I want to tongue kiss Boxxy's asshole

I want to tongue kiss Boxxy's asshole


boxxy is an ugly annoying cam whore. Deal with it.

she looked better when she was younger and caked with makeup tbh

Watch your language!

repent and even you can find catharsis

Why? Are you some kind of faggot who gets aroused by the taste of shit?

It's called Boxxite

Id fuck her. Wouldn't go out of my way to though.

This she got too old i liked her better when she was 15 hell even a few years ago back in like 2012 she still looked beautiful now shes fat ugly and too old.

Ill. always love Boxxy but Catie Wayne got too old and can fuck right off.


This. I'll remember Boxxy from back in the day. Catie isn't that hot.


I want to smell her socks and cum on her feet.

She still can be, but it's not consistent. It has nothing to do with her, but what she does with herself.

old vid
doesn't count

She isn't hot in 2017.


here faggot

Still lovely tbh

Bye now

shoo shoo mgtow shill

She looks like a pinhead alien.

come on, bait harder user

What a wonderful world it would be tbh
She's definitely the gold standard by which all other women should be measured against.

How's the basement?
Maybe when you get promoted to the attic, you can bring hookers over.

You sound like a woman getting bitter over men swooning over a girl that isn't them.
You could also be a guy sounding like woman getting bitter over men swooning over a girl that isn't them but that would be even worse tbh.

You sound like a no life vagina worshiper that can't fathom the thought that everyone may not like a woman you think the world of.
Or maybe you're a virgin who idolizes every single girl.
The later is worse famalam

Are you a very sad person, user?

Salty? Not at all
So, what are you feeling today? Any inspiration?

Girls don't like negative guys, user-kun. If you plan to get a gf one day you should learn to lighten up a little.


You guys is pretty mad.

When Hetfield wrote "Nothing Else Matters", he thought about Boxxy

Yeah, 'cause we have quizosterone. Can you get mad my transgender friend?

You got me there, that was pretty funny.

Boxxy was James Ellroy's main muse when he was working on Black Dahlia



boxxy is disgusting to be honest

Boxxy: I would eat her poo.

I would choke on her creamy logs too mate

We could share… there'd be plenty go around, my bra.

I dunno if I'd go that far, but I'd take a big, healthy sniff of that little turd cutter.

We could be like the Logdanoff Brothers

Or put it in hot dog bun


Bitch is UGLY

Yep. I want my pooter sniff.

BOXXY: Sniffing For Success

More spheregirls


my sides






This thread is dying, let's get back to sniffin' dat ass.

Damn, boxxy got hot.

How old were you when you first realized Boxxy isn't hot?

Wait 'till you see her without her wig. Holy shit, man.


She's a coalburner

She's got a bad case of trichotillomania.


Trickle-fuckingoogleityoulazysub-60IQfuckingstupidassworthlessnigger, Christ, user.

Can you just tell me what the Trickle disease is? i tried googling it but i keep forgetting how to spell it halfway through typing it into the search bar and because im on my phone every time i press the back button to re-read this page to figure out how to spell it again it deletes everything ive written so far so i have to start all over again and forget how to spell it again.

her hair looks fine in all the pictures ive seen.

Nigga that was 30 years ago, and she's 25.

lol, you worthless phoneposter. try copying and pasting