Do anybody still takes this loser seriously ?

Do anybody still takes this loser seriously ?

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Why do you think he is a loser, OP?

Because he is a christianophobe

me ด

Because you are probably fat autistic fedora atheist

christfag mad, that his entire religion loses this hard to 1 guy

What reason is there to believe in something that doesn't have any evidence? Who's the actual autist here?

I think he's a very well-learned man with a talent of formulating his world views in a concrete, yet generally understandable manner.

Dawkins is smarter than OP's entire family put together

is he really? he's described himself as a cultural anglican

well, anglican is a different denomination, so a different religion. I dont see how an anglican cant hate christianity - just like islam


That's what I mean. Anglicanism is a branch of Christianity, so a cultural Anglican, or a secular Christian, as he has also described himself, probably wouldn't hate Christianity. OP is just conflating not being a God-fearing Christian who takes the Bible literally with hating Christianity.
OP seems very immature to be honest, I doubt he's even graduated high school, or he'd likely understand this by now.




but what hw describes himself as has this massive difference - no god belief. And thats a big 1, worthy of hating

Top-notch damage control, buddy.

So non-believe = hate?

so not voting trump = hate? Protip: apparently
i can see why some1 would be hateful towards ppl, who r so irrational. Im fine with either of his positions


You're still the autist, sorry. The entire atheist worldview is based on the premise that God is never a sufficient explanation, and going from that, you "prove" that He doesn't exist because you don't see His actions anywhere. "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" is pretty much an admission of this.

everyone on this site apparently, he coined the term memes.

trump is not hateful or racist, the guy does not give a fuck about race.
he just wanted the racist vote.

i was talkin bout the voters