4th of July question to Trumpanzees

Before I ask this question, I must first point out…
1) I'm an independent voter & have no loyalty to any party.
2) I didn't vote in 2016 because I didn't like either candidates & it would have been a waste of time voting third party.

With that said, I'll ask this question now. Why do you Trumpanzees accuse non-Trump supporters of being unpatriotic?

I celebrate the forth of July every year, I wear my American flag pin & carry my American flag. I'm as patriotic as it gets & I don't support Trump. Fascism from the left or the right is absolutely retarded. I hated Obama for being a fascist and I sure as hell hate Trump for it too. SJW's, BLM, Feminazis, Trumpanzees, White Nationalists, other alt-right & alt-left groups, they're all fascists.

I don't subscribe to the idea that one race is superior to another(black or white), nor do I subscribe to getting offended by every tiny little things that SJW's whine about, nor do I believe that "Black Lives Matters" is a "righteous" cause, when in actuality ALL LIVES MATTER.

go back to reddit

go back to reddit

go back to reddit

go back to reddit

go back to reddit

it's useless trying man, they're not going to have a civil debate with you.

Go BaCk To ReDdIt


Notice me, reddit-san


go back to reddit

I'm sorry but Reddit wants their top fucktard back so == you have to go back ==





How is Trump the Fascist?
Is it because of the Terror travel ban?
Is it because he won't let the media dictate his actions?
Is it because he removed fascist regulations and land grabs made during the Obama administration?
Is it because he wants to enforce laws that are on the books but ignored by the past three administrations?

You do not live in the real world. Just look at majority nigger cities in any part of the world. Notice how you have to make up excuses to justify those shitholes?

Have fun watching raising your gfs shitskin kids. I'm sure they'll have wonderful lives in the socialist-sharia society they grow up in.


I'll help you out




OMG! I hate that drumf guy too! what an racist biggot! upvoted XD

The only person who has to go back to Reddit is you.

No one here actually answered OP's question but all followed the same monkey see monkey do "back to reddit" mentality.
Now watch as I get the same answers while I haven't even spent 10min of my life on reddit.

I don't know what Reddit is, but I think all of you have to go back there. Lord knows I'm not from there.


Are you blind or just plain stupid? His actions & the things he says makes him a fascist. He wants private information from voters who didn't vote for him, he beLIEves there's voter fraud, even though he WON the election. Unless he believes he won because of voter fraud. The fact that he wants private information of every voter should worry you. The fact that he doesn't want to be criticized by the media should worry you. The fact that he doesn't want to be investigated for his connection with Russia should worry you. The fact that he doesn't want to reveal his tax returns should worry you. Every president, no matter who it is, should be questioned.



Then shut the fuck up faggot.

old meme
nothing burger :^)

This still doesn't make him a fascist. If it's true, it's worrying, but if you just want to use fascist to label people you don't like, go ahead.


You redditors are never satisfied

Hey guise drumpf is done he's cray cray. Muh Russia hacked the election, impeach impeach him.

Trump: O.k lets investigate election voting.


holy shit, you are intentionally ignorant. Have you even watched project veritas? I don't even have to post it, already did.

outdated shill or false flagging Holla Forumsfag
either way the reaction is good.

I do live in the real world & I live in the suburbs, so I wouldn't know a damn thing of what goes on in the "majority nigger cities", whatever that is. Shitskin kids? None of them have "shitskin", they're as white and blue eyed as I am, definitely my kids. But I think you might be speaking from personal experience, that your gf left you for a black guy and had "shitskin" kids with him. Your gf never fucked you when you were together, so you take your anger out on black people because of what happened to you. A virgin who got cucked.

LOL Being this angry at me for speaking the truth. Go kill yourself.

I have no clue on what the fuck you mean by that.

Wrong. It does make him a fascist. Much like the rules at school are pure fascism.

I'm not a redditor you idiot.

Only lunatic conspiracy theorists beLIEve in that. Trump won fair and square, so what's the point in investigating? Or are you this moronic?

Wrong. You're obviously the ignorant one here. There is no voter fraud. Trump won fair & square. So what's the point in investigating? Either he's motivated to get Hitlery into office or he wants to invade your private information. Don't be an idiot.

Luckily I don't fall into one of those groups. LOL Both groups get triggered way too easily.

Hold up Hitler, your bait is too blatant once again.
You had me hooked on your other post though.
I'm not gonna bump your thread anymore.

He's dead you idiot.

Fuck off shill. You're just here to troll these faggots.

Nope. I hate her as much as I do Trump. Now go fuck yourself.

try addressing trump supporters as "trump supporters" and not some ad-hominem shitpost.

Otherwise, you can keep your political left-right mental gymnastics on the two Holla Forums boards.


LOL You guys are too easy to trigger. You're no different from the SJW's who get triggered by my posts. Mental gymnastics? That's what you Trumpanzees do all the time when you defend Trump.

Oh shit, are you the one that gets tr8ggered by saging?

Whatever, kid.

I tried once after Op got b& from Holla Forums for off topic shitposting and the closeat I got to conversation was a passing by poster. Op just wants to anti Trump shill, and I WILL be called an assfractured Trumpanzee purely because I sage.


LOL You juggalos…er…Trumpanzees need a chill pill.

(If you don't know what a Juggalo is, think "Trumpanzees with face paint on".)


You forgot 3, is completely into dick. Fuck off your not indipendet your a Burnie tard.