When it takes hours to compile

When it takes hours to compile

just finger you butthole for a few hours

Send it to your compile farm and then go do other work.

stop using outdated languages that weren't designed for big projects.

maybe you should stop fisting my chickens first

buy ryzen, it's really good cpu, trust us

compiling is comfy as fuck

I use a core 2 duo.

Yeah it's comfy but then it loses its charm after 5 or 10 minutes

comfy distcc

I like to watch the output in the terminal and drink tea. It's nice somehow, like a fireplace.

What are you building? Is it just the source code compilation which is taking this long?

Yeah I was compiling LLVM from source which took a long time to finish

Hey guys, i want learn C and opsec/netsec.

Openbsd or HardenedBSD(+9front)?

use tmpfs for the build

Switch to microservice architecture.

Why ?

I have never been able to get distcc working, never seems to be able to discover other distcc servers


single sentence no effort /g/ tier thread


required for compiling mesa from source

Now I can play mah vidya while I pretend i'm working.