Ask A Girl Soon To Be Kidnapped Anything

It's finally happening.

Remember the threads about the guy with the kidnapping fetish and the long list of girls he had eager to be abducted and kept as permanent sex slaves? How after two years of sporadic threads and increasingly annoyed responses saying I'd never go through with it, and demanding I shit or get off the pot? Well, by the end of September I'll have done it. You can still see remnants of some of those topics on some of the smaller boards on 8ch which I'd usually be directed to, and would follow a pattern of "curious and interested" "asking where I was finding the girls" "frustrated I'm not giving up my sources" "insisting I'm fake and demanding proof I'm not while insisting if I'm not fake the plan is stupid or bad or blah blah blah don't do it" "going completely silent when presented with proof it's all true."

Well, the reality is I could have done it years ago, but I didn't want *them* badly enough. None of the girls perfectly clicked with me. They either weren't attractive enough, were too slutty or were too far away, or were just batshit insane or disloyal. Each had at least one thing that prevented me from getting serious about them.

For whatever reason this girl, the one I'm nabbing soon is different. She lit a fire under my ass. I feel for her what I haven't for any girl in years. Honestly, it's debatable that I'll even take a girl after her. It's really going to depend on her, she has a cult fetish, hypnosis fetish and brainwashing fetish so I may use those to make her more comfortable with the notion of there being other girls, but honestly if she won't accept it I'll be happy with just her.

Anyway, I'll answer any questions you have about her that won't incriminate either of us, but she said recently when I told her about these threads that she wished she could post in them as well. Now, I know chan sites. I know even under the best of circumstances, even back on a fagbox like /adv/ on halfchan, whatever the problem was the response would always be "break up" because there's a core of you who just can't stand seeing other people happy. So given what we're discussing, having her post here directly seems a decidedly bad idea since the thread will devolve into insulting and undermining me and trying to talk her out of going through with it. So the compromise is that you can ask her any question you like, and so long as it isn't retarded, I'll pass them on to her this evening.

Other urls found in this thread:

where does she fall along the hot/crazy matrix?

Physically she's an 8 or 9. Gorgeous face and smile, phenomenal body, very soft perky breasts.

On the crazy scale, a manageable 7 at least. She wants to be kidnapped and kept as a sex slave, she turned on by the idea of having her entire identity erased. Before meeting me she was a FtM tranny who had her name legally changed to a male name and was taking testosterone. Less than a week after we started talking she totally abandoned the identity for fear I'd lose interest in her and is now fully embracing her feminine side trying to get her hormones back in order, wearing skirts and growing her hair back out.

any hope for pictures ?

Hold the fuck up nigger, she's having hormone issues. Bruh, she sounds crazier than a 7.

OP, are you responsible for this?


who doesn't like a good larp, tho?

How do you kidnap a willing girl? At best it'd be like raping a hooker.

What an impotent attention whoring degenerate.

I posted pictures of her in three previous threads. Every single time resulted in me getting banned, in one case for two weeks. First time I thought it was because of the nudes, but I got banned for posting non-nudes as well.

Is this some sort of ARG thing? It's kind of vague about who the stalker was.

And no, that's not at all what this is.

There are places, corners of the web where people who have a fetish either for being kidnapped or for kidnapping go to discuss it. Forums, chat rooms, fetish social networks, etc. The abduction has been set up specifically to her fantasy, I'm more interested in the "bringing a virgin home, shaping her into my dream woman and fucking her whatever way I want for the rest of our lives."

The ftm thing killed her dating life, so I believe her when she says she's a virgin. She's also embarrassed by how big the hormones made her clit. Still looks cute, just less work for me honestly.

If you made the mistake of using fetlife, the extreme fetish ones like forced impregnation and kidnapping never actually follow through.

isn't that the same place you can find some MILF titties to suck milk from?

I didn't meet this one through fetlife.

…Are you referencing the H cup single mom I mentioned meeting through fetlife in a previous thread who wanted to be a hucow, but turned out to be bi-polar?

I ruled her out because of the kid.

i wasn't referencing anything. i was asking if i could find a titcow to suck on

didn't mean to sage

They're bound to be vague about the stalker, the blog is updated by her Mother who has no clue who the stalker is/was.

It's not an ARG, it's a real life case. Ruled as a suicide, but the family are convinced it was murder. Intriguing read if you're ever bored shitless.

Godspeed OP, stay safe please. Question: How long do you reckon you can hold her (purely hypothetically ofcourse) befor you get caught?

Also, you do know these types of endeavors don't tend to last long, right? So… Would you off yourself if caught?

I searched youtube for her name, brought up a Dr. Phil video. That video made a pretty compelling case that she just OD'd. I feel pretty bad for the mother, she obviously loved her daughter.

Honestly, the way we have it set up I don't see how we could possibly get caught. She doesn't much like going outside, she's clingy, and we've agreed if the story makes the news she just plain won't leave my house for any reason.

As I've stated before, I live fairly off the grid. My mail is delivered to a parent in another town, my wifi is shared with a bunch of other people in apartments that were built out of a house and is wired through a business, so even if I was tracked to the address they'd still not know which is me and have to knock on 11 doors before mine. If they had my name they'd go to the wrong town to find me. I have a backup place I can take her and lay low for a while if shit did hit the fan.

I'm hoping the ftm thing will work in our favor. She's maintaining the act with family, but she looks totally different with me. It could get attention in tumblr circles, but they'll be searching for someone with a male name and short hair. With me she'll show off her figure, dress femininely, grow out her hair and wear make up. I've looked up how that's been handled in the past, there's a celebrity this happened to, and they didn't find his teen for weeks and even then it was only because the teen came back on his own that he was found. No charges were pressed against anyone.

The only records of our contact are on our phones and skype. Before I take her we'll both delete eachother on everything, delete all records of one another, delete every app or program we've used to chat, reset her phone to factory settings, destroy it upon leaving the state and remove her hard drive from her laptop.

We have no real life connection and live in different states.

My only real fear is her getting homesick.

She said if we're caught she plans to claim someone else kidnapped her and I rescued her. It's not much of a plan, but it's a start.

I like that plan. Obvious question, but a necessary one; Are you sure you can trust her? and you should also have a back-up plan, in case she starts behaving irrationally.

Last q; What are you going to do with/to her? :^) Like, intimately. What does she want to do?

He doesn't have a back-up plan because he is a faggot.

Don't enable degenerates like that.


Aren't you helpful.






my fellow anonymous brethren

I trust her. She's had months for more crazy to pop out, they usually crack by this point. I had one I almost went and nabbed and then like a week before she started making crazy demands, revealing really unattractive information about herself, and asked if I'd kill her parents when I got there.

So far this girl has been stunningly sweet and normal. I've feared this is some kind of set up, but I'm in too deep to pull out now.

I don't know shit about hypnosis, I downloaded some books on it and a bunch of fantasy porn. We've watched some of it together, she's really into it, I don't much get it. She wants to try scopolamine because she'd basically be hypnotized "for real". I'm hesitant since that shit can kill you. We plan to film every individual sex act because it'll be her first time for everything, We have a scenario planned out, and I've made extensive modifications to my apartment (soundproofing, repainting the entire apartment, candle shelves on the walls, sex furniture, additional locks, etc.) to make it more fun and appealing to her. The plan is that we won't do anything beyond make out until we're here, my idea not hers. Since it'll be her first time for everything I don't want the first time she fucks to be in my car or some shitty hotel, and the sooner I get her back here the better. Better we don't take pitstops that could get us caught.

The very first thing planned is essentially a ceremony marking her as my property. I bought a bunch of lingerie for her, she bought a lot as well. I'll have all the options laid out for her and some robes to cover up so she can surprise me with what she puts on when I come back and disrobe her. I'll have candles going, some light music, I'll go into the other room and clean off my dick. When I come back I'll blindfold her, take her robe off and start exploring her body. She'll get on her knees, recite a mantra about belonging to me, and then I'll start rubbing my dick on her face. She'll beg me to let her see it, I'll put her collar on her and take off the blindfold, let her explore me, then eventually drop a huge load, her very first facial all over her to mark her as mine. I've been taking the "god-tier cum" stack for months, and it's made my loads fairly impressive. Then just one sex act at a time. She's very keen on blowing me, and wants to get good enough at it that she can finish me off without my help. Then of course deflowering, we'll try anal later in the week, toys, different positions. She wants to shave and get all cleaned up and let me try eating her out on her birthday, she's one of those girls that's really self-conscious about her pussy.

It's not all just sex, of course. We both have nice stuff planned for one another's birthdays, and when we're not fooling around it'll be a lot of cuddling, playing video games and watching shows and movies. Assuming there is no widespread coverage in the news there's a few places I have dates planned, both just regular dates and some specifically planned for public sex.

Oh, and the way we have the actual kidnapping set up is like this. I'm going to surprise her at work, but we won't let on knowing eachother beyond a bit of flirting. When she leaves she'll get in my car -I'm thinking a rental car is smarter to use for this than my own van- we'll make out, make sure everything still feels right, we'll drive to her parents place and she'll sneak out her duffle bag and whatever other stuff she's bringing with her, I'll put it in the trunk and drive off to check out of my motel, then she'll go to a park near there and delete everything from her phone.

I'll show up, put on a ski mask, and leather gloves and chase her through the woods, at which point she wants to be handcuffed, blindfolded, gagged, carried off to the car and then have her clothes cut off with a knife.

She'll stay like that enjoying the fear and lack of control until we get out of the state, then we'll change her clothes, destroy her phone, and continue the rest of the drive.

So you're saying that you'll take me up on my offer to cannibalize you? I'll get my kitchen ready, you just tell when you're good to go.

t. reddit

That's not a bad idea. You sure you can get it though? It's kind of exclusive and I tried finding it but it's more of a myth than something actually available…
You fucking know it. Don't take the risk of 'filling up your gas tank' because that's how people get caught.

Question; How on earth do you want to make sure you're not seen? Chasing her with a knife and a mask and whatnot.. Well, I don't even have to explain. It's dodgy to say the least. Cops might be called and then it's game over, no matter what she claims.

That's nice, user. I hope you make her feel happy and vice versa. Take good care of her.

That;s nice and all, but it's a fantasy. You do me a big favor and actually pull that off in public. To be honest, the sexual parts are great and detailed. However the risky parts of your plan sound kind of a spur-of-the-moment type of thing… Nice, but not waterproof.

And it HAS to be waterproof. If it isn't, delay the act and plan it better.

What are you going on about, you fucking mentalcase?

She sounds like a loon



almost forgot, tits or gtfo

How do you find/create a sex slave? I remember an user posting his plans on here a long time ago but I didn't screencap it.


This actually comes up regularly among those girls, and I've turned down many that wanted to be killed/eaten after being kidnapped. Some girls want to be kidnapped specifically because they have a fantasy about that scenario, being hunted and lusted after. Others just want to get out of whatever their current living situation is, they hate their parents, aren't cut out for school or want to live a different lifestyle. A lot of anorexic girls want to be abducted.

I've discussed this with her at length, she assures me this park is always empty, especially around 1am when I'd be nabbing her. The knife won't come out until she's in the back of the car.

I asked her to come up with it, I said since we're only going to get one shot at the actual kidnapping, let's get out every aspect of her fantasy. She wants to be overpowered, restrained, and carried away while repeatedly being told she's mine, my toy, etc. Getting groped and being completely at my mercy.

A bit, but far more manageable than most of what I usually land. She's been comparatively extremely stable. I do have a slight fear she might start acting irrationally as her hormones normalize.

I probably was that user. Finding them, all I can say is google for forums on the specific fetish that interests you, add it as a tag in chat rooms, you'll find girls who already have it in their hearts to become one. As for creating one, she was very excited when I bought a chalk board for her to write her rules on and read her mantra before a mirror every morning.


Pretty sure this is a "skinniest kid at fat camp" scenario, pal. But make sure you update us when shit gets crazy.

you know your child is ending up in a dumpster outside planned parenthood in this scenario right?

anyway, that's what these lgbtqwerrteiriemrm+ rape culture fanatics no.1 fetish is to be graped.

In an effort to get more questions directed to her, I told her about the thread and told her the conversation so far and asked if she wanted to make any statement to the thread so you could talk directly to her, she said:

She's a girl, with a very pretty face and lovely perky breasts and the best smile I've ever seen and lovely hips.

But once she hit 13 she started dressing like a boy shortly after her parents divorced. She cut her hair short (and her hair's really thick so it just looks hot on her, especially now that it's growing back out) and she wears boy clothes and no makeup.

She's extremely petite, 5'6, and 17. Because she took on a male name and went ultra tumblr, no guy would go near her. Also the testosterone gave her a little bit of acne, and it supersized her clit and she's ridiculously self-conscious about it, but it just looks like she's got a big clit and she orgasms really easily.

Come on son, quit it. Go outside or something.

Tell her she has no idea what she wants.


So, her family is going to think she was kidnapped?

I suggested leaving a timed post on her facebook or tumblr or whatever and setting it to post like two weeks after I take her. Just something that confirms it was planned and she's safe.

Not advisable unless you got access to chemically pure, precise doses. 1 to 3mg can screw up a fully grown man and will probably wreck a 90lbs young woman.
Dissociative states can also be reached through stuff like extended sensory deprivation, if se want to be mindfucked she can get plenty of that.

Just make her write a letter saying she's okay. It's the sort of thing real kidnappers do all the time. Threaten her if you like, to make sure there are no hidden messages.

And keep us posted, it's going to be funny as hell when her crazy comes out and you're posting her noods and bitching about her.

Why even share any of this.

You're just two sad, fucked up people who will end up hating each other, one of you will have to die and it's going to be you.

That description also fits most marriages today.

I feel like leaving any information behind that verifies she's gone would just make them look for her quicker. If she just disappears in the night, it could take anywhere from six hours to a full day before they go to the cops. They may assume she went to school or is at someone else's house or something. If anything a letter saying she left early for school might help.

But a letter confirming she's gone is going to send them straight to the cops, and honestly I don't know how quickly stuff like amber alerts work after that.

Why would we end up hating eachother? If some time later she decided she couldn't take being here anymore, I'd just take her back.

Not before she leaves, moron, that would break the scene and warn her family. After she arrives. "I've decided it's time to make my own way in the world blah blah I'm fine blah blah I'll stay in touch, don't worry about me"

Listen here faggot.
what do you do when the cops eventually find you? They will,you know?
you're getting boned for kidnapping an underages girl and having sex with her.
You mentioned hypnosis. That's going against you.Her statements won't be worth shit. This considering she won't panic and lie to save her ass.
Even if the police won't be catch you. What are you going to do in the long run?
Will she work? What if she starts regretting it after a few years? She's a 17. The age at which hormones drive you insane.Her hormones are even worse than usual and usual is already unstable enough.She might rat you or kill herself.Maybe both.

There is no way this ever ends well for both of you OP.

This is how it played out with a celebrity. Way more resources and media attention.

I know I can't depend on it to work out exactly the same, but the details are encouraging to me. They address the tranny as the gender he identifies as rather than the one he was biologically born, and use pictures of him as a child and in full trans state.

They were completely unable to track him down and had to wait for him to come forward of his own accord. No charges ended up getting filed.

As long as I'm not filming her having sex, she's of age in most states.

She's a pretty talented artist, and she's interested in making amateur porn when she's over 18. Like I said, worst case scenario, I'll let her go after trying everything to keep her.

She doesn't like basically anyone over there, she prefers to stay inside as much as possible. She's clingy and very into me.

Honestly, I think she wants a way out of the trans identity thing without having to deal with the fallout with her friends and family. She's afraid of she keeps getting the testosterone shots she's going to get hairy and a deeper voice. I think that's a big part of why I'm going through with it, I feel like I'm rescuing her from throwing her entire life away.

Oh, it's not just that, she'll also suffer from hairloss and end up with a hairline like 50 year old man. Look up Milo Stewart for a FtM "trans" who is fucking her body irreparably with test.