been morphed into a political soapbox for Matt and Trey to make really bland jokes about issues and events that will have been old news in even a few weeks, nevermind years. South Park HAS been political in the past, true, but it has never been to this degree or this volume, the episode with the romanian kids and Janet Reno wasn't an episode poking fun at the controversy about the Cuban kid getting sent back, thats what they don't seem to get anymore, you can't have any pudding if you don't eat your meat, you don't get to shove hamfisted political commentary down everyone's throats without at least putting out a decent episode for it to go in. But they haven't done that at all this season, and it started with last season's finale, where they figured "fuck it" and left the conclusion to this season which I assume was going to be something along the lines of what said, capping off the PC culture and progressiveism thing, but like he said, Hillary lost, so they can't use that plotline, and are pretty much making it up as they go along at this point.
ten years from now, are you going to be able to watch the last two seasons and enjoy them? They're going to feel dated as fuck, Matt and Trey either don't realize that or don't care because they can't be assed to make a decent episode, and haven't been for awhile now, its really just fucking disgraceful and disappointing, but to be honest? I really don't know what else I expected, the show has always been emphasized by the minimal effort put into it, being made in less than a week every time, and still, I can't help but feel that those one week periods used to be used so much more aptly years ago.

Also no one gives two fucks about the "serious story" they are trying to tell, I don't know why they assume people do, this show is fucking balls to the wall absurdity, or at least it was, and they expect me to care about the characters that are literally written to be flat two dimensional caricatures to make jokes out of?

I'm going to partially disagree with that sentiment, purely because I really like whatever season it was where they made fun of Disney

To beauty, you fool. Meanwhile, satirical humour like SP's is connected to facts, which they no longer have. Mixing feeling with satire is why humour in CURRENT_YEAR is so degenerate.

Id say more being afraid to challenge whatever the modern agenda is. Like UNILATERAL challenge.

Making fun of aggressive smoking Lobbying? Have the actual guy be a massive disgusting prickazoid.

Making fun of Social Justice? Uh…well.UH…..I mean….Metaphor! Yeah! And…Its like…Gentrification! And it will go away like it did in the 90s! We promise! Uh….

And then they discard any premise next season and just don't comment on it whatsoever.

Sure gems exist, but south park is definitely in "Zombie Simpsons" Territory. It's only a VERY short while before Matt and Trey just flat out fucking surrender to social justice (If they didn't already) and just cruise control for easy paychecks.

Hey man the economy aint as good as it used to be (Maybe if they were actual libertarians they could figure out why), they can't do experimental puppet films or musicals as easily as before.

This is their breadwinner.

I actually didn't waste any time cause I stopped replying after I posted the bait picture, someone else took up the good fight against you.

I wasn't replying to you either.

Let's just agree that no one replied to anyone

You're replying to yourself, faggot.

If only the Marxist leading this board would just assign IDs, already, so the board can flourish, for once.


Basically, this but without the leftist bullshit.

The writers did say that the NAMbLA episode isn't funny unless you know that NAMbLA is a real thing and they added the whole "This is what Scientologists actually believe." in the Scientology episode. They also proudly say that they did some research for the Mormon episode.

Season 20, Episode 10

"The End of Serialization As We Know It"

Cartman finally understands why Heidi wants to get to Mars on the season finale of South Park on Wednesday, December 7 at 10:00 p.m. ET/PT on Comedy Central.

As TrollTrace goes live, Sheila logs on to see Gerald’s online activity. At SpaceX, Cartman tries to convince the scientists that going to Mars is a bad idea. And defying their mom, Kyle and Ike get all the kids together to try to save the world from certain destruction.

Mocking physical media in the Blockbuster ep feels more on point in 2016

Ah for fuck sake I JUST got it.

Guys. Get ready for cringe.

Troll Trace.
Troll Face

A couple years back we had a few anons do an event where we watched all the Simpsons and reported back after each watching. A week between each episode.

Would anyone be interested I'll do it in somebody doing this with South Park in which we can all report and try and pinpoint the swtich?

They're gonna show the trollface. Aren't they? It's not even called the trollface, you fucking kikes. It's called the cool face.

Oh wow, and you complain about South Park being stupid when it's audience is THAT slow?

They should make whole episode of vidrelated instead of their failed bullshit.

PS. Or videos with Trump. Degenerates will go feral.

Bingo. Now for some straight talk.

Now I've mentioned in the previous thread on South Park the other thing that's happened to both of these guys is this, they're no longer single they've got kids, and from all indications Trey Parker is still fucking suffering and recovering from his last divorce. I mean look at this guy's face from the last Comicon, that just screams JUST from every fucking angle. He wants out and wants to be a libertarian again but he can't because of his current wife and kids plus the alimony payments he now needs to make. And (((Matt Stone))) well he's married to a Jewess so he'll never wake up again.

Also if you pay attention to their first borns they were all girls. Now here's a bit of straight talk from an oldfag, sooner or later you will see this and experience it yourself or see it in other young married couples in your own lives. If the first child you ever have after you're married turns out to be a daughter, you can kiss just about all of your K type instincts and libertarian principles out the fucking window. Not because you have to throw them out, it's due to most men simply falling into their baser primate instincts to protect their female offspring like a newly borne princess and the pozzed pink aisle every woman drags a modern man into will pound the red pill meat and sense out of them where possible.

It can be resisted, if you have the mental fortitude and the discipline to resist the pink aisle that makes up every aspect of late 21st century commercialism. Because if there's one thing about k-typed living, it's about exerting self control in yourself, your wife and your children to correctly invest an anti-consumerist fortitude in your own family.

Remember r-typed values of being pozzed in the neg hole and feminism can only exist in environments that are about mindless aspirational consumption plus free "fake resources" provided by the state no less via credit card debt and very low interest rates to make you not prepare and invest for the future but to spend for the gibsmedats of today.

Right now, Stone and Parker have had their libertarian and devil may care attitude pounded out of the fuck out of them because they let the good life of Pedowood/Hollyweird get to them and they failed to truly invest in their own futures with South Park so when the economy went fucking bad they wouldn't be wedded to the SJW (in the case of Stone he's literally married to the former head of Comedy Central Andrea Howard, literally the woman who's been at the vanguard of pushing the SJW shit in at the cable network in 2008).

seek help

Funny how "anti-racists" are the biggest racists in the west

No Bugs, take the truth from your Uncle Jesse and stop being a jewry tranny degenerate for once in your lifetime you r-typed rabbit.

So, you mean they're just cucks. That's been known for a while.

That's been a gag for bugs since his origin

The Marlin Brando Lookalike thing is funny regardless

Wonder if they're going to bring up the piss fetish thing again

Y'all hear that shit?

It means no more ongoing plotline. Now quit your bitchin'.

Could be entirely tongue-in-cheek

The "Socialism Induced Death Syndrome" always gets me.

sounds like someone's been posting in Holla Forums a lot lately!
sage for equally derail-y pic postage, woohoo

I think Isaac Hayes legit triggered them, they've been slowly rolling that way since the Scieno episodes. Didn't feel that way at first, of course, because we were in on the whole 'scieno' gag…but look at how they reacted to Isaac Hayes leaving vs this season.
150% assmongled.
It's just exacerbated for the much-stated 'dragged this shit out to a full season' instance.
for instance, the whole 'lemmiwinks saga' of weirdness during the catholic trilogy.

found the normie

remember, Marx is a shitlord too now!

lel, did you see his reaction? Even Trump was surprised! Everyone was expecting him to win it during the contesting.


Ohhh fuck off mate, go drink a latte.

Congratulations. You win the gayest post in the thread. You did it user.


Cut down on the Star Wars shit.
less weight on the various subplots but have them still be there
Every episode has it's own story, and they all fit within a central theme
PC Principal does more stuff

Basically, make it Season 19.

You can fight fire with fire

but you can't fight faggotry with faggotry


Just go back to doing single, done-in-one, episodes. I'd also try to steer Trey and Matt away from subjects they clearly have little understanding of, like trolling or Donald Trump

Can't insult the god-emperor now, can we?

With 20/20 hindsight?

No Garrison as Trump Stand inm Start with single episodes, starting with one about remakes, not featuring Member Berries, instead have the focus be on NuGhostbusters and TFA, potentially with some jokes about how utterly retarded Focus Testing is, with PC Principal in the focus group as additional "The complainers aren't necessarily consumers" SJW commentary, this is where "Trolling" is introduced with some jokes about the Ghostbusters actors never shutting up about "trolls", leading to a scene where Gerard "becomes" one to mock them in order to just shut them up, he has the occasional scene the following episode at his computer, but not given much focus beyond that.

After the election (about halfway into the season), spend a few about the BAAAAW and the THE SKY IS FALLING that ensued from that, which was fucking insane, A Canada Episode about "Immigration" and "Refugees" is a must, framed like it should be about muddy syrians but using Merrcans taking refuge from Trump. Because seriously, the amount of people who went "GOING TO CANADA" was pretty funny, especially all the Celebs, so that is another missed mocking opportunity.

Possibly have Skankhunt become more known during those episodes leading into Trolltrace for the final 3 episode season finale getting the boys a bit more involved in it.

And Trump being called "King Troll" BECAUSE of the mass butthurt he caused by winning.

Or without 20/20 hindsight, Make Remake Episode, 3 other "stand alone" ones and Trolltrace Finale (3 episodes) that for a arc, and have 2 "empty" episodes that can be slotted in with CURRENT EVENTS plots made while the initial "Generic" ones air.

The benefits of an "arc" while retaining the flexibility to not look like retard cause your candidate didn't win.

That would've been hilarious.

Just watch some of their anti-trump stuff.

That would be so VERY classic south park. Like would be fucking HILARIOUS.

It would be pretty good if they do it right


Which is how you know they won't do it.

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
do u remember a gay thats been?

At least make it cultural nationalist.
Civic nationalism can imply multiculturalism.

OP here, it's kinda urgent.

How much was that a night?

no feets on the pic bro ;)

Are you straight?

Coming out is a risk for some, for others it conflicts with religious beliefs, and it really narrows your dating pool, So mostly social reasons
Maybe I have and I didn't even know gay people were a thing as a kid
Maybe, I personally don't I want to adopt with a Husband
??? Frail means physically fragile what do you mean?
idk some people don't like Sausage :^)
I don't think its a choice…
t. Gay twink bottom

Do you have the rest of this?

I have a pic of one of the girls eating the other out. I never imagined there would be more!


I have a waterproof kindle and a solar panel.

Checkmate, feggets.

Initial D was a lifesaver in the early 2000s

Also Another neat idea:

Wether you like trump or not the fact that he is president is rediculous. Like the fact that we have a reality tv star as president.

Maybe reincorporate the Alien Jew Producers from way back when? Like that Trump is actually a plant from them, and hes working towards….Some goal.

Like a ratings booster of some sort. And by keeping his goals nebulous you don't know if the goals are good or evil.

Man I love this season.

Shame this isn't what happened. Seriously that'd be fucking great.

They've gotten sloppy with their work.

God this season was so shit

nice try Holla Forums

Just relax for fucks sake! I hate Leftypol possibly more then you do!

I meant that as part of the jokey mythology. Considering the alien jews MADE and OWN the earth, them planting Trump could be a good or bad thing in the shows mythology.

Regardless it could be FUNNY. Something south park has been REALLY sucking at as of late.

Juxtaposing serious music and detailed animation with poop/genital jokes and broken aesops is the only trick South Park has now, and they just stretched one over a whole season with no payoff. What's the joke? What's the lesson? Aside from "don't make your story arc hinge on a real-life election"?

Considering they make each episode in a week (and their awful post-election episode less than a day) don't get your hopes up about them getting better at story arcs.

They decided to stop making the show about a fictional town and anchored a major character to the president-elect. It would seem strange if only now they would ignore real life and have awesome space adventures (which would retcon another last-minute shitshow known as Soapbox Derby).

I think the major problem is that the show tries way to hard to "parody" political or social events happening. It is not about coherent adventures of goofy happenings or kids being kids, but rather random political topics with regurgitated statements. It attempts to hard to be serious political humor and fails since political/current event humor is pretty shit.

Don't worry about it. I'm sure Heidi's smart and funny enough to help break the intergalactic barrier.

come on Holla Forums.

I honestly would have liked to see them go back to the first season's style and humour, even if it was just for a year. It would have fit in nicely with the whole Member Berries plot and it would have been a nice tribute and celebration of twenty years on the air.

Instead we got what we got, which is one of the worst seasons of South Park in recent memory and a poor commemoration of the 20th anniversary

I would say the first 8 seasons are really good. Every episode that is hit or miss in which seasons after 11 shit the bed most of the time.

I wouldn't necessarily make that blanket statement. The second season is really rocky (and in fact Trey and Matt hate it) with only a handful of good episodes. The first season is rocky too but there are some really good episodes in there, including Tom's Rhinoplasty which I think is one of my favourites.

I wouldn't say the show got into consistent quality until season 3, maybe even season 5. Scott Tenorman Must Die was a turning point and I really liked Here Comes the Neighbourhood and Butters' Very Own Episode

Having said all that, I would much rather season 2 than season 20

This season in short:
The plot was all over the place with SpaceX, Denmark and the US government.
Trey and Matt are edgy liberals that are against stuff like safe spaces but still drinking the Kool Aid hard. Their masks fell off when Trump won and even your average Joe can clearly see the left agenda.
They will keep pushing the following jokes on the next season:

It's good to keep an eye on SP, just to see the bullshit and use it to redpill people.

Also, Never Gonna Give you Up? And in two episodes? Jesus!

It was three episodes

What do they not understand about trolling?

Just a general feeling. Trey and Matt seem to fall into the 'Trolling = Nasty comments on the Internet' pit and while that is true it's so much more than that. Trolls also goad and trick people. They could have gotten so much more mileage out of the concept if they understood it better.

So, are the greatest trolls those who are masters of making people, make fools of themselves such as Ken M?

I disagree with this assessment. Trey and Matt are out of touch but aside from 'Member when there weren't so many Mexicans?' and Garrison's plan to fuck all the immigrants to death, they never talked about policy, never mentioned or demonstrated any kind of support for Hillary Clinton's policies, never mentioned or condemned Trump's policies beyond his policy on immigration. They never repeated any of the paranoid delusional bullshit that practically every shitlib in the Western hemisphere repeated, like how Trump is going to ban abortion, or send gays to death camps or send the blacks back to Africa. They never virtue signalled. And other comedy shows would.

The best thing they could say in Hillary's favour was that she was more experienced. That's it. That's their primary argument for supporting Hillary - security. I suspect they were secretly rubbing their hands together with glee about the prospect of a Clinton win because they could make jokes about her and they'd be the only ones doing it. You can see that by the way the season completely fell apart after the Trump victory. After Trump won the best they could muster was 'Trump are dumb' and 'Trump are impulsive' type jokes and reflections about how PC culture created Trump. That's the best they could do. I suspect next season they'll lay off that area because everyone and their mother will be doing jokes about Trump, and if the way they handled Bush was any indication, Trey and Matt will find this area boring as a result.

I would say so. They kept talking about how Gerald was this master troll but all he ever really did was push people's buttons by saying mean stuff about them. A real master troll would be someone like whoever sells those 'Male Tears' mugs, or whoever convinced the asshurt liberals to wear Safety Pins to express disapproval with Trump's victory.

this post got me thinking, what was the fucking plan with Hillary?

she sent Gerald & all the other trolls to Denmark to try to rig the election or some shit & what happened then? I thought Bill said she had something planned that would reign hell down on everyone, but nothing happened

I think they made fun of Hillary to pose as moderated. Indeed, they didn't use the common attacks against Trump, because that would be too easy and predictable and since Trump's victory caught them by surprise, they had to overuse the jokes you mentioned and all that got old in the first episode with the elected Trump.
Maybe they regret killing the true Trump on that Canadian episode, maybe on the next season they'll find a way to bring him back, because using Garrison's character to portray Trump will sound really retarded, we had a taste of this with Mr. Slave tauting Garrison.

Willing to let Hillary be in charge just to have a bag full of jokes, while she brings the WWIII and implant full socialist USofA is beyond sick.

South Park really lost it's touch this season. They were probably expecting Hillary Clinton to win, but when Trump won, they changed their plans at the last minute and everything went to shit. You can tell they were expecting Hillary Clinton to win because they were talking about how women were gonna take over Mars and use men for milking their semen. The whole season had been about men versus women. I think Kyle's Mom was suppose to have a bigger impact in the final two episodes, but since Hillary lost, the creators of South Park couldn't find a clever way to make the season more epic towards the end. As far as the member berries go, I have no idea where they were going with that.

I think they were using the memberberries as a metaphor for the drug-like effects of nostalgia. Some nostalgia is fine, but too much can cause humanity to reminisce about a more backwards time. Hillary Clinton's election was probably going to show that nostalgia can be fought against and shouldn't control our entertainment and political and social ideals. Unfortunately, Donald Trump won, and now we have 1 Star Wars movie a year, along with millions of reboots out the ass because Hollywood has run out of ideas.

This season showed some promise, but after Trump won, it became clear they didn't know what the fuck to do.

Exactly. I hate reboots and I definitely hate Star Wars. They'll never recapture the magic of the original trilogy.

I'm getting mixed messages here

Yup. I wonder how this season would have turned out like, had Hillary Clinton won.

I liked it at first. Then Episode 1, 2, 3 came out and I started hating the franchise as a whole. The Force Awakens was a SJW/Feminazi/Cuckoid propaganda film.

Thankfully we'll never know

I've always found the whole thing to be vastly overrated, even the supposed 'good' originals

i blame commedy central
they could've made a jab at hillary clinton's email but CC didn't let them

It's probably for the best, but I'll always wonder what if.

Yeah, I agree that it is overrated.

Yeah, I hate Comedy Central more than ever now. They are restricting them, instead of allowing them creative freedom.

I think the originals are overrated and the prequels are massively underrated

This is why no one likes you, friend.

Member berries were just a dumb strawman to say that all conservatives/trump supporters were bigots who were led by secret nazis.

They even had all the characters they need for this election.


Please leave.

Go with him.

It wasn't though? They took a year or two off to make the movie and their book of mormon play IIRC

It's actually not the 20th anniversary year YET. It started 1997, so next year is their 20th anniversary.

Those were concurrent

Good. Maybe then, they'll can the show one and for all, and finally come to realise THEY'LL NEVER STOP THE SIMPSONS.

He wont be in office long

The world won't exist for long.

You're right. Eight years isn't a particularly long time.


So what was stopping them from doing that during an election where not only they but the entire mainstream media believed her victory was assured? They could've gotten started early. They could have even ironically used the stuff the msm was dismissing as conspiracies just to make fun of her. But nope. We didn't get any of that. Despite not having the same flavor of jokes about Trump, they basically did the same thing their mainstream counterpart did.

Face it, if Matt and Trey aren't simply out of touch the only explanation is that they went full liberal this season. They couldn't care less about the status quo which you yourself said that's what Hillary represented to them. South Park is Zombie Simpsons tier at this point.

Meant to say, they embraced the status quo. Don't know why it came out like that.

I dunno, I thought the ending joke with the old guy was pretty good


Zombie Simpsons just keeps inventing new layers of Classification. It ditched the Zombie Template for the Skeleton Template a while ago. It's still the shambling abomination it was before, but now its so bare and worn down its barely about anything at all.

I realized that the last part of the season was so fucked because they were probably planning on making it all about Clinton and her emails. Make it come out that she was a massive troll online and wanted Kyle's dad to cover her tracks for her.

I was hoping it was gonna turn out that the Danish Troll was actually JJ Abrams in disguise, and that his plan was to turn the world so shitty that everyone would beg him to reboot it.

Then he'd get shot or something, and it would be revealed that he was actually a living human/member-berry hybrid.

So did Cartman go back to his usual self, or did they decide to make Heidi the bad guy? Haven't really bothered to watch the rest of the season after Weiner's Out.

I disagree. Simpsons quality is one consistent drop. South Park's quality is all over the place. You can have a great season like Season 19 sandwiched in-between two shit seasons like this one and Season 20. The reason for this being that all the good people who worked on The Simpsons when it was good all left the show and were slowly replaced by fans and other people who didn't have shit to do with the show when it was good. Whereas South Park, conversely, has been done by Trey and Matt every year for twenty years. South Park might not be at peak quality, and this season was shit, but having its creators still helm it prevents a consistent drop as seen with Simpsons and other shows.

Butters basically told him bitches be crazy so he went to a weird mid-point where he's kind of back to his usual self but he's still got a girlfriend (for now, anyway)

That would have been so much better than what they came up with. Would have tied the two plot-lines together nicely

This season was fucking garbage. It is very clear Matt and Trey have gotten cucked now because after Hilary's lost the entire season collapsed into it's own asshole.

It could of had an amazing finish. Cartman loses his girlfriend because she finds out about him saying chicks ruined Ghostbusters. Then Cartman says his lost everything, his stuff, his girlfriend and then finds out Gerald was SkankHunt which lead to all of his problems. Kyle's friends are disgusted at him because he helped rally them against Cartman despite it was his dad was the internet troll. Leading them to dump him and creating drama for the next season.

What do we get instead? Gerald kills a dude "because it's funny." Then gets off scot-free despite the evidence is clearly pointing towards him being the troll and yet Kyle or Ike won't speak up against their dad despite he was willing to throw them under the bus. Then there was the Straw manning anyone who voted for Trump and people who saw the new Star Wars film and constant bitching that Hilary lost the election.

Holy fuck what a mess.

Halfchan refugees are shitting up Holla Forums with the gay ass 'member berries meme.

I like seeing Holla Forums make up better South Park episodes than what we're actually getting.

Someone should write this down, I have a feeling it may come in handy sometime in the future.

Also better materials to use:

The FBI confiscated a Actual (Confirmed) fucking DEATHRAY from tesla and its somehow connected to Trumps Family. Like some board already did it, but if South Park just cribbed notes from them it would also be great.

Trumps a Plant to steal the Death Ray from the FBI or something.

My introduction to Star Wars was the prequels, as a child. I thought I hated Star Wars because that's all I ever knew until I realized they were the fucking prequels.
If even a child could tell it was fucking shit, then it was fucking shit.

As far as I can tell, comics are the only good thing to listen to Razorfist talk about. Though he does have a good voice just listen to in the background when playing vidya. With nothing important enough to say that you feel compelled to actually listen.

That seems too obvious of an ending, though.
I would have liked it better if it turned out the people you least expected to be trolls were. Cartman gets so nervous, but then shit gets leaked and his gf ends up having said plenty of terrible, horrible shit about fatties, Cartman in particular.

Like I said earlier, this was clearly a buildup to a big joke about Hillary's emails and her trolling online, but the election didn't turn out like they expected. Wasted opportunity. They should have tackled the idea earlier.


They made fun of her to an extent and all but called her an idiot. The fact she came to Kyle's dad was a clear set-up for something.

She came to Kyle's dad because the episode was written under the assumption that she would win.

This is the best fanfic I've ever read.

Not 'she's the real troll,' just that she is one. Have proof of her having talked major shit about Cartman and calling him a fatty and shit, and then, rather than be relieved it's not just him, Cartman acts like a victim and calls her a dumb unfunny cunt.
That feels like something SP would do anyway.

Either that or they fall in love harder because they're both shitty vindictive people that can hate the world together.

So many possibilities, if you start to think.

Honestly to fix this season I'd simply have Hillary Win and have South Park exist in a bizzaro universe.

Why? no more "political" episodes.
No more "CURRENT EVENT" episodes
and if there are….guess what? they get to make their own spin on it and continue the laugh gaff gaffs.

Fuck it, why bother fixing this season? All the good ideas in this thread alone could make their own season worth watching.

Hey is there a Xmas special coming??? When? There has to be right its what they do

Season's over. No Christmas special. The last time they did anything like a Christmas special was the Wal-Mart trilogy.

Of course, the Fractured But Whole might have some Christmas stuff in it.

if they dont, I may be an actual disgruntled fan..cause they fucked up so bad over Trump that they had to rewrite episodes and couldnt even get their shit together…its like they didnt even wanna criticise Hillary for fear of being dropped which is so lame seeing as most people have always watched them online

give it a year.

Social justice will no longer be relevant.

There are a lot more people out there than you realize who arent pozzed.

This election just proved that.

If they double down on social justice now, they will fuck themselves and they know it.

However, they arent pozzed. Hell, look at how they mock Bruce Jenner.

They also make fun of safe spaces.

Just because they were anti-trump doesnt mean they cuck out too.

Shit, I am not a fan of Trump, but I am a bigger fan of Hillary Clinton losing the election.

I can't stand these fucking sjw faggots either. Their hypocritical self-serving bullshit and faux-virtues and morality and their authoritarian crap is what pisses me off the most.

I'd be shocked if Matt and Trey cucked out, namely because South Park started as a response to the political correctness shit of the 1990's. Why would they submit to it 20 years later? They have enough money to tell comedy central to eat a cock. They could easily self-publish, and would do better if they threw themselves on netflix, rather than the dying medium which are cable networks. If they decided to kill the show tomorrow, Comedy central would cry because that is the only thing keeping that failure of a channel relevant. They lost their other golden geese within the past year, if south park left, they'd be fucked.

Matt and Trey have more to lose pandering to sjw's than anything they could gain.

Given Clinton's past and ties, I can see why they want to tread lightly with her. Even though she lost, she still holds considerable influence.

Hell they already did this with Saddam Hussein.

They should have had Mr garrison rape hillary in the end. That's how it happened in real life

I'd give it four years personally. Maybe even eight

There are a lot more people out there than you realize who arent pozzed.

And the media and all the social Networks are all controlled by the SJW crowd. We aren't at "Return of the Jedi here" we just finished "A New Hope". Its time for the "Empire to Strike Back" if you will. All the shit they are pulling with secret censorship most people don't know they are attempting to do.

At least they got one thing right.

Even when they mock sjw icons it's super tame as hell.

filter and hide people. that little triangle isn't there for decoration.

They won't call him a man though. Too pussy for that.

I think the issue is that they took the wrong tack on SJWs last season, taking the fratboy thing too far.

Actually, pretty much a theme of this season and the last is that they come up with a bizarre metaphor and keeping using it way past its welcome and relevancy. See the Memberberries.

The entire season's plot could have gone on without these autism faced things, and nothing would have changed.

They just don't know when to stop rehashing the same old jokes, this season proves that, They literally recycled the same 3-4 jokes for 3 months, it was excruciating, I thought it might actually be going somewhere the first 4 episodes when it almost actually seemed like they were going for sorta topicaly, sorta connected, but also separate episodes, but then they went full retard from that point on with the serialization.

I wouldn't have minded the Trump Garrison Jokes, Memberberries jokes, women are funny jokes, are any of that if they had all been 1 episode things, instead they got stretched out for seemingly no reason, it's almost like Trey and Matt were more focused on their autistic political commentary that didn't even make sense, than on the actual jokes, that and they were banking hard on the Trump loss for their little "I learned something today" bit about how nostalgia is bad


Looks like I got only a third of my prediction right.

Nice job

they really messed up

I never really watched the start of the season, how did the berries come to be?

They didn't.

They don't explain it. They're just there.

They're just berries that randomly go "member xyxy?", there's no purpose for them and they're probably just padding.

How else you can say that Trump is literally Hitler?


They made it seem like they were going to have some big reveal about their origins but that ended up going nowhere. Either because Trump's victory through a wrench in their storyline or they never actually planned out how the memberries would tie into it anyway.

That's similar to me, although I didn't watch the movies. I was like 12 or so when Phantom Menace was in cinemas, and I thought it looked really stupid with the little kid, the cartoon thing and the devil looking guy. So I never watched the other movies in the series until I was in my 20s, I figured I might as well get it over with to see what the fuss is all about. I was so wrong on the OT and so right on the prequels.

I bet you liked The Force Awakens…