In November 2014, (not just Holla Forums, but the whole site) was receiving an average of 35,000 unique visitors per day and 400,000 posts per week.

Today 8ch is at half that, and the YTD post count is down 53% from last year.

So if you think it is just Holla Forums experiencing this collapse, you are mistaken.

were you really expecting this place to grow? it was spawned out of gamergate hysteria, of course the numbers were inflated

It's almost as if nobody cares about GamerGate anymore

8ch is a niche

So it's dead, Jim. What else is new….
Wake me up when there's a revolution.

GG served its purpose. Now Gamergate is everywhere
Politicize everything
Radicalize everyone

Quite the opposite. Gamergate exposed that other people were already politicizing everything, and using our ignorance of them to weasel their way into positions where they could ruin things we like by prioritizing their politics over quality.

Well, what do you expect?

I could list a number of reasons why this is the case, and how to fix it but how many would put effort into it? Not to be pessimistic, but it's true, and you know it, and you're part of it.

At least consider one thing: Would you rather have high post speeds, or freedom of speech?

Many would pick the former.

What part of "the YTD post count is down 53% from last year" do you not understand?
You don't really think that the GG fallout is still playing a role, do you? Then tell me what gamergate-related event has happened to drop the post count by half in the last year. Go on, tell me.

That shit is irrelevant. We're better than that

(we're not better than anything)

I'm pretty much done with 8ch. Why? Two words (ignore the conjunction): newsplus and pedophiles. The former is embarrassing, and the latter are sub-human. Why bother with a imageboard that's descended into the hands of axe-grinders and moral-gimps? This place is pretty much done.

That was the whole reason the JEW stole the site from HW in the first place. That has been his goal all along. Keep the facade of anonymity and non-censorship to lure in the gullible "undesirables", and then mine the data and sell access to it to the government. This is something that the cripple warned everyone about back in 2014, so it shouldn't surprise anyone but newfags who don't know the history of this place.

it only failed to some people because in the end, we did what the others did. we turned into them.

If that's how you remember the timeline you're more retarded than dickwheels.
Josh was given the keys to the kingdom months before the cripple left.
That's when things went downhill.
Along with Josh intentional fucking over some boards. Turdwheels was nowhere to be found. Then the posting errors started.
Flatwheels never even attempted to fix the site and things rapidly started to deteriorate.
It wasn't until cripplefuck stepped down as Admin and codemonkey took over
that things started to get better.
Within about one week cmonkey had repaired a lot of the posting problems.
Braindeadwheels was too incompetent to hang in and do his job. Peroid.
He was the one who actually wrote the first data saving code…REMEMBER.
The U.S. government has decided it is legal to collect and sell data now, thanks to Shekelburg and emptyheadbook.
So fuck off with your "Muh Data" shit. That time is over.

I am talking before Josh, fuckweed.
January 2015's DDoS was orchestrated by Jim. Holla was shut down by the Columbian government and Jim registered, talked HW into redirecting traffic to here and when they got control of the old domain back they just kept everything here. Meaning Jim had control of the domain AND the servers (previously still under HW's control), and HW was cut out of everything.



Um, no.
Hotwheels sold the site (the domain, but not the servers) to Jim in 2014. Hotwheels owned and maintained the servers until the DDoS, at which time he gave Jim unlimited access to them. It was Jim who brought the retard Josh into the mix. It was Josh who left debugging on for the whole fucking site, and Hotwheels couldn't fix it because he didn't even think that anyone could be so stupid as to do something like that so he never looked for it until way later.

But make no mistakes, it was Jim who wrested control of the site from Hotwheels, Hotwheels did not step down he was forced out because he was dedicated to maintaining privacy and as little censorship as possible and Jim was dedicated to setting up a datamine network and selling access to the data to the Feds.

You know how you can tell this is true?
Because this thread will get nuked.

You should leave too faggot.

These are true and verifiable through a simple Google search.

But not this:

Oh, and this is also very likely true as it happened to a thread yesterday:>>7068945

long before he even met hw, in 2000

You fucks are making excuses for the cripple
Hotwheels wanted to…
Hotwheels would have but…
Hotwheels tried to…

He was an incompetent spaz
The site was broken for months faggots
HE DID FUCKALL during that time
Hurr durr it was too simple to fix hurr durr
so He didn't hurr durr

Oh I forgot it was all JIM

I was here through all of it. Say what you want
At the very least he sucked at decision making and running a website.
He never HAD to go to work for Jim. He never HAD to move to the nigger islands.
He was about as much for "Free Speech" as Stalin.
He encouraged the pedos. Faggot banned me for posting an adult female in one of his pedo threads. What about my Free Speech.
Yea, You faggots keep burning the candle for your buddy kikewheels.

how far does the rabbit hole goes?