You know it's true



They always do



You're right. He was a great leader. You should follow his example and kill yourself.

Tee hee hee.



Yeah, Communism always works! Why, it's working great in Venezuela and North Korea right now. You should move there, you'll fit right in.

N-not real Communism!!!!
u wat

falling for Holla Forums trolling you

Kulaks may as well not be people tbh
Didn't happen
Shitty weather conditions and kulaks hoarding grain
only because revisionists after Stalin's death fucked up the economy
Germany was an unstable hyper-inflation war machine that was already running dry by the time they had picked on Russia, the Russians still could've won without the USA-donated equipment, albeit with more casualties. Don't flatter yourself with MUH ARYAN SUPERMAN WITH THE STRENGTH OF 10 MEN ABLE TO STOP A RAGING BULL!!! Idealism doesn't win wars.
I'll ignore that little lapse in judgement; the US may have had a lead over them in atomic weapons, but they were still competent in maintaining them.

top kek. also NK is ultranationalist fascism, it's capitalism. The workers don't own the MoP and the profit motive hasn't been abolished and replaced by a use motive.
He was a journalist, public speaker, union organizer, author, and professor. That's about 5 more jobs than anyone in either Holla Forums or Holla Forums has had. Even if he was a NEET, you're committing a genetic fallacy; theories have to be examined on their own merits, not the person speaking about them. Reductio ad absurdum: I've never been to prison, but I can say it's a bad place. But because I've never been to prison, you take my advice as being faulty, and now you assume prison is a good place. So why not go there?


I'm no expert, but Venezuela seemed to be doing a lot better before Chavez died of "natural causes."

Did you learn all that in college? You're so educated, user. I bet your Professors must be really proud. Wow, you must be a real freedom fighter against inequality and the oppression of the evil bourgeoisie. Thank goodness there are enlightened, free thinking individuals such as yourself!

Nigger faggot


Spin much!

You are truly a moron


jesus have some self respect



That they're the same? Take special note that neither group in the picture has managed to tug whatever idiotic ideology further than the other.
Also they're both going (((left)))


Two non-sequiturs for the price of one!

Sorry we have to change the rations. You can only get one.

Communists always assume there will always be free money to spend on lavish government programs. Then when the money eventually runs out, they're baffled as to why everything went wrong.

Communism is the ultimate r-selected ideology. Assume resources will always be limitless, then murder everyone in anautistic rage when the money runs out.


nazbol is rising…

What is

Did I miss something?

American Political system is the best, we're a democratic republic, influenced oligarchy. We're the top influencial nation in the world, our poor lives better than any third-world "middle-class" and our laws can be changed through amendments. We don't need marxism, or communism or socialism because we found as system that works, about 200 years ago. Meanwhile Europe is tearing itself apart with immigrants, Asia is as corrupt as ever and Africa is ruled by niggers, also Australia fails with it's aggressive conservative policies and heavy import taxes.

user you're going to have a rude awakening by 2030 when texas flips democrat forever

Communist controlled op.

Its going to be one hell of a ride.

At least we're having a nice big last hurrah with Trump and friends. For old times sake.

Thinking there will still BE a democrat party in 2030…bahahahah

Joseph Stalin Anime Opening

Communism Anime Opening

Rasputin vs Stalin. Epic Rap Battles of History Season 2 finale.

DJ Stalin - National Techno Anthem of The Union of Soviet Socialist Republic

Rainbow Stalin Returns!!! With more Rainbow!!!!

Rainbow Stalin Music Video

Red Alert 3 - soviet march ☭

Call of Duty 5 - World at War (Intro)

Vladimir Putin Anime Opening

Vladimir Putin - The Anime [Opening]

Kim Jong Un Anime Opening [HD]

