What did he mean by this?

also how bad will it suck due to having a cast of 7 child actors?

Other urls found in this thread:


This will be a shit movie for faggot niggers.
not that the original was that good to begin with


The novel was way overwritten, but that's Stephen King for you, at least it wasn't Tommyknockers.

Leper costume looks good though, so at least they should be doing decent puppets and makeup. Hopefully going oldschool with cg only used to touch up the puppets and suits in post. But that's probably asking too much of them.

It rejected my image, anybody else have trouble with that lately?

will they show the scene the little girl has sex with all the little boys?

Yes. Just try posting it again and it should go through.

Well you can't rely on good acting with kids, so you may as well just pump in jump scares the whole movie.

I think they're trying too hard to make it look scary with the dark filters and such. The most effective parts of the original were understated. You'd be watching some normal everyday scene unfold, and then sureal things would just start happening.

Funny thing is that scene didn't exist in the book.

I also just realized that book had both a token nigger and kike. King really was a cuck ahead of his time.

Don't forget about the gangbang scene

yea, it's not like the good ol' days…

Did you fuck up that mp4, or is that a joke about the movie being dark?


It is a pretty pathetic boomer love letter isn't it?


Look at how they all became so successful by turning into rootless cosmopolitans and they were all so tolerant just like society would become. It's not offensively self fellating like Forest Gump but still. Pretty par for the course when it comes to King "racism is bad m'kay.

The real question is why is a negro playing Roland in the Dark Tower, that actually would fuck up the story's plot. I guess they can't have a crippled sheboon raving about "cracker ass honkeys".

What the fuck is wrong with you?

There's a line in Rage where one girl talks about how it's a shame there are no blacks around for her to help out, like it's just a fashionable thing to do. That's King's generation in a nutshell.

Have ya read King's work? The characterization is very stereotypical in terms of a liberal world view "muh racism, muh intolerance, muh sex shouldn't have consequences, muh ebil rural/small town whites don't like to hang out with other races". Also weird sex abuse shit pops up way too often for it to be coincidence.

And my point was that It typifies the myth that the "losers" in childhood tend to excel as adults. That is demonstrably false in actuality.

I also find his horror often falls flat because his characters defeat the monsters with some very vague and wishy washy belief or supernatural investment. Remember kids be a sorta kinda vaguely religious faggot without convictions and God will help you kill a demon, don't be like that dedicated "fundamentalist" over there who exemplifies his ideals that's bad because it excludes people and judges them for what they do. Dedication and hard work are for dangerous fanatics.

It really comes across because he keeps reusing it. Basically despite writing different characters he never steps outside of his own worldview even when writing about an alternate fantasy world.

Liberals aren't breeding anymore and temperament and predilections to certain political positions are very much inheritable, the 2010 US survey and Europoll 2011 both found that 93%+ of individuals had the same political and religious affiliation as their parents once they were older than 25. Indicating some form of heritable trait is being passed on.

You can see it in the birthrates by political affiliation across many nations. Republicans: 2.7, Democrats: 1.2, Social Democrats: 0.9 Labor: 0.8, Tories: 1.1, Christian Democrats: 2.3. White Democrats in America now have a birthrate of 0.9, blacks have a birthrate of 1.4, and spics sit at 1.6. White republicans are between 2.6 and 2.9 depending on whose numbers you use.
By 2050 only 20% of individuals in the US will be descended from habitual Democrat voters or self described liberals and only 7% will be black.

It's always been wrong user, this filth has always hidden within the white race, and also the NE Asians if you've seen their birthrates. These people lived off the cultural largesse of our traditional societies, Christianity for example forced these faggots to marry, be productive, breed and keep their retarded thoughts to themselves lest they be shunned for their disgusting sins. And back then the environment gave them no choice but to behavior in an adaptive manner or die. When they "freed" themselves from that social control the social standards of each generation declined since they were no longer being enforced by an outside social structure or the environment. And now it has come to this. Libtards and shitskins in America have divorce rates of 70% while white "conservatives"(defined in surveys are registered republicans) have divorce rates of 4-8% which is still way too high. Libtards have birthrates below 1 while conservatives have 3 or so kids. Libtards live in their dirty cities with their dogs and cats while conservatives live largely as their ancestors did in rural areas and very small cities. White males produce 74% of the GDP and account for 92% of those employed in manufacturing or resource extraction. White males do all the dangerous and hard work. This is what happens when fear of punishment and strife are not utilized as proper agents of social control. This is the inevitable result of allowing weak willed men, kikes, and cunts to decide the destiny of mankind.

We've seen bullshit like the libtards before, the Cathars were excepting of homosexuality, vice of all sorts, and even murder. They encouraged people not to breed, and thought that because the world was filthy and fallen nobody should have children and that no authority should control them because it was temporal, except for the Cathar Elect of course. Sound familiar? How many times has a libtard bitched to you about overpopulation and how you are selfish for bringing children into a world were they suffer, you are selfish for not adopting a little nignog because muh overpopulation, you are selfish for doing anything biologically adaptive and placing your family before shitskins you've never met. And when you point out that we could just stop feeding the shitskins and billions would die off in the first ten years they have no material rebuttal they and only sputter and stammer "W-W-WACIST!"

This is the same sickness we as a race have always had. The Catholic Church organized the extermination of all adult Cathars under the request of France and the German states because these faggots were trying to destroy society. But they didn't purge enough it seems, the Cathars were never that big and the Inquisition was created to prevent another heresy of that sort. And it did, and it only cost 4,500 lives at most over an 800 year period to do it. The Inquisition essentially invented modern investigative law because they weren't a secular court looking for scapegoats to throw to the outraged mob. They were actually trying to stop heresy.

But it was a mistake and yes any NatSoc plan of forcing these fags to act like humans would also be a mistake. We should just let all those who don't have a predisposition to survive die off, ZA VINAL ZOLUTION IV YOU VILL!

How I wish our world still worked like this. Wide swathes of people recognizing degeneracy outright, and furthermore having the wherewithal to organize and order purges. That'd please me to no end.

That scene has been memory holed.

The overpopulation concept isn't specific to leftism. Not addressing the issue of developing countries' fertility rates and the persistence of such a fertility rate in migrants in developed countries will result in the death of the Aryan, Teutonic, Nordic, Mediterranean, and Slavic races alongside the complete systems collapse of all developed states' infrastructure.
Anyone with a rudimentary understanding of economics, geography, and statistics can see that the demographic change happening before us will inevitably result in a Malthusian catastrophe as Africa, Asia, and South America will be responsible for all of the growth from 2020 onwards.

I agree with your parallels with the Spanish Inquisition and the Cathars being similar to the current artificially induced suppression of white fertility rates on ideological grounds but there's no comparison to the exponential growth we're potentially facing in developed countries. The fact is that shitskins don't stop breeding when in developed countries even after four generations. They're still having roughly 3 to 4 children per couple in the U.K. and the U.S. Combine this with the average IQ bands being around 85 for hispanics, 75 to 80 for African niggers, and 90 for pajeets, and it's a recipe for disaster. The only restriction that was successful in a developing market so far was the one child policy in China. China's average IQ is 107 to 100, so it makes sense that combined with a boom in consumerism, the population would accept the new policies. Good luck having Jafar or Abdul adhere to such a policy.

I still can't really believe that people still don't see this manufactured mass immigration as anything but a short term scheme to benefit the global capital holders while slowly genociding locals. Even if you pretend everyone is the same, that still should be considered bad unless you openly declare your intention to genocide Europeans

Even the actual commies at Holla Forums know this, though they are too spooked by equality to do anything about it.




Triggered much reddipol?
>>>Holla Forums


That scene will never be shown.

> defeat the monsters with some very vague and wishy washy belief or supernatural investment
It is a supernatural monster. The only way to defeat him was with the aid of another supernatural entity.

That's because you write what you know. If you try and write about something you're clueless on then it's going to show.

They do if they work hard. It doesn't matter if some partying faggot wants to be social. If they don't put in the work then they'll get fucked by life.

What the fuck? Which one of you is this?

Then he knows shit.

1. The weak become the strong is an archetype in every culture everywhere. People like rooting for an underdog, and characters that undergo growth and development are interesting. "Once there was a guy and he was rich and smart and got everything he wanted, the end" isn't a very interesting story. The opposite is also true, we love stories like American Psycho because it shows a rich and powerful "winner" is actually very disturbed and miserable on the inside. Humans like contrast, and humans like fantasizing about rising to the occasion.

[citation needed]
pro tip, post a study, not anecdotes

Legit criticism. I was more wondering why a thread about an It remake that had nothing to do with politics sent you into an insane alt-right tangent.

I don't get that from any of King's books at all, I think you're putting words into his mouth because you don't like that he's a "liberal".

Why the fuck would he? Writing about small towns in new england is what made him a shit ton of money.
Also, he's written plenty of books not set in the place he grew up: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dark_Tower_(series)