Shilling Holla Forums

Would it be a good idea to shill our board to cesspools of the internet to gain more posters? If tiny goon chans are able to gain posters just by shilling, then we have no excuse for letting our board deaden.

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t. 32chan spammer



I mean, I know what the rules of the internet say, but would any normalfaggots or panty-waisted SJWs use cesspool websites? Besides, what were all the Holla Forumstards of now doing before they even used 4chan/Holla Forums? All I'm trying to suggest is that if we shill our place in a Holla Forumstard friendly place, then new Holla Forumstards will flock here.



I've tried this before, the only success I'd get would be people looking for dox or darkweb shit then I'd end up getting the dox and jumping through hoops for them. A lot of Ifunny users mainly but they'd take it back to their camp and leave. It just became a service for outsiders.

Maybe I slept for the past 10 years. I just thought that we would benefit if we brought in undesirables that are desirable to us by shilling in those places. The population of Holla Forumstards certainly isn't gonna rise one bit if things remain the way they are though, that's why I think it's an important issue.

Our bread and butter is 4chan users that get temp or perma bans. They come here and lurk, learn our ways and slowly become indoctrinated. Then if they get un-banned they don't wanna go back.

That's the attitude that turned 4chan into what it is today.

Now there's your problem.

I got perma-banned for simply posting a link to somebody posting CP on twitter.

Where do you think a Holla Forumstard would go, then? What were you doing before you came to 4chan?

At least yours is cool
I got perma-banned for requesting a Mac Miller album on the torrent board

Well, that's exactly what we used to do back in 4chan in the old days. We'd go on forums and shitpost subtly


This will not work for Holla Forums; here's why;

1.) 4chan at one point was considered the "final boss of the internet" and its reputation kept normalfags away. Today people really don't give a fuck even after Holla Forums landed international news for being a cathedral of misogyny. People are jaded as fuck in this day and age

2.) Back then it seemed like people actually fucking new subtlety. Today is not the case. Maybe the average internet user IQ has dropped 10 points in the last decade or something but the problem with shilling Holla Forums now is people lost the ability to be subtle. Back then even a namedrop "4chan" outside of 4chan was considered taking a massive risk.

Its still weird seeing how much has changed to the internet over the past decade. Back then you still had the Christian bots posting all over AOL chatrooms and George Bush shit and Yahoo geocities and the entire vibe was different

I had a job and a beautiful fiance.
When I lost those I would go on bawl threads until I couldn't cry anymore

shill on 32chan, endchan, ccluster, hikkomorichan,,, 7chan, U18chan, sushichan but not 420chan or 4chan or the brazillian imageboard or yilauta or krautchan

Typical teenager shit. I was about 15 or 16 when it was created and I found it.

They already know about Holla Forums though. Hell, a lot of those communities are made up of crosschanners who post on here as well.

you have all become such faggots I can't even relate to your sappy nostalgia stories anymore.

People are quite desensitized now that I think about it. But there are still some things that normalfags can't handle, such as animal abuse.
If we could get a reputation for animal cruelty, then imagine how many faggots it would keep out.

That wont work either. It will just express Narm on people. Its like a desensitization treadmill where people will just become more and more jaded over violence and shit because the internet has made these things so fucking trivial. Maybe that's what's changed. Back in 2005 the web was still new to normalfags and the trivialization of content didn't start seeping in yet. Notice how shock sites like Goatse are fucking dead? Ever wonder why?

Just hide the board again.
This next generation of imageboard kids don't know how to type into the address bar, just hide the board and it drops off the face of the earth.

Maybe it's not violence that works anymore, but scatological pornography that works. Normalfags still seem to be easily affected by vore type material.
I've been with normalfags before and even when violence doesn't do shit, they easily lose their lunch over a gaping rectum or a big stinky log being shat into someone's mouth.

The problem is there is no more taboo here. The doxing and cp boards are gone.
I remember gifting steam games on behalf of /baphomet/ and people where too scared scared to add me to their friends list. It was just outreach and they thought I was gonna pwn them somehow

We could stage a live suicide or other felonious activity

We gotta make/get more Holla Forumstards somehow, or else chan culture will disappear and be forgotten, and the internet will suxx0rz. We can't have this!

The CP boards are gone for obvious reasons. But where the fuck did /baph/ go? I heard the BO got V&'d or some shit. Is this true?

That will never work either. "Reviving chan culture" and shit like "reviving old Holla Forums" will NEVER work and I don't understand why retards keep trying this. It will become contrivance. Back then Holla Forums culture was great because it was organic. Any attempts to bring it back will just end up being contrived. Hell, Holla Forums tried and they just ended up making a bunch of retarded/cringey forced memes

Why can't we just move to a new protocol? Why do we have to used the http internet?
Why don't we all just use the gopherchan on the gopher protocol? Normalfags are too stupid to know how to use it anyway, and most people don't even know what the gopher protocol is anyway. It's like the old internet all over again.


You can find the BO's
right here

They just grew up. Anything you hear is just folklore. Vince isn't really dead, Benji is actually a really nice guy.

Well, what did you think we saw it as back when we made the "retarded/cringy forced memes" equivalent to today? The same thing, only we had less names for it back then.
The only reason why it doesn't look like that is because nostalgia emphasizes on the positive aspects of the past, not the negatives. When you think back to having fun at a park as a child, you don't remember falling/scraping your knee, you remember the fun parts. Same for the "memes" back then.



The forced shit back then was actually high-quality and required effort to make. Keep in kind back then it was a bitch to pirate Photoshop and there wasn't a million online tools available to slap "meme text" on everything. That means the very floor for creating content was much higher. So much higher quality content was more normal to see. Again, it all comes down to the trivialization of content. And I honestly believe the average IQ online back then was higher

Luckily they mostly only congregate in their little circles (aka Social Media). The non web 2.0 websites seem to remain untouched so far.


4cuck and redshit are 2.0

Back then this all meant something. It was a secret we kept to ourselves. We were the hate machine that was too edgy for the hate machine. I was glad I got banned from half chan

The internet became more available with more accessible and dumbed down technology. It would make sense to say that the IQ online dropped, but that's sort of a double edged sword. More retards may find their way here and shit this place up, but then that gives us more people to fuck with.

I hope mootle is enjoying his 4/10 pussy and dying website.

Holla Forums has 3 thousand people.
The only reason everyone left this board is because they realized it's shit.
Holla Forums is dead.
Come along and take the exodus pill.
You know it's true.

It's time for us to build a new culture in a new place, and start anew. We need some sort of renaissance for imageboard user culture.

Fracturing the community by moving from board to board is also why imageboards in general are dead. Because now its come to the point where imageboards themselves are trivialized. It seems like every other week now some jackass comes to shill their shit. Back then even the retarded shill boards were noteworthy enough for a raid like anontalk. With Holla Forums we got that very briefly at the very beginning with nuclear.ib after its redneck owner gave away scripts to DDOS Holla Forums but that was it.

right here

The sad thing is, imageboards are too reliant on ideals to ever stay in a single place.

Nobody wants to produce OC anymore.
We don't even webm anymore just embed.
I used to collect the shit outa those

I would fucking love that. It's been hard watching chan culture deteriorate and die.

With the board constantly fucked by the mods and spam? Hell no.

We need somewhere new.

mods dindu nuffin

This is a place where anons with integrity find something better than the shit pile they left.

These are compound antonym phrases.

If we had decent content we might not get pushed around so much


Now hear me out for a moment before you begin yelling.
We have 50mb file size and other kickass features and text.
Now I know this makes me sound like a sales man but let me explain.
Hotwheels was part of the reason the place was so popular.
Our site owner nano is too much of a user to ever betray you, hell I've insulted him multiple times he never abuses his power.
He shows all the traits Hotwheels did, he directly interacts with the community too, hell he'll probably come on down right now because I mentioned him.
The site offers freedom to the bo's, you can offer an entirely free board or one very strict, the place belongs to the community, and it's small meaning at this point you can make the community yourself you can help make the imageboard dream we have all wanted ever since the 4chan exodus.

Late 2014 (I think)…
Never went back. Also, Holla Forums was a lot better back then. No goons or shills to deal with tbh. We did have spammers, but they were Holla Forumstards themselves, not some other community. Things were so much nicer back then, with far less cancer. Even the tripfags were funner than they are now.

t. nanofag

THAT'S WHAT WE DON'T WANT. dysnomia does that shit enough.

so basically its exactly like Holla Forums but only 1 post per hour site wide?

The answer is simple. Get inspired, be creative, use your talents and abilities to enrich your community

does that mean i can start raping now?

Have you actually been on there?

He's not exactly like Hotwheels but he does promote rebellion and freespeech like he did, but he'll keep his promises, like I said he is too much of a user himself to ever turn into a true hotpocket.

Actually I'm Holla Forums's BO (on there) but close enough.

I'll go but only if you teach me how to do all the cool text

Every chan has an FAQ.
Have fun.

no rape

Yeah he sure does love to rebel against being anonymous on anonymous imageboards so I guess you got that right.


Nice try Jim.

There's no other way to identfiy him otherwise. I hate tripfags but he needs it.
Hell he posted in this thread before, you can tell by his posting style.

Endchan has 350. And the fact of the matter is you copied endchans text, not the other way around. Also, you're acting like Holla Forums/endchan doesn't have the exact same thing. They both can have freedom as long as it's allowed by the bo who created it.
Where are we now retard? Also, endchan offers the same thing retard, board creation. You're acting almost as if that is somehow unique to your board. It is however, not unique even of the slightest. Fuck off back to your pedo infested shithole, you stupid nigger.

Come now for a moment.
Check out your Holla Forums and /sp/.
Just do it and continue from there.


The problem isn't that he tripfags sometimes, it's that he tripfags wherever he goes. He was the most cancerous faggot on 16chan everyone wanted him to fuck off, and hes just as cancerous here. So I imagine he's probably just as cancerous or more on a site that he actually owns

Like I said he interacts too much with us.
But better that than some businessman archetype selling out to Jim the way Hiroyuki and Moot did.

I didn't want to bring this up but I did feel a surge of creativity for the 30 minutes that I tried 32ch.
I ended up making something I was proud of



Holla Forums confirmed most intelligent IB

I think it started earlier than that. Probably freech.

I don't have to point out the mistake in this statement do I?

He's shilling for Endchan, a fine image board if you ask me.
t. 32chan.

Holla Forums had those before you did when Holla Forums was here.

even earlier than that, 1 of the Holla Forums splinter boards here had purple text so Holla Forums had it before even freech

too meta for me.

No. Quality > quanity.

Holy shit if you're not being ironic or deliberately shilling you're retarded.

not an argument

Shit taste

You shills need to coordinate better. Maybe use Discord or throw away twitter accounts.
We can read all of your plans

And Holla Forums has neither. :^)

Yeah right. That's exactly why you keep running around and exodusing to different imageboards right? HAHAHA, bullshit.

Too lazy to deal with the consequences of "freespeech"?

Lurk moar
Azazael alone is responsible for that and he;s proud to be

Yes, Holla Forums had them. Not Holla Forums

There was never an official sitewide adoption of any of the custom text formatting the goons had, so as far as the reverse carrots or purple text are concerned, Holla Forums copied Holla Forums's formatting.


one board of this site is still part of this site

You know what else I find funny? How you stupid niggers are always are so content on trying to destroy Holla Forums while also saying, "I'm for free speach". Bitch, if you actually cared for free speech you wouldn't try to destroy it, you double thinking nigger. And that leads me to another thing, Holla Forums is politically correct in every aspect imaginable. Notice how they focus all their energy on Holla Forums and Holla Forums while disregarding other rulecucked boards like Holla Forums, Holla Forums, and /a/. Two of which are run by totalitarian leftists btw. Because apparently to them muh 6 gorrillion matters more than 30+ million people in gulags. Who's the lunatic here? Is is Holla Forums or is it Holla Forums and Holla Forums?

don't feed them mental gymnasts


Yet another quality thread on Holla Forums

That's my whole point. It doesn't matter. What does matter is this:

32chan has wayyyy more formatting options than this shitheap.

Yeah, but you could only use them on Holla Forums's board, which is to say nobody could use them since you needed their custom settings. Unless you were a fucking goon, how else would you be able to use them?

How new are you?



This post is sexually ambiguous

How old are you actually, Rin? You have to be 12. You're too fucking cancerous.

Rin has become of the ages, like Lincoln of Loud House!

Ok, If you really want more users the answer is simple:
Get media attention. Find something we can raid that would result in enough butthurt to get our name in the news. The infamy will attract people who also want to participate in raids and that's how the site will grow.
There was a raid brainstorming thread that got deleted due to spam. Maybe we need a new one.

What would make a good target is one which:

If We can find something that meets all these criteria, then we can schedule a time and date on which to stage our attack. We have the benefit of basically being a dead board so we can speak openly about it here and our target likely won't find out.

Endchan shill here, again. Anons, if you don't want to exodus (or even post on) endchan it really is fine with me. I personally am a regular on Holla Forums and endchan and post on both all the timer. I just want the best for you. I'm not here to try to force you to go to endchan (like the Holla Forums niggers are with 36chan), I just want you to consider posting on endchan once in a while. I don't care if you permanently exodus to it or not. Just give it a chance. Endchan (for me anyway), has never let me down technically speaking and content wise. Please consider it user, I don't want to destroy Holla Forums or kill the userbase here. I just want the best for you and I.

yes this place is boring as fuck

Holla Forums has already gotten plenty of mainstream media attention though

Holla Forums was on CNN just last month, wasn't it?

Don't you niggers ever mention gopherchan?

I'm gonna bump this thread due to not enough data being mined yet.

fuck, wrong thread

anytime i see that posted i immediately start treating the poster like the underageban they are

yes because columbine pepes are so much more deserving of respect

Speaking of shilling, you should come join my shitty Discord server.

Also, advertising most places will bring us nothing but low quality shitposting. (almost as low quality as my Discord server.) If that's what you want then I can't stop you, but I'm only here because I miss the more personable comfier Holla Forums. For that I'd only suggest Endchan, Finalchan, the Lainchans, .pl and maybe a few textboards.

This current list is littered with imageboards that no longer exist. I have a more current list that is not yet complete, nor has been made into an image macro.


We don't want and we don't need newfags

Hello there Jim. How's life going?

this thread is embarrassing lmoa