Dana Perino is married to a geriatric old man

So I was watching Fox News earlier and noticed again what a piece of fine ass dana perino is. Decided to google what her husband looks like and LO AND BEHOLD he's a wrinkly old cock eyed bastard covered in liver spots. What gives? She's angelic and probably makes 7 figures a year so doesn't need a sugardaddy. Is it a fetish? Is she a closet dyke? Is she like tilda swinton and have some 18 year old pool boy off on the side? Literally wtf.


That's her dad not her husband

No it's her husband, something McMahon. That cadaverous old fuck is literally her husband.

Their dog is a fucking hottie!


You fidget spin me right round

This thread is one for the history books.
Archive everything before jews take it down.

The dogs like wadaya want from me

Poor doggo

She's bestial. They've brought the dog up several times on the program, like for its birthday and shit. It's a business relationship with the old man.She's totally into the dog.

You can't blamer her, tho - that is one sexy little woofler!

Vizsla people are weird. Known a few and there's nothing sexual though.

She's actually mental about dogs. Probably a furfag pretending to be normal.

I know, right? She picked a good one. I'd fuck it if I were into dogs.

walleyed old man who looks like that one priest from Heaven Help Us has disproportionately hot wife, film at 11

If I was rich I'd have Dana abducted and turned into a pig by underground cosmetic surgeons. First they use electrolysis to permanently remove all the hair from her face and body, even her eyebrows. Next they permanently graft on prosthetic triangular ears and a curly tail. Her nose is reshaped for a snout-like appearance, pushed up, nostrils flared. Her vocal chords are destroyed so she can only grunt and squeal, her leg tendons damaged so she can only crawl.

I keep her in a pen, forcing her to eat from a trough and raping her repeatedly, after a few weeks her mind snaps and she becomes animalistic. Drugs in her feed make her pasty skin an appealing pink. An irritating salve is applied to her cunt to make it permanently red and swollen for that "in heat" appearance.

If possible, I'd have actual pig parts grafted onto her, even dainty little trotters to replace her hands and feet, the only bits of her I need to preserve are her mouth, cunt and ass. If technology was sufficiently advanced I'd have her budding breasts cloned and 4 more grafted on.

I'd tell her in advance what was going to happen, even introduce her to her "donor" pig so I could really enjoy her terror and despair.

Jim pls

You don't get it do you? You just. Don't. Get it.


I don't think that word means what you think it means.


It's actually chloe pasta.

That is a really handsome dog. I don't even think I could be mad if my gf cucked me with him. I'd probably buy him a steak, if anything.