Help me

How do I get a beautiful gf if I lack wit and I'm not funny?

I'm confident and have high test levels but if someone starts talking shit to me I will be completely void of insults to throw back at them. I have no jokes and no ability to make people laugh in a conversation, and it sorely shows that normals want you to make them laugh because the various gaps in the conversation are evident that they expect a joke that I can't provide.


Simple. Get rich.

You mean go gay because men won't want me to be a witty entertainer to sleep with them? Ok, but I'm not really into the male body though.

I run my own business now and have fun
adrenaline fueled hobbies. So not that doesn't help much.


if you cant align two words you're not gonna score, no matter how rich or handsom you maybe.
being autistic isn't Alpha

And die trying if possible

I think you're blowing it out of proportion here man. I'm just not able to come up with jokes and such. I'm not charismatic. That's not a mental disease, it's just a fault.


i don't think you realize that charisma is 80% of the dating game.
i know a guy who's 5'5, brown, hairy with a jew nose and scores chicks regularly, infact i'v never seen him single, he always gets a new slut every 6 months or so just because he has a mad talk skills.
meanwhile, one of my best friend who's 6ft1 green eyed blond is still a virgin at 29 because he can't talk about anything and has virtually no personality.

it may sound dumb but just bee yourself is the only option you have at this point, if you don't have the skills yo play someone else.
just talk about what you like, what you know, it may not work with most girls, but i'm sure one would find it interesting

Then how the fuck do I fix it? People say 'lol just use your game' but if I literally cannot come up with anything to say after years of talking to people what do I do?? What if you don't have any charisma? Are people assuming every man does?!

That's precisely what I do.

You got that right

It's been over a decade, hasn't happened yet.

Try not being a faggot, faggot.

there are always groups, meetings in your area where you could fit, its also likely that there are girls there. you should check.
if you're really desperate just go to Ukraine/Russia and get yourself some slav poon, not that hard, they'll fuck anything that isn't Slav (including my ugly friend i told you about, which still amaze me to this day).
could also go to south east Asia if you're into jungle gooks

What about east aryans?

like Germans?.
German women are more picky than American ones from what i'v heard.

I thought you said you were confident. You're overthinking things. If you're confident it's kind of hard to fuck up, especially if you're attractive enough that women find you attractive.

Here's what you do. First off, think of your entire life. Any funny things happen to you? Tell those stories. Think a lot on the details. As you practice telling the stories you'll get better at the details. You seriously have no funny day to day stories or anything from your childhood? Fine, get a dog or a cat. Study that animal's behavior. Girls love the attention and affection I shower on my dog, and the kick I get out of the mundane things they do communicates to them I have a loving spirit. I talk about giving my dog table scraps, my dog being protective of me, or just how it sleeps in hilarious positions. Same thing with cats, but the tone is somewhat different, how your cat thinks it's cool, how defiant and selfish it can be, etc.

Second, don't know how to respond in an argument? Keep it simple and say exactly what's on your mind. "Shut up." "Don't be an asshole, man." "I honestly don't care." If you can't be funny, try to come off as more mature.

Third, if you're good-looking, good-natured, go for the "dork" angle. I've told girls extremely embarrassing stories about myself and said silly things in an intentionally silly way to them and it only endears them to me more because it comes off as intentional.

Finally, if all else fails, do what dweebs on the internet do. just recount jokes from movies and television you found funny. Most girls end up interpreting this as *you* being funny. I generally do this as trying to sell a girl on a property. Drop a reference to a show, they don't get it? Ask them if they've ever seen the show. They say no, describe it, sell them on it, then tell the entire joke with all the context, imitate the delivery and everything.

No, japanese.

Be wealthy, or have a big dick.

not familiar with them but i doubt you'll have more luck with them

Women don't care about sex, they just want money and status symbols.

That leaves an opening for them to absolutely destroy you for your inferior wit.

I remember trying this actually. Backfired hard.

I also have funny and crazy stories to tell and the normals just stare at me with blank faces.

Too lame

oh man thats so very not true.
having a big cock does matter a whole lot to women.
they subconsciously consider it as your manlyness score.
she'll respect you if you have a big cock, she'll cuck you if you're small

Nah, I'm broke, drive a twenty year old car, and I get all the ass I want because I have a decent cock.


Either you want me to react emotionally (which won't work because still nothing comes to mind) or you want me to be measured with my words (which also wont work)

You gotta connect with them emotionally and listen to them. Unfortunately you would have to cuck yourself before you fuck her. So overall, Fuck yourself before you cuck yourself

I think 4chan is more your speed

Try not being a bitch.

do it some more I guess

i live in relative hermitage so take my words with some salt, but if there's one thing i know about confidence and game its that you have to practice and you have to work on improving yourself deliberately through practice. its like going to the gym or learning piano, dont matter if you practice 10 hours a day, you still have to force yourself to improve by doing more difficult lifts or harder songs to learn. same thing with women.

id be surprised if you were speaking the truth about the no jokes or charisma thing. i literally just say what makes me laugh and people seem to like it too. if your brand of humor doesn't do that, then do a different one. so yeah, git gud and dont be a faggot man, world's way simpler than you're making it out to be.

"If it's easy for me then it's easy for you!"

Everyone thinks I'm funny. It come easily to some. I think delivery is also important. My bf can tell a joke and nobody laugh. I repeat the same joke and everyone cracks up!