Why do leftists ruin everything?

Why do leftists ruin everything?

The two psychological tendencies that underlie modern leftism we
call "feelings of inferiority" and "oversocialization." Feelings of
inferiority are characteristic of modern leftism as a whole, while
oversocialization is characteristic only of a certain segment of
modern leftism; but this segment is highly influential.

Why do rightists ruin imageboards?

By that, do you mean people who are overly attentive to society's rules? In which case I think you're right, and I've never thought of that term before, but I think that is indeed a really great term to sum it up. Because that really is the difference between them and normal people.

Normal people do whatever they can get away with. They give things a try, and if they've overstepped the mark then they will find out through punishment. They learn by doing. Whereas lots of modern leftists are people who are too scared to learn by doing. So instead they just stick to the rules they were taught in school and they think to themselves "people will reward me if I'm just a nice person!"

Psychologists use the term "socialization" to designate the
process by which children are trained to think and act as society
demands. A person is said to be well socialized if he believes in and
obeys the moral code of his society and fits in well as a functioning
part of that society. It may seem senseless to say that many leftists
are over-socialized, since the leftist is perceived as a rebel.
Nevertheless, the position can be defended. Many leftists are not such
rebels as they seem.

We argue that a very important and influential segment of the
modern left is oversocialized and that their oversocialization is of
great importance in determining the direction of modern leftism.
Leftists of the oversocialized type tend to be intellectuals or
members of the upper-middle class. Notice that university
intellectuals (3) constitute the most highly socialized segment of our
society and also the most left-wing segment.

Almost as if they follow some kind of hierarchical thinking

they ruined runescape. gay parade and shit

Are you quoting this from something, and if so what? But I do agree with it.

The thing is that you can't climb a hierarchy if you're toothless. And these people are toothless. They think they will be given things just for being nice. No. That's not going to work, especially when it comes to getting a girl.

It's from Ted Kaczynski's manifesto, my dude.

Industrial Society and Its Future aka The Unabomber Manifesto

we win faggot

The gay rights thing naturally went overboard, it was centred around gays being disenfranchised yet it kept getting bigger as gays became more accepted. Then they tried to drag trannies in, which got even more contradictional because trannies are rather fond of lying low, so therefore they kept looking for new people who are "trans" despite not being like those who fell into that mess first and seemingly actually can't help it, and the activists just piss the world off by calling out for people to be trans in a gay way to round out their movement.

Not anymore!

But people ARE given things for being nice. They just tend to be lousy things that are barely worth having, or that end up hurting you to handle over the long run. There has been enough truth created for all the lies to keep the impressionable hanging on dutifully.

Nice is an oversimplification. There is docile, sycophantic, sweettalking, apologetic, fretful, empathetic, clingy and so much more of that.

Well, shit. I guess it's disturbing that I'm agreeing with a serial killer. Maybe I shouldn't agree with him now.

Very true. They might be allowed to earn some money for doing a bitch job, so they can go and buy some video games to pacify themselves.

I think "nice" sums those things up though.

Just because he's a serial killer doesn't mean he can't be correct about things. Let's say…
Therefore the serial killer is always incorrect. Do you not see the fallacy in this?

Mathematical problems are completely different to political opinions. Political opinions are about a human's worldview. It forms the very basis of their character. A mathematical problem has an objective answer to it. Political opinions are inherently subjective - there are no "correct" political opinions, there can't be. Everybody's political opinion is just "this is how I wish the world was, for my own benefit".

Mathematical problems are completely different to political opinions. Political opinions are about a human's worldview. It forms the very basis of their character. A mathematical problem has an objective answer to it. Political opinions are inherently subjective - there are no "correct" political opinions, there can't be. Everybody's political opinion is just "this is how I wish the world was, for my own benefit".

Whoops I didn't mean to post it twice.


Ted was a mathematician. I really don't think he personally benefited from his political opinions. He just saw it as the most logical conclusion. Nigger is fucking crazy. He was a member of that oversocialized class. He was describing his peers.

Not so. Ask any theoretical mathematician "Is this useful?"

The only ones who can "understand where they're coming from" are other brainwashed communists. Feels=/=Reals faggot


Until he rebelled from it.

My point is that it is fine to use a serial killer's mathematical findings, if those mathematical findings are indeed correct. Maths is apolitical, it's just maths. Maths deals in logical facts.

Politics is not about logical facts. There is no political position that is, a priori, a true fact. All political opinions are just opinions. And they are inherently tied to one's character. And some political opinions are not very socially acceptable. And a serial killer who is literally MOTIVATED by his political views probably doesn't have political views that are very usual/acceptable.

There might be some truth to what he says - some truth that is socially acceptable. But it's still the case that mathematical facts and political opinions are completely different things, and there are good reasons why you might want to take a politically-motivated serial killer's political opinions with a pinch of salt, but why such a person's mathematical findings/theories aren't so troublesome to cite (as long as they're apolitical).

you've just pushed the pendulum one way, a pendulum that never should have existed on imageboards to begin with. Also the large majority of you are newfags.

That's bullshit. Holla Forums is a christian board. The knee jerk intolerance there is merely the only available defence against reddit and other trolls constantly raiding them. It does not mean they're fucking nazis.

Please don't tell me you are actually a leftist. If you are then you probably don't belong here.

Serial killer or not, I believe he's correct regarding modern, industrialized society. It's a cancer that ought to be eliminated and replaced.

He was hardly like all those serial killers, he was more like a de-facto one man society that ended up deciding to go to war against the capitalist/liberal-bureaucratic/socially-progressive world.

Hunter gatherer people have been brutally stepped on for ages and ages, people who are less with globally-integrated mass-agrarian society, and do not proceed to suck up to it have been getting murdered frequently, it is only an implementation of inevitable balance that someone would take on that lifestyle and aggressively take a stand for it, and eloquently express a perspective of such a niche.

I wont then

Nope. Not if some of those version of nice pay off adequately while others don't.

For example, docile is nice, but works for someone who can't think, nice isn't a fault there, the weakness there is stupidity.

Sweettalking is nice, but pays off similarly to being a jerk, and also bites one in the ass the same as being a jerk does.

Empathetic gets very vividly nice, but can also be sadistic. Crossing sadists can be very bad.

Well it won't be until a big happening occurs. A war or a massive social revolution.

I don't know what you mean by this. In the post-war age do you mean? People can still live independent lifestyles, out in the country.

So you are a leftist? That's a shame, but okay.


For example, the amazon has been getting hacked down, and in africa, pygmies have been getting eaten and khoisan likewise get labelled subhuman, just as two examples.

Therefore, I don't like them. This is what your "argument" boils down to. It's the equivalent of a child disliking football just because his enemy likes it.
It seems like your conforming to this

quite well if I say so myself.

Well, that's the game now. And it's been like that for ages. Leopold II of Belgium completely ravaged the resources of central Africa. That's how it is. There's no use in hating the game because it's the way it is whether you like it or not. Instead, git gud.

Nah, you're intentionally ignoring the reasoned distinction I've made, but whatever, perhaps you're just a brainlet.

Indeed, this is just too easy!

The an-pri position would be that industrial society commits a lot of violence as externalities, that death, and also pain and degradation regularly occur as side effects of industrial hyper-miking of the earth. A bit of particularly well implemented intentional killing should only open our eyes to the far greater significance of more "innocent" massacres.

Like for example, vioxx, texting and driving, SUVs, defectively designed airliners. Or fentanyl and oxycontin, but those can't even be safely written off as unintentional, yet how do we know we're not getting pharmaceutical information from those behind oxy?

No, that isn't me who made the "math problem" argument you retard. Perhaps your the brainlet and can't see that you've been totally brainwashed?

You replied to my post where I said there's a difference between maths problems and political opinions in this context, and you replied to me saying "HURR DURR THE SERIAL KILLER LIKED BMWS THEREFORE YOU CAN'T LIKE BMWS", which shows that you didn't understand the distinction between a serial killer's political opinions (probably should be ignored) versus a serial killer's mathematical contributions - OR INDEED apolitical tastes like beers and cars and whatever.

Keep being a brainlet though because it amuses me.

No, I was replying to you in particular. What's more is I didn't even quote you. Keep going on with your autism though user, it amuses me.

Ted Kaczynski had already been sanctioned for his conduct by civilized society as it saw fit.

The side of law and order chose to have his initial essay published to make their hunt for him easier.

Then, afterwards, his communications with the outside world had been thoroughly monitored, and "Technological Slavery" had been rushed out in a state not satisfactory to him.

But some people just can't accept the existence of anything meaningful outside their box and will not stop trying to invalidate improper people's participation in anything they're interested in.

I'm a leftist who ruined something

im a leftist who thinks hitler was great

Exactly what social setting did you ruin stuff in?

Family's dinner

Do you hate gays?

no, but gay propaganda should be illegal

Hurr durr I have done one semester at College hurr durr and I know everything there is to know about politics hurr durr let me prove how much wisdom and insight I have hurr durp about the ways of the world…

Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, college does the exact opposite!


Have you ever been in Holla Forums

Fucking shitty pixelart.
Moody colors.
Probably a downscaled image ran over with the black pencil tool.

because jews

Yes, all the time! I won't go so far as to claim they wouldn't be able to get off their asses to goosestep, but the whole "gas everyone" attitude is very understandably an admission that they cannot push against everyone in any remotely normal way, so they just go full hedgehog like that, and that way they even reduce how much they get trolled a little bit because the trolls should be, though usually aren't, able to see themselves having no real impact because pol will get irate and caustic no matter what - thus trolls aren't entitled to judge themselves as good trolls as if they actually did much to get under pol's skin.

So, again, pol is a christian board. I won't assure you that they'd actually partake in an inquisition if they could, but they're not nazis, they're not even environmentalists or necessarily able to appreciate bismarck.


thats a bluepill if ive ever seen one
what do you think politics are?